The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1440 They are all people with ideas

Chapter 1440 They are all people with ideas

No matter how anxious the old man Qingmi was, after reaching a consensus in the eyes of the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan, they directly left him and Lord Bessa, and hid in a room to discuss.The rest of the old man Qingya and Lord Bessa just sat on the chairs in the palace so dryly, looking at each other without saying a word.
"Castile Master Bessa, do you think that guy Tan Tan has noticed something?" The old man Qingmi who couldn't bear this too peaceful atmosphere couldn't help but look at Lord Bessa, and whispered to him Asked: "I see that guy Ye Shan is still a bit easy to deceive. Why did he come to Lu Shan's place? I feel that he seems to be more cautious and seems to be a little suspicious of us? Lord Bessa, do you have such a feeling? "

Lord Bessa silently glanced at old man Qingmi, then looked towards the empty hall, then turned to old man Qingmi and shook his head and said: "Elder Qingmi, I'm afraid it's not the place to talk about these things now. …….This is also the place where the city lord of Changshan is, maybe there are his eyes and ears, isn’t it? There are some things, let’s go back and talk about them later!”

When the old man Qingya heard Master Bessa's words, he quickly covered his mouth, looked around and closed his mouth.If I had known earlier, he shouldn't have come in alone with Master Bessa, but instead left all the guards of the City Lord's Mansion outside!Thinking of the fallen leaves flying over them, the old man Qingmi frowned instantly, and then he couldn't help but said to Master Bessa: "Castile Master Bessa... Looking back, we have to find a way to deal with those adventurers That's right!"

Lord Bessa frowned, seemed to think of something, nodded to old man Qingya and stopped talking.

Soon, the city masters of Kaishan and Yeshan appeared in front of old man Qingmi and the others again, and without waiting for old man Qingmi to ask, he said to them with a smile: "Elder Qingmi, I will discuss with Yeshan. After a while, since you are so sure that City Lord Ji left our City Lord's Mansion and went to the city, then you should go out and find someone! Our City Lord's Mansion is in chaos right now, so it may not be true that City Lord Ji is really wrong Be careful and leave! But, if you, Elder Qingmi, find City Lord Ji, please bring her back with you...Since she was lost in our City Lord's Mansion, we also need to know why it wasn't ? It’s easy to make improvements in the future!”

Old man Qingmi heard the words, but there was no surprise on his face at the moment, but he curled his lips at the city lord Yan Shan, and complained in his heart.Also improved?Waiting for Ji Xiaoyan to be locked up by them next time, so he can't escape again?He is not that stupid!As long as he meets Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he will definitely not come back.
"Well, there is one more thing..." City Lord Ye Shan also had a gentle smile on his face at the moment, it was simply another replica of Yan Shan, completely different from the expression that City Lord Ye Shan should have before, and said to the old man Qingmi: " If City Lord Ji really accidentally left our City Lord's Mansion for some reason, wouldn't it be my fault and that of Yan Shan? As the City Lord of Panchi City, how could we, the masters of this City Lord's Mansion, even lose our guests? Don’t even know? So ah…”

"So what do you guys think?" Old man Qing Mi suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"So there's nothing wrong with it!" City Lord Ye Shan shrugged, and said to the old man Qingmi indifferently: "Me and Lu Tan just want to say, after you find City Lord Ji, you must come back and tell us! Well, that's it!"

The old man Qingmi frowned, feeling that the words of City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan were not quite right.However, isn't the current situation exactly what they want?If possible, he and Lord Bessa naturally hope to meet Ji Xiaoyan and help her leave the city together.
The really uncertain old man Qingya thought for a while but still didn't dare to promise anything, he turned his head and looked at Master Bessa.

Lord Bessa also looked very distressed at the moment.Speaking of which, Lord Bessa and old man Qingmi came up with this false plan based on the character and handling style of City Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan that old man Qingmi had told him.However, what they didn't expect was that the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan were obviously different from what the old man Qingmi said.
They seem to be smarter.

Thinking of this, Lord Bessa pursed his lips, and then said to City Lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan: "Since the two Lords agree that we leave the City Lord's Mansion and go to the city to find City Lord Ji, Elder Qingmi, we now Let's go! If you can find City Lord Ji, that's good, if you can't find it, you can come back early and think about what to do next with the two City Lords, right?"

Hearing this, the old man Qingmi opened his mouth wide and stared at Master Bessa for a few moments, then he came back to his senses and said oh, then turned his head to look at City Lord Lushan and City Lord Yeshan, frowning at Lord Bessa. They said: "In this case, let's go first!"

"Okay!" City Master Yan Shan nodded with a smile, and after telling old man Qingmi and Lord Besa to be careful on the road, he turned around and left with City Master Ye Shan.

"City Master Bessa, something is wrong!!" The old man Qingmi looked bitterly at Master Bessa and said, "It's impossible for Ye Shan and Lu Tan to be so tacit! Have you changed your attitude? They have always looked very happy, how is this possible! Lord Bessa, do you think they have discussed some kind of conspiracy to deal with us?"

"Then Elder Qingmi, if you think they really have some kind of conspiracy, why don't you leave?" Master Bessa said to the old man Qingmi indifferently, then stood up and patted his body. The non-existent dust, then continued to the old man Qingmi: "If you don't leave, maybe you will be caught by the city master and the others..."

"Would it be?" Old man Qing Mi was a little bit disbelieving.

Master Bessa nodded with certainty, and while beckoning the old man Qingmi to follow him to leave the palace of the city lord, he said to him in a low voice: "Speaking of now, we have the same thoughts as the city lord. We thought that no matter whether they agreed with us or not, we could have a purpose and a way to deal with it; and City Lord Ye Shan and Kai Shan are almost the same as us now! Regardless of whether they are sure or not sure where Xiaoyan is, we want to Let’s go, they will doubt, if we don’t go, they will also doubt... But they can’t be sure about anything now, so in the end they can only be the same as now... Let us go or don’t let us go, they deliberately let us go We felt like they saw something, let us confuse ourselves, show our feet, let them confirm that there is something they think...."

"Then do they know where Xiaoyan girl is, or don't they?" Qing Mi asked Mr. Bessa with a frown.

"I know, I don't know!" Master Bessa smiled at the old man Qingmi and said with a deep smile, "It's all speculation, they are not sure!"

The old man Qingya was suffocated when he heard the words, and was instantly speechless to Mr. Bessa.When he said this, it was as if he had said nothing!

Lord Bessa saw old man Qingmi's constipated expression, thought for a while, and then said to old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, you don't have to worry about anything, the soldiers are here to cover up the water and the soil, the city master Ye Shan and the It is impossible for us to know what City Master Shan and the others want to do, so why not just follow the script they gave us, and then make a plan after taking a good look at it, what do you think?"

Now, the old man Qingya understood.

"By the way, Elder Qingya, those adventurers..." Master Bessa seemed to have remembered something, and said something to Old Man Qingya with some embarrassment. After seeing him looking at him with a puzzled face, he continued. Said: "Now those adventurers are arranged by us to go to the city lord's mansion to find Xiaoyan and the others. Shall we ask them to leave together?"

"What's there to shout about? Let's go!" Qing Mi old man said to Lord Bessa without hesitation, "If they are lucky and can meet us, then take them with them. If they are not lucky, they won't meet us. Just let them stay in the city lord's mansion! After all, they are all adventurers, they can go out once every three days, and they don't have to worry about anything! We don't need to waste time on them, what if we drag Xiaoyan girl down Do it? Right?"

"Well, Elder Qingmi, you are quite right!" Master Bessa smiled at the old man Qingmi with satisfaction, and then turned to look at the Qingcheng guards not far away.In fact, when the old man Qingmi said in the palace of the city lord that he would deal with those adventurers, Lord Bessa knew the attitude of the old man Qingmi!It's just that if he doesn't ask more clearly at this moment, he turns around and walks away on his own initiative, in case there is a conflict with old man Qingya at any time, he will be blamed for this matter.

Now that the question is clear, the person was brought by old man Qingmi, if he wants to stay, he is the one who opened the mouth, then it's over, right?
Thinking of the falling leaves, Lord Bessa still couldn't help frowning.He really didn't expect that from the west mountain of Mochen Town to Panchi City, the adventurer Flying Leaves would still come after Ji Xiaoyan. Thinking about the fact that Ji Xiaoyan has finally lost his memory and doesn't know anyone, if Fallen Leaves If Fenfei meets Ji Xiaoyan, if it reminds her of something, wouldn't that be bad?If the identity of my fiancé is exposed, it will really be irreparable
Therefore, it is best to let Falling Leaves Flying Never meet Ji Xiaoyan!

So, after meeting up with the guards of Qing City, Lord Bessa and old man Qingmi hurried straight to the gate of Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion, ready to leave immediately.

As for City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan, it is naturally impossible to just let them leave!
Although City Lord Ye Shan felt that old man Qingmi was a bit suspicious at the beginning, he didn't think of the reason for a while, and after bringing old man Qingmi and the others to meet City Lord Yan Shan, City Lord Ye Shan thought of something. !Afterwards, with the reminder from the city master Yan Shan, the city master Ye Shan reacted instantly, and then hid in the room with the city master Yan Shan and had a good discussion, and then decided to implement the method of waiting for the old man Qingmi and the others , let old man Qingya and the others leave, and then see where they are going...
Of course, during this process, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan did one more thing, that is, they sent people to the city gate quickly, and dispatched more guards from Panchi City to guard the city gate.

The first is to prevent the fleeing Fox tribe in black from escaping from the city gate; the second is to prevent Ji Xiaoyan and the others from leaving.That's why the city lord Yan Shan gave the old man Qingmi a warning, telling them to come back to the city lord's mansion after they found Ji Xiaoyan!Otherwise, you can't blame them for doing anything to them when you look back.
You know, there are only three teleportation arrays in the entire Panchi City, one is the teleportation array outside the city gate, and the other two are in the palaces of City Lord Lushan and City Lord Yeshan respectively.It's just that only the City Lord Lushan and the City Lord Yeshan know where the specific location is in the palace.
So, where are Ji Xiaoyan and the others now?
Because they are still not familiar with Panchi City, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally decided to let Aidi Snacks and the old teleporter, two people who are more familiar with the route, lead the way. After all, in some places, Aidi Snacks may not be clear, and some places are old The teleporter has never been around before... It is naturally the best for the two to complement each other.

However, if this is just a decision made by one person, things must be much simpler in the future!But Ji Xiaoyan and the others asked Aidi Snacks and the old teleporter to lead the way together!As a result, after walking not far, something went wrong.
"Grandpa Teleporter, why are you so stubborn?" Aidi Snacks yelled at the old teleporter with helplessness and anger on his face: "You said that you have never been to this place before! Then how are you sure you want to go that alley over there?"

"Intuition!!" The old teleporter raised his chin and said confidently to Aidi Snacks.

"Grandpa Teleporter, this is not the time to rely on intuition!" Ai Di Snacks said to the old teleporter with a bit of gritted teeth, "Although I am not very familiar with this area, I have walked through it so many times anyway, the approximate route I still know it! At least I’m more confident than Grandpa Teleporter who relies on intuition! We should go this way..."

"Hmph, what you adventurers say is unbelievable! I said you can go out this way, so naturally you can go out!" The old teleporter said unconvincedly to Aidi Snacks, and then He turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and said, "My lord, are you willing to trust such a young adventurer, or trust me?"

 PS: Thanks to "Beauty No. 5" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Qi Bao Bei"!

(End of this chapter)

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