The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1434 What else?look for

Chapter 1434 What else?look for
The NPC maids of Panchi City had no idea what was going on in their City Lord's Mansion at the moment.

Originally, there was a disappearance incident in the palace of the city lord Yan Shan, and the entire city lord's mansion was under martial law, and all the places were well guarded. How could someone go missing again? Moreover, it was the city lord of Qingcheng My lord and other people in Qingcheng!With such a large team, how could it be possible to say that it is missing?
"Speak? Where did our Lord City Lord of Qing City go?" The old man Qing Mi stared at the maid of the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City in front of them with an angry expression on his face. Seeing her bewildered expression, he continued sharply: "Didn't you say that our city master has been staying in this room all the time? But, what about people now? You tell me, what about people?"

"Elder Qingmi, this, this maid doesn't know either!" The maid of Panchi City's Lord's Mansion looked panic-stricken, she just looked into the room in a panic, and when she found that no one was inside, she was about to cry He raised his voice and said to the old man Qingmi: "I remember that I saw City Lord Ji and the others in the City Lord's mansion... At that time, City Lord Ji told us that they were going to come back to rest, and let us transfer the scorpion to the City Lord's palace. After everything has been dealt with, I will call them tomorrow... The servant girl really doesn't know where City Lord Ji and the others have gone!!"

Hearing this, the old man Qingmi was obviously dissatisfied with the words of the maid in the Mansion of the Panchi City in front of him, and was about to say something, when Lord Besa next to him suddenly pulled the old man's clothes, and then looked at the Panchi City City Lord The maid of the mansion asked: "So, did City Master Ji and the others tell you first that they came back to rest?"

The maid nodded quickly.That's the way it is!At that time, they were quite grateful to Ji Xiaoyan and the others for being so considerate, and they didn't wander around in their Santo's mansion, affecting their search for the missing person in the Santo's palace.
"Okay, if this is the case, then you should leave first! If there is anything, we can discuss it after your Lord City Master comes back!" Lord Bessa waved his hand directly at the maid in a rare way, and said calmly.

"Citadel Bessa!!" The old man Qingmi frowned unhappily when he heard Master Bessa's words, and shouted at him, only to see Master Bessa turning his head to look at him, shaking slightly at him After shaking his head, the old man Qingmi considered it for two seconds, and then turned his face away in a fit of anger, agreeing to Lord Bessa's disposal of the maid of Panchi City's Lord's Mansion.

Therefore, the maid of the City Lord's Mansion looked at old man Qingya, and then at Lord Bessa, quickly blessed her body gratefully, turned around and immediately fled out of the house, disappearing in front of old man Qingya and the others. in sight.

"City Master Bessa, you let him go like this. Where are we going to find Xiaoyan? Do we really have to wait for Yan Shan and Ye Shan to come back?" Qing Mi frowned, looking at him with displeasure. Lord Bessa said, "I don't think Ye Shan and the others would be willing to let us meet Xiaoyan girl! If they are willing, we won't be here right now!!"

Master Bessa nodded lightly, looked outside the house with far-reaching eyes, and then said to old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, of course I know what you said. But, that maid is also something I don't even know, since we ask again, we won't be able to find anything..." At this point, Lord Bessa saw the old man Qingmi's expression of disbelief, and suddenly let out a laugh, and then continued: "Also, Qingmi Elder Mi, the maid just revealed some information."

"What information?" The old man Qingmi regained his energy in an instant, and looked at Master Bessa with a puzzled expression.

"Didn't you say that? Xiaoyan and the others told the maids themselves that they are going to come back to rest and ask them to call them tomorrow..." Master Bessa showed a trace of confidence on his face, and continued to the old man Qingmi : "Although we haven't seen Xiaoyan here at all, we can know that they asked us to come back, and then they won't go out for a while. But now they are not here, so we can only Just to clarify, Xiaoyan and the others most likely left by themselves. Moreover, they deliberately told the maids not to disturb them today..."

"You mean, girl Xiaoyan and the others have left the City Lord's Mansion?" The old man Qingmi's eyes widened in an instant, with a look of disbelief on his face, "This is unlikely, City Lord Bessa! Xiaoyan girl easily left the city lord's mansion. Therefore, there must be heavy guards around the city lord's mansion. There are so many people in Xiaoyan girl and the others, if they really want to leave, they can't all go out... They must still be here In the city lord's mansion!"

Lord Bessa pursed his lips, nodded his head, and then said to old man Qingmi: "This is quite possible..."

The old man Qingmi looked at Lord Bessa as a matter of course, stared at him for a long time, and then said: "Then if this is the case, where are we going to find someone now? Lord Bessa, this is the point!"

Master Bessa frowned and pondered for a while, and then said: "The City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City is said to be big or small, since Xiaoyan and the others may be here, they must be staying somewhere .There are so many of them, no ordinary place can hold them, we just need to search everywhere..."

"It's nice to say, who doesn't know about it!" Old man Qing Mi curled his lips with some disdain, and said something in a low voice.After seeing that Master Bessa didn't respond, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief...
"In this case, let's look around first!" Qingmi cleared his throat, and immediately said to the fallen leaves, "Hey, your mission is here! Panchi City City Lord's Mansion, all of you are scattered!" Drive to find Xiaoyan... Even if you can't find Xiaoyan, as long as you find our Qingcheng guards, you will be fine! At that time, there will always be clues... Do you understand? Group yourself, walk in different directions, and then send Let me walk around the whole city lord's mansion in Panchi City, and let me search for the places that can be entered; keep in mind the places that cannot be entered, and then come back and tell me. When the time comes, we will find together... ..."

"Okay!" The players immediately nodded excitedly, thinking in their hearts that this matter should be regarded as the task given to them by the old man Qingya.
"Okay! Now that everything is clear, then get ready, everyone go out and find someone!" Qing Mi looked at all the players with satisfaction, and then said: "Remember, Everyone, no matter which direction they go, must give Lao Tzu the entire Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion, and come back here after they are done walking!"

"Understood! Elder Qingmi, we are not children anymore." Yeguang Meijiu said to him with a broken smile when he heard the old man Qingmi's words. Mei Jiu quickly turned around and said to the stranger: "Ahem, cough, let's go, let's go, let's go find someone..."

Yan Foil Liuli touched the package space near his chest, frowned and pondered for a few seconds, and then followed Yeguang Meijiu and the others out of the room.It was agreed at the beginning that as long as they found the bellyband of Lord Ye Shan, they could come to Panchi City to meet Ji Xiaoyan.However, the apron is still on his body now, and they have been in Panchi City for a long time, but Ji Xiaoyan still hasn't appeared. And this thing that should have seemed very important, at this moment, was taken away by the old man Qingmi. They forgot!Yan Foil Liuli couldn't help thinking in his heart, should he find a time to remind old man Qingmi and their bellybands?

"Waiting, how are you going to go?" After leaving the door, Ye Guangmeijiu immediately stood beside Fallen Ye, and asked Yan Foil Liuli, "Do you want to group up? I am going to go with Fallen Ye. what about you?"

The stranger glanced at Yan Foil Liuli, and wanted to say that he wanted to leave by himself, but when he thought about it, he immediately thought of the bellyband, so the stranger immediately smiled, and then said to Yeguang Fine Wine: " Naturally, I'm with you!" After speaking, the stranger immediately looked at Miss Qing Yuxi, and asked her, "Master Qing, do you want to come with us?"

"No need, I'll just go with them!" Qing Yuxi smiled politely, pointed to the subordinates following behind her, then said something to them who had never met before, and then pointed to a random Direction, continued: "If there is nothing else, then we will go first... Turn around and see you later!"

"Okay." The stranger nodded and gave Qing Yuxi a very polite smile. After watching them leave, he turned his head and looked at Yan Foil Liuli and said, "Then Liuli, let's go too!"

Nightmare Foil Wandering took a deep look at the stranger, and then nodded after a while, and then asked some other players who would like to join them, and then waved to the fallen leaves with them. Farewell, chose a direction, and left directly.

"Okay, they're all gone, fallen leaves, which way should we go?" Ye Guangmeijiu breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, turned his head to look at fallen leaves, and then asked, "Do you have a general direction in your heart?" what?"

Luoye Feifei shook his head, and said to Yeguang Meijiu: "We can just choose a direction and start looking!" , it is also possible to find Brick. I think Brick must know where Xiaoyan is!"

"Really?" Yeguang Meijiu looked disbelieving, and then said with a sigh: "Then when Brick was leaving, we should have followed directly! Hey, this is really a mistake!"

Falling Leaves Flying Hearing the words, immediately glanced at Ye Guang Meijiu, and said, "Did I not think of such a simple thing? When you didn't see that Brick was about to leave, I went to him and said Have you talked for a while? I wanted to go with him at the time, but Brick didn't agree... and finally made Elder Qing Mi stare at me..."

"Huh? Did you go to ask?" Ye Guang didn't look surprised, and asked Falling Ye Flying. After seeing him take it for granted and rolled his eyes at him, Ye Guang Meijiu instantly felt a little surprised. Unhappy, he shouted at Luoye Fenfei: "Then Luoye, you are not being kind! You didn't even call me when you went to find Brick! If Brick agreed to bring you to the city lord's mansion at that time, you Are you going to leave me behind?"

Hearing the words, Fallen Leaves Flying coughed quickly, then immediately looked at Yeguang Fine Wine and said, "How is that possible. If possible, I would naturally propose to bring you with me! But, it's a pity that Brick doesn't even want to Take it..."

"Really?" Yeguang Meijiu raised his eyebrows with disbelief.

"Of course it's true, what did I lie to you for?" Falling Leaves Flying said to Yeguang Fine Wine with certainty, "Okay, okay, the two of us have time to waste time talking about these irrelevant things, it's better to go earlier Let's go find someone. Maybe we will be the first to find Xiaoyan and them!"

"The first one? I don't think you should think about it!" Ye Guangmeijiu said dejectedly to the falling leaves, "I don't know about that girl Ji Xiaoyan? She has been doing something for a long time, so why is she missing now?" Come out, I guess it will not be so easy to find her."

Flying Leaves frowns bitterly and glances at Ye Guang Fine Wine.

"Okay, okay, I know you want to find her!" Ye Guangmeijiu waved his hands, took a deep breath at the fallen leaves, and said, "Okay, I will help you find her, okay?" ? Fallen leaves, don’t look at me like this, okay?”

Falling Leaves Flying Flying didn't make a sound, just chose a path, and walked away.Seeing this, Yeguang Meijiu quickly trotted two steps to follow, then leaned close to Luoye Flying's ear, and asked him in a low voice: "It's just, Luoye, when you turn around, you must explain the details of that girl Ji Xiaoyan's affairs." Tell me honestly... Last time you said what happened to her becoming an NPC? What else happened in the middle, you know, but you must tell me everything!"

"What do you know so much about?" Luo Yefenfei glared at Yeguang Meijiu nervously, and couldn't help but look behind him, seeing that the other players didn't seem to have heard Yeguang Meijiu's words at all, Luo Yefenfei secretly thought in his heart He breathed a sigh of relief, then stared at Ye Guang Meijiu and said in a low voice, "Don't you know that the more you know, the faster you die?"

"Tch, this is not a federal secret!" Ye Guangmeijiu said to Flying Leaves with a face full of disdain, "It's just a game, it's so serious! Besides, are you going to die? All right, let me choose one." Good teleportation array, why don’t you just kill me a few times? It just makes me die hahahaha!!”

(End of this chapter)

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