The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1436 Still Be Careful

Chapter 1436 Still Be Careful

Ji Xiaoyan, Director Qing Gong and Brick, together with the female player Aidi Snacks, had a quick and detailed discussion about the teleportation in the old teleporter's room, and then set the price by the way.According to the price Aidi Snacks told Ji Xiaoyan before, now that Ji Xiaoyan and the others have too many people, it is naturally impossible for the old teleporter not to add money!So, after talking for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally negotiated the price!

Fifty gold coins, as long as they are from Qingcheng, the old teleporter will help to send them away directly!As for how the old teleporter will explain to City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan after sending them away, Ji Xiaoyan and the others don't need to worry about this!
So, after discussing these related issues, although Ji Xiaoyan still felt sorry for the gold coins, he still readily gave the gold coins to the old teleporter, and then said to him: "Then... let's get ready to leave now!"

"Yes!" The old teleporter took the gold coins from Ji Xiaoyan's hand with bright eyes, counted them quickly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Then, Lord City Master, wait for me to prepare! I'll go What are some things that will be needed later... By the way, don’t you still have people who want to come and leave together? I have a pen and paper here, you can write the content first, and when we pass by the station later, you can directly buy one Pigeons send messages...."

Ji Xiaoyan hummed, and saw that Chief Qing Gong called a guard to follow the old teleporter to the room and took out a blank piece of paper, found a place, squatted down and started writing for a while, the old teleporter blushed Carrying a small bag naked, he appeared in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others again, and then said to them with a smile: "Then... Lord City Master, let's go now! Have you finished writing your note?"

"It's finished!" Manager Qing Gong nodded directly.

"Okay, then give me the note!" The old teleporter stretched out his hand, looked at Manager Qing Gong and said, seeing him looking at him with a puzzled face, he said with a smile: "You should It’s inconvenient to move around in our Panchi City, right? Naturally, I’ll send the letter to you soon, do you want to go by yourself?”

"How do you know it's inconvenient for us?" Manager Qing Gong looked at Manager Qing Gong with suspicion on his face and asked.

The old teleporter smiled, and then said: "If I can't even see it, my age is not in vain?" After finishing speaking, the old teleporter looked at Manager Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled faces, Then he continued: "First of all, you can come to me at this time and ask to leave the city immediately. There must be some secrets that are not convenient to reveal... This can explain your current situation. In addition Now, you guys are going to forcibly break into the guards at the city gate...hehehe!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Manager Qing Gong, and saw that he also looked at himself with some embarrassment, then put on a smile and said to the old teleporter: "Since you are ready, we now Just go..." Other things, what else do they need to ask?Speaking of which, they were able to spend money to ask teleporters to help, but their intentions were somewhat unclear. In addition, if they really can't see anything during this period of time, they are fake and dying.
As long as the old teleporter in front of him received the money and showed no sign of going to report, Ji Xiaoyan would feel very lucky!She didn't want any accidents to happen when she was about to leave Panchi City.
Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the old teleporter nodded with a smile, turned around and said to Aidi Snacks standing aside, "Let's go, adventurer! What are you still standing there for? Are you going to stay here?"

"That's no problem! If you want to keep me to guard your house, I don't mind!" Aidi Snacks said to the old teleporter with a mischievous expression.She wasn't worried that the old teleporter in front of her would force her to stay!Just kidding, the NPC teleporter just took dozens of gold coins into the house and hid them. If he really keeps her, he won't be worried about losing his gold coins.
Sure enough, when the old teleporter heard what Ai Di Snacks said, his expression changed immediately, and then he said directly to Ai Di Snacks: "No, you'd better leave with us!"

Ai Di Snacks quickly responded with a smile, obediently followed the old teleporter out of the house, and watched him carefully lock and lock the door, then Ai Di Snacks came to the old teleporter's side, low Said to him in a low voice: "Grandpa Teleporter, you must remember me, today I made a big deal for you..."

"What's the matter? Are you still going to ask me for a share?" The old teleporter squinted at Aidi Snacks, and immediately shook his head violently when he saw her, with a look of being wronged, and then asked in a low voice: "Then you What's the meaning?"

"I just thought, Grandpa Teleporter, remember me more when you look back, next time I ask you for help, you can give me a little cheaper..." Aidi Snacks hurriedly said to the old teleporter with a pitiful face, "You must remember my name, my name is Aidi Snacks. Grandpa Teleporter, you don't want me to come to you next time, you still don't know me!"

Hearing the words, the old teleporter finally gave Aidi Snacks a generous look, and after a while, he said lightly: "Aidi Snacks, right? I understand... Next time you come to ask me for help, I will naturally Get it cheaper!"

Hearing this, Aidi Snacks quickly smiled and nodded to the old teleporter, satisfied.

But Manager Qing Gong, who had heard all the way, was a little dissatisfied with Aidi snacks at the moment.

"My lord, do we have to take that adventurer with us?" Manager Qing Gong pondered for a long time before asking Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice: "That adventurer doesn't seem so honest... we There were already a lot of people on this trip, so I don’t think it’s necessary to take her along! Anyway, she’s a free person in this Panchi City, so why not just let her wait for the dawn and leave this Panchi City by herself!”

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Manager Qing Gong, and then said: "Manager Qing Gong, we promised her. Besides, you are not afraid that if we promised her to take her away and ended up not taking her, she Are you going to find City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan and inform them?"

"She dares!" Director Qing Gong immediately raised his eyebrows and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"That's not necessarily true!" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "We don't need to cause big troubles for a little thing, right? There's nothing wrong with taking her! Fifty people, we add up, it looks like the number of people It’s still not too much, so be it!”

Director Qing Gong was still a little dissatisfied, but turned around to look at the guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion who were following behind, and finally sighed helplessly!If I had known earlier, I would have brought a few more guards with me back then.
After turning around a few rows of houses, Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived near the inn where they found Brick.

"My lord, please give me the note, I'll release a pigeon for you right now, you wait here for me!" The old teleporter calmly stopped Ji Xiaoyan and the others from continuing to walk, and said in a low voice. Then they said something, and then stretched out their hands, asking Ji Xiaoyan and the others to give the note.

"Wait!" When Director Qing Gong heard what the old teleporter said, his eyeballs rolled around, and then he saw the old teleporter looking at him with a puzzled face, and then stretched out his hand to love the snacks. Pointing at him, he said to the old teleporter, "Let this adventurer go!"

The old teleporter looked puzzled, and looked at Manager Qing Gong with a frown.

"I thought about it carefully..." Director Qing Gong smiled, and said politely to the old teleporter, "What you are going to do for us in a while, to be precise, is to do it against your city lord. …So, it’s better to be more concealed, or to be more concealed! At least, you can be safer, right? Sending flying pigeons to send letters, it’s better to let this adventurer love to drop snacks! She’s an adventurer , No one will be suspicious when walking around in the city! Relatively speaking, it is still very convenient... At least, it will be much safer! Teleporter, what do you think?"

After hearing what Director Qing Gong said, the old teleporter turned his head and glanced at Aidi Snacks. Seeing that she was still in a surprised state, he frowned immediately, and after thinking for a few seconds, he looked at Manager Qing Gong asked: "My lord, are you sure? For an adventurer like her, are you really relieved to ask her to help you with errands?"

"Well, it's okay!" Manager Qing Gong said to the old teleporter with a face full of trust in Aidi snacks: "Just this adventurer, didn't he lead us to find you for help? Hehe... so, send I believe she is fine with such a trivial matter as a flying pigeon passing a letter! Are you still right? Aidi snacks!?"

Ai Di Snacks was still in a state of astonishment for a long time and didn't recover for a long time, but suddenly heard Manager Qing Gong calling his name, he shook his body for a moment, looked at the old teleporter in confusion, and saw him frowning looking at After myself, I looked at Manager Qing Gong again, and heard him say to me: "Aidi Snacks, I asked you to send us Feige letters, are you okay?"

"Flying pigeons? Flying pigeons, there must be no problem! It's just a trivial matter!" Ai Di snacks reacted instantly, and quickly assured Manager Qing Gong: "Mr. Manager, you can rest assured Yes! I have sent a lot of flying pigeons before, there must be no problem! How to write the content? Who is the recipient? Just tell me, and I will release the pigeons in minutes!"

Although Manager Qing Gong was somewhat reluctant, he quickly handed the note he had written to Ai Di Snacks, and after telling her the name of old man Qing Mi and the name of the school, he said: "You Just remember to write down your name and come back quickly after throwing the pigeon out... Otherwise, we won’t take you with you when we turn around and leave! We won’t do what we promised you! Do you understand?”

"Understood, understood!! I will do it well! Don't worry, Mr. Manager!" Aidi Snacks nodded quickly after hearing what Mr. Qing Gong said, and after receiving the note in his hand, he turned and ran towards the station past.

The old teleporter looked at Ai Snack's back with a worried face, as if he didn't believe her.

Director Qing Gong secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at him suspiciously, he couldn't help but smile wryly.Speaking of it, he is not willing to let the adventurer Aidi Snacks do this!He just told Ji Xiaoyan that he doesn't like this adventurer very much!However, when he heard that the old teleporter was going to deliver the letter to Feige, Manager Qing Gong reacted instantly!There's something wrong with this thing!
Think about it, the Flying Pigeon transmission is said to be sent to the old man Qing Mi and the others, but what if the old teleporter just pretended to throw a pigeon instead of sending it?Or, did the old teleporter buy an extra pigeon at the station?Think about it, they have already given all the gold coins to the old teleporter. Seriously speaking, the old teleporter has already received the reward. If he doesn't keep his promise and doesn't help them teleport, he has nothing to lose no?Then, being more ruthless, the old teleporter went directly to the post station, and released a pigeon to the city lord Yeshan or Yanshan, or even a certain resident he knew in Panchi city who could inform them, exposing them What about his whereabouts and purpose?At that time, it is estimated that Ji Xiaoyan and the others have not reached the city gate, and there may be a large number of Panchi City soldiers waiting for them, right?
As the saying goes, the heart of harming others cannot be without the heart of defense!Although these are just the conjectures of Manager Qing Gong, no one can say with certainty that it won't happen, right?

Therefore, at that time, Chief Qing Gong immediately came up with a countermeasure.

Although Manager Qing Gong doesn't like the female adventurer Aidi Snacks, at least she is more trustworthy than the old teleporter in front of her.At least that girl still has a big goal waiting for them to achieve for her after they return to Qingcheng, right?Now she can be regarded as having something in their hands!So, think about it, the chance of that girl going to inform is still less than that of the old teleporter
So, after much deliberation, the matter of sending the pigeons to the old man Qingmi, in the end, it is the most suitable for the girl Aidi Snacks to go!

Soon, Aidi Snacks rushed back from the post station, and when they were about to meet Ji Xiaoyan and the others, they carefully looked behind to make sure no one noticed, and then turned into the corner , and said to Manager Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, my lord, I have already let the pigeons out! But, I just found out at the post station that there seems to be a little commotion among the guards nearby. It sounds like What happened... Tell me, did they discover something..." For example, where did they leave with someone from the roof?
 PS: Thank you for the "Rain, Sunny" monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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