Chapter 1443 Meet!
As for why Falling Leaves Flying Flying and they left Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion so easily, old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa asked for a long time, but Falling Leaves Flying Flying and they didn't understand, and finally they didn't ask anything, so they had to give up.Then the old man Qingya dragged Mr. Bessa a few steps away in a somewhat depressed manner, discussing in a low voice what to do in the current situation!
Take Flying Leaves with them to find Ji Xiaoyan and the others?This is unlikely!After all, if they were willing at the beginning, they wouldn't have just left Fallen Leaves Flying and them in the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City and walked away by themselves!However, if you don't take them, how do you deal with such a large group of players like Flying Leaves? They have all met together, and if you don't take them away, Flying Leaves will definitely not agree.
"Or." The old man Qingmi's eyes lit up instantly, and then he looked expectantly at Master Bessa, and said to him: "How about, Lord Bessa, check to see if you still have the task volume on you." Kind of like that? Give those adventurers some missions or something, let them leave, isn’t it enough?” Speaking of this, the old man Qingmi pulled Mrs. Bessa back with some excitement, seeing him throwing himself away in disgust. After slapping off his hand, he continued in an embarrassing manner: "Hey, Lord Bessa, I think this idea is good! Take a quick look and see if there are any quest scrolls..."

Master Bessa raised his eyes and glanced at old man Qingmi, without moving, he just asked indifferently: "Elder Qingmi, why don't you check if you have a quest scroll on you?"

The old man Qingmi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Master Bessa blankly, and then said: "Castile Master Bessa, I am different from you... I only have one quest scroll a year... This year's one is all early. It's gone!"

Master Bessa was stunned for two seconds when he heard old man Qingmi's words, then took a deep breath, and said to him: "Elder Qingmi, you don't have any scrolls this year, I don't blame you for not knowing... ..." Lord Bessa sighed, and then continued to tell the old man Qingmi that just after Miss Ji Xiaoyan became an official aborigine and the world was updated, all the quest scrolls on their aborigines appeared the same as before. The situation and the amount are different.

"Castile Master Bessa, what do you mean by that?" Old Qing Mi glanced at Master Bessa with some confusion.

"Elder Qingmi, didn't you understand?" Lord Bessa looked at the old man Qingmi seriously, and seeing the doubts on his face, he said: "It means that I don't have a scroll on me right now! Just like you! "

"How is this possible?" The old man Qingmi immediately shook his head in disbelief when he heard Lord Bessa's words, and said, "Castile Master Bessa, this joke of yours is not funny at all... who are you, River Water City? My Lord City Master, how could there be no quest scroll..."

"Really not!" Master Bessa said to the old man Qingmi with a blank face, "I read it a long time ago, and it is true that there is no. Moreover, Lord God did not say when he would give me the mission scroll, so, Elder Qingya, I can't do anything about what you said to issue missions to those adventurers."

Speaking of this quest scroll, Master Bessa was actually a little depressed.

In the past, there were many tasks on him that could not be released, and sometimes the guards under him had to take them out and find adventurers to send them out!But since the game was updated, Lord Bessa discovered that all the quest scrolls on his body were gone.All the quest scrolls that have not been issued and have not been completed have all disappeared. After asking many aborigines in Refu Water City, Master Bessa found out that all the quest scrolls have been taken back by the Lord God. !When exactly will there be again, or in other words, whether there will be again, it is unknown.
The old man Qingmi was a little overwhelmed by Lord Bessa's news. After thinking about it for a long time, he asked Lord Bessa in a low voice: "Then...then, the Lord Bessa, How are we going to deal with those adventurers? There are no missions, no benefits, they will definitely not leave easily! If we take them to find Xiaoyan..." He doesn't care, but Lord Bessa is obviously Want to restrict Ji Xiaoyan and Falling Leaves Flying from meeting them!
Sure enough, Master Bessa couldn't help frowning when he heard old man Qingmi's words, and then he looked at Falling Leaves Flying and the others, and after seeing Falling Leaves Flying, they all looked at them suspiciously. Master Sa gritted his teeth, and said to old man Qingmi: "Otherwise, old man Qingmi, you take some guards to meet Xiaoyan, and I will stay with these adventurers..."

"Castella Bessa, what do you mean?" Old man Qingmi was stunned.

"That's it!" Master Bessa said to old man Qingmi with a face of determination, "Xiaoyan definitely needs help, Elder Qingmi, you are very suitable to go... I will take these adventurers to another place Direction, when you return to Qingcheng, I can go to the city lord's mansion to find Xiaoyan! It's not impossible to go to Qingcheng to find her, right? Our top priority now is not to let Xiaoyan meet those adventurers, and remind her of something about The memory of an adventurer... Elder Qing Mi, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Qingmi old man thought for a while, then nodded to Master Bessa.

"Then it's decided like this." Master Bessa smiled at the old man Qingya with satisfaction, turned around and walked towards Flying Leaves and the others.After all, he just ran to Panchi City because he wanted to see Ji Xiaoyan sooner, and it doesn't matter if he sees Ji Xiaoyan later!It's just that Falling Leaves Flying and others who want to meet Ji Xiaoyan with a purpose, he must find a way to stop it
So, Falling Leaves Flying and the others looked at old man Qingmi holding Mr. Bessa aside and muttering for a while, then walked towards them with smiles all over their faces, and instantly felt a strong sense of uneasiness in their hearts.After a while, I heard the old man Qingmi say to them: "Falling leaves are flying, you all follow Besa City Lord for a while..."

"Elder Qingya, can we follow you?" Apparently, the strangers and Yan Buliu had learned Brick's lesson, and after hearing what the old man Qingya said, they immediately said; "There are so many of us, How about following Lord Bessa! Divide it up, and if you divide it up, it will be helpful if you have anything to do!"

"What do you mean by that? Do you think I'm not strong enough or something?" The old man Qingmi immediately stared at him and shouted at him when he heard the stranger's words: "Do you think that only you Qianhuamen are powerful? Huh? Look down on our Qingshimen, don’t you?”

"Elder Qingmi, I didn't mean that!" Hearing this, the stranger frowned immediately, and said something to the old man Qingmi with a bit of depression.

"Don't you mean that? I think you mean that!" Qingmi old man continued to spray at the stranger, "You adventurers just look down on me... Huh, you still want to follow me, follow me What? Thinking of looking for a chance to bully me?"

The stranger who had never met before looked at the old man Qingya with some irrationality, and finally decided that it was better for him not to speak.At worst, why don't they just follow old man Qingmi after a while?Anyway, the old man Qingya just told Luoye Feifei to follow Master Bessa, not them.
However, this time, everyone has made up their minds, absolutely can't let Lord Bessa and old man Qingmi in front of them lead the team separately, otherwise, they will miss Ji Xiaoyan again, and it will be a waste of time.
"Elder Qingmi, if we follow Lord Besa, are we going to find Xiaoyan?" Nightmare Foil Liuli glanced at the stranger, thought for a while and asked the old man Qingmi, "I still have a Isn’t it something for Xiaoyan? Shall we send it to Xiaoyan immediately?”

"Ahem, I'm not looking for girl Xiaoyan, but who are I looking for?" The old man Qingmi coughed unnaturally twice, and after staring at Yan Foilliu for a few times, he continued: "Besides, I just let you You followed City Lord Bessa, and you didn’t say that I would not go with you. What do you adventurers mean? It feels like I’m not going to find Xiaoyan girl..."

Falling Leaves Flying Flying and Su Shi did not know each other when they heard old man Qingmi's words, they didn't say a word, they just looked at him so quietly, after the old man Qingmi who was looking straight at him didn't dare to look directly at them, then they cleared their throats and turned to Qingmi The old man and Lord Bessa said: "Since we are all looking for Xiaoyan, let's go now... Elder Qingmi, where should we go?"

The old man Qingmi bit his bullet and remained silent for a few seconds, then pointed in a random direction, and then said to Flying Leaves and the others, "Over there, let's go..."

To be honest, if it is not necessary, the old man Qingmi still does not want to have any conflicts with Luo Yefenfei and the others!If it was in other places, he would naturally not be afraid of low-level adventurers like them, but right now in Panchi City, if something really happens to attract the guards of Panchi City, then they will be there Panchi City's actions are somewhat inconvenient!Moreover, if the adventurers like Flying Leaves are really irritated, what if they block them directly?
The old man Qingmi pursed his lips, and looked at Lord Bessa twice, seeing that he also looked worried, he could only sigh silently in his heart.It seems that they can't go to Ji Xiaoyan today.
And not far from the place where old man Qingmi and Luoye Feifei met, Chief Qing Gong brought the old teleporter of Panchi City and other guards straight to the direction of the city gate with an unhappy expression on his face.

The old teleporter was just as Aidi Snacks expected, so unreliable.

The old teleporter demanded to take Manager Qing Gong and the others around the alley several times according to his own wishes, but in the end they could not find a way out. Finally, after the strong request of Manager Qing Gong, the old teleporter reluctantly Agreed to return with Manager Qing Gong.Afterwards, not too far back, they saw the guard sent by Ji Xiaoyan to find them, and he led the way out of the nightmarish labyrinth alley...

However, Manager Qing Gong and the others had just crossed the entire street, and in a blink of an eye, they saw a few sporadic flames emerging from the darkness in the distance. It seemed that there were many figures mixed in, and their hearts tightened, thinking they were the guards of Panchi City. Come out to chase them, and quickly pull the old teleporter and start looking for a place to hide.
"Look, don't the people over there look a bit like old man Qing Gong?" A male voice rang out in the darkness instantly, and Manager Qing Gong hadn't had time to think about why someone knew his name and could still see him in such a dark place. He heard a burst of wind from his ears, and a few seconds later, a figure immediately appeared beside them, and then shouted to him in surprise: "Hey, it's really old man Qing Gong... .”

Manager Qing Gong didn't have time to stop, and bumped into the arm of the visitor. After being gently pulled by him, he finally stabilized his body, and then couldn't help raising his face to look over. Suddenly, Manager Qing Gong was a little surprised : "Elder Qingmi? Is it really you, Elder Qingmi? Why are you here? Have you received our letter from Feige?"

"That's natural!" Manager Qing Gong nodded quickly, then looked around Manager Qing Gong with the help of the light in the corner not far away, and asked Manager Qing Gong in a low voice with some frowns: " Mr. Qing Gong, Manager Qing Gong, where is Xiaoyan girl? Why didn’t you see her? Are you not together?”

Director Qing Gong couldn't help but glanced at the old teleporter with dissatisfaction, seeing his froze face, with a look of neither joy nor sadness, he could only whisper to old man Qingmi: "The city master is already in the city right now. The door is waiting for us to meet up..."

"Aren't you together?" Qing Mi old man was completely unaware of the situation, and asked Manager Qing Gong very curiously.

"Ahem, we were together in the beginning, but there was a small problem in the middle, so we separated temporarily!" Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, and said to the old man Qingmi very tactfully, "But it doesn't matter, Qingmi Elder, we are going to join the city lord right now..." At this point, Director Qing Gong immediately turned his head and looked behind him, and saw a large number of people approaching, so he widened his eyes to distinguish. After a while, he asked the old man Qingmi in a low voice: "Elder Qingmi, why does it seem to me that Master Bessa is here? There are still many adventurers?"

"Yes, Manager Qing Gong has good eyesight!" The old man Qing Mi smiled and nodded to Manager Qing Gong, and then said: "Master Besa has been in Panchi City all the time, it is really unlucky that you didn't meet him." As for those adventurers, you can ignore them, Boss Qing Gong!" The old man Qingmi lowered his voice, and continued to say to Boss Qing Gong: "They are not important... Master Besa and I are still discussing if we want to join Xiaoyan , and get rid of those adventurers first! Otherwise, it would be bad if Xiaoyan was reminded of things that she shouldn't have remembered... Mr. Qing Gong, are you right?"

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "▂Grade☆Student"!

(End of this chapter)

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