Chapter 1446
The old man Qingmi was already on his way to find Ji Xiaoyan, and he had considered all the issues.So, don't worry at all if they really lose that old teleporter, how will they leave Panchi City!
But, it's a pity that after Miss Ji Xiaoyan lost her memory, she no longer had any memory of Qianhuamen, so after hearing old man Qingmi's words, she looked at him suspiciously until Director Qing Gong squeezed out from behind the crowd , moved in front of Ji Xiaoyan, and said to Ji Xiaoyan approvingly: "Well, Elder Qingmi's idea is good! It's not bad to walk through Qianhua Gate..." After that, Ji Xiaoyan finally Believe it!

However, after all the players and the guards of Qingcheng hid in the shadow of the alley, the city masters Ye Shan and Kai Shan who followed all the way over there had already brought people to chase them.It's just that Ji Xiaoyan and the others don't know anything about it.
"See clearly? Those adventurers have all entered that alley?" City Lord Yan Shan squinted his eyes, looking at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion who trot back to report to them, and asked in a low voice with a little excitement.

"See it clearly, Lord City Master! I have been watching them all go in, and then I came back to report!" Panchi City guard nodded, and then said to the City Lord Yanshan.

"Then have you seen City Lord Ji in Qingcheng?" City Lord Ye Shan was still concerned about Ji Xiaoyan's whereabouts, and asked the guard directly: "Is she there?"

The guard of Panchi City nodded without hesitation, and said to Lord Yeshan: "Yes, I saw with my own eyes that City Lord Ji from Qingcheng appeared in the alley... and then followed the others to the alley!"

City Lord Ye Shan smiled at the guard with satisfaction, and after waving his hand to let him go, he immediately looked at City Lord Yan Shan, and said, "It's all right now! Sure enough, that girl Ji Xiaoyan is also there... Humph! Let's go, Yan Shan, let's go over and see how that girl Ji Xiaoyan will explain to us what she and the old man Qingmin are going to do in our Panchi City..."

Hearing the words, City Lord Yan Shan directly stretched out his hand to stop City Lord Ye Shan, and then said with a sneer in a low voice: "No hurry, since we have already found them, we naturally need to see what they are trying to do! "After finishing speaking, the city lord Yan Shan looked at the city gate not far away, and then continued: "The gate of our Panchi City is close at hand, but Ji Xiaoyan and the others did not go towards the city gate, but entered other gates. Ye Shan, don't you want to know what they are trying to do?"

When City Lord Ye Shan heard what City Lord Yan Shan said, he squinted his eyes immediately, stared at him seriously for a few times, then nodded silently, and then directly followed City Master Yan Shan, leading the guards of Panchi City to copy Xiaodao went straight to Ji Xiaoyan and the others.No matter what Ji Xiaoyan and the others want to do, City Lord Yeshan has only one plan, to catch them, and then resolutely not leave Ji Xiaoyan any time, just grab her to get married, and after taking half of the control of Qingcheng, let's talk about other things Things... But on the other side at this moment, Luo Yefenfei and Su Shiwei finally saw Ji Xiaoyan's figure from a distance, and they were pushed into the alley by the guards of Qingcheng, and then they wanted to squeeze forward , when they ran to Ji Xiaoyan, they found that the guards of Qingcheng didn't give them a chance at all, they just blocked them all at the back of the team, unable to advance or retreat.

"Vegetarian food... have you seen Xiaoyan? She looks like this?" Yan Foil Liuli grabbed the stranger nervously, and asked in a low voice, "I didn't see clearly just now..."

The strangers shook their heads and felt a little nervous. Ji Xiaoyan had been blocked by those Qingcheng guards just now, and then followed Lord Bessa and the others to turn around and enter the alley. They had no chance to go forward, so even No chance to get close!So, strangers are actually just seeing Ji Xiaoyan's back...

"You didn't see it either?" Yan Foil Liliu frowned suddenly, a little disappointed and a little sad, "No, Vegetarian, we must find a way to get over and talk to Xiaoyan!"

"That's natural." The stranger nodded without hesitation, and then said: "What kind of state is she in here? If there is any discomfort, we all need to ask her! If there is something... ...." He just went to the headquarters of the game researcher and let them see what's going on!In everything, Ji Xiaoyan's safety should be the top priority!

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, both strangers and Yan Foil Wanderer understand that they may not be able to get close to Ji Xiaoyan for a while!Unless, unless Master Bessa and old man Qingya are thrown away
As for the falling leaves... He wanted to follow old man Qingmi to Ji Xiaoyan and ask her what happened after she woke up in the game.It's just that the old man Qingmi's speed was too fast, and there were many Qingcheng guards blocking him. Like them, he was directly stopped in the control circle behind the group of Qingcheng, and he was not allowed to move too much!
"Hey, Brother Guard, where are we going?" After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Ye Flying suddenly asked in a low voice to a guard of Qing City next to him, "Is the one in front of you City Lord Ji?"

The guards of Qingcheng took a look at Fallen Leaves, nodded to him, and said, "Of course it's our Lord City Master!" They just received an order not to let these adventurers approach Ji Xiaoyan, and didn't say anything else You can't chat with Flying Leaves and them
"Is the Lord City Master going to take us somewhere?" Luo Ye Flying thought for a second before continuing to ask.

Hearing the words, the Qingcheng guard frowned slightly, and then said to Flying Leaves: "You don't have to worry about this, you just need to follow carefully!"

Luo Yefenfei pursed his lips, and continued to insist: "I'm just a little curious..." It seems that the guard of Qingcheng in front of him doesn't seem to be so talkative? !Does Ji Xiaoyan have any mission in Panchi City?However, why did Old Man Qingyi and the others not seem to be in a hurry to get the equipment that was said to be urgently needed now that Nightmare Foliage also brought it?On the contrary, do you have a plan to get rid of them all?

Among them, there must be something they don't know.

On the contrary, the guard of Qingcheng said to him directly after hearing the words of fallen leaves: "Then put away your curiosity! Knowing so much is not good for you! If you want to follow us, just follow us!" , You can leave if you don’t want to.” After all, Elder Qing Mi also said, don’t you want to get rid of these adventurers?
Hearing the words, Falling Leaves Flying could only sneer at the Qingcheng guard twice, and began to think about how to get to Ji Xiaoyan's side to have a look.However, among them, he still needs to avoid Yeguang Fine Wine, Qing Yuxi and others...

Thinking of this, Luoye Fenfei suddenly thought of the stranger who gave him the news about Ji Xiaoyan back then, so he quickly turned his head to take a look, and found that the stranger was also staring at him with scorching eyes at this moment... So, Luoye Fenfei instantly had Got an idea!If they want to go to Ji Xiaoyan's side, they probably need the help of strangers.Because if you look for Yeguang Fine Wine or other players, then it will draw out unnecessary curiosity from others, won't it?

At this time, Ji Xiaoyan had no idea how many people were thinking about him.

Ai Di Snacks has been following Ji Xiaoyan and the others in front of the team, staring at the stars in his eyes, looking enviously at Master Bessa whispering something to Ji Xiaoyan, then curiously looking at Manager Qing Gong and asking : "Director Qing Gong, is that the fiancé of the city lord?"

"Yeah!" Manager Qing Gong glanced at Aidi Snacks, thinking that the girl was reliable, and brought Ji Xiaoyan to the city gate, so he nodded to her calmly, and then asked a little strangely: "how?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing..." Aidi Snacks quickly shook his head, smiled at Manager Qing Gong, but looked at Master Bessa with some nympho in his heart.She never knew there was such a handsome and gentle man in this game!Moreover, looking at it like this, it seems that he has a soft spot for the city lord of Qingcheng!Look at that attentive and gentle way of treating Ai Di Snacks, I can't help but feel a little jealous!

To be honest, it's a pity to match Lord Bessa with the ordinary and handsome appearance of Lord Qingcheng.
Manager Qing Gong took a look at Aidi Snacks, and felt that the girl was a little baffled, then shook his head and said to her: "I can tell you, adventurer, follow us honestly for a while, and be careful yourself! If you Accidentally died... Huh, when we leave Panchi City, we won't care about you!"

"Oh, yes, yes, sir, don't worry! I will definitely protect myself!" Aidi Snacks reacted instantly, and quickly said something to Manager Qing Gong.Just kidding, as a businessman who specializes in dumping goods, she needs to have some basic common sense to save her life, but after that, Aidi Snacks instantly understood that they were going to attack the city gate, and she felt a little excited again !
She has been in the game for so long, but she has always lived the life of a commoner player.It's a rare opportunity to participate in this kind of battle. Aidi Snacks really can't suppress the little excitement in my heart!Sure enough, after 1 minutes, Aidi Snacks heard Ji Xiaoyan call to stop the team, and whispered to everyone: "Tell the others, after 5 minutes of rest, we will be ready to act?"

"Okay, Lord City Master, I will give you my orders immediately!" Director Qing Gong nodded directly, regardless of whether other people had any opinions, he turned his head and gave instructions to the guards behind him, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said: "The city owner, where do we start our attack? If we go the same way..."

"You don't have to worry about Chief Qing Gong." Lord Bessa immediately smiled when he heard the words of Chief Qing Gong, and then lowered his voice and said: "We will go straight ahead and turn right and we will reach the foot of the city wall. When the time comes, where will we go directly to the city gate, so as not to waste time and attract more guards to stop us!"

Director Qing Gong nodded in agreement when he heard old man Qingmi's words, then looked at old man Qingmi and pointed to the alley not far ahead, and said to him: "After going out from here in a while, we will let those The adventurers go to the front and fight in the front, and we go behind and take the teleporter... As soon as you leave the city gate, you can directly step on the teleportation formation, and teleport away Xiaoyan girl as soon as possible!"

"Okay, Elder Qingmi, I understand what you mean!" When Manager Qing Gong heard this, he immediately understood the meaning of what the old man Qingmi said, and quickly said to him: "Where are the adventurers, I will immediately order Go on! Elder Qingmi, don't worry, those adventurers will definitely be willing to help us..."

"En!" Old Man Qingmi nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "If you don't want to, you have to find a way to give them some bait and let them help us... Otherwise, it would be a waste of us to bring these adventurers to Panchi City! "

"Yes, I understand!" Chief Qing Gong nodded, and after smiling at old man Qingmi, he turned his head and said a few words to the old teleporter. In front of them, they directly said to Falling Leaves: "Adventurers... Falling Leaves, we will leave Panchi City after 5 minutes of rest. After a while, you go ahead and entangle the city after the Lord Lord gives the order." The guards of Panchi City on the other side of the gate, we will attack the city gate. At that time, as long as the city gate is breached, we will send the city lord back to Qingcheng... You don't want the city lord to be left by the city lord Ye Shan and become his Wife?"

Falling Leaves Flying Flying and Su Wei did not expect that Director Qing Gong would tell them such a thing before they had time to speak to him and asked to meet Ji Xiaoyan in the past.

"Adventurers, do you know what to do in a while?" Director Qing Gong looked at the falling leaves and they seemed a little stunned, couldn't help frowning and asked in a low voice.

"I know, I know, Manager Qing Gong, we understand." Luo Ye Fenfei immediately returned to his senses, nodded to Manager Qing Gong, looked at Manager Qing Gong with a satisfied smile, and quickly asked again: " Manager Qing Gong, can we meet Xiaoyan... oh, can we meet the city lord? I heard that she lost her memory... What's going on here?"

Manager Qing Gong stared at the fallen leaves and frowned, and after two seconds of silence, he refused: "Adventurer, I'm afraid this is not the time for this matter?"

"Then Manager Qing Gong, can you arrange a meeting with the City Lord for us?" When Luo Ye Fen Fei heard that Manager Qing Gong wanted to bring this matter over, he quickly said: "How about, wait We sent the city lord back to Qingcheng, and it is also possible for us to meet her in Qingcheng..."

(End of this chapter)

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