The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1442 Unlucky, I just met it

Chapter 1442 Unlucky, I just met it
Falling Leaves Flying and Yeguang Wine Team, after wandering around the city lord's mansion of Panchi City, they failed to find Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and immediately brought the other players who followed them back to Panchi City to arrange for Ji Xiaoyan The room where he lives and rests is going to report the situation to the old man Qing Mi and the others. Let's discuss it again and see what to do next!
As a result, I don’t know this time!After returning to that place, Falling Leaves Flying and they realized that their team was the last one to arrive, not to mention, the old man Qingya and Master Bessa who were supposed to be still in the room had disappeared! !

"What's going on?" Luoye Fenfei looked in surprise at the stranger who told them this fact and Yanjiaoyaoyao, "Elder Qingmi and the others also went out to find Xiaoyan and the others, so that's why they're not here?"

The strangers pursed their lips tightly, shook their heads with a gloomy face, and then said to Flying Leaves: "We thought so when we first came back. But later we felt that waiting was a bit boring, and we wanted to find you Or Elder Qingmi and the others, so I found a guard of Panchi City and asked, and it turned out that Elder Qingmi and the others had left the City Lord's Mansion not long ago!"

"Leaving? How is it possible!" Luoye Fenfei looked at the stranger in disbelief for a moment, seeing that the expression on his face did not look like a fake, so he quickly looked at Yan Foil Liuli, and asked him nervously: "The wandering... have you been equipped for Brick or Elder Qingya?"

Yan Foil Liuli also looked depressed, shook his head at the fallen leaves, and said: "The things are still here with me. But just because the things are still here with me, we don't seem to understand why Elder Qingmi and the others would Leaving us and leaving... Didn't they have to find this piece of equipment before they came to Panchi City? But looking at it now, it seems that they don't need it anymore..."

"Impossible, impossible!" Luoye Fenfei couldn't react, murmured something, then regained consciousness in an instant, frowned and looked at the strangers and said: "No, we are going to find Elder Qingmi and the others …”

"This is natural." The stranger nodded, and said to Flying Leaves: "We are here to wait for you to come back, and then go together." Because the game cancels functions such as flying sign and video call, so they except There is no other way but to wait for the fallen leaves to fly to them.If you send people out to find them and miss them later, aren't they the players who have to waste time waiting to go out to find people?Fortunately, Falling Leaves Flying and the others came back in time, and it didn't take long.

"Okay, then let's go now!" Luoye Fenfei was sullen, imagining what happened in his mind, old man Qingmi and the others would leave them, the players he called to Panchi City to help, and run away by themselves , while following the strangers, they walked directly towards the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

The guards next to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion had already received orders from City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan, and they were not at all surprised by the appearance of a large group of adventurers from Flying Leaves and Flying Leaves, but they asked to leave the Mansion At the time, I simply asked the reason, and after listening to them say a reason, I let them all leave the city lord's mansion, and then a guard quickly rushed to the palace where the city lord Ye Shan and the city lord Yan Shan were waiting. , told them the news.

"All those adventurers have left?" City Lord Yan Shan squinted his eyes, looking at the guard who reported the message and asked.

"Yes, Lord City Master, all of them have left!" The guard nodded respectfully, and then said: "They said that Elder Qing Mi left a message when they left, asking them to go with them."

City Lord Yan Shan nodded in satisfaction, glanced at City Lord Ye Shan, and said, "Then Ye Shan, let's go too!"

City Lord Ye Shan kept his face dark all the time. After hearing City Lord Yan Shan calling him, he nodded his head and stood up.

"Go ahead, continue to look for the Lord of Qing City in the City Lord's Mansion. If you can find any guards of Qing City, you must take care of them, and then immediately notify the City Lord and Ye Shan. Do you understand?" The city lord thought for a while, and then ordered to the guards around him worriedly, "There is also Xuan Mo... If you can find him, please come and inform us immediately, you understand?"

"Yes, Lord City Master, don't worry!" The guards all nodded in tacit agreement, and after watching City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan leave directly with some guards, they immediately made arrangements.

The reason why City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan didn't directly send people to follow old man Qingmi and the others to leave, actually had their own considerations.City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan thought a lot, they thought, if old man Qing Mi and they leave the City Lord's Mansion, what if they make trouble in the City Lord's Mansion?But let them go like that, what if they knew where Miss Ji Xiaoyan was?So, after much deliberation, City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan finally decided to let Old Man Qingmi and the others leave.
However, if they leave, if they don't send people to follow, isn't it letting the tiger go back to the mountain?
However, if they send someone to follow Qing Mi and the others, they will definitely be on guard, right?Maybe old man Qingmi and the others would take them around after they left the city lord's mansion, and they wouldn't take them to find Miss Ji Xiaoyan right away, would they?Therefore, City Lord Ye Shan thought for a while, and then suggested to City Lord Yan Shan that he might as well use those adventurers who are still wandering around in their City Lord's mansion.

You want to!Those adventurers were brought into their Panchi City by old man Qingmi, speaking of which, they naturally have a way to contact old man Qingmi!Even if they didn't, they would definitely know where Old Man Qingya and the others were going, or in other words, they could guess where they were going, right?
Therefore, the city lords Ye Shan and Yan Shan have already made up their minds.

When old man Qingmi and Master Bessa left the city lord's mansion, they would not send anyone to follow them, let old man Qingmi and the others relax their vigilance, and then let the guards go near the adventurers, deliberately attracting their attention, Let them take the initiative to ask Old Man Qingmi and the others about their whereabouts, and then tell them the truth... After that, those adventurers will naturally go out of the City Lord's Mansion to find Old Man Qingmi and the others, right?
Afterwards, City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan only need to bring their people together and follow the adventurers to find old man Qingmi and the others. Moreover, it will not arouse the vigilance of old man Qingmi and the others, let alone let those adventurers We found out they were stalking...
What a perfect idea!
The city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan could not help but feel complacent as they followed the fallen leaves.Now they all want to see the shocked expressions of old man Qingya and Santo Bessa when they found out that they followed these adventurers to catch them.
However, thinking of Miss Ji Xiaoyan, City Master Ye Shan still couldn't help frowning, then looked at City Master Yan Shan and asked, "Ji Shan, tell me honestly, do you have any thoughts about Ji Xiaoyan?" Otherwise Back then, when City Lord Bessa came to their City Lord's Mansion to ask to see Ji Xiaoyan, why did City Lord Fu Shan share the same hatred with him?City Lord Ye Shan still couldn't understand this point.

After hearing the words, City Lord Yan Shan only glanced at City Master Ye Shan, and after a while he said, "It's nothing, it's just that other City Lords can't run and come to our Panchi City to point fingers."

"That's it?" City Lord Ye Shan obviously didn't believe it.

"Otherwise, what do you think is going to happen?" City Master Yan Shan asked back to City Master Ye Shan with no expression on his face.

Therefore, City Lord Ye Shan frowned and remained silent.He didn't believe the words of City Lord Yan Shan at all, but he couldn't find out if he couldn't ask.That's all, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, he will always know!
"Xu Shan, are you sure that Xuan Mo won't be able to wake up recently?" City Lord Ye Shan thought for a while, and then asked a question to City Master Ye Shan with some uneasiness. After seeing him nodding, he asked with some doubts: " The girl Ji Xiaoyan seemed to care about Xuan Mo very much. Since Xuan Mo hadn't woken up, how could she leave the City Lord's Mansion? Moreover, even if she took Xuan Mo away, why? She didn't wake up at all, isn't she afraid that Xuan Mo still has injuries that haven't been healed? Or, what did you say to that girl Ji Xiaoyan?"

City Lord Yan Shan pursed his lips, and cast a glance at City Master Ye Shan without answering.
The city lord Ye Shan asked these questions, and the city lord Lu Shan is still very puzzled even now!He also couldn't figure out why Miss Ji Xiaoyan left in such an inexplicable way, and besides, Xuan Mo hadn't woken up at all, so she wasn't worried?
"Hey, Yan Shan, I want to ask you something!" City Master Ye Shan looked at the City Master Yan Shan without saying a word, couldn't help but stare at him again and roared.

"I don't know, don't ask me!" City Lord Yan Shan frowned, and replied bluntly to City Lord Ye Shan: "If I knew, do I still need to worry about it now? Who knows that girl Ji Xiaoyan's brain What is Li thinking? You want to know why, if you catch her and ask her, you will know? What's the use of asking me now?"

City Master Ye Shan was choked by City Master Yan Shan's words, and was about to stare at him to quarrel with him, but when he glanced around and saw that the guards around him were secretly looking at them, he immediately held back the anger in his heart, and ruthlessly turned towards him. City Lord Yan Shan snorted coldly, then turned his head to look at the guard next to him, and roared, "Where have those adventurers gone? Have you seen Old Man Qingmi and the others?"

Several guards quickly shook their heads, not daring to speak.

City Lord Ye Shan had no choice but to grit his teeth fiercely, hold back a mouthful of resentment in his heart, and waited to let it out together after he found old man Qingmi and the others.
At this moment, after the old man Qingmi and Master Bessa reached a consensus, they immediately decided that since they did not find the guards sent by Lord Yeshan and the others to follow them, then there is no need to be careful, and hurry up to find Ji Xiaoyan and the others. .So, soon the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa took the guards of the city lord's mansion and went straight to the gate of Panchi City, planning to go to see where Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived.
However, after only a few street corners, the old man Qingmi and Master Bessa found out that they met some people they didn't want to see at all...

A group of adventurers!Moreover, the fallen leaves are flying them.
"It's Elder Qingmi, it's Elder Qingmi." In the beginning, a male player suddenly saw Old Man Qingmi and his team, and immediately pointed at them in surprise, and shouted to the rest of the players.Afterwards, Falling Leaves Flying Flying and the others immediately surrounded them, ran directly in front of Old Man Qingmi and the others, and then looked at Old Man Qingmi with a look of joy and said, "Elder Qingmi, where have you been? We found you in the City Lord's Mansion I haven't found Xiaoyan and the others for a long time, but when I went back to inquire, I heard that you all left the City Lord's Mansion...Why didn't you wait for us or find someone to inform us?"

Master Bessa looked at Flying Leaves with an ugly expression, and complained in his heart that he was a little lingering.Seeing that he and old man Qingmi were about to meet Ji Xiaoyan at the city gate, this adventurer appeared again!Then, should they go to the city gate to meet Ji Xiaoyan?
Master Bessa was a little embarrassed for the first time.

"You....Why are you here?" Qingmi old man was also startled by the sudden appearance of falling leaves, and he looked at them with some stammers and asked.

"We're here to find you! Elder Qingmi!" Luoye Fenfei and the others had fake smiles on their faces, staring at Old Man Qingmi and the others closely, wanting to see if they were hiding all the information from them players. What is the purpose of throwing it in the city lord's mansion of Panchi City.

"Looking for us?" the old man Qingmi murmured, couldn't help but glanced at Master Bessa, and after seeing him frowning and staring at him, he realized that he looked up and down at Fallen Leaves Flying Flying and the others. After walking around, he frowned and asked them, "How did you get out of the City Lord's Mansion?"

City Lord Ye Shan and the others let them out so easily?Impossible!
Fallen Leaves Flying and the others looked at each other strangely when they heard old man Qingmi's words, and then they said to them: "We'll just come out like that! The guards of the City Lord's Mansion asked us what we were doing, and we said Come out to look for Elder Qingmi and you, they opened the door and let us leave!"
"That's it?" The old man Qingmi's eyes widened for a moment, and he asked Flying Leaves in disbelief, but after seeing them all nodding collectively, IU frowned instantly, and looked at Lord Bessa, Then he whispered to him: "Lord Bessa, what do you think? How is this possible... Is it because we have already come out, so Ye Shan and Lu Shan feel that it doesn't matter where these adventurers are? Just let them go?"

 PS: Thanks to "Yulin" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks to "Yue Ling" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Dark. Sombra"!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!

(End of this chapter)

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