The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1433 Tell me, what about people?

Chapter 1433 Tell me, what about people?

For the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa who have already discovered the truth, standing here now, facing the City Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan who have obviously deceived them, they don't want to say any more nonsense, they just want to say something. Immediately turned around and went directly to the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City, found Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and then tried to take her away.However, after thinking about it, the old man Qingmi and Master Bessa swallowed this thought back in an instant
If City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan really hid Ji Xiaoyan, then even if they went to the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City, they would not be able to find him.So, are they really going to be able to see Ji Xiaoyan after being used by City Lord Ye Shan and the others to arrest the fox tribe in black in front of them?But thinking about it that way, Old Man Qingya and Lord Bessa feel a little bit unwilling...

Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi couldn't help but turned his face and glanced at Master Bessa. Seeing that he also had a sad face, after thinking about it, he said to City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Ye Shan, "Ye Shan, Lu Shan, Can you tell me the truth? Is Xiaoyan girl imprisoned by you in the city lord's mansion?"

City Lord Ye Shan continued to sneer, not intending to answer Old Man Qingmi's words at all.On the contrary, after turning his head and looking in the direction of the men in black from the fox tribe, the city master Ji Shan said to the old man Qingmi after a moment of deliberation: "Elder Qingmi, what I can tell you is that the city master Ji is in our Panchi City. Very good, you can rest assured on this point! But, if you want to see her, you have to help us arrest all the fox people who disturbed the order of our Panchi City... Otherwise, I can't guarantee , when our Panchi City will not be safe..."

"Xu Shan, are you threatening me?" The old man Qingmi squinted his eyes, and asked the city lord Yan Shan, seeing that he shrugged his shoulders indifferently, the old man Qingmi frowned instantly, and turned towards him. He looked over at the man in black, and then replied to the city lord Yan Shan, "Speaking of which, we were tricked by you at the beginning. Now you insist on asking us for help, it is not so easy for us Being manipulated by you...... You lied to Lao Tzu and Santo Besa, we haven't settled the score with you yet! Help you arrest people? Well, forget it! We'll wait for you here, catch it It's your and Ye Shan's ability to hold those foxes; if we can't catch them, we won't interfere! We just need to wait for you to return to the city lord's mansion and bring Xiaoyan girl to us..."

"Hey, Qing Mi, when will you threaten us?" City Lord Ye Shan immediately squinted his eyes and said to him with a sneer when he heard the old man Qing Mi's words.

"You know who is threatening whom!" Qingmi old man glanced at City Lord Ye Shan and said flatly.

City Lord Yan Shan glanced at City Master Ye Shan, thought for a while, frowned and said: "It is true that Ye Shan and I were at fault for this matter... But, Elder Qing Mi, you have also seen that, if you don't catch these people , The safety of our Panchi City can’t be guaranteed! Besides, Ye Shan and I, it’s still a bit difficult to catch them, these fox tribes. If you can help, Lord Bessa and Elder Qing Mi, then we can do it as soon as possible. Go back to the city lord's mansion, don't you?"

The old man Qingmi cast a disdainful glance at the city master, and then said with a cold smile: "Forget it, ah! Have you told less lies along the way? It's alright, alright, I and Bessa The city lord is standing here waiting for you... We will not help anyone, whoever you can catch, whoever can escape, that is all your business. We just need to meet Xiaoyan girl... Of course, Yan Shan, Ye Shan, if you want to turn around and hide girl Xiaoyan, if you don’t want us to see her, then don’t blame us Qingshimen, Qingcheng and Ruifushuicheng for coming to your Panchi City to find someone!”

Upon hearing what old man Qingmi said, City Lord Yan Shan's face darkened quite a bit in an instant.He knew in his heart that as long as there was no reason for those black-clothed people from the fox clan to capture Ji Xiaoyan, old man Qingmi and Lord Besa would not help anymore!However, the Lord of the City turned his head and looked in the direction of the men in black, and saw that the leader of the man in black had a happy smile on his mouth at this moment, and the City Lord of the City could not help but feel a surge of anger in an instant. Take off...
Did those men in black know that they might have escaped from Panchi City?

Thinking of this, City Lord Yan Shan immediately squinted his eyes, looked at City Lord Ye Shan for a few times, then gritted his teeth, and said, "Since this is the case... Ye Shan, let's do it ourselves!"

City Lord Ye Shan frowned and glared at old man Qingmi and the others fiercely, then waved his hand and directly called the guards around him to continue attacking the fox clan's men in black.

The old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa chose a good place to stand, with a look of commentary on their faces, watching with great interest the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan leading a large number of Panchi City guards and those black foxes. Clothes are fighting...
Not far away, Fallen Leaves Flying and the others silently chose to stand behind Old Man Qingya and the others after watching the whole scene of power splitting, and did nothing.

However, after deliberating for a long time, Luoye Feifei approached Old Man Qingmi, coughed to attract his attention, and said, "Well, Elder Qingmi... Didn't Brick go to Pan? Is it the City Lord’s Mansion in Chicheng? Did he get someone to pass the news back? Xiaoyan… Isn’t City Lord Ji in the City Lord’s Mansion in Panchi City? Did Brick find her?”

The old man Qingmi frowned immediately when he heard the words of the falling leaves, looked him up and down, and said: "It's none of your business whether or not you come back with a message? Besides, how do you know that Brick has gone to the city lord's mansion?" ?”

Luoye Feifei looked at old man Qingmi calmly, and said, "Brick told me."

"Really?" The old man Qing Mi clearly showed disbelief.

Lord Bessa glanced at Flying Leaves, stared at him with deep eyes, and then asked, "Flying Leaves, what do you mean by these words?"

"I just want to ask about the situation!" Luoye Feifei glanced at Lord Bessa, and then lowered his eyes slightly after thinking about what happened in the west mountain of Mochen Town, and then said to old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa: " If Brick finds City Lord Ji in Panchi City’s Mansion, then there’s no need for us to wait here for City Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan to catch the man in black!? We can go directly to Panchi City and Didn't they meet?"

"That's what you said, but I haven't heard any news from Brick yet!" The old man Qingmi frowned, looked at Lord Besa and said, "Is it possible that Brick hasn't found Xiaoyan yet?" That girl?"

"I think..." Luoye Feifei heard the old man Qingmi's words, regardless of whether Master Bessa spoke or not, he directly answered, "I think if Brick didn't find Xiaoyan, then we can no longer stand Waiting here is a waste of time! Brick only took away a few guards at the beginning, so many of us didn't help find City Lord Ji, but wasting time here waiting for news, it seems inappropriate! Qing Mi Zhang Lai, what do you think?"

"I want you to talk more!" Qingmi old man glared at Luoye Fenfei with some displeasure, and after saying something to him, he immediately looked at Lord Besa, and asked: "Master Besa, what do you think?"

"I don't care!" Master Bessa just looked deeply at the falling leaves and the strangers and Yanjiao drifting away from them, and then said to the old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, I just came to Panchi City alone , and did not bring anyone... So, I can follow wherever I go! Whether you want to go to the City Lord's Mansion to find Xiaoyan, Elder Qingmi, you can decide!"

The old man Qingmi glanced at Master Bessa in surprise, and instantly felt happy. After smiling foolishly at Master Bessa, the old man Qingmi said: "Since Besa City Lord Sa, you already said that...hehehe...then let's go directly to the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City to find someone! I still don't believe it, even if so many of us go through the City Lord's Mansion several times, it's not a problem Yes! If you still can't find that girl Xiaoyan, then it would be strange! Lord Bessa, are you right?"

"That's natural." Master Bessa smiled implicitly, and said something to the old man Qingya.

Thus, the old man Qingya was instantly happy.

As far as their current team lineup is concerned, Master Bessa is naturally the one with the biggest position.If he said something, they would naturally choose to listen to his opinion!It's just that old man Qingya didn't expect that Master Bessa was unwilling to make a decision, but handed over this right to him!Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi's mood instantly became a little light!There is a time when Qing Mi can be the leader... "Then...Elder Qing Mi, if we want to leave, let's go now!" Luo Ye Fen Fei saw that the old man Qing Mi was about to float into the sky happily, and hurriedly reminded .

"Yeah, yes, yes, let's go!" The old man Qingmi nodded in a good mood, and he didn't care who said this, he directly greeted everyone and said: "Let's go, let's go directly to the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City …”

"Elder Qingmi." Hearing the movement from old man Qingmi and the others, City Master Yan Shan hurriedly took the time out of the battle to turn around and shout to them, "Where are you going?" Old man Qingmi and the others wanted to leave him and Ye Shan behind. The city lord went to the city lord's mansion of their Panchi City to find Ji Xiaoyan?That's not okay!What if they were not in the City Lord's Mansion, and old man Qingmi and the others were asked to find Ji Xiaoyan and take her away?Although there is Xuan Mo holding Ji Xiaoyan in check, what if Ji Xiaoyan doesn't care about Xuan Mo?

Thinking of this, City Lord Yan Shan instantly regretted putting Xuan Mo in a remote and abandoned room in the palace so easily.If I had known earlier, if I had known this would happen, I would have locked up Xuan Mo first, and then locked Ji Xiaoyan together
The old man Qingmi gave a thick-skinned smile to the owner of the city, and then said: "You don't have to worry about where you go! Capture your people well, and we can just go around...don't worry about us!! "

"Qingmi..." City Master Ye Shan gritted his teeth and shouted at Old Man Qing Mi, but when he turned his head to look over, he only saw the back of Old Man Qing Mi leaving happily, and City Master Ye Shan became angry in an instant: "Okay What a Qingya!! Just now I said that I would stay dare I leave just like that..."

"Hahaha, City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan." The leader of the fox tribe in black laughed a few times when he saw this, and then said to Citylord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan: "You are in a good mood now ?” He thought old man Qingya and the others would stay around all the time, and when they wanted to escape, they might not be able to catch them off guard!I really didn't expect old man Qingmi and the others to leave so easily!
This is simply God helping me!

However, after hearing the words of the leader of the men in black, the city lord Yan Shan immediately sank his face, staring at the men in black of the fox clan with a gloomy expression.It may be difficult to catch all these men in black, but if you only catch a few, hum!I think they are still no problem!That's all, since things have become like this, then whatever can be done is fine.
Thinking of this, City Lord Yan Shan immediately yelled at City Lord Ye Shan in a low voice: "Ye Shan, let's end it as soon as possible! At the City Lord's Mansion, Qing Mi and the others can't just break in and mess around like this!"

"Of course I know this!" City Lord Ye Shan nodded without showing any weakness, said something to City Lord Yan Shan, gritted his teeth, and went straight to those men in black.
But at this moment, the guards who came out from the Mansion of the Lord of Panchi City to find Lord Yeshan and Lord Yanshan are still running around in Panchi City looking for someone, and they are going to tell the Lord Yanshan about the theft of Xuanmo. ... However, these guards didn't know at all that during this extremely long period of time, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan never moved their positions at all!I've been entangled with the people in black from the fox clan in that small yard all the time
Old Man Qingmi and the others rushed out of the small courtyard, and ran directly outside the gate of the Santo's Mansion in Panchi City. After reporting their names, they were put into the Santo's Mansion by several guards, and then they directly arrested a man in the Santo's Mansion. The maid asked Ji Xiaoyan about their whereabouts.Then the maid led her all the way to the destination, but when she opened the door, she found that there was no one in the room.
"Where is the person?" Old Qing Mi turned his head to look at the maid of Panchi City with an angry face, and asked her viciously: "Where did our City Lord Ji of Qingcheng go? He came to the City Lord's Mansion not long ago to look for our Lord City Lord." Where did the people go? Didn’t they say they are here? Where are the people? Why is the room empty?”

 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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