The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1430 The consideration seems to make sense

Chapter 1430 The consideration seems to make sense
With a little excitement, Aidi Snacks walked all the way in the direction of the room where Brick and the others were staying, and Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong who followed were not as optimistic and carefree as Aidi Snacks.
After seeing exactly where the red cloth strips once hung on the roof, Director Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan felt a little uneasy in their hearts.Think about it, if such a situation happened in their Qingcheng, how would they deal with it?First of all, it is certain to take off the cloth strip directly, and then what to do?Then I must send someone to look around quickly, and if possible, I will rush into that room to check it again!Right?
Therefore, at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong are actually very worried.They were worried that what if the guards of Panchi City really rushed into the house and took Brick and the others away?The worst result is that the guards of Panchi City rushed in with Lord Yeshan and the others.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked at each other worriedly with Manager Qing Gong.Now they only hope that before it is too late, the guards of Panchi City can slow down a little bit, and the city lord Yeshan can go further.
However, Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong couldn't help but sink a little bit when they watched Aidi Snacks turn around the corner and then back quickly, their faces flustered.It seems that things will not go as smoothly as they hoped.
"My lord, there are guards! The guards of Panchi City!" Aidi Snacks slowed down a bit, and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong: "There are many guards of Panchi City standing there. If we want to enter That room has to pass through them, what should we do now?"

"Come here first, let's see what's going on!" Ji Xiaoyan was silent for a second, then said something to Aidi Snacks, watched her being pulled back a few steps by Manager Qing Gong, and then carefully poked her head in the corner looked out.Sure enough, just as Aidi Snacks said, when I turned the corner, there were guards from Panchi City standing straight at a distance of more than five meters. It will cause a lot of commotion, and it will be a lot of trouble at that time
However, if there is no way, they will have no way to join Brick.

How to do?
Ji Xiaoyan gave the position to Manager Qing Gong, and after letting him look at the situation, he said in a low voice: "We have to find a way to find Brick. But, in the current situation, Manager Qing Gong, you What do you think we should do?"

Director Qing Gong stood at the corner of the wall and thought for a long time, then raised his head to look up, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, we can't forcefully rush over here. The guards of Panchi City The location is ingenious, and the distance between them is relatively large. Although it may be slower in terms of support, the transmission of information is very fast. As long as we do anything casually, it is very likely that other guards will be alarmed immediately. Trouble. Now we just have to see if we can get on the roof."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard Manager Qing Gong's words, he was stunned again for a moment, then he raised his head to look at the top of his head and asked, "Going up to the roof again?"

Ai Di Snacks looked at Manager Qing Gong with a curious expression on his face, and then looked at the top of his head, feeling a little excited again.Go to the roof, she has been playing in the game for so long, and she has never been to a place like the roof!I don't know if the scenery I saw after going up is different?Well, no, it should be that the scenery I saw must be different. Thinking of this, Aidi Snacks looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with eager eyes.
I thought that meeting this group of NPCs would at most make her famous, and it would be easier to do business in the future, but I didn't expect that now it seems that there are many benefits!At least, she can experience more things that she never thought of before
Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan, just nodded silently, and then said: "My lord, in the current situation, I guess we can only go to the roof to see if we can avoid the guards of Panchi City and find Brick and the others." Otherwise, if we really rush out and alert the guards here, the subsequent actions will be even more difficult. The only thing we can go straight to is the city gate. In other places, if we can be careful, we must be careful. If you don’t disturb people, you won’t be disturbed.” At this point, Manager Qing Gong turned to look at Aidi Snacks, and asked her: “By the way, adventurer. The room where the red cloth is hung How to go, do you know what kind of layout it looks like inside?" \
When Ai Di Snacks heard what Manager Qing Gong asked her, she nodded quickly, and then said: "I know, I know. As long as this Panchi City is a place where I can move freely, I have visited it. If we want to go there There is a room, you must turn from here, then enter the second alley, and then turn right"

Manager Qing Gong frowned, stretched out his hand to stop Ai Di Snacks, and said directly: "So, the house is inside these houses, right? If you don't go from here, there will be no way to go to other places right?"

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Aidi Snacks nodded to Manager Qing Gong.Indeed, this is the only alley that can be entered.
"My lord, if this is the case, then we can only go from the top." Chief Qing Gong shrugged, pointed to the top of his head, and then continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan: "Besides, we still have to pray for the top of the roof." It’s best not to have the guards of Panchi City on it, otherwise, things will be more troublesome.”
Ji Xiaoyan looked up, finally sighed and nodded.Just go up, anyway, it's not the first time she's been on the roof!It's just that looking at this place now, it's much more difficult to climb than the palace of the city lord Yan Shan!There are no windows, beams, etc. to climb and stay in the palace of the city lord. The wall in front of him only has such a smooth side, and there is nothing else! !

When Aidi Snacks heard Manager Qing Gong's words, his face immediately became excited. After rubbing his hands, he turned around and looked for a place on the wall, ready to make a move.As a result, before this hand touched the wall, I felt a pain in my shoulder, and the whole person moved back a few steps uncontrollably, and then heard the impatient voice of Manager Qing Gong: "Go away, adventurer, there is no What's the matter with you, go and stand aside!"

"Hey, no, Master Manager." Ai Di Snacks was stunned for a moment before reacting. Manager Qing Gong disliked her trouble, and pulled her away directly, "Don't you still need me to lead the way? I have to go with you go up?"

Manager Qing Gong rolled his eyes at Aidi Snacks, snorted coldly and ignored him, and directly greeted several guards of the City Lord's Mansion and climbed up to the roof like an arhat
After that, Aidi Snacks was finally an eye-opener.

She thought she had to do the wall-climbing thing by herself, but it turned out that Qing Gong was in charge of them and let the guards climb up to the roof, and then pulled them all up in two or three strokes. what!
"What are you still doing in a daze? Aren't you going to come with us?" Manager Qing Gong stood on the edge of the roof with an impatient expression on his face, facing the man who was still looking up at them from the ground with a silly smile on his face. Aidi Snacks said something.

"Oh, oh, oh, here we come." Ai Di Snacks hurriedly returned to his senses excitedly, stretched out his hand and ran towards the guard of the City Lord's Mansion who was reaching out to her on the roof, then jumped up and stretched his hand up, only to find that, Sure enough, being short has its disadvantages.After jumping a few times without touching the guard's hand, Aidi Snacks felt a little hot on his face.

"Come on." Aidi Snacks said something to her when she heard a male voice behind her with a feeling of sighing, and then felt her legs tighten, and she instantly increased a lot, and when she stretched out her hand, she was caught by the guard on the roof. He grabbed it and lifted it to the roof in an instant.Turning around, the bearded guard under the wall was already clapping his hands and preparing to go up to the roof
Aidi Snacks instantly liked the mustache guard a lot.Not to mention, the guard looked fierce at the beginning, but his heart is not bad either.
"Everyone, be careful. Pay attention to your surroundings." After all the people got on the roof, Chief Qing Gong immediately said something to the crowd with a serious face, and then looked at the people who were clearly out of state, and opened their eyes. Aidi Snacks, who was looking around, said to her: "Especially you, adventurer. What about you! Don't keep your little eyes open! If you accidentally make some noise, it will hurt us , I'll see you later! Do you understand?"

Aidi Snacks quickly withdrew its curious gaze, and nodded sharply at Manager Qing Gong.Well, well, the big deal is that when they find someone and they leave from the roof, she can come and take a good look at the scenery from this high place.
Manager Qing Gong glanced at Aidi Snacks again, then he turned around and whispered something to Ji Xiaoyan in a satisfied voice, and then waited for a few guards who were looking for the way to come back to report the situation.

However, I thought it should be a very safe roof, but it is not as empty and deserted as Director Qing Gong imagined.

"My lord, get down first, let's find a low place to hide first." A guard rushed back, hurriedly said something to Manager Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan, and then pulled a large group of people to lie down in a panic On the roof, after I could only see the top of the beam on the roof in front of me, I whispered to Manager Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, my lord. There was a red cloth hanging on the roof of Mr. Brick's room. There is a guard under the little beast looking around slowly, as if he is guarding somewhere, waiting for us to pass by."

"They don't know that we must go back!" Chief Qing Gong frowned immediately, and then said: "It seems that the guards in Panchi City are still suspicious, so they sent people to guard the bottom and the roof. However, they probably don't have enough manpower, so there are not many people guarding, and they didn't go into the house to check if this is the case, Lord City Master." Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan while talking, and then He said to her: "If this is the situation I guessed, then someone must have gone to find Lord Yeshan and the others! We must hurry up and get rid of the guard on the roof first, and then find Brick and the others. Take it away. Otherwise, it will be troublesome when City Lord Ye Shan and the others come!"
"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, she was very aware of the seriousness of the matter, but after thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan asked Manager Qing Gong with some doubts: "But, Manager Qing Gong, how do you deal with that guard? Didn't you say it's best not to do it?"

Manager Qing Gong took a look at Ji Xiaoyan: "This time, that time! Lord City Master, if we don't deal with that guard, can we go to the room below? Besides, he is the only one on this roof, so many of us , as long as he solves it perfectly, it won't disturb other people!"

Ji Xiaoyan puffed up her face and nodded.

Then I watched Manager Qing Gong give orders directly to the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, and a few minutes later, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion rushed back and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Master City Lord, Manager My lord, let's go. We don't have much time."

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan stood up immediately, and then asked curiously: "How is the guard in Panchi City? Where is he?"

"Because we are afraid of being exposed. We leaned against the roof after we fainted. If we look at it from a distance, we shouldn't feel anything strange for a while!" A guard thought for a while and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just, The night is long and the dream is full, Lord City Master, we must act quickly! If someone finds out, it will be miserable."

"Why didn't you just kill him?" Manager Qing Gong asked the guard a little dissatisfied, "What if the guard wakes up after a while?"

The guards of Qingcheng were silent for two seconds in embarrassment, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "My lord, we also wanted to cut him off with a single knife. But later, we thought about it, if we really moved in Panchi City, Dao, just in case he meets City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan again in the future, this matter will be much more serious than it is now! That's why we just knocked him out! But don't worry, Master Manager, After we knocked out the guard, we gave him a lot of drugs made by Master Brick to ensure that he won't wake up for a while!!"

Director Qing Gong gave the guard a helpless look, but in the end he could only accept the result.He thought about it carefully, and had to admit that the guard's consideration was very reasonable!Even if they leave Panchi City and return to Qing City, who can guarantee that they will never meet City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan again?Besides, if the people in Panchi City were really killed, they would not necessarily have given an excuse to Lord Yeshan and the others in vain to ask them to go to Qingcheng to cause trouble, wouldn't they?

(End of this chapter)

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