The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1438 I went out of the city to find someone

Chapter 1438 I went out of the city to find someone

Basically, it's scariest when a lot of things are unknown.

Therefore, before the city lord Ji Shan didn't know how much things Ji Xiaoyan and the others knew about the city lord's mansion, he felt quite uneasy!When City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan ran back to the City Lord's Mansion, they were thinking all the time, would Ji Xiaoyan and the others know that Xuan Mo was lost, and then make something happen in the City Lord's Mansion?Or, could it be that Ji Xiaoyan and the others were already waiting by the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for them to go back and immediately catch what they want to explain?
Several guards who came out from the city lord's mansion to look for the city lord Yan Shan and the city lord Ye Shan didn't know what to ask, and they were finally thrown to the end of the team by the city lord Ye Shan. They didn't escape until they returned to the city lord's mansion. The dull and depressing atmosphere above their heads. "Master the City Lord..." Several maids in the City Lord's Mansion surrounded him as soon as the City Lord appeared, and then hurriedly reported to them. Situation: "My lord, City Lord, I have sent people to search for many times near your palace, but there is no news at all! We have found every possible place in the City Lord's Mansion... Still no news."

City Lord Yan Shan looked at the maids with a slight frown, and asked in a deep voice: "What is a place that can be found? Where is a place that cannot be found?" City Lord Yan Shan didn't understand for a while, isn't the entire City Lord's mansion belong to them? ?How could there be anything that could not be found?
A few maids of the City Lord's Mansion carefully glanced at the City Lord Ye Shan next to him, seeing his indifferent expression, after thinking about it, he said with difficulty: "I will report to Lord Ye Shan...because it is your palace. We lost someone here, so we only searched around your palace a few times, and then expanded the scope of our search because we couldn't find anyone... However, we didn't go to the palace and private treasury of Lord Yeshan. I found..."

Hearing the words, City Lord Yan Shan immediately understood the meaning of the maid's words, and then immediately turned his face to look at City Lord Ye Shan. Seeing him shrugging his shoulders indifferently, City Lord Yan Shan's expression became a little ugly up.

"Look, send someone to look for the city lord right away!" City lord Yan Shan ordered a few maids ruthlessly, and then watched the maids leave quickly, leaving only one maid standing behind him. Then he asked a little angrily: "Didn't you hear what my city lord said? What are you still doing here?"

The maid quickly raised her head and glanced at City Lord Xie Shan, and quickly said, "Master City Lord Xie Shan, the maidservant still has something to report!"

"Say!" City Lord Yan Shan took a deep breath and looked at the maid.

Seeing this, the city lord Ye Shan next to him left the city lord Yan Shan behind, turned his head and whispered a few words to the guards around him, telling them to go to his palace to find out if there was any news about Xuan Mo, and then he went to the palace again. Ask a few guards to check on Ji Xiaoyan and the others.Afterwards, City Lord Ye Shan heard the remaining maid speak.

"Your Excellency, City Lord Yeshan..." The maid of the City Lord's Mansion considered the words in her heart, and after thinking for a long time, she said: "The City Lord's Mansion is not just missing your palace. The people here... Not long ago, we discovered that it seems that the Qing City Lord Ji and the others are also lost..."

"What did you say?" City Lord Yan Shan was shocked for a moment, with disbelief and anger on his face.

"Can you explain clearly? Who lost it?" The expression on the face of City Lord Ye Shan was basically not much different from that of City Lord Yan Shan!This is indeed a situation where whatever you think about will happen... But, can't you come up with something good? Why do you have to come to this kind of thing that they are most worried about!Girl Ji Xiaoyan was actually lost in their city lord's mansion! ?
"Tell me carefully, what's going on? Why did City Lord Ji lose it?" City Lord Yan Shan felt like gnashing his teeth, but still patiently asked the maid in front of him who was obviously trembling, "It's just Ji The city lord is lost, or is there someone else with him? Where is the general manager of Qingcheng? And those guards of Qingcheng?"

"They're all gone!" The maid bit her lip, shook her head at City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan, and then said: "Master City Lord Yan Shan, after the news that someone in your palace is missing, we will be in the City Lord's mansion." I met City Lord Ji and the others, and after hearing that something happened in our City Lord’s Mansion, City Lord Ji went back to the house to rest, saying that after the two Lord City Lords came back, we would come to ask about the process and results of the incident! After that, we I saw with my own eyes that City Lord Ji and the others did not appear after returning to the house... After that, Qingshimen elders Qingmi came to our City Lord's mansion not long ago, saying that they were looking for City Lord Ji and the others! They brought Elder Qingmi and the others with them Went to the house of City Master Ji and the others, only to find that City Master Ji and the others were gone..."

"It's gone..." City Lord Yan Shan murmured in a daze, then immediately looked at the maid with sharp eyes and asked, "Is everyone gone?"

The maid hurriedly nodded, and said to City Lord Xishan, "Yes, Lord City Lord Jishan! City Lord Ji, the Chief Steward, and the guards of the Qing City are all gone!!"

"Has someone looked for it?" City Lord Ye Shan's expression was not at all good-looking at the moment, it was so gloomy that he was about to drip water!

"I have already sent someone to look for it, but there is no news yet!" The maid lowered her head and said to the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan, "Also, the Elder Qingmi of Qingshimen and the Lord of River Water City are still here. Near City Master Ji's house...Because City Master Ji and the others are gone, Elder Qingmi and City Master Besa are not in a good mood at the moment, and their behavior is not very quiet..."

"Understood!" Upon hearing the names of Old Man Qingmi and Master Bessa, City Lord Ye Shan immediately waved his hand at the maid angrily, and then said, "Don't worry about them, send someone to look around quickly. Find City Lord Ji and the others first! Ask more people to check the location of the walls of the City Lord's Mansion. If they are not in the City Lord's Mansion, they must have gone out! However, whether they went out by themselves or were taken away by others, There must be something left around the wall..."

"Yes!" The maid hurriedly nodded after hearing what City Lord Ye Shan said, and glanced at City Lord Yan Shan. Seeing that he didn't seem to have any other orders, she quickly saluted them, turned around and ran away .

After the eyes of the city lord Yan Shan disappeared with the maid, he slowly refocused, pursing his lips, not knowing what he was thinking.

The city lord Ye Shan next to him also had a gloomy face and did not speak.

After a while, the two looked at each other tacitly, chose two different directions, turned around and left.

The purpose of the city lord Yan Tan is very simple. If something happened in his palace, he should go to his own palace to see the scene first!Therefore, after separating from City Lord Ye Shan, City Lord Yan Shan immediately went straight to his palace, found the maid of the City Lord's Mansion who was ordered to guard Xuan Mo's house, and inquired about the situation.Then he stepped into the room where Xuan Mo was lying, and examined it carefully.
But Ye Shan City Lord went straight to his palace, and immediately ordered the guards to go to the palace, treasure house and other places to search carefully. He searched all the places where people could hide, but he didn't find Ji Xiaoyan or Qingcheng. After anyone's trace, Ye Shan City Lord angrily threw a bunch of treasures in his room to vent his anger, and went directly to the room they had prepared for Ji Xiaoyan...

City Lord Ye Shan thought very simple.Since Ji Xiaoyan and the others disappeared somewhere, there must be some unusual information near that room. As long as he finds clues, he can always find out why Ji Xiaoyan and the others disappeared, right? Not necessarily He could even go straight to Ji Xiaoyan's whereabouts!Besides, aren't old man Qingya and Santo Besa still over there?If neither he nor City Lord Yan Shan went over to have a look, it might not be that their City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City would be directly smashed by that old man Qingmi.
However, when City Lord Ye Shan saw Old Man Qingmi and Lord Bessa, he found that they were completely devoid of the kind of anger he had imagined.

"Hey, Ye Shan! Are you back?" The old man Qingmi said to City Lord Ye Shan in surprise as soon as he saw him, then clapped his hands immediately, and said to City Lord Ye Shan: "Just right, just right You are all back! Ye Shan, I and Bessa City Lord want to leave your City Lord Mansion, you go and tell the guards over there..."

Hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan gave old man Qingmi a strange look, then looked at the expressionless Lord Bessa, squinted his eyes, looked at old man Qingmi and said: "Qingmi, you have to leave City Lord's Mansion? Why?"

If it was in the past, City Lord Ye Shan might have wished to send Old Man Qingmi and the others away from their City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City right away!However, the situation is a little different now!Why did Old Man Qingmi and the others come to the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City?Isn't it just to find Ji Xiaoyan?However, Ji Xiaoyan and the others have not found it now. According to normal circumstances, they should not ask to leave the City Lord's Mansion, but would ask to find Ji Xiaoyan and the others together!

But now?
City Lord Ye Shan instantly became suspicious of old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa.

"Why? Tell me why!" The old man Qingmi looked straight at City Lord Ye Shan with a straight face and shouted: "Ye Shan, don't think that I'm so easy to deceive! What did you say back then? Didn't you I said Xiaoyan girl is in your city lord's mansion? Is it in your Panchi city? But Lao Tzu and Bessa city lord finally came to your city lord's mansion to find someone, this is great! We didn't find the person, turn back to your city lord's mansion The people here also said that Xiaoyan girl and the others lost it by themselves!! Hmph, your reasoning is quite good...Ye Shan, I don’t want to know what you guys want to do now! Xiaoyan girl is not in your city lord In the mansion, then it must be in your Panchi City! If you don’t let me look for someone in the city lord’s mansion, then I will go to the city to look for someone first... After the search in the city, if it’s not what you said, girl Xiaoyan will be there The words in the city... Humph, Ye Shan, you and Yan Shan, don't blame me for not giving you face, and made a big fuss in the city lord's mansion of your Panchi City...."

City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help shaking his eyelids a few times when he heard the words, then he looked at old man Qingmi suspiciously and asked, "Are you planning to leave our City Lord's Mansion and go to the city to find Ji Xiaoyan?"

"Otherwise?" The old man Qingmi snorted coldly at City Lord Ye Shan with a look of displeasure, and then said, "Otherwise, you and Yan Shan are willing to let us search for someone in your City Lord's mansion first, and we don't mind either." How about it? Ye Shan, don’t think about fooling me, or threatening me, I don’t have anything in your hands for you to bully! Or, you can let Lao Tzu and Besa be in your mansion Find Xiaoyan girl here; or, you let us go to the city to find Xiaoyan girl...Of course, if we don't find Xiaoyan girl in these two places, hehe...the consequences will be the same!"

City Lord Ye Shan's face was sullen, and he just stared at old man Qingmi and Master Bessa without making a sound, hoping to see something from their faces.It's a pity that Old Man Qingmi's face was full of anger and toughness, but Lord Bessa's face was always expressionless... City Lord Ye Shan couldn't see anything at all.

"What's the matter, Ye Shan, give me an accurate answer!" The old man Qingmi stared at the city master Ye Shan, and seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, he immediately frowned, looked at the city master Ye Shan and said: "You Don’t think about what to say, let Lao Tzu and City Lord Bessa wait for your news here! I will never trust you and Lu Shan again.”

City Lord Ye Shan thought for a while, and after looking at old man Qingmi for a few times, he let go of his tightly locked brows, and then said to old man Qingmi indifferently: "Since you want to go to the city to find Ji Xiaoyan, then That's fine too! However, Qing Mi, Ye Shan is not the only one who has the final say on this City Lord's Mansion, if you want to leave, then wait for Yan Shan to agree..."

"Then what do you mean, you agree?" Qingmi old man asked Ye Shan City Lord a little happily, and seeing that he didn't answer, he said directly: "Then if this is the case, it is better to hit the sun and Ye Shan when you choose the right time." , let's go directly to Yan Shan and ask now... Oh, by the way, by the way, how is Xuan Mo being healed by him? I heard that Xuan Mo was seriously injured Is that guy Yan Shan capable of curing Xuanmo? If he really can’t do it, talk to him earlier. I still have some friendship with Fushengmen. Xuan Mo took it to the Resurrection Gate to have a look..."

City Lord Ye Shan glared at the old man Qingmi immediately when he heard the words, and after a moment of silence, he squeezed out a sentence: "You don't need to worry about these things, Qing Mi! After all, Xuan Mo came from our Panchi City, and Yan Shan Naturally, he can be cured..."

 PS: Thanks to "Historical Anonymous" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks for the monthly pass of "Koalas Who Don't Climb Trees"!

(End of this chapter)

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