Chapter 1437
Although they had already been mentally prepared, Director Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being a little surprised that the guards of Panchi City were so fast!It didn't take long for them to go from the post station to the old teleporter's house, and then come back all the way. According to their normal predictions, the guards in Panchi City at most just found that the guard on the roof didn't move, and then went up. Check it out, and then you still need to wait for support before going to the house to check the situation.
"I didn't expect that! The guards in Panchi City are also so fast!" Chief Qing Gong didn't seem to worry about anything at all, but his face revealed a bit of surprise and appreciation, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: " It seems that, Lord City Master, we also need to hurry! Don't waste any more time! If Elder Qing Mi and the others can't make it after receiving Fei Ge's letter, we don't have to wait for them either!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.It's not that they want to put the old man Qingmi in Panchi City cruelly, the main reason is that if they can't leave Panchi City this time, they probably won't have a chance next time!Besides, the situation of old man Qingmi and the others is different from Ji Xiaoyan's situation at the moment. If they want to leave Qingcheng, it is estimated that City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan will definitely slap their hands and send them off immediately. It is definitely impossible to keep them. He has 1 more minutes!

So, it's only a matter of time before they leave, Ji Xiaoyan and the others don't need to lock themselves up in Panchi City just to wait for old man Qingmi and the others.So, after fulfilling their obligations and asking Aidi Snacks to send the Feige message to old man Qingmi, Ji Xiaoyan and the others directly greeted the old teleporter and went straight to the gate of Panchi City
And at this moment, because of the departure of the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa, the Lord Yeshan and the others still failed to arrest all the black-clothed fox men in the end, and let the two black-clothed fox men protect the black-clothed man. The leader of the people escaped.
"Search for the city lord, search the whole city! We must not let them run away!" Ye Shan gnashed his teeth and yelled viciously at the guards around him, "I still don't believe it, they are all injured like this. I can run back to the Fox Clan for my city lord!"

City Lord Yan Shan frowned, covered his injured arm, and said after a few seconds of silence: "Immediately send someone to inform the whole city. If you see any suspicious person, report it immediately. If you catch someone, it's okay." Come to the city lord's mansion to receive generous rewards!" Speaking of this, the city lord Yan Shan hastily added: "By the way, inform the whole city that Panchi City will no longer be killed until the three men in black from the fox tribe are caught. Open the city gate and go in and out!"

"Yes!" Hearing the words, several guards quickly responded, turned around and left the yard.

"What about these fox people?" City Lord Ye Shan squinted his eyes, looked at the men in black who had been knocked out and tied tightly to the ground, and asked City Lord Yan Shan Said: "Take it back to the City Lord's Mansion and lock it up?"

"Otherwise, what do you want to do?" City Master Yan Shan gave City Master Ye Shan a gloomy look, and asked him back, seeing that he also looked at him with a displeased face, so he eased the expression on his face, He said to City Lord Ye Shan: "Take them back first! Maybe those three who ran away will come back to find them..."

City Lord Ye Shan didn't say a word when he heard the words, but after looking at City Lord Yan Shan for a few times, he snorted coldly and turned around to leave the courtyard and go back home.He didn't forget that the old man Qingmi brought Lord Besa to their City Lord's Mansion, if they found Miss Ji Xiaoyan and took her away, his plan would be ruined! !After finally messing up the plan of the city lord Yan Tan, there should be no accidents in his own plan.
However, City Lord Ye Shan had just stepped out of the gate of the courtyard, and saw a few guards of the City Lord's Mansion who were full of pleasant smiles but sweating profusely, running towards him, and then went straight in front of him, Then he took a deep breath and said, "Master City Lord, I have found you..."

"What's going on?" City Lord Ye Shan froze for two seconds, then suddenly realized.The guards of the City Lord's Mansion in front of me at this moment are not the ones he has been bringing around, but the ones who should have just rushed out of the City Lord's Mansion to look for him.
A few guards were about to speak, when they suddenly saw the city lord Yan Shan coming out of the small courtyard, and immediately said pleasantly: "City lord Yan Shan, you are also here! Just right, just right! The city lord's mansion...something happened in the city lord's mansion! "

"An accident?" City Lord Ye Shan's first reaction was that Old Man Qingmi and the others went to the City Lord's Mansion to wreak havoc, that's why his own guards came out to report the news!
"What happened!" City Lord Yan Shan's heart also sank, and he looked at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion and asked.

"My lord, there is an accident in your palace!" A guard quickly took a few breaths, and then said to the city lord, "The maids in your palace came to report that there seems to be an accident in your palace." People, then let us come out to find you immediately, and let you go back and have a look..."

"Missing someone?" City Lord Yan Shan froze for a moment, unable to remember what it meant.

"Who is missing?" City Lord Ye Shan gloated a little, and after a quick glance at City Lord Yan Shan, he asked the guards with a slight smile.

"I don't know!" A few guards shook their heads, then frowned and thought for a while, and said to City Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan: "We just heard the news from the maids in the palace of Lord Yanshan, saying that it is a One person is lost in the palace..."

"Piandian, Piandian!!" City Lord Yan Shan murmured, and immediately realized it.What could be lost in the side halls of his palace?Isn't it Xuan Mo?Xuan Mo actually lost it?Thinking of this, the city lord Yan Shan immediately widened his eyes, looked at the guards in disbelief and asked, "You are talking about the side hall? How did people get lost? Who went in and robbed them?" have they gone?"

Several guards shook their heads in a daze, expressing that they did not know the specific situation, they just kept saying that they should tell City Lord Yan Shan to go back and have a look.

City Lord Ye Shan smiled gloatingly, and then said to City Lord Xi Shan, "Xi Shan, what kind of people are there in your palace? How can you lose people? Let me tell you, If it doesn’t work, why don’t you get a few guards from me to help you, and help you guard your palace more often! If this spreads, how embarrassing! Right? You are a majestic Lord of Panchi City, since you can People get lost in your palace...."

If you can't say it, it's weird if you don't make people laugh!

At this moment, City Lord Yan Shan was in no mood to listen to City Lord Ye Shan's sarcasm.After thinking about it seriously, he immediately shouted loudly to the guards around him: "Let's go! Let's go back to the City Lord's Mansion immediately!"

"Yes, yes, we have to go back quickly!" City Lord Ye Shan smiled uncontrollably, and said to his guards behind him: "You will return to the City Lord's Mansion in a while, but you have to move!" Just be more diligent! You must help us, the city lord, to find him! Otherwise, if it spreads in the future, we will lose the face of Panchi City..."

City Lord Yan Shan's face was dark. After listening to City Lord Ye Shan's words, he couldn't help but turn his head after thinking about it, and looked at City Lord Ye Shan. He saw that he had said nothing wrong and was innocent , City Lord Yan Shan sneered a few times, and then said to City Lord Ye Shan: "Ye Shan, you really want to help me find someone after I go back. It's not someone else who lost me, but what about Xuan Mo... Aren't you still thinking about Ji Xiaoyan? Hmph, if you lose this ink, I'll see how you explain to Ji Xiaoyan later, and how can you get her to agree to marry you..."

When City Lord Ye Shan heard what City Lord Yan Shan said, his smile froze on the corner of his mouth instantly, then he frowned, and asked in a gloomy manner to City Master Yan Shan: "Xi Shan, what did you say? Who lost Xuan Mo? Did you throw Xuan Mo in the side hall?"

City Lord Yan Shan snorted irrefutably, ignored City Lord Ye Shan, turned around and continued walking.With Xuan Mo's current state, it is impossible for him to leave by himself, so how did he lose it?Could it be that he was taken away by those men in black from the fox clan?It is also unlikely!Those men in black from the Fox Clan said just now that they only captured some of their guards in Panchi City, and they didn't capture anyone else at all. So, could it be that Xuan Mo was taken away by Ji Xiaoyan and the others?

The city lord Yan Shan frowned, and walked towards the city lord's mansion while thinking.Ever since he met Ji Xiaoyan, that girl believed wholeheartedly that he would save Xuan Mo, and she was also full of gratitude and confidence in herself. It was impossible for her to enter I found out where Xuan Mo was in my own palace, so it's unlikely that Ji Xiaoyan would take Xuan Mo away!

Even if she can enter her own palace, there are so many guards and maids in the palace, it is impossible that no one will find them!

Thinking of all this, the city lord Yan Shan suddenly felt a little pain in his head.

After he received the invitation letter from the man in black from the fox tribe, it seemed that many things that were out of his control happened slowly.
City Lord Ye Shan's mood began to sink at this moment!
He understood very well that Ji Xiaoyan was able to stay in their Panchi City honestly, not because she took his bellyband and hadn't returned it, so she didn't want to be threatened by him, and then stayed in this Panchi City.Ji Xiaoyan is because of Xuan Mo!Because Xuan Mo was seriously injured, only Yan Shan can heal him, so he stayed in their Panchi City!If Ji Xiaoyan knew that Xuan Mo was lost, no matter where Xuan Mo was, she would definitely not be able to stay in their Panchi City and be manipulated by him.
Thinking that his plan would come to naught like the cooperation between City Lord Yan Shan and those fox people, City Lord Ye Shan's mood was clouded instantly, and he couldn't relax.

"How long has it been since you got the news?" City Lord Ye Shan thought for a long time, and then asked the group of guards who came out from the City Lord's Mansion to report the news, "Did you get the news?" Come out to find us?"

As a result, the guard nodded quickly, and then said: "Yes, my lord! It's just... It's just that we didn't know where you and my lord were after we left the mansion. After searching for a long time in the city, this I got the news, and I came all the way here." Speaking of this, several guards hesitated for two seconds, and then continued: "Master City Master, we may have wasted a lot of time on this journey...Look at the sky, It's getting dark!"

Hearing this, City Lord Ye Shan became even more depressed.I'm afraid these guards of the City Lord's Mansion have wasted a lot of time looking for him and the City Lord Yan Shan in the city, so they dare not say the specific time. What happened?Another point, the old man Qingmi and the city lord Besa also went to their city lord's mansion, so they should have arrived by now, right?If they know that the ink is lost
City Lord Ye Shan couldn't even imagine what would happen next.

"When you came out, did you see City Lord Ji and the others in Qingcheng?" City Lord Ye Shan thought for a while, then looked at the guards with a serious face and asked, "Did City Lord Ji and the others say they were going to leave our City Lord's Mansion? ?”

Several guards shook their heads immediately, and then said to City Lord Ye Shan: "No, we heard from the maids of the City Lord's Mansion that they have met City Lord Ji and the others before. It's just that City Lord Ji and the others heard that our City Lord's Mansion was out of town. After the incident, I understandably said that I wanted to avoid suspicion, so I took everyone back to the house. I said that I would wait for the city lords to go back and deal with the matter before letting the maids call them..."

"Really?" City Lord Ye Shan always felt a little uneasy when he heard this, and he also couldn't believe that Ji Xiaoyan and the others would be so self-conscious.

"Then did they watch City Master Ji and the others enter the house with their own eyes? Was there someone guarding City Master Ji and them afterwards?" City Master Yan Shan quickly asked a key question, looking at the guards and asking.

"My lord, are you talking about those maids?" A few guards looked at the city lord and asked, and after seeing him nodding, they hurriedly said: "They said they saw the lord Ji with their own eyes. All the people entered the house and closed the door before they left. However, because someone was lost in your palace, City Lord Yan Shan, everyone sent extra people to search for someone in the City Lord's Mansion, so there was no Arrange people to guard City Lord Ji and the others..."

"That is to say, after City Lord Ji and the others entered the house, no one paid attention to them anymore?" City Lord Yan Shan frowned, and the uneasiness in his heart began to magnify instantly, and then asked the guards: "So , City Lord Ji, do they know who was lost in the palace of the city lord? Did they have any changes before they were in the city lord's mansion?"

 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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