The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1444 This is the only way!

Chapter 1444 This is the only way!
According to Manager Qing Gong's intention, if possible, I hope that as many people as possible can go to the gate of Panchi City, the better!However, after listening to old man Qingmi's words, Director Qing Gong pondered in his heart for a while, and after considering the gains and losses, he looked at old man Qingmi and asked in a low voice: "Then...Elder Qingmi, what are you doing?" means?"

"I mean, of course, I hope to drive away all those adventurers!" Old Man Qing Mi blinked at Manager Qing Gong, smiled, and then said to Manager Qing Gong in a low voice: " It's just... Manager Qing Gong, we still have a little bit of trouble! Just in time, you showed up..."

"Elder Qingmi, if there is anything you need me to do, just tell me!" Chief Qing Gong raised his neck without hesitation, and said something to the old man Qingmi, seeing him looking at himself with a smile, then Turning his head and glanced behind him, he took himself a step to the side.

"Boss Qing Gong! It's like this..." The old man Qing Mi said truthfully to Boss Qing Gong, "You also know about those adventurers... They are all here for Xiaoyan, I guess they must I know Xiaoyan's current situation, so I came here to look for benefits... Hey, speaking of it, I'm also to blame! When you sent Brick back to Qingcheng to find Yeshan's bellyband, you also said that Xiaoyan encountered a little trouble here. I just thought, we don't have enough manpower in Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, so I asked that Fallen Leaves to find a lot of adventurers to help... There are too many people, strength is not a big problem, the number can always be enough. Filling in some? I just didn’t expect that we came to Panchi City to realize that these adventurers are of no use to us at all, and they are still thinking about meeting Xiaoyan all day long... Originally, Besa and I The city lord had already thrown them away, but he didn't expect that just now, they met again..."

Manager Qing Gong nodded, and looked at old man Qing Mi understandingly, wondering what he wanted to do... "Boss Qing Gong, you know that these adventurers are usually difficult to dismiss. .They seem to know that we want to get rid of them, so they don't want to leave me and the Lord Bessa at all... We originally wanted to give those adventurers a quest scroll to fool them away. Who knows, Master Bessa and I You don’t even have any mission scrolls on you anymore...” Having said this, the old man Qing Mi immediately looked at Director Qing Gong expectantly, and then asked, “I don’t know if you have any mission scrolls on you, Director Qing Gong?”

When Director Qing Gong heard this, he blinked at Old Man Qing Mi in confusion, then shook his head and said, "Elder Qing Mi, I don't have a quest scroll either..."

"You haven't either?" Qingmi old man felt that he really wanted to cry!

Director Qing Gong nodded to old man Qingmi, and then said: "Since these adventurers came to our world again, the previous quest scrolls on us are gone... now we can have quest scrolls in the whole Qingcheng In fact, there are very few of them! Maybe the main god thinks that we don't need to have this thing..."

The old man Qingmi looked at Director Qing Gong in great disappointment, and he had no energy to speak at all.He also thought that Chief Qing Gong, as the chief executive of Qingcheng, could have one or two mission scrolls on his body!This is great, Manager Qing Gong doesn't have a mission scroll, so how are they going to send Falling Leaves and other adventurers away?It is simply impossible to take them to find Ji Xiaoyan...
Director Qing Gong looked at old man Qingmi's extremely frustrated expression, thought for a while, and then said after pondering for a while, "If Elder Qingmi, do you really want the mission scroll now? Only the city lord can do it." With..."

"What?" Old Man Qingmi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "You mean, girl Xiaoyan has a mission scroll on her?"

Director Qing Gong nodded, and then said to the old man Qingmi: "Yes. As far as I know, the Lord City Lord has a lot of mission scrolls... Now the mission scrolls of our Qingcheng are usually given by the Lord City Lord. Allocation! That is to say, Lord God no longer directly distributes mission scrolls to those adventurers, but directly to our Lord City Lord. Then the City Lord decides the ownership of these mission scrolls... It is for us to find adventures It is up to the city lord to decide whether to hand it out, or let the city lord find someone to distribute it himself, or not at all! Therefore, Elder Qingmi, if you need the quest scroll now, you can only go to our city lord to ask for it. …”

Hearing the words, the old man Qingmi frowned immediately, turned his head to look in the direction of Master Bessa, and then asked Manager Qing Gong without suspicion: "Boss Qing Gong, if it is true what you said, then Why does the Lord of Bessa say that he doesn’t have any quest scrolls? As the city lord, Xiaoyan girl has so many quest scrolls, and as the city lord, the city lord of Bessa should also have some?”

"No, this is not certain." Director Qing Gong shook his head at the old man Qingmi, and then said: "It is up to the main god to decide who to give the task scroll to, and it doesn't have to be the city lord. Quest Scroll..."

Old man Qingmi nodded after hearing the words, and then became depressed again.

They need the mission scroll just to send Flying Leaves away. If they go to Miss Ji Xiaoyan to ask for the scroll, they will have to bring Flying Leaves with them. What's the point of taking the scroll? !However, if there is no mission scroll, what else can they use to lure Falling Leaves Flying and them to leave?
Old man Qing Ya felt a little headache.

Manager Qing Gong looked at old man Qingmi, and saw that he kept worrying about where he was, and the fallen leaves were flying not far away. The old man Qingmi reminded: "Well... Elder Qingmi, do you think we should leave here now? The city lord and I ran out of the city lord's mansion secretly. I found out, then the trouble will be big..." In fact, the most important thing is, Manager Qing Gong thinks, if so many of them stand here all the time, what a goal it must be?If the guards of Panchi City passed by for a while, it would be difficult not to pay attention!

The old man Qingmi sighed when he heard Manager Qing Gong's words, then turned his head towards the fallen leaves flying behind him, they and the others shouted in a low voice: "Hey, what are you adventurers doing just standing there? Aren't you afraid of being caught by the guards?" What happened? Hurry up, find a place to hide..."

Ye Guang Meijiu and Qing Yuxi, when they heard old man Qing Mi's words, they immediately gestured to the players of their guild behind them, and saw that they quickly disappeared into the shadow of the street, then looked at old man Qing Mi and smiled He smiled, and then asked: "Elder Qingmi, where should we hide?"

The old man Qingya stared, and instantly had the urge to kill someone.

The adventurers in front of them really discovered his and Bessa's intentions, so they didn't intend to separate from them at all.
Director Qing Gong looked at Fallen Leaves Flying and the others, and didn't say much, but took the old teleporter to find a corner to hide in, and then whispered to the old man Qingmi who followed: "Elder Qingmi, The city lord may not be able to wait for us for long at the city gate, we still need to hurry over... These adventurers, if there is really no other way then, let them follow! Just wait until we see the city lord Afterwards, wouldn’t it be enough to keep them away from the city lord? What do you think?”

The old man Qingya frowned, and looked at Master Bessa.

Lord Bessa is also a little depressed at the moment. He can see that even if they have the quest scroll, the group of adventurers in front of them are not so easy to dismiss.So, after deliberating in his heart for a while, Master Bessa said to Manager Qing Gong: "All right, then leave them alone, let's go directly to Xiaoyan..."

Director Qing Gong finally nodded with satisfaction, and then whispered to old man Qingmi and the others: "The city lord said that the situation at the city gate may not be as simple as we originally imagined. It is said that there are several more guards than usual. times, I don’t know if it’s because of the leak of our news….” At this point, Director Qing Gong couldn’t help but glanced at the old teleporter from the corner of his eye, and then continued: “So, now we have to What we have to do is to integrate our strengths, and we will start to act directly after reuniting with the city lord in the past! Even if we cannot leave Panchi City, we must let the city lord leave..."

The guard sent by Ji Xiaoyan to look for them quietly told Manager Qing Gong that Ji Xiaoyan and the others suspected that the old teleporter had leaked the news.However, Manager Qing Gong thought about it later, the old teleporter has been following them since he left his home, basically never leaving their sight.Even though he had a little temper in the part of knowing the way, he has been staring at the old teleporter closely, and he has no chance to report the secret!
Therefore, the guards at the city gate may have increased for other reasons.

"Well, don't worry about Manager Qing Gong! We know about it." The old man Qing Mi nodded immediately when he heard what Manager Qing Gong said, and then he opened his mouth after seeing Master Besa nodded in understanding. Said: "Then since we have discussed it, let's go! Otherwise, the guards will really be attracted in a while, and we are naturally not afraid, but it will be a little troublesome!"

Director Qing Gong nodded, and after shouting to the old teleporter, he let the guard sent by Ji Xiaoyan to lead the way, and ran towards the city gate.

At this moment, the old teleporter looked at the old man Qingmi and Luo Yefenfei several times with some worry, and then pondered in his heart.If when the time comes to the teleportation formation, Miss Ji Xiaoyan wants to teleport them all away, how much effort will she have to spend?
The fallen leaves here are flying and they finally got their wish and followed old man Qingmi and the others, preparing to meet Ji Xiaoyan.On the other side, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan who had been following them silently were watching them silently in the shadow of a corner.
"Hmph, sure enough!" City Master Ye Shan sneered a few times, and said to City Master Yan Shan in a low voice: "Sure enough, old man Qingmi and the others know where Ji Xiaoyan and the others are! Look, how long did they find? Qing Gong is in charge. But, why isn't that girl Ji Xiaoyan here?"

"Maybe it's hidden somewhere!" City Lord Yan Shan thought for a while, and said to City Lord Ye Shan, "It is estimated that Chief Qing Gong came out to pick up Qing Mi and the others...they must be going to meet up right now. .We'll just follow along and watch!"

"That's natural!" City Lord Ye Shan continued to sneer, and said with a bit of gritted teeth: "I want to see how Ji Xiaoyan and the others managed to escape from our City Lord's Mansion without disturbing anyone!"

Hearing the words, City Lord Yan Shan turned his head to look at City Lord Ye Shan, and then said lightly: "This is for sure. I am also curious, what is wrong with the guards of our City Lord's Mansion, which makes so many of them all After leaving, no one knows about it!" More importantly, City Lord Xi Shan also wanted to know what Miss Ji Xiaoyan thought about Xuan Mo!Why do you suddenly want to take Xuan Mo away, and then secretly leave their Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion?
Of course, we still have to wait until they actually catch Ji Xiaoyan and see Xuan Mo and her together before they can ask this question.

In fact, the current city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan had some expectations in their hearts that Ji Xiaoyan just left their city lord's mansion with Director Qing Gong and the guards of the Qing city, and Xuan Mo was taken away by others.As long as Ji Xiaoyan didn't take Xuan Mo away, it would be easier for them to keep her
As for leaving Ji Xiaoyan behind, what City Lord Ji Shan wants to do is unknown.On the contrary, City Lord Ye Shan was more honest, and told Miss Ji Xiaoyan the truth when she came to Panchi City!

"Let's go, Lushan!" After watching the last player disappear from their sight, the Yeshan City Lord said something to the Yeshan City Master, and walked towards the direction of Chief Qing Gong. There was still a little sarcasm in his mouth: "Speaking of it, it's better to change your idea! If we go directly to follow Qingya and the others, we will definitely be discovered! It's not bad now, with those adventurers As a cover in the middle, Qing Ya and the others will only find those adventurers, but it is impossible for those adventurers to find that we are still following them..."

(End of this chapter)

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