Chapter 1431
"Okay, okay, what are you still doing? Since everyone is fainted, he will faint, as long as you guarantee that he will not wake up, let's go find someone." Qing Gong said with a look on his face. Annoyed, he yelled at several guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion in a low voice, and then couldn't help but glanced at the guard of Panchi City under the little beast statue on the roof not far away. snorted.

"But... Sir, we can't guarantee that he won't wake up!" A guard of the City Lord's Mansion honestly glanced at Chief Qing Gong, and after struggling for a long time, he continued: "We can only guarantee that he won't wake up!" It's just that I can't wake up for a while..." Such a big responsibility, they, a small guard of the City Lord's Mansion, can't afford it, so it's better to say this clearly!At least, if something goes wrong along the way, they can't be blamed, can they?

The idea of ​​the guard of the City Lord's Mansion is very simple, but Chief Qing Gong stared at the guard twice with a face full of hatred, and he just looked at him and lowered his head at a loss, then hummed One sentence, and said to him: "There is no need for you to remind me what you mean by those words? Let's go, don't babble here, for such a small verbal matter..."

The guard wanted to say something more with a look of disapproval, but the guards next to him pulled his clothes. Then he silently lowered his head and did not speak, and honestly followed Manager Qing Gong and the others to climb over the roof.

Fortunately, things are relatively smooth!The guards of Panchi City just sent people to guard the outside, and they probably went to find helpers. There was no one in the open space outside the house, so Ji Xiaoyan and the others easily jumped off the roof, and then lightly Gently knocked on the door pointed out by Aidi Snacks.
"Who?" A slightly deep voice came from the room, and it sounded a little nervous and uneasy.

"Brick?" Ji Xiaoyan yelled in a low voice, and then heard the rustling noises in the room for a few seconds, then the door opened immediately, and Brick's surprised face instantly appeared in Ji Xiaoyan's sight inside.

"Xiaoyan? You are here? How did you get in? Aren't there many guards from Panchi City outside? Are they leaving now?" Brick looked at Ji Ji with excitement and a little anxiety Xiaoyan quickly asked a few words, then immediately pulled her into the room, and said, "Hurry up and come in first, come in first..."

"No, let's get out of here first!" Ji Xiaoyan stood still immediately after being dragged into the house by Brick, but instead pulled Brick and said to him, "The guards of Panchi City must have gone to find helpers outside." , It’s not convenient for us to talk now, let’s leave first and talk later! We came from the roof, now that we have found you, it’s better for us to walk from the roof!”

"The roof?" Brick glanced up at the top of his head in surprise, and after seeing Ji Xiaoyan nodding, he immediately said to the Qingcheng guards behind him: "Okay, then let's go quickly..."

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan pulled Brick up with satisfaction, turned around and left the house, nodded to most of the guards who were still on the roof, and let them pull them up to the roof again. He passed the unconscious city lord's mansion guard quietly again, arrived at another alley, and then turned over and fell to the ground.

"Let's go, let's go back first..." As soon as Ji Xiaoyan landed on the ground, he immediately said something to Manager Qing Gong and Brick, then turned around and was about to walk away.

However, Manager Qing Gong immediately said: "My lord, what are you talking about?"

"Where are we going back? Of course we are going back to where we were not long ago!" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, blurted out, and then reacted instantly after seeing Manager Qing Gong rolling his eyes in disapproval.Yes, where did they go? Where they hid not long ago?Where is it safe?No!Besides, they just came out from where, and they don't know where the aborigines of Panchi City lived in that house. If they go back now and find that the people living in the house have returned, they will just bump into... that scene, Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to imagine.

"Ahem, Manager Qing Gong, where do you think we should go?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled a little embarrassedly, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked.

"Brick, what is your plan?" Manager Qing Gong didn't answer Ji Xiaoyan directly, but asked Brick.

Brick looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a confused face, then looked at Manager Qing Gong, and then replied: "My plan? I plan to go to the teleporter after meeting you... The rest, I have no plans!" Speaking of this, Brick quickly waved his hand again and said: "No, no, one more thing, after we find the teleporter, we still have to find Elder Qing Mi. He's still with the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan at the moment."

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Brick with some doubts and asked, "You mean Elder Qingmi. Oh, Master Qingmi and Lord Yeshan are together? What is he doing with them? "

Brick quickly replied: "Isn't it the Lord Yeshan? He told us Xiaoyan that you followed the Lord Yanshan out of the City Lord's Mansion, and brought us to this city to look for you. But we didn't find it, but black The man in clothes captured the subordinates of City Lord Lushan and City Lord Yeshan in Panchi City... Then they discussed that you might also be taken away by the man in black, so they took Elder Qingmi and the others to I'm looking for the man in black. I felt a little uneasy, so I separated from Elder Qingmi and ran to the City Lord's Mansion, but I heard that you were already in the City Lord's Mansion and didn't leave... After receiving your flying pigeon, we That's why I found a way to come out of the City Lord's Mansion to find you..."

Speaking of this, Brick's eyes became a little moist: "Xiaoyan, I thought I couldn't find you. After receiving your letter from Feige, we were going to come out to find you, but who knows, we left Not far away, we saw the guards of Panchi City outside, and we were afraid that we would not be able to find the teleporter after being exposed, so we didn't dare to go out, and went back to discuss ways... Fortunately, fortunately, you came to us... ..."

"Okay, okay!" Ji Xiaoyan patted Brick's shoulder in a panic, and comforted him: "Didn't you find it? Okay, let's talk about these things later, there are not so many things right now." It's time for us to be sad! Teleporter... yes, aren't we going to find teleporter? Brick, do you have any news? Shall we go that way?"

When Brick heard this, he quickly wiped his face, then shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan with some embarrassment and said: "I don't know either! Xiaoyan, we are not very familiar with Panchi City.... Originally, we were planning to start I found you, and then I will slowly find the teleporter..."

Ji Xiaoyan was speechless for two seconds, pulled out a forced smile, nodded to Brick, and then looked around with some melancholy eyes.The person has been found, but what should we do next?Teleporter, how do they know where the teleporter in Panchi City lives?She thought that when Brick said to kidnap the teleporter, he must have stepped on it a long time ago.
Manager Qing Gong frowned, and suddenly spotted Ai Di Snacks standing in a corner, his eyes lit up instantly, he called a Qingcheng guard and pulled Ai Di Snacks in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others. Looking at Aidi snacks, he asked: "Adventurer, I remember that you seem to have said that you have been to any place in Panchi City that is not restricted to your adventurers, right?"

Aidi Snacks looked at Director Qing Gong with some vigilance, thought silently in his heart, and then nodded.

"Then, you should also be familiar with Panchi City?" Manager Qing Gong asked Aidi Snacks with a smile on his face, seeing her hesitate for another two seconds, and finally nodded, Only then did he increase his smile, and said to her: "Then, adventurer, you should be familiar with the aborigines in Panchi City, right?"

Ai Di Snacks blinked nervously a few times in an instant, then looked at Manager Qing Gong with a stiff smile, then at Ji Xiaoyan, and after seeing them all looking at him with surprised eyes, Ai Di Only then did Di Snacks swallow the saliva in his mouth a little uneasy, looked carefully at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "My lord, what do you want to do... Why do I look at you like this, it's a little... I'm flustered..."

"Adventurer, what are you talking about? We won't do anything to you..." Manager Qing Gong said to Aidi Snacks with a smile, seeing her pouted at him in fear, With a face full of disbelief, he put away his smile in annoyance, and said to Aidi Snacks: "Adventurer, we just want to ask if we know where the teleporters in Panchi City usually live! Or, Where do you usually stay, do you remember the appearance of those teleporters?"

"Teleporter?" Aidi Snacks froze for a moment, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with some doubts, and asked: "What are you doing with a teleporter? Didn't we find someone and we are going to leave here? "

"You're stupid!" Manager Qing Gong patted the back of Aidi Snacks' head, and said to her, "Are you an idiot, adventurer? Don't you know that without a teleporter, we can't go anywhere?"

Aidi Snacks curled its lips aggrieved for a moment, glanced sideways at Manager Qing Gong secretly, and then said: "You said that you have a way to leave Panchi City, I thought that after you find someone, we can go straight away It's over...." It turns out that I still need to find a teleporter! !

"What? Do you have an opinion?" Director Qing Gong glared at Aidi Snacks, and after seeing her wave her hand, he asked viciously: "Then do you know the teleporter here in Panchi City?"

Aidi Snacks nodded quickly, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "I know, I know, don't worry, Mr. Manager, I must know you! Think about it, every time I go out of the city to do business, I rely on the teleporter Send me away, how can you not know them... Besides, with my eyesight and memory, how can I not remember their appearance?"

"How many teleporters are there in Panchi City?" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly asked after hearing this.

"As far as I know, there are about twenty... once you open the city gate, you will be replaced by a teleporter!" Aidi Snacks thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Of course, I don't know exactly how they divide the work." It's clear, I also heard this news from some shop owners... Specifically, this...cough cough cough, I don't know how the world will be arranged after the change!"

Ji Xiaoyan took a look at Aidi Snacks, and immediately realized that she probably wanted to say that the game was updated, but she thought that this word could not be said, so she changed the wording.

"Then you just heard the news, can you know where those teleporters live?" Manager Qing Gong looked at Aidi Snacks with some dissatisfaction and asked.

"I can't guarantee that I know all of them, but I still know the addresses of at least one or two!" Aidi Snacks looked at Manager Qing Gong with some pride for a moment, and then said to him: "Anyway, I am also here every day. If you don’t buy anything and stock up all day long, you’re going to hang around in the city! If you don’t know this news, how can you leave the city when you’re in trouble!! Right? Your lord!”

When Manager Qing Gong heard the words, he couldn't help but glared at Aidi Snacks.

On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aidi Snacks with some doubts and asked, "Wait, Aidi Snacks, what did you mean just now?"

Hearing the words, Aidi Snacks looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some puzzlement.What she just said?Didn't what she just said literally mean it?What does the city lord in front of me mean by asking this?
Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, squinted at Aidi Snacks, and then asked her: "It's the last sentence you said, you said that if you have any troubles, if you don't know the teleporter, you can't go out of the city, right?" Bar?"

Ai Di Snacks nodded ignorantly, what did she mean by what she just said!
"So... If you are in trouble, and the gate of Panchi City hasn't opened yet, tell me, how do you find those teleporters to go out?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aidi Snacks seriously and asked.

"Eh..." Ai Di Snacks was stunned for a moment, looking at Ji Xiaoyan who was staring at her with a harmless smile, and then looked at Manager Qing Gong whose face was like this, and burst into tears instantly. It's just such a little secret, okay? Why did the city lord in front of me catch this matter out of her words all at once?Is it for her to say it, or to say it, or not to say it?
She also hoped that she would use this little secret to exchange some substantive benefits with the city lord and the manager in front of her!Well now, if someone asks you first, you won't have a favorable angle to negotiate terms with.
(End of this chapter)

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