The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1448 Must go overnight!

Chapter 1448 Must go overnight!
Falling Leaves Flying here, after they received the accurate reply from Manager Qing Gong, they were naturally full of fighting spirit and waited for Ji Xiaoyan to say action before they rushed straight to the gate guards of Panchi City.On the other side, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan have not been idle during this period of time!
After confirming the location of Ji Xiaoyan and the others, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan followed up, and then stood on a street corner only a few hundred meters away from Ji Xiaoyan and the others, watching their actions carefully.After seeing Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally showing their faces, City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan realized that Ji Xiaoyan and the others seemed to be planning to head towards the city gate.

"What's going on?" City Lord Ye Shan frowned a little, and asked in a low voice to City Lord Yan Shan incomprehensibly, "Didn't they just pass the main road of the city gate? Didn't they say there were other things to plot? Why does it look like they are still heading towards the city gate? They want to leave our Panchi City?"

"Isn't this obvious?" City Master Yan Shan glanced at City Master Ye Shan, seeing him staring at himself with displeasure, and said indifferently: "Don't stare at me! Am I wrong? Ji Xiaoyan Now she is no longer the adventurer she used to be. She is now the city lord of Qingcheng. How can you say that you want to marry someone else and they will agree? You really think that Qingcheng is such a big city that no one can resist you? that Xuan Mo is gone, maybe they took him away. So, now that there is no scruple, it will be strange if Ji Xiaoyan and the others don't leave again!"

"Since they want to leave, why didn't they leave just now? They have to walk through this alley before they leave?" City Lord Ye Shan didn't want to argue with City Lord Lu Shan, but said strangely: "Could it be that there are people in this alley?" What they have to come and see first...."

"What do you mean?" City Master Yan Shan was stunned when he heard City Master Ye Shan's words.

"Do you think those men in black from the fox clan are in that alley, conspiring with Ji Xiaoyan to leave our Panchi City?" City Lord Ye Shan suddenly had a brain hole, and said to City Lord Yan Shan: "It must be like this. Otherwise, why didn't they rush directly to the city gate just now, but chose to walk around such an alley before rushing to the city gate? Surely those men in black from the fox clan who escaped would be In Ji Xiaoyan's team...they must be working together."

"Is this unlikely?" City Lord Yan Shan frowned in disbelief, and then said to City Lord Ye Shan, "Think about how Xuan Mo was injured? Isn't the man in black in River Water City also a fox?" Do you think Ji Xiaoyan will cooperate with them if they hurt Xuan Mo like that?"

"No one can say for sure!" City Lord Ye Shan said without hesitation.

"I don't think it's possible!" City Lord Yan Shan said with certainty, "If Ji Xiaoyan knew what those fox men in black were doing, it would definitely be impossible to cooperate with them..."

"Then explain it to me, Ji Xiaoyan and the others don't go on the good road, why do they insist on entering such a small alley?" City Lord Ye Shan sneered, folded his hands on his chest, and looked condescendingly at Ji Shan The city lord asked a question, and then continued: "Ji Shan, don't forget that the men in black from the fox tribe we met not long ago said that they knew Ji Xiaoyan. And, it sounds like Ji Xiaoyan Xiaoyan still has some kindness towards them... Humph, who knows what's in it?"

Sure enough, City Lord Yan Shan immediately frowned when he heard what City Lord Ye Shan said, and he didn't know what he thought of...
"What? Yan Shan, did you think of anything?" City Master Ye Shan looked at the expression of City Master Yan Shan, and immediately asked for a moment, but he knew it very well in his heart, and wanted to ask something from Yan Shan's mouth , certainly not likely.

So, the next second, City Lord Ye Shan really saw City Master Yan Shan shook his head at him, and then said: "Forget it, these are actually not important, the most important thing for us now is to go to the city gate and get them Stop them all... If necessary, use all your strength!"

Hearing the gnashing of teeth in the tone of the City Lord Ye Shan, he looked at him suspiciously, and then suddenly asked with a smile: "Ye Shan, speaking of it, you haven't told me until now, why do you want to Want to keep Ji Xiaoyan..."

City Lord Yan Shan just glanced at City Master Ye Shan lightly, but still didn't intend to tell him.Leaving Ji Xiaoyan behind, the purpose of Yeshan City Lord is to marry Ji Xiaoyan and get half of the control of Qingcheng. When the time comes, should he stay in Qingcheng, or come together with Qingcheng's troops to attack Panchi City and annex Panchi City completely? The only thing to do is to see what City Lord Ye Shan likes when the time comes, and City Lord Yan Shan wants to keep Ji Xiaoyan, so he naturally has a purpose.

However, the purpose of the city lord Yanshan is not as complicated as that of the city lord Yeshan.

In fact, the idea of ​​the city lord Xun Tan is very good!He deeply knew that if Ji Xiaoyan was forced, maybe the girl would make some kind of backlash, and then the two sides would fall out.In fact, he has already thought about it, healed Xuan Mo, and then put it in the dilapidated palace room, and then arranged for the maids to take Ji Xiaoyan to find it, and then he came out and scolded the maids for treating him as the city lord. The adult disrespected and treated Xuan Mo harshly, let Ji Xiaoyan and the others see how much he was oppressed by the city lord Ye Shan, and then he was choosing an opportunity to ask Ji Xiaoyan to agree to join forces with him to deal with Ye Shan and resist Ye Shan's coercion Ji Xiaoyan married this marriage.
At that time, he was still the city lord who was bullied by the city lord Ye Shan in Ji Xiaoyan's mind. At that time, whether it was borrowing soldiers or asking for help, Ji Xiaoyan would naturally not refuse, right?After all, in her mind, he will always be a weak person who needs her help.
In the future, even if Qingcheng is entirely under his rule, Ji Xiaoyan will help him in every way.This is the long-term plan that Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord, left Ji Xiaoyan behind!
Therefore, as for City Lord Ye Shan's short-term plan of coercing Ji Xiaoyan, in fact, City Lord Yan Shan is very dismissive in his heart!In that case, even if the help he got was only temporary, it would be strange when Ji Xiaoyan recovered and did not resist!

It's just that, all of this, the city lord Yan Shan will never tell anyone.He wants to maintain his eternally perfect weak image in everyone's mind.
"Report to the two city lords... City lord Ji of Qingcheng has reached the bottom of the city wall, and some adventurers who followed them are fighting with the guards at our city gate..." Just when the city lord Yan Shan was stupefied, a The guards of Panchi City rushed back quickly, knelt down and reported: "You two city lords, it seems that they want to rush out of the city directly."

"Want to leave? Hmph, it's not that easy!" Upon hearing the news, City Lord Ye Shan stopped worrying about what City Lord Yan Shan was thinking. He snorted coldly, waved his hand and said to the guards beside him: "Let's go, let's go with the city lord and have a good meeting with our city lord Ji of Qingcheng. Oh, yes, those adventurers... Huh, tell all the guards, don't be merciful when you see one and kill another! Anyway! Those adventurers are also immortal..."

"Yes!" Several guards quickly responded and ran away.

"Xu Shan, are you leaving?" City Master Ye Shan took two steps, suddenly thought of something, turned to look at City Master Yan Shan, and asked him a question.

City Lord Yan Shan nodded silently, and whispered something similar to City Lord Ye Shan's words to the guards around him in a low voice, then stepped forward and drove City Lord Ye Shan directly to the gate under the city wall.
And at this moment, those black-clothed people from the fox tribe who escaped from the hands of the city lords Yanshan and Yeshan had been near the city gate, and wanted to wait until dawn when the gate of Panchi city opened to see if they could escape. go.It's just that they don't know yet that City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan have canceled the fixed activity of opening the city gate every three days, and they must be caught.

Therefore, when Ji Xiaoyan and the others rushed directly to the city gate with many Qingcheng guards and players to start fighting, the people in black from the fox tribe heard the movement, and then leaned against the window of a room, vigorously facing Looking in the direction of the city gate.

"How is it? Can you see who it is?" The leader of the man in black was seriously injured, lying on the bed in the house honestly, and asked his companions by the window.

"I can't see clearly!" A man in black from the fox clan shook his head and said to him, "However, it seems that a large group of people are attacking the city gate and preparing to leave the city."

"Really?" the leader of the man in black asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" The fox man in black by the window nodded and said with certainty: "I can see clearly that someone took advantage of the night and the chaos of the fight to run directly to the city gate. I’ve been standing there for a long time. It’s just that the distance is too far and the sky is too dark, so I can’t see exactly how the people under the city gate are planning to open the city gate…”

"It doesn't matter!" The leader of the fox tribe in black took a deep breath, then straightened up happily, and said to the rest of the companions in the house: "Let's go, let's not stay here and wait for the dawn. Let's go out of the city again. Let's go to the gate of the city now, and as long as there is a chance, we will rush out."

"But." The fox man in black by the window frowned, and after seeing the leader of the man in black looking at him suspiciously, he said worriedly: "But whether the battle over there is real now, we don't know." I know! What if... What if it's a scene discussed by City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan, just to lure us out?"

"Didn't you just say that you really saw someone going out of the city? Why are you not sure now?" The leader of the fox tribe in black frowned and said a little unhappy.

The fox man in black by the window opened his mouth, and then said: "I saw their appearance and wanted to rush out of the city, but who are they and why are they leaving the city now, I don't know at all what……."

Hearing the words, the leader of the man in black from the Fox Clan was stunned for a moment, then frowned bitterly and thought about it, then said: "Then if this is the case, let one of you quickly go to the city gate to see the situation! Well, we just need to know who are the people who want to go out of the city? How many of them are there, and whether they are actors arranged by City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Kai Shan! As long as you are sure, come back and report back!"

"Yes!" A man in black from the fox clan who was least injured didn't think for a second, he just answered and turned around and jumped out of the window.

"I only hope that Lord God will give us a chance to return to the Fox Clan!" The leader of the Fox Clan in black murmured looking at the top of the bed, praying in a low voice.

After a while, the fox clan who went out to check the news jumped back from the window, and then said to the leader of the man in black and other partners with a look of surprise: "I checked it out! I checked it out! Those people are not the night City Lord Shan and City Lord Yan Shan arranged, they really want to leave Panchi City..."

"Who are they?" The leader of the fox tribe in black looked at the fox tribe in surprise and asked cautiously.

"You guys definitely won't be able to guess!" The fox man in black said with a smile, and after seeing everyone looking at him curiously, he opened his mouth and said to the leader of the man in black: "I saw that there is a Qingshi gate in the team. That elder Qing Mi, and that Lord Bessa of Refu Water City... we were able to escape from Lord Yeshan and the others, thanks to their departure, so I don't think they were arranged by Lord Yeshan and the others. To be more sure, I took a few more steps towards the city gate, and caught an adventurer to ask about the situation! You can't even guess, who is the person who took the lead to leave Panchi City? Who?"

"Who is it?" The leader of the fox tribe in black asked eagerly with his eyes wide open.

The man in black from the fox tribe didn't hold back any more, and said directly to everyone: "It's the city lord of Qingcheng who sent back the holy relic to our fox tribe. She was the one who led people to leave Panchi City overnight!"

"So, Elder Qingmi and the others have found the City Master of Qing City, so they want to leave immediately? Are they afraid that City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan will hide them again?" The leader of the man in black had a smile on his face. , Wei Wei asked in surprise.

"It's true, it's true, it's not!" The man in black of the fox tribe thought for a while, and said to the leader of the man in black: "I heard some adventurers say that it seems that the one who wants to stay in Qingcheng because of the Lord Yeshan The city lord came down and forced her to marry, that's why Elder Qingmi and the others came to Panchi City to look for the city lord. As a result, they were always blocked by the city lord Ye Shan and Kai Shan, and now they finally found the city lord of Qingcheng. They just want to leave overnight and go back to Qing City! At that time, City Lord Ye Shan and the others will have nothing to do with them! After all, this is the territory of Panchi City, and the City Master of Qing City and Elder Qing Mi are still a little jealous..."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!

(End of this chapter)

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