Chapter 1435 Teleporter
Panchi City.

Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong led many guards from Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, and followed Aidi Snacks to carefully avoid those guards patrolling Panchi City until the sky was almost completely dark, and finally arrived The place where the teleporter mentioned by Aidi Snacks lives.

Originally, according to what Aidi Snacks said, they were going to find someone in the small garden where the teleporter was staying, but on the way, Ji Xiaoyan and the others decided to come directly to the teleporter's house after some deliberation Sitting on the sidelines.Didn't you say it?The teleporter will go home after dark, judging from the speed at which Ji Xiaoyan and the others are carefully dodging along the way, it is true that they may not be able to reach the small garden before dark, right?So, after thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan and the others thought, instead of going to the small garden to fend for nothing, it would be better to come directly to the teleporter's house to block people, right?
Don't waste time running around!
So, after arriving at the destination, Ji Xiaoyan and the others found places to hide, scattered most of the Qingcheng guards, and let them surround the teleporter's house before squatting down in peace. In the corner, waiting for the teleporter from Panchi City to come home.Sure enough, after Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't wait for a long time, an old man wearing a mage's robe appeared in Ji Xiaoyan's sight and walked towards the room they were guarding step by step.
"How is it? Is it this person?" Ji Xiaoyan turned her head and asked Aidi Snacks in a low voice.She hadn't been sure, she couldn't guarantee that the person they saw was the one they were looking for.Who knows that in case of any accident, the old man just came to find the friend of the teleporter Xiaojue?If they go straight to catch the wrong person, it will be troublesome, right?
Aidi Snacks squinted its eyes and took a few serious glances, then nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and said, "Yes, Lord City Master, that's him!"

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and nodded towards Manager Qing Gong, then glanced at Brick again, and after seeing him nodding to himself to show that he understood, he was in a daze He stared blankly at the teleporter.

The Teleporter of Panchi City was a bit old, his face was covered with wrinkles, his head was full of silver hair, and his walking speed was a little slow, and he even looked a little stumbling.And he was holding an exquisite small lamp with a dim yellow light in his hand at the moment. It seemed that his eyes were not very good, so he couldn't see the way when it was dark, and that's why he needed light...
Ji Xiaoyan and the others waited quietly, waiting for the teleporter to pull out the key with trembling hands and step into the house, then they quickly flashed out from the corner before he turned around to close the door , rushed to the door of the house in an instant, stretched out his arm and took a picture of the door of the teleporter's house.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" The old teleporter seemed to be taken aback by Ji Xiaoyan and the others' sudden appearance, and immediately widened his cloudy eyes, and asked Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a sharp voice One sentence, and then said: "Do you know where this is?"

"I know, I know! This is your home!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly said with a smile.

Seeing this, Ai Di Snacks next to him jumped out from behind Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to the old teleporter with a smile, "Grandpa Teleporter, it's me! Do you remember me?"

The old teleporter just started to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and before he had time to see Ji Xiaoyan's appearance clearly, he heard a voice that seemed somewhat familiar, turned his head to look over, and immediately saw Aidi Snacks.After looking at the Aidi snacks carefully, the old teleporter breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "So it's you, adventurer! You brought these people?"

Aidi Snacks nodded quickly, rushed to the old teleporter, and said, "Yes, Grandpa Teleporter, we are here to ask you for help... You see, it's not convenient for us to stand here, is it? How about we go in and talk?"

Hearing the words, the old teleporter immediately cheered up, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a moment of relaxation, and then said with a little arrogance: "Ask me for help? How can I, a teleporter, help! Adventurers, I think You guys should hurry up and leave!'s getting late, and I, the old man, still have to rest..."

"Don't, don't, don't!" When Aidi Snacks heard what the old teleporter said, he quickly put one hand on the door, stopped the old teleporter from closing the door, and whispered to him with a smile: " Grandpa Teleporter, haven't we talked before? You told me that if you have any difficulties, you must come to ask for help, what? You forgot, right?"

"Is there? Did I say such a thing?" The old teleporter looked skeptical, but he muttered in his heart.If you really want to say it seriously, you really have said such a thing.Originally, as a very ordinary teleporter, his usual income is not very good. In addition, the gate of Panchi City only opens once every three days, so the traffic of teleportation is even smaller. So, at certain times, the old The teleporter still feels that his money is a little tight, so when he looks at the more pleasing adventurers, or the residents of Panchi City who have a better relationship, he will occasionally open his mouth to solicit some business
It's just that, at his age, his memory itself is not very good!In addition, there are so many adventurers who have nothing to do to have a beauty treatment, or put something novel on the face, change a suit of clothes, etc., and then rush to him, how can he remember it!So, after hearing the words of Aidi Snacks, the old teleporter thought for a long time before he finally believed her words, then stood by the door and whispered to Aidi Snacks: "In this case... Let's go ahead!"

"Yes yes yes!" Ai Di Snacks quickly nodded with a smile, rushed into the room, and then waved to Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

After watching Ji Xiaoyan, Manager Qing Gong, and Brick enter the room together, the old teleporter quickly stretched out his head to look outside the room. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he quickly closed the door with a bang, and turned around to look at the room. To Ji Xiaoyan and the others.However, seeing this, the old teleporter frowned in surprise.

"Who are you? You are not adventurers!" The old teleporter stared at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her: "Look at your clothes... Which city are you the lord of the city?"

"Huh?" Ji Xiaoyan was surprised when he heard the words of the old teleporter, then looked down at the slightly low-key gorgeous clothes on his body, and then looked at the manager Qing Gong before looking at the old teleporter He smiled and said, "How did you find out?"

When the old teleporter heard that Ji Xiaoyan did not deny it, he immediately looked serious, and said to her slightly respectfully: "The clothes of the city lord are all standard! Although there are not many places for us teleporters to walk around , it seems that you don't know many things, but in this position, your eyesight is not bad! We have to know who can wear what kind of clothes... Your body is obviously a city The system of the lord...just, I don't know if you came here to find me, sir, what do you need my help for?"

Ji Xiaoyan obviously listened to the words of the old teleporter, and glanced at Manager Qing Gong with some surprises. Seeing that the old teleporter looked proud of his vision, he smiled, then looked at the old teleporter and said : "We want to go back to our own city as soon as possible, I wonder if you can help us?"

"Leaving Panchi City? Now?" The old teleporter was surprised when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words.

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said with a smile on his face: "You don't need to worry about going out of the city, we will figure out a way by ourselves. But after we leave the city, we need you to help us in the teleportation array... "

Hearing this, the old teleporter immediately shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said, "My lord... this may be difficult! City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan have stipulated that Panchi City will only be opened once every three days." Door, our teleporter went out to teleport once. It’s already dark now, as long as you wait until dawn, you can teleport away freely, Lord City Master! There’s no need to grab such a little time for this kind of thing....”

The old teleporter looked at Ji Xiaoyan with piercing eyes, as if reminding him kindly.However, the old teleporter was also puzzled in his heart.When did such a city lord come to their Panchi city, they didn't even know!Moreover, when he saw that he could leave freely, the city lord asked to leave immediately. If there is nothing tricky in this, it would be strange.
Of course, the old teleporter was not afraid, and he never thought about telling anyone about it.

Being able to come here to ask him for help, naturally the city lord in front of him must be in urgent need of leaving Panchi City, that is to say, no matter how he reminds them, they will still want to leave!This business is sure to work!It's just that he also wants to make a good impression on them, doesn't he?
Sure enough, Ji Xiaoyan frowned immediately after the voice of the old teleporter, sighed and said to him: "Of course we have something urgent to leave now..."

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of the old teleporter's mouth, and after staring at Ji Xiaoyan for a few times, he said with embarrassment: "If this is the case, what are you planning, Lord City Master?"

"If possible, we are ready to pack up and leave right now!" Ji Xiaoyan said to the old teleporter without hesitation, "You just follow our guards, just follow behind the team. If necessary, we You can also pretend to kidnap you and leave... After all, if someone finds out, your life in Panchi City may not go well in the future... At that time, where is the city gate, we will find a way to rush out, and then arrive at the teleportation You can just teleport us away!" At this point, Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and then asked the old teleporter: "Just, I don't know how the reward for your help here is calculated... Our number is a bit too much."

As soon as the old teleporter heard the word "remuneration", his affection for Ji Xiaoyan immediately increased a lot.It's rare for a city lord who can take the initiative to raise rewards!He was still thinking in his mind, how would he open his mouth after the matter was settled in a while!Now that's all right, the city lord in front of him asked directly.
Thinking of this, the old teleporter immediately glanced at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, then thought about it with embarrassment, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Just, I don't know which city you are going to, Lord City Master? How many people are there in total? "

"Qingcheng!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a second, and said to the old teleporter: "After all, our current number should be dozens of people... we may add some more people in a while, and the total number will not exceed 200 people..."

"200 people?!" The old teleporter thought for a while, and after thinking about it for a long time, he raised his face to look at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Master City Lord, do these 200 people need to leave with you at once? The teleportation array in Panchi City is probably not that big..."

"How many times?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at the old teleporter and asked.As far as their current number is concerned, if they leave directly, there will only be dozens of people!The main force is actually on the old man Qingya's side!It's just that they haven't passed on the letter to Qingmi's old haired pigeon yet. If it's not easy to go there, at worst, they will take Xuan Mo to leave Panchi City today, and after returning to Qingcheng, they will send Qingmi's old haired pigeon. A flying pigeon passed on a letter, telling him to go back to Qingcheng by himself after dawn!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately said to the old teleporter: "If there are too many people, can we go together with the current dozens of people?"

When Brick heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he glanced at her in surprise, and then he seemed to think of her together, so he looked expectantly at the old teleporter.

"My lord, what is the exact number of dozens of people you mentioned?" The old teleporter looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, and said to her: "As for the teleportation array outside our Panchi City, the maximum number of people at one time is only 50 people." You can only teleport fifty people away at the same time... If you want to exceed the number of [-] people, you will have to leave in batches!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned to look at Manager Qing Gong.

"50 people? That's no problem!" Manager Qing Gong nodded confidently, and said to the old teleporter, "If there are too many people, we can keep some of them! You don't have to worry about that! You just need to make sure you can keep Our city lord can just send it back to Qingcheng!"

After listening to Manager Qing Gong's words, the old teleporter nodded confidently immediately, and then said: "There must be no problem. As long as you can go out of the city and stand on the teleportation array, I can send you immediately within a few seconds." You leave!"

 PS: Thank you "Old Ten 01" for the monthly pass and safety talisman!

(End of this chapter)

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