The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1428 Win-Win Conditions

Chapter 1428 Win-Win Conditions

The guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion are puzzled!
Under normal circumstances, when the adventurers heard that their aborigines said that they would be punished, they would definitely be so frightened that they would immediately beg for mercy. Why did he tell the woman in front of him If the adventurer is disobedient, they will issue a warrant to arrest her. Does she still look excited?Isn't she worried that she will be hunted down in the future?Or, does the female adventurer in front of her think that he is just talking for fun, don't you believe it?

Thinking of this, the guard couldn't help but looked at the other guards around him for help.

A guard of the city lord's mansion with a mustache couldn't stand it anymore. He sighed at the guard, looked at the female player, and then looked her up and down several times. After lowering his head, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Adventurers love snacks, don't you? Don't think that being wanted by us is just talking! As long as we leave this Panchi City, your wanted warrant will definitely come down, Of course, you may not be able to figure out the consequences now, and you don’t think it matters. It’s okay, you will know in the future! Of course, if you figure it out and cooperate with us honestly, as long as we leave Panchi City, we will tell the city lord later Your cooperation, my lord, will naturally reward you when the time comes..."

Aidi Snacks blinked, and looked innocently at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, his eyes still rolled a few times uncontrollably.

"Of course, if you get in the way...if we can't get out of Panchi City, don't think that you can get any benefits from Panchi City. On the contrary, we are not people who can't show our faces in Panchi City. We want to leave quietly. Naturally there is a reason... So, if you ruin our business, we will not do anything, at most we will leave here a few days later; but, you are different... You will bear the corresponding consequences Yes! Do you understand?" the guard of the City Lord's Mansion narrowed his eyes, looked at Ai Di Snacks with a sneer and said slowly.

Ai Di Snacks didn't quite believe the words of the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, but after looking at the current situation around her, she nodded quickly after thinking about it, and whimpered at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion for a long time, expressing that she understood.

"Just understand!" The mustache guard nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the guard guarding the Aidi snacks, saw him smile, and then ordered in a low voice: "Then you all pay attention... ...Pay more attention to your surroundings! Don't let this adventurer happen again..."

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion nodded quickly, and pulled the Aidi snacks into the corner again.
But near the inn at the moment, the guards of the city lord's mansion who were sent out to find the red cloth logo left by Brick found nothing. They searched around for a long time, and almost gave the walls of every house I searched carefully several times but still didn't see any red things like red cloth.So, there was no other way. In the end, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion had no choice but to return to Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

"Not at all?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, a little puzzled.It has been a long time since they received the letter from Feige to the post station. Logically speaking, since Brick found the place, he must have marked them, which will let them They came here!So why couldn't they find the red cloth?

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion shook their heads collectively.

"Forget it, if this is the case, then go directly to release a pigeon for Brick and see where the pigeon will go? Let's just go after the pigeon!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and then said to the guards, Then he looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "Manager Qing Gong, what do you think?"

"Try it!" Manager Qing Gong didn't have any good ideas at the moment, he could only nod his head when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but he was a little worried about one thing, that is whether the pigeons would really lead them to Brick .
Sure enough, after watching Ji Xiaoyan send someone to the station to release the pigeon to Brick, Manager Qing Gong watched the pigeon thumping into the air, and then waved its wings a few times in the direction it was thrown. , and disappear after a few seconds.
"Where's the pigeon? Where's the pigeon!?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong with a look of surprise, pointed to the sky above the post station, and asked Manager Qing Gong: "Shouldn't this pigeon be heading directly in the direction of Brick, the recipient?" Fly? Why did it disappear? Manager Qing Gong, we remember that when we received Brick’s pigeons, the pigeons flew all the way here!”

Director Qing Gong was stunned, sighed with a natural expression on his face, and then whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, think about it, if pigeons can really lead people to find people, as long as there are people on the mainland Who do you want to find, and you don’t just throw a pigeon out, and then everyone chases after you to find them? If it’s really that easy, then should this post be opened?”

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he was depressed for two not that right?If this carrier pigeon has the function of tracking, then it is not easy to find someone?If a pigeon is thrown out, no matter how well it is hidden, it can be found by others, and there is no such thing as privacy in the whole world!Right?If this flying pigeon really has such a function, it would be strange that this station can exist!That is definitely a large number of people will come every minute to hack and smash the station
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately said to Chief Qing Gong with some dissatisfaction: "Boss Qing Gong, since you already knew about it, why didn't you just say it?"

Manager Qing Gong shrugged his shoulders innocently, and smiled at Ji Xiaoyan: "I haven't tried this before, so can I find someone? That's why I asked Lord City Lord to try! It's just that the attempt is unsuccessful now, I just think my reasoning is very correct!" Manager Qing Gong would never admit it, he actually wanted to see if Miss Ji Xiaoyan had such a good relationship with the main god, would there be something special about it.
Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan glared at Manager Qing Gong immediately, then puffed up his face and said angrily to the guards of the City Lord's Mansion: "Okay, everyone just wait here. When Brick receives the letter from Feige Come find us later..."

"Yes, Lord City Master..." Everyone hurriedly lowered their heads and replied, honestly, everyone stood up.

Manager Qing Gong silently glanced at Ji Xiaoyan a few times, seeing that she was a little unhappy, she also closed her mouth, just quietly looking in the direction of the station, waiting for Brick and the others.
At this moment, Aidi Snacks rolled his eyes at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion who was guarding him, then raised his chin, and whimpered at him a few times.

"What are you doing?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion looked at Aidi Snacks with some displeasure, and saw that she was still pushing her chin in one direction, so she frowned and looked in the direction she indicated. After realizing that he didn't see anything, he frowned and asked her in a low voice, "What do you want to say?"

"Woooooo!" Aidi Snacks couldn't help but continue to roll her eyes, and then signaled the guard to remove the cloth strip from her mouth.

"No, no." The guard of the City Lord's Mansion immediately shook his head, and then said, "What if you are dishonest and make some noise to attract the guards of Panchi City?"


"No, no!" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion still shook his head.Just kidding, the adventurer is the most cunning guy in their entire world. If he really took out the cloth strip from the female adventurer's mouth out of curiosity, she immediately raised her voice and attracted the guards in the Panchi City's lord's mansion If he came over, he would be a complete sinner.

Ai Di Snacks looked helplessly at the guard of the city lord's mansion who was simply not allowed to enter. After thinking for a while, he took two steps and bumped his head at the guard with the mustache. Seeing him frowning, he turned his head and looked at After himself, he immediately pointed forward with his chin.

"Over there? What's there?" The bearded guard frowned and saw nothing suspicious. After thinking about it, he asked Aidi Snacks, and saw that she was still whining and beckoning to speak. , the guard with the mustache thought about it for a while, glanced at the guard guarding her, and said to Aidi Snacks: "Adventurer, you must know that if you take your cloth strips away, you will cause trouble by yelling. Or if you don’t have anything to say at all, what you receive is not a simple punishment!”

"Woooooo!" Aidi Snacks nodded immediately, with a look of excitement.

"Really want to untie it?" The guard in charge of Aidi Snacks couldn't help but glanced at the mustache guard, and after seeing him nodding, he turned to look at Aidi Snacks, and said, "Okay, then You are not allowed to shout!"

Ai Di Snack nodded quickly, and after the cloth strip was taken out of his mouth, he immediately exhaled heavily, took a deep breath, and then said to the mustache guards: "I just want to tell you, I know where the red cloth you are looking for is..."

The guard with the mustache suddenly frowned, looked at Ai Di Snacks with a cold face and asked in a low voice: "How do you know?"

"Of course I've seen it!" Aidi Snacks said to the mustache guard with an unchanged expression, "I just heard you say that there is a room with red things, and I want to tell you..."

"Where is the red cloth, why didn't we see it?" the mustache guard looked suspiciously at Aidi Snacks and asked.

"Of course you can't see it!" Aidi Snacks sighed at the mustache guard, then pointed her chin angrily in front of her and said: "Hey, over there, there was a house not long ago There was a piece of red floating on the roof. It’s just that it’s gone now…”

"What do you mean by that?" The mustache guard frowned, and asked Aidi Snacks with a hint of danger in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, big brother, don't look at me like that, I didn't do this." Aidi Snacks hurriedly said something to the mustache guard, seeing that he was still staring at him, he immediately said: "I It's true!"

"Let's just hand her over to the chief manager and the city lord?" The guard of the city lord's mansion who was ordered to take care of Aidi snacks thought about it and suggested to the mustache guard.Anyway, after we have asked the question, why don't we report to the city lord and Chief Qing Gong, or let them ask directly, saving time and effort, what if they need to ask something else?Right?

The mustache guard nodded immediately when he heard the words, and then warned Aidi Snacks: "Adventurer, come with me..."

Aidi Snacks' eyes widened in an instant, and he nodded excitedly. He quickly followed the guard with the mustache and walked to Ji Xiaoyan and the others softly, and then heard the guard with the mustache whisper a few words towards Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong .

"Bring her here!" Manager Qing Gong looked at the mustache guard in surprise, and immediately called him to deliver the Aidi snacks to him and Ji Xiaoyan, and then whispered: "Adventurer, come here Explain, what do you mean by what you said to them?"

Aidi Snacks looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction curiously, and after hearing what Manager Qing Gong said, he nodded his head and said to them: "I just went to the station not long ago to send some customers flying pigeons." I passed the letter and confirmed with them what I wanted to buy. So I saw the red cloth strip floating on the roof... But later, a few guards appeared somewhere and found the red cloth strip, saying that it was in the way The appearance of Panchi City is still something, and I sent people directly to the roof to take down the cloth strip! So, you can't find where the red cloth strip is now..."

Director Qing Gong frowned and glanced at Ji coincidental?

"Then do you remember that red cloth floating on the roof of that house?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't show any doubt on his face, he just looked at Aidi Snacks lightly, and asked her a question.

"Of course I remember it! I watched the guards take away the red cloth before I left." Aidi Snacks nodded immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "By the way, do you want me to take the red cloth with you?" You go to look for it? I don't ask for anything, I just hope that you will really leave Panchi City when you turn around, and then send me a wanted warrant...Of course, it's fine if no one really comes to chase me down! I just want to be famous..."

"Famous?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aidi Snacks suspiciously and raised her eyebrows, not knowing what the girl in front of her was thinking.

"Yeah, yeah!" Aidi Snacks nodded excitedly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I don't ask for anything else, I just want to be famous! I'll take you to find the house where the red cloth was hung. How about helping me become famous? To be honest, I am a professional flip seller, and I rely on my fame to have a business! As long as I am swimming... as long as I am famous, it will definitely be important to my business in the future. It's very helpful! Is it okay? As long as you agree, this is a win-win situation!"

 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Little Turtle Drinking Porridge"!Thanks to "scat19" for starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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