The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1449 One accidentally said it!

Chapter 1449 Accidentally said it!

"Sure enough, God helped me too!" The leader of the man in black couldn't help but screamed up to the sky, and said to the other companions with a smile on his face: "I thought we would hide in this Panchi City for a long time. As for being caught by City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan in the end when the ammunition and food were exhausted. I really did not expect that the City Lord of Qingcheng is the great lucky star of our Fox Clan! The sacred object of my Fox Clan was given by her. She came back, now we are leaving Panchi City, and we all rely on her!"

"That's right..." Several men in black from the fox clan agreed with some sighs.

"Okay, since the city lord of Qingcheng is taking the lead, let's not wait here!" The leader of the man in black thought for a while and said to the crowd with a smile on his face: "We also go directly to attack The city gate! As long as we can go out, we will leave with the city lord of Qingcheng... Since they choose to attack the city gate at this moment, they must have a complete plan! We just need to follow them..."

"Should we go over and discuss with the city lord of Qingcheng first before leaving?" A man in black from the fox tribe thought about it, and said with some concern: "The most difficult thing in this Panchi City is not leaving the city, but what happens after leaving the city." The teleportation array... Our fox clan is really not very good at the teleportation array. We used to rely on the help of Taoism. If we go out of the city with the city lord of Qingcheng, they will have a way to leave the teleportation array and take us away. If you stay, then we will..." And isn't it more troublesome?
Hearing the words, the leader of the man in black frowned, and said after a while: "It doesn't matter. It's unnecessary for us to waste time here now. Since we have made up our minds to leave, let's go there first! Lord City Lord of Qingcheng Over there... Let's go out now to check the situation, and I'll go over and talk to her when the time comes!"

"What if she doesn't agree to take us along?" The men in black from the fox tribe became even more worried.

"No." The leader of the man in black immediately shook his head without thinking too much, and then said, "Think about it, how important is the sacred object of our fox clan? Hasn’t the Lord City Lord sent us the Fox Clan back from thousands of miles away? Such an upright Lord City Lord, if he heard that we were trapped in Panchi City, like her, why didn’t she help us? It’s just a matter of effort! When we arrive at the Fox Clan, we can tell the patriarch about the righteous deeds of the city lord of Qingcheng, and ask him to remember the kindness of the city lord of Qingcheng for us... What do you think?"

The men in black from the fox tribe looked at each other, and finally just nodded with their lips pursed, and said nothing more.Since their leaders have said that this is going to happen, what's the point of their opposition?

"In that case, let's go now! Help the city lord of Qingcheng see our sincerity earlier. This cooperation may not be easier to negotiate!" The leader of the man in black grinned, enduring his wound The pain of being torn again turned over from the bed, straightened his clothes, and said to the other foxes: "In a while, we will go directly to Lord Qingcheng, and we must let her see our efforts! "

All the men in black of the fox clan nodded quickly, and then, led by the leader of the men in black, jumped out of the window and went straight to the city gate.

And at this moment, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan had already chased under the city wall next to the city gate, watching Ji Xiaoyan and the others fighting with the guards of the city gate with cold eyes, ready to rush out from the city gate at any time.

"Ye Shan, aren't you in a hurry? Those people are all your subordinates!" City Lord Yan Shan resisted the urge to move in his heart, and said to City Lord Ye Shan: "You have to be careful, Ji Xiaoyan and the others accidentally take All the people under your command have been dealt with, and your strength will be greatly reduced in the future... Don't blame me for taking advantage of you!"

City Master Ye Shan cast a glance at City Master Yan Shan, and said unceremoniously: "Don't fool me here. Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't make any moves at all, they were all planning to rush directly to the city gate... Huh, do it now Isn’t it just those lowly adventurers? If the people under me can’t even resist these adventurers, then they don’t need to stay here. It’s just that you are going to watch Ji Xiaoyan and the others rush Go out, don't do it?"

"How is it possible!" City Lord Yan Shan replied indifferently.

"Then you are going to let me do it first?" City Lord Ye Shan sneered.

"After all, it's our common Panchi City..." City Lord Yan Shan didn't feel any embarrassment at being guessed, and said to City Lord Ye Shan lightly: "Then let's do it together! This way no one will suffer?"

"This is necessary." City Lord Ye Shan glanced at City Master Yan Shan, and after seeing him wave his hand to signal to his subordinates, he recruited a team of his own men, and then whispered a few words, let the two teams After all the guards stood together, they ordered together with City Lord Yan Shan: "Stop those who try to rush out of the city gate. As for those adventurers, shoot them all!"

The guards of the two teams responded and rushed towards Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

And City Lord Ye Shan, together with City Lord Yan Shan, waited until all the guards had joined the battle, and rushed in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan.Their ideas and goals are very simple, as long as they catch Ji Xiaoyan!As for the others, they don't care whether they want to go out of the city or not. It's just that Ji Xiaoyan at this time is just after becoming an aborigine in the game, so he doesn't know how to use many spells and combat skills. Rubbish, completely useless.So after the battle started, he was directly led by the old man Qingmi to the city gate, and stood with two Qingcheng guards who were protecting the unconscious Xuanmo, waiting for more guards to rush under the city gate, everyone Let's open the gate together.

However, Ji Xiaoyan and the others had just stood under the city gate for a short time when they heard movement and found that City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan had also joined the battle and began to move towards them.

"Boss Qing Gong, it's City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan..." Ji Xiaoyan grabbed Chief Qing Gong with some unease, and then said to him: "What should we do? They came directly towards us. It must be Come catch me..."

"Master City Master, don't be afraid, there is Elder Qingmi!" Director Qing Gong naturally saw the eyes of City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan looking at his City Master under the light under the city wall, although he felt a little bit in his heart. He was flustered, but he quickly spoke to comfort Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Look, Lord City Master, there is Lord Bessa over there. As long as our guards from the Qing City come over, we can open the city gate immediately... Don't worry, it will be soon. You will definitely be able to leave Panchi City..." At this point, Director Qing Gong quickly turned to look at the old teleporter who had been following them without any movement and asked: "Teleporter, are you right? Bar?"

The teleporter was still watching with relish watching the guards of Panchi City and Flying Leaves, where the players were fighting, when he suddenly heard the words of Manager Qing Gong, he was stunned, and then nodded quickly, facing Ji Xiaoyan said: "My lord, don't worry! As long as you can rush out of the city gate and step on the teleportation array, I will definitely send you back to Qingcheng! As for this city gate, you don't have to worry, it used to be Four or five guards can pull it open, but now for some unknown reasons, a big wooden bar was added to lock it! As long as some more people come, the wooden bar will definitely be taken down and the city gate will be opened. So, don't worry, relax, relax..."

Ji Xiaoyan took a deep breath and forced a smile at the old teleporter, but his heart was not so optimistic.

In the past, the city lord Ye Shan only mentioned the matter of getting married. Later, because she had to see the apron equipment that was said to have been stolen by her, this gave her time to escape from the city lord's mansion. But, looking at the current situation , their sneaking behavior has also been discovered, if they are caught by the city lord Yeshan, then there will be no more time to delay the wedding date and the like
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but asked the old man Qingmi who was frowning and looking vigilantly in the direction of City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Ye Shan: "By the way, Elder Qing Mi, the old man of City Lord Ye Shan Did you find the bellyband?" It seemed that she was only concerned with reuniting with Brick and the old man Qingya, and didn't care about this issue at all.

"I found it a long time ago! Otherwise, why do you think we came to Panchi City so soon?" Qingmi old man didn't even look at Ji Xiaoyan, and said directly to her: "It took us a lot of effort to get here. I found the apron you sold from the adventurer! You girl is the same, such an important thing, if you steal it and sell it, you will sell it..."

Ji Xiaoyan looked confused, and after being stunned for two seconds, he said to the old man Qingmi: "Really? I don't remember... Then where is that bellyband now? Brick's body?" , Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick!
However, the next second Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick and shook his head at her.

"How could it be on Brick's body?" Old Man Qingmi said with some disdain, "It's on that adventurer...what's his name? Nightmare Flying, right? It's on him! Back then You sold that apron to his brother, and we set off from Qingcheng all the way, looking for his brother everywhere, and then brought back the apron! It’s just that the wandering adventurer insisted on wearing the apron. Ken let us hold it, so the things are still with him..."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded clearly, and then said: "Then do we still need to return the apron to his brother?" After all, it was intended to be brought back to show City Lord Yeshan at the beginning. But now the situation, I'm afraid I don't even need to look at it!The bellyband didn't sound like they bought it back with money, so Ji Xiaoyan was still a little worried about the ownership of the bellyband.

"Return?" The old man Qingmi frowned, thinking of the loan and purchase promise they had promised Yanpao Liuli and Yunteng Wanli, and then thinking of the situation in Qingcheng's treasure house, so he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If you don't After buying it back, of course we have to pay it back... After all, we agreed with them at that time to just borrow it. But if you don't return the bellyband, it doesn't matter, Xiaoyan girl, you go back and wander with that nightmare and his brother Just say it, most likely they won't ask you for a bellyband either!"

"Why?" Ji Xiaoyan was puzzled.Hearing old man Qingmi's tone, it seems that he is a little worried that if they can't afford this bellyband with the current treasure house in Qingcheng, they still need gold coins, right?How could those adventurers say no to it?

"What and why? You have such a good relationship with them, do they have the nerve to ask you to take back that apron?" The old man Qingmi didn't notice what he said at all, and stared at City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan with all his attention. In the direction of Ji Xiaoyan, he continued, "Don't even think about it. When you wandered around the mainland, you often took them with you. They also benefited a lot from you! Just such a thing They have borrowed all the things, and if you open your mouth and say you won’t return them, do they still have the nerve to go back? Besides, if it doesn’t work, just rely on your friendship, you can tell them when you have gold coins in Qingcheng, and then It's the same for returning them... You don't have to worry about this!"

"Really? I'm good friends with that Nightmare Foil..." Ji Xiaoyan murmured, but he didn't see Qing Mi's old head and heard something terrible, so he turned his head suddenly , stared at her for a moment...

The expressions of Brick and Manager Qing Gong at this moment are extremely exciting!When old man Qingya and Ji Xiaoyan said the name of Yan Buliu, they tried their best to wink at old man Qingmi, trying to make him stop this topic and stop talking about it.But who knows, the old man Qing Mi didn't look at them at all!There is no way, Manager Qing Gong and Brick can't walk over to ask old man Qingmi to shut up in front of Ji Xiaoyan, right?At that time, Ji Xiaoyan didn't suspect anything at first, but he will be a little suspicious!Right?
It's just that they never expected that the old man Qingmi's words would be so thoughtless!They were trying their best to remind themselves and other people that they could not tell Ji Xiaoyan about her relationship with the other adventurers, so as not to let her have a chance to remember anything, and it turned out to be good!The old man Qingmi directly brought out the nightmare foil in a few words, leaving a mark in Ji Xiaoyan's originally blank mind...

After seeing Ji Xiaoyan's pensive expression, and watching Brick and Manager Qing Gong keep shaking their heads at him in depression and disappointment, old man Qingmi realized what he just said... .. But, it seems too late to save it now!

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!

(End of this chapter)

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