Chapter 1441 Worry
For people like Ji Xiaoyan and Director Qing Gong who are completely unfamiliar with the terrain of Panchi City, under normal circumstances, they would definitely choose someone who is familiar with the road to lead the way, right?It's just that Ji Xiaoyan just showed such a slight hint of wanting to let Ai Di Snacks lead the way, the old teleporter immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan with raised eyebrows, and said with a strong face: "My lord, what do you want to do?" Let this adventurer lead the way, don’t you believe me? Okay, if that’s the case, then you all follow this adventurer, I’ll find my way out by myself, see you at the city gate!!”

Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong looked at each other helplessly when they heard the words, and then sighed somewhat uncontrollably.You explained that this is a very small matter, right?Isn't it just a question of leading the way?Why is Mao, the old teleporter of Panchi City, so stubborn and unwilling to follow Aidi Snacks?

"Grandpa Teleporter, you can't do this!" Aidi Snacks stomped its feet anxiously when it heard what the old teleporter said, and said to him angrily: "You obviously don't know the way, why do you Don’t want to listen to me? If you know the way, then I’ll definitely follow you!! What’s the point of what you’re doing now? After you’ve brought the city lord and the others to a dead end, you give up, and then look for it again. Road? Isn’t that a waste of time?”

When the old teleporter heard what Aidi Snacks said, he still had such an arrogant look on his face, raised his chin and looked at Aidi Snacks with a little disdain, and acted like I only believed in myself, facing Aidi Snack snorted coldly, and didn't seem to want to continue the conversation with her at all.

Therefore, the outspoken Aidi Snacks of the old teleporter began to breathe heavily, and finally he could only turn his eyes to Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong for help, and then said: "My lord, my lord, you can choose." ! I listen to you..."

She didn't dare to be like the old teleporter, saying that if she didn't follow her, she would leave by herself!
However, this problem fell on Ji Xiaoyan's head in an instant, and she couldn't help frowning. After a few seconds of silence, she looked at the old teleporter and asked, "Grandpa Teleporter, you really don't want to?" Follow Aidi Snacks to lead the way?"

The old teleporter looked unconvinced, glanced at Aidi snacks, and then said: "Master City Master, I have never believed in adventurers. I have stayed in Panchi City for many years, although I do not usually I’ve been here, but it doesn’t mean I don’t know the direction? Although I’m old, I’m not that useless. I can’t even tell the direction, and I can’t find the way out. So, I said that I can get to the city gate here Over there, then it will definitely arrive!!"

Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan sighed helplessly, then looked at Aidi Snacks, and said after a while, "Then if this is the case... we have to separate to solve the situation in front of us?"

"My lord, what do you mean?" Chief Qing Gong froze for a moment, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"After all, our destination is the city gate! Since Grandpa Teleporter insists on taking the path of his own choice, then Chief Qing Gong, you can accompany him and take some guards to go there. I will follow Ai Let's go, let's go to the city gate to see the situation!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Ai Di snacks and looked at him gratefully, and couldn't help but smiled at her, and then said: "When we get to the city gate , if Manager Qing Gong hasn’t arrived yet, I’ll ask someone to come back to find you...” See if the old teleporter led the wrong way, so that Manager Qing Gong can guide them...
"My lord!?" Manager Qing Gong disapproved, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a frown.

Seeing this, Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and took Manager Qing Gong to the side for two steps, then said to him in a low voice: "Boss Qing Gong, I can't help it! You also saw that old teleporter Master's attitude, if we really don't follow him, we will also give the gold coins, what should we do if he runs home directly later? Can we still ask him to get the gold coins back? We still need him to give Let's teleport! Right?"

"My lord, if you want me to say, why don't we just tie him up as Brick thought at the beginning?" Manager Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Tied? What if he doesn't work in the teleportation array after he's tied up?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Manager Qing Gong back, seeing that he was suffocated in an instant, then lightly patted Manager Qing Gong on the shoulder and pointed at him Said: "Director Qing Gong, let it be like this! You follow that teleporter, and you can monitor what he wants to do by the way... If he has any thoughts, you can stop him, right?"

Director Qing Gong thought about it seriously, and found that what Ji Xiaoyan said seemed to be quite reasonable, so he nodded, turned around, took a few guards of the City Lord's Mansion, and directly called the old teleporter to leave.

Aidi Snacks watched the old teleporter stare at him with some dissatisfaction before leaving, and suddenly said to Ji Xiaoyan with some grievances: "My lord, what do you think is wrong with Grandpa Teleporter? I When he took you to his house, he was still very warm to me...Why does he seem to be a different person now, he feels that he is not satisfied with what I do, does he not like me?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan took a look at Aidi Snacks, smiled at her, and said, "I think he really dislikes you..." Otherwise, why did he have to go against Aidi Snacks?

"But why?" Aidi Snacks' eyes widened instantly, and asked Ji Xiaoyan with an expression of disbelief: "Didn't I be fine not long ago? I didn't do anything to apologize to him? Why? Did he dislike me? When we left, he promised me that I would go to him to teleport in the future, and he would give me a discount..."

Ji Xiaoyan patted Aidi Snacks on the shoulder reassuringly, and finally said to her a little bit unbearably: "I guess, that teleporter has a bit of resentment for us to let you send the Feige letter..."

Ai Di Snacks' eyes widened in an instant, and after staring at Ji Xiaoyan for a few times, he finally managed to say a word: "If that's the case, then I have nothing to say." But Ai Di Snacks thought about it It seems that after she went to help release the pigeons, the old teleporter looked at her differently!It's just that Aidi Snacks really didn't expect that such a trivial matter could make the NPC of the old teleporter do such childish things!

"Let's go!" Seeing that Aidi Snacks understood, Ji Xiaoyan exhaled and urged her: "Let's go to the city gate and wait, and we will send someone back to show them the way later..."

"Master City Lord, do you also think that the side where Grandpa Teleporter is going must not reach the city gate?" Aidi Snacks looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise and asked.

"Didn't you say that you have been shopping in this area, and you know that there is no way to go there?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Aidi Snacks and asked back. After seeing her staring blankly for a moment, she immediately smiled at herself, and then said: "Let's go..."

Aidi Snacks nodded towards Ji Xiaoyan, and after getting rid of all the unhappiness in his mind, he led Ji Xiaoyan and the others to the direction of the city gate wholeheartedly.

However, because of this unpleasant episode with the old teleporter, when Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived at the gate of Panchi City, the number of guards there was completely different from the number they saw when they entered the city.
"What's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan took Brick together, found a place far away from the city gate and stood on a roof, and whispered, "Why are there so many guards here at the city gate?"

"No, when we entered the city, there were only a dozen guards here!" Brick also frowned, and said with a puzzled expression, "Could it be that our plan was leaked?"

"Where are you talking about the old teleporter?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, then looked around, and found that except for the guards holding torches and light sources near the city gate, the rest of the place was pitch black. After he couldn't see anything, he frowned, turned around and grabbed a guard casually, and told him in a low voice to go back and look for Chief Qing Gong to take care of them
"Could it be that there were so many guards here at night before the city gate opened?" Ji Xiaoyan asked the guards after turning around to look at Ai Di Snacks.

When Ai Di Snacks heard this, he quickly shook his head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "No, Lord City Master. We used to come here to stroll around here at night before the city gate was about to be opened, waiting... But, never I've never seen so many guards... This situation does seem a bit wrong!"

"Could it be that they really came to arrest us?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little worried.

But Brick gritted his teeth, and after thinking for a while, he whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, no matter whether these guards are here to catch us or not, we still have to go out! Xiaoyan, don't worry, when I come from Qingcheng , bring enough things, if needed, I have a lot of potions for you..."

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Brick in surprise, nodded and said yes, and then continued: "Then let's wait for the news from Director Qing Gong!"

Brick nodded, and after a while, he suddenly said: "I don't know if Elder Qing Mi has come to find us..."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan looked worriedly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, then shook his head silently.She only hoped that the old man Qingmi would be luckier than them, and it would be better if he hadn't entered the Mansion of the Lord of the Panchi City, otherwise when he came out later, it would not be as easy as them
At the same time, the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa who were being talked about by Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't even meet any of the players in the falling leaves, so they went out of the city lord's mansion smoothly, and then cautiously led the guards of Qingcheng together , and started to walk around the city lord's mansion directly, ready to see what plans the city lord Yan Shan and the city lord Yan Shan had.

However, after walking for several streets, the old man Qingmi and the others didn't find any guards from Panchi City following them, so they immediately became suspicious.

"City Master Bessa, do you think they have sent anyone to follow us?" Old Qingmi asked Lord Bessa as he walked impatiently, "We still need to be here Wasting time wandering around?"

Master Bessa turned his head and looked behind him, frowned, and didn't answer Old Man Qingya's words for a while.

"Why don't we go directly to Xiaoyan girl!" Qingmi suggested a little excitedly, "I don't know if Xiaoyan girl and the others have arrived at the city gate now! Will the guards there be better than those in the daytime?" Less?"

"Let's go for a while and take a look again!" Master Bessa heard this, thought for a while, and said to the old man Qingmi: "It is impossible for the Lords of Lushan and Yeshan to just let us go in Panchi City like this." They are walking around, they must have some plans... Now we have to fight, whoever can't hold their breath first. If we just ran to find Xiaoyan now... and then found that the Lord Yeshan and the others had also appeared, At that time, the scene will be a little difficult to control..."

"Is there anything uncontrollable?" The old man Qingmi immediately raised his neck when he heard Master Bessa's words, and said to him: "The big deal is to start fighting! We are not afraid of them... Besides, isn't girl Xiaoyan here?" Did it say in Fei Ge’s biography? She has already found Xuan Mo and left with him, so it’s useless for us to stay in Panchi City! Originally, they came here to save Xuan Mo, Now that I have no more worries, can I still leave? I want to tell you, even if we go to join Xiaoyan girl now, it will be fine to rush out of Panchi City..."

Master Bessa thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed the case.

However, Lord Bessa still spoke to the old man Qingmi afterwards: "Elder Qingmi, that's what you said, but if you really meet... the scene is still a bit embarrassing! Besides, this is the Lord Yeshan and the old man after all. In the place where the city lord was transformed, we only brought so many people, just in case..." No one can say for sure about accidents!Who knows what City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Ye Shan are planning in their hearts, and what other tricks they have hidden that have not been released yet?Right?

"Oh, Lord Bessa, how can there be so many contingencies!" The old man Qingmi waved his hand at Master Bessa with a look of indifference, and then said: "We just need to make sure to throw Xiaoyan girl back. Just go to Qingcheng! You don’t have to worry about the rest at all! Are you still worried that Ye Shan and Lu Shan will attack us after they catch us? We represent Qingshimen and River Water City...they Before you make a move, you have to think about the consequences! Not to mention, City Lord Bessa, with our strength, would we still fight against them?"

(End of this chapter)

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