Chapter 1447 See you!

Luo Yefenfei tried his best to fight with Manager Qing Gong, hoping to seize this opportunity to win a chance to meet Miss Ji Xiaoyan.If it doesn't work, then they can only discuss and think of a way when they pass by Ji Xiaoyan's side for a while!However, if they really come to that point, then they are very likely to make some noise because of the riot, and then attract the guards of Panchi City
Luoye Feifei felt that they still didn't want to use that method, and it would be best if Manager Qing Gong agreed to their request.

It's just that Manager Qing Gong frowned immediately after listening to Falling Leaves Flying Fly's request, then stared at him unhappily for a few seconds, and then said in a low voice: "Adventurer, is this your condition? Are you sure you must discuss this condition with me at this time?"

Falling Leaves Flying Flying looked at Manager Qing Gong, seeing the obvious disapproval and anger in his eyes, after thinking about it, he nodded with certainty, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "Boss Qing Gong, are we talking to you?" What conditions are you talking about? I just want you to agree to such a very reasonable request! Elder Qing Mi promised to come to Panchi City to meet the Lord of the City Lord and let us help. But we have not seen the City Lord during this journey. Forget it, my lord, Elder Qing Mi seems to be unwilling to let us get close to the city lord... So, please don't blame us for thinking too much, we just hope to get a guarantee, a chance!"

When Director Qing Gong heard this, he instantly understood the intention of Flying Leaves.Co-authoring Elder Qing Mi's actions were too obvious, and these cunning adventurers saw his intentions, so they took this opportunity and asked him to agree to arrange a meeting with the city lord!Thinking of this, Director Qing Gong became somewhat dissatisfied with old man Qing Mi.

Since you have tricked these adventurers here, at least you have to do a good job of superficial skills and coax them well!It's all right now, everyone can see it. So, what should we do next?

Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, then signaled to the fallen leaves to wait a moment, then turned around and returned to Ji Xiaoyan's side.

"How is it? Manager Qing Gong, everything has been arranged for the adventurers?" Old man Qing Mi was talking to Ji Xiaoyan and the others with an excited look on his face. Seeing Manager Qing Gong coming back, he immediately asked, Seeing that he looked at him with a strange expression, he frowned slightly, and then asked: "What's the matter? Manager Qing Gong, those adventurers are not willing?"

Manager Qing Gong was silent for a moment, then gave a look to Lord Bessa and old man Qingmi, looked at Ji Xiaoyan who looked at them with some doubts and stood aside a few steps, then said to old man Qingmi in a low voice : "Elder Qingmi, those adventurers must ask me to agree to them, and arrange for them to meet once the Lord City Lord returns to Qingcheng!"
"What?" The old man Qingmi was startled suddenly, with a look of displeasure on his face, he stared at Manager Qing Gong, and said in a low voice, "Do those adventurers not want to live? Are they threatening us?"

Chief Qing Gong looked at Master Bessa, saw that he was frowning, and hurriedly said, "Elder Qing Mi, those adventurers said that they saw that you didn't want them to meet with Lord City Master, but you got them to Pan Chicheng is, I think, they are actually a little unbalanced..."

"Unbalanced? Unbalanced is easy to deal with? I will give them some gold coins later, so it will be settled?" Qing Mi frowned and said to Manager Qing Gong.

"But, Elder Qingmi, I'm afraid gold coins can't solve this problem!" Manager Qing Gong sighed, and said to the old man there are gold coins and something that can send away adventurers such as Flying Leaves, that would be easy to handle!But let's not talk about whether those adventurers are willing, even their conditions to clear the city don't allow it!Aren't they missing gold coins in their current treasury in Qingcheng?

"Boss Qing Gong, you don't know what those adventurers want all day long? I think they just want to blackmail us..." Old Man Qingmi said to Boss Qing Gong with a cold snort.

"They just need to see the Lord City Lord!" Chief Qing Gong didn't bother to talk to the stubborn old man Qingmi, and said to them with an uneasy expression: "Elder Qingmi, Lord Besa, I came to see you, just want to talk to you Discuss whether you want to agree to the request of those adventurers!"

"Surely I won't agree? What if Xiaoyan girl is taken away by them? Manager Qing Gong, think about it, how good is Xiaoyan now? I don't know anything about adventurers, that is You are a pure aborigine! If Fallen Leaves and those adventurers instilled something bad, how will you recover Xiaoyan girl in the future? Let her lose her memory again?" Qingmi old man heard the words of Manager Qing Gong , Immediately said to him disapprovingly, "Castella Bessa, are you right?"

Lord Bessa pursed his lips tightly, and after being silent for two seconds, he said to old man Qingmi and Chief Qing Gong, "Of course I don't want Xiaoyan to recover his memory... If we don't use those adventurers, can't we send Xiaoyan back?" Have you cleared the city?" As far as Master Bessa feels, even if he is alone, he can protect Ji Xiaoyan from Panchi City, but it is more difficult!Since those adventurers are unwilling to help, he doesn't care anyway.
"Well, yes, yes, yes!" The old man Qingmi nodded immediately after hearing Master Bessa's words, and said, "The Lord Bessa is right, it's a big deal that we don't consider those adventurers. Mr. Qing Gong, please go back and give those adventurers They said that if they don't help, they can leave on their own in a while..."

"Elder Qingmi, I'm afraid this is still a bit inappropriate!" Director Qing Gong frowned, and said to old man Qingmi: "Those adventurers are not so easy to dismiss!" !

"What's the matter? What else are they trying to come up with?" Qing Mi's old man stared at him for a moment, and said something to Manager Qing Gong. Seeing that he just shook his head slightly, he had no choice but to turn his attention to Lord Bessa.

However, before Master Bessa had time to express his opinion, Ji Xiaoyan's voice suddenly came out: "Mr. Qing Gong, what are you discussing? What adventurers? Why do they want to see me? Is there something I need to do in Qingcheng?" ?"

"City Master.....City Master!!" Director Qing Gong froze for a moment, then saw Ji Xiaoyan poking his head out from behind a Qingcheng guard, looking at them curiously, so he quickly waved his hands, a little Guilty glanced at Lord Bessa and Chief Qing Gong, and then said: "Master City Lord, we didn't say anything, there are no adventurers..."

"I heard everything just now!" Ji Xiaoyan came out from behind the guards, stood in front of Master Bessa and the others, and after looking at all three of them, he continued: "You said those adventurers want to Want to see me! But, why do you want to stop? Are those adventurers different from entertaining themselves? Haven’t I seen them all before entertaining themselves? Why am I able to entertain them? See, these adventurers can't do it?"

Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan a little speechlessly, and looked at Master Bessa as if asking for help.Speaking of which, the person who doesn't want Ji Xiaoyan to see fallen leaves flying and adventurers like them is Master Besa
Sure enough, Lord Bessa spoke immediately after receiving the look from Chief Qing Gong.However, what he said was not what the old man Qingmi and Manager Qing Gong expected: "Hehe, Xiaoyan, in fact, we didn't say we wouldn't let you see those adventurers... adventurers, they're all the same! It's just that Manager Qing Gong said that those adventurers who followed us wanted to threaten us with the matter of helping us leave Panchi City, and asked for some benefits... If you think those adventurers have nothing wrong, you can ask Manager Qing Gong to make arrangements , It’s okay to meet up after returning to Qingcheng!”

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong suspiciously, and after seeing him nodding expressionlessly, he reluctantly accepted Lord Bessa's reason, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "Mr. Qing Gong, you will tell those adventurers in a while, when we return to Qingcheng, I will see them at that time! Now we are not an aboveboard province in Panchi City, if this causes any unpleasantness When the movement comes, I can't leave at that time, but it will be a little troublesome."

"Yes, Lord City Master, you are right!" Manager Qing Gong nodded immediately, and after hearing Ji Xiaoyan urging him to find Flying Leaves and the others, Manager Qing Gong quickly glanced at Lord Bessa secretly, and saw him looking at him After blinking and nodding, he immediately turned around and left.After all, Lord Bessa nodded in person, and if there is anything wrong with their Lord City Lord later, Lord Bessa can't blame him as the manager, and come to trouble him!
As for Ji Xiaoyan, after seeing Manager Qing Gong leave, he felt a little bit of anticipation and joy in his heart.Guang Ke told her that she should also be a player, just because those game researchers have now become data characters. Ever since she opened her eyes in this world, she has been imprisoned in the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng Here, I have only seen two players who are entertaining themselves and joining hands!Moreover, speaking of it, she didn't say a few words to them...

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan is still a little curious about what the world outside the game looks like. I am afraid that all of this can only be known from the mouths of those players.
At this moment, Luoye Feifei and Su Shiwei are standing together, discussing with Yan Foil, if they get a negative answer from Manager Qing Gong, then when the team passes by Ji Xiaoyan, they will directly rush to her side, no matter what I want to talk to her a few words, and let her agree to go back to Qingcheng and meet them.As a result, they just had a brief discussion on this side, and the manager Qing Gong on the other side had already pushed aside the guards and walked in front of them.

So, Falling Leaves Flying Flying and the strangers stopped talking immediately, and collectively looked at Manager Qing Gong: "Boss Qing Gong..."

Manager Qing Gong took a few glances at the falling leaves, frowned slightly, and then said to them: "Your request to see the city lord, the city lord agreed... But everything needs to wait until we return to Qingcheng. If you have time, that's fine!"

"City Master agrees?" Luo Ye Fenfei immediately turned to look at the strangers and Yan Foil Liuli in surprise when he heard the words of Manager Qing Gong. Manager Qing Gong said: "Boss Qing Gong, we all understand what you said. Don't worry, since the city lord is willing to meet with us, we will naturally cooperate with your actions..." Of course, since you did not agree , it is impossible for them to leave Ji Xiaoyan in Panchi City, right?Marrying an NPC or something, they don't want Ji Xiaoyan to encounter such a thing...
Manager Qing Gong finally heard the answer he was satisfied with. He nodded to the falling leaves and said after a while, "However, you still need to control the number of people. Although the city lord promised to see you, isn't it All of you... You have fixed the number of people at that time, just come and find me, Lord City Lord!" He really didn't like these adventurers, not only because they might affect Ji Xiaoyan's life in the future, but also because These adventurers are too cunning, always doing something to make them, the natives, unhappy...
"Okay, okay." The stranger nodded quickly, and then asked Manager Qing Gong: "Just, I don't know Manager Qing Gong, how many people do we need to control?"

"Five! Five is enough!" Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, and said to the strangers: "Anyway, you don't need more than five people!" There are too many people, trouble!
"Okay!" The strangers sorted out silently in their hearts, and felt that the quota was enough, so they nodded immediately, and after seeing that Manager Qing Gong finally left, he smiled and looked at Fallen Leaves Flying Flying, He said to him: "Luo Ye, it seems that what we discussed just now is no longer needed!"

Luo Yefenfei nodded happily, and said to the stranger: "Yes! It's better if there is no need...then we will concentrate on dealing with the guards of Panchi City in a while, and make sure that Xiaoyan can be sent away by Chief Qing Gong." But, When the time comes, how will they leave this Panchi City? They have never met before, and now they don't want to worry about it, think about it...
"Yeah!" The stranger answered with a smile, turned to look at Yan Foil Liuli, but saw that there was still a trace of worry in his brow, so he asked, "Liuli, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Foil Liuli shook his head, pursed his lips and said worriedly: "I'm just a little worried... Just now, Director Qing Gong was not very happy to let us see Xiaoyan, but now he said that Xiaoyan is willing to see us... I always feel that, It's not going to go so smoothly!"

"Okay, wandering, don't worry too much about this!" The strangers thought for a while, and then said: "After all, we have received a clear reply from Manager Qing Gong... No matter how the game is updated or changed, NPCs will definitely still have the most basic principles. If they promised, they will naturally do it!"

 PS; Thanks to "AlenPhil" for the two monthly passes!

(End of this chapter)

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