The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1429 Seeking fame, okay?

Chapter 1429 Seeking fame, okay?
"Adventurer Aidi Snacks, do you know what you are doing now?" Manager Qing Gong narrowed his eyes, stared at Aidi Snacks, and asked her.

"What behavior? No behavior, I'm just negotiating with you..." Ai Snack looked at Manager Qing Gong with an innocent smile and said, "Did I say something wrong? Just now, those big guards just now Still talking, if I am dishonest or something, you will issue a wanted warrant or something like that to punish me when you get out of Panchi City. I am just talking to you about the content of the wanted warrant. How to draw up! Lord City Lord, Lord Manager, we are just discussing and discussing..."

"I don't think you are discussing anything with us!" Manager Qing Gong sneered a few times, looked at Shang Ai Di Snacks with puzzled eyes, and continued: "Adventurer, I think you are threatening us."

"Threat? Mr. Manager, don't put any hats on me! How could I threaten you!" Ai Di Snacks was shocked for a moment, and his face paled. He waved his hand at Manager Qing Gong and said: "I I just thought, anyway, you can also arrest me, right? I just want to ask you to only report my name to make me famous when you want to arrest me. Just don’t bring out the substantive punishment. I’m a business People, if they are really hunted down, there will be losses..."

Ai Di Snacks feels that he is really innocent!She was just negotiating conditions with these people in front of her, why did she talk about threats!She, a little player, can still threaten NPC?Most importantly, such a large group of NPCs!She doesn't have the courage to give her this ambition!
Director Qing Gong snorted coldly, turned his head and ignored Aidi Snacks to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and asked in a low voice: "My lord, how do you think we should deal with this adventurer? Otherwise, we will directly destroy her humanely?"

"Hey, hello, sir, I can hear you! Are you discussing with the city lord to kill me directly?" Aidi Snacks screamed in surprise, and shouted at Qing Gong, but the result was still waiting. Continuing to speak, he quickly covered his mouth with a palm, and instantly returned to the state where he could only whine.

Manager Qing Gong turned his head and glanced at Aidi Snacks, whose mouth was immediately sealed by the guards next to him, with a look of disdain.These adventurers don't have a good thing. They hold chicken feathers as arrows, and want to threaten them to agree to her request. Accidentally nodded and agreed to Manager Qing Gong's request.You know, in Panchi City, if you died in normal times, just like now, when the city gate was not opened, it was not resurrected in the teleportation array outside the city, but in a place in Panchi City. A basement prison in a very remote corner is resurrected, and after the resurrection, all players can only wait in that basement, waiting for when the Lord City Lord remembers that the gates of the city are opened, and the basement is also opened. Some of the so-called extremely vicious adventurers locked in the prison are released to leave before the players can leave the prison in the basement.

So, what is a vicious adventurer?
According to reliable sources, the two city lords of Panchi City think that, as adventurers who will be killed in the city, they are either troublemakers or victims.But in the end, among these two types of characters, if you didn't have nothing to do to join in the fun and cause trouble, then how could you be killed?Right?Therefore, those who will die are all vicious people!If you don't die, then you are lucky, they don't care!

Of course, if you say that you are innocent, that you were murdered by unexpected disasters, then you can only blame yourself for being unlucky!Therefore, all of these will be hanged up, and you can’t protect yourself in the safe area of ​​the city, so you might as well stay in the prison underground in Panchi City, and wait for the city lord to amnesty the world, and then come out for a walk Well, right?At least, at that time, you must be safe!

See how well the two city lords of Panchi City think about adventurers?

It's just that, that's what it said, but all the players in Panchi City know very well in their hearts that if they make trouble in Panchi City before the city gate is opened, they will have to wait to be imprisoned!Everyone knew in their hearts that if they were really stuck in the prison in the basement, they would have to wait until the city lord remembered to open the door, then they would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!So, I'd better stay in the city and stay honest!Don't cause trouble, don't make enemies easily!It's just the tacit understanding of most players!Of course, if there is a real vengeance, unless they are in the mood to die together, most players will make an agreement that we will settle accounts after leaving Panchi City...
Therefore, at this moment, Aidi Snacks is really a little scared in my heart!She still has a few things that clients want. If she is locked up, the business cannot be done, and she might even be caught paying liquidated damages!The once-a-three-day business doesn't make a lot of money, and she still expects to make a fortune from this business. If it really gets messed up, it will be miserable in the future
Thinking of this, Aidi Snacks immediately yelled at Ji Xiaoyan excitedly.

"That's enough, that's enough, Aidi snacks, don't yell, you really called out the guards of Panchi City in a while, then we have to do something if we don't do anything to you." Ji Xiaoyan said to Ai The snack sighed, and then said to her: "Mr. Qing Gong is just talking, don't take it seriously, we generally don't kill adventurers easily."

When Aidi Snacks heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she looked at her gratefully and whimpered twice.

On the contrary, Director Qing Gong frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some displeasure, and said, "My lord, don't tolerate this kind of adventurer. She dares to threaten us with Brick's matter, and she won't be sure in the future." They will also secretly deliver letters to the guards of Panchi City, exposing our whereabouts..."

When Aidi Snacks heard Manager Qing Gong's words, he quickly stared at Ji Xiaoyan nervously, and at the same time yelled at her and shook his head, expressing that he would never do it.

Ji Xiaoyan nodded at Aidi Snacks, then looked in the direction of the station, then looked at Aidi Snacks and said: "Aidi Snacks, we probably understand your request. You just Want to be famous, right?"

With tears in his eyes, Aidi Snacks nodded aggrievedly at Ji Xiaoyan.

"That's good, you don't have to be wanted with a warrant for being famous, right?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to Aidi Snacks: "Take us to find the house first, and when we get out Panchi City and the like, you just go with us, and then we will find a way to make you famous, how about it?"

After listening to Ji Xiaoyan's words, Aidi Snacks nodded excitedly.If possible, she doesn't want to use the arrest warrant to become famous. After all, there are risks. Now the city lord who doesn't know the city in front of her says that she can become famous, and she doesn't need the arrest warrant. Even more perfect, what else does she not agree to?right?

"Okay, now that we have reached a consensus..." Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aidi Snacks with a satisfied smile, and then said to the guard standing behind her covering her mouth: "Just let her go." Now, we are going to find someone..."

After Ai Di Snacks felt the big hand on his mouth disappear, he quickly showed a grateful face to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Thank you, Lord City Master, thank you, City Master, I will take you to find that room now... "

"Let's go!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with satisfaction and smiled, glanced at Aidi Snacks, and then said in a low voice: "Be careful to avoid the guards in Panchi City..."

"Okay, okay." Aidi Snacks nodded quickly, walked out of the corner first, looked around, then waved to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, signaling them to follow, and then went straight to the one who had been there before. Go to the house with the red cloth logo.

Speaking of which, after Brick and the others had selected a house and paid to rent it, they sent a letter to Ji Xiaoyan and the others while hanging a piece of red cloth floating on the roof, thinking It means that as long as Ji Xiaoyan and the others get close, they will definitely be able to see the red cloth at a glance and find them.

In the end, who knows, there was an accident in the middle!

Brick and the others hung up red cloth strips on the front foot, and when they returned to the house and waited for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to find them, the patrolling guards of Panchi City naturally discovered the red cloth by accident. Article, and then... the guards of Panchi City were a little confused for an instant!You know, in the urban buildings in Panchi City, this kind of thing is not hung, but now this kind of conspicuous red cloth has appeared on the roof inexplicably, naturally it must be somewhat unusual.

However, the patrolling guards also thought about it, what if the red cloth strip was just an accident, where did it come from accidentally?If they make a fuss and find out that there are no problems, isn't it embarrassing?They may not be reprimanded; however, if this is a red cloth strip deliberately hung here by people with bad intentions, and it is used to do bad things, then it is impossible for them to notice it but turn a blind eye no?In short, they have their business no matter what!
So, after thinking about it for a long time, a few patrolling guards thought about it, let's get rid of the red cloth first.

So, what Aidi Snacks saw, the guards of Panchi City climbed up to the roof to take down the red cloth.However, after taking it off, the guards of Panchi City did not take the red cloth strips away lightly, but directly sent people to surround the surrounding area of ​​the house where the red cloth strips were hung. , but it doesn't necessarily mean that if they catch some bad guys, they will do meritorious service, right?
So, after Brick and the others received the letter from Ji Xiaoyan and the others, they immediately packed up and prepared to come out to pick up Ji Xiaoyan and the others, but they found that they were surrounded by people from Panchi City not far from the door. The guards are standing guard, and they are obviously not dressed in Panchi City. It’s okay if they go out and wander around, but if they accidentally attract attention or follow them, how can they meet Ji Xiaoyan and the others? To kidnap the teleporter and leave this Panchi City?

With this in mind, Brick and the others quickly and secretly retreated back to the house, gathered together to discuss a proper solution.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan and the others waited for a long time near the post station, and did not see Brick and the others come out to meet them after receiving the letter from Flying Pigeon. In the end, they had to take Aidi Snacks with them to find them.
The house that Brick and the others chose was really good. The house was built a little high, and there were many exquisite carvings on the roof. It was easy to see a corner of the roof from a distance, and the house was only a few minutes away from the post station. There are two or three big houses, quite close.If it is really a red cloth strip hung on the roof, it can indeed be seen from a long distance.

"That's the building!" Ai Di Snacks pointed at the house excitedly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "The red cloth strip was hanging on the wing of the tallest little beast..."

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan looked up, nodded at Aidi snacks, and looked around.

"Let's go, Lord City Master, we can see the gate of that house from there." Aidi Snacks pointed at Ji Xiaoyan in one direction, said something with a smile, and then whispered curiously He asked calmly: "My lord, we have found someone. Shall we leave when the city gate opens tomorrow?"

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head slightly, and then said, "If possible, we will leave the city after dark."
"It's dark?" Ai Di Snacks was stunned for a moment, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled face, and after thinking for a while, he said: "My lord, the gate of Panchi City only opens once every three days. Those who open the city gate, let alone at night, we can't leave, we can't get out!"

"Well, I know that!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded without saying anything.There is no need for an adventurer who came out halfway to know their plan, isn't it?What if the girl finds out the details and runs back to Gaomi or something?The heart of harming others is unavoidable, but is it necessary to be defensive?

It's always good to be careful.

Ai Di Snacks looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled expression and blinked, only after a while did he recall it.What the co-author said is that there is a way for them to get out of the city, and they don't have to worry about it at all!Thinking of this, Aidi Snacks' eyes lit up again in an instant!If she can leave Panchi City in advance, does it mean that she can sell the things of these customers first, and then rush back to Panchi City to buy the second goods, and make a few more trips when she goes back to catch up with the time? Earn some?
(End of this chapter)

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