Chapter 1450 Help? !
"That...that, Xiaoyan girl!" Qingmi old man is no longer in the mood to watch the battle between Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan at all. He only has one flustered thought in his heart, how can he get what he just said out of his mouth? Things get back together, don't let Miss Ji Xiaoyan become curious about the players like Yanfoil drifting away from them, let her have more with Yanfoil drifting away from them in the next time. How should I put it?Learn more?

Ji Xiaoyan looked unaware, looked up innocently at old man Qingmi, then stretched out his hand to him, as if trying to stop him from speaking, and said: "Master Qingmi, you just now I know what I said! Don't worry, I will think about how to tell those adventurers about the bellyband later... You just need to know about the treasure house in Qingcheng, but you can't talk about it, otherwise In the future, if adventurers come to our Qingcheng and cause some troubles, such as coercing us to Qingcheng, lowering housing prices, prices, etc., and not paying rent, it will not be good! Are you right?"

"No, girl Xiaoyan...I..." Old Qing Mi blinked anxiously at Ji Xiaoyan, and almost blurted out some words from the bottom of his heart, but the manager Qing Gong next to him saw that something was wrong, so He hurried forward, grabbed the old man Qingmi, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Master City Master, don't worry, Elder Qingmi is that kind of person! If our Qingcheng is not good, , Elder Qingmi must be the first person to worry can rest assured!"

Ji Xiaoyan thought about it too, and immediately nodded to old man Qingmi with a smile.

So, the old man Qingmi immediately swallowed back the words in his heart, and then struggled for a few times with Manager Qing Gong's hand that was holding him down. Seeing that he was forcing himself to go to the side, he walked away a little depressed. After taking two steps, I heard Director Qing Gong whispering to him: "Elder Qing Mi, you should stop talking any more! As the saying goes, more words make more mistakes..."

Speaking of this, Manager Qing Gong couldn't help but look at old man Qingmi with complaints.If he hadn't been talking too much just now, how could Ji Xiaoyan have heard about the relationship between Yan Foil and other adventurers such as his brother and her?Now that the matter is like this, if they say something more, maybe more things will be involved in the future. At that time, how will they face Ji Xiaoyan and explain to her?It's better to be like this now
"Don't tell me?" Qingmi old man frowned, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked with some confusion: "If you don't explain it clearly to girl Xiaoyan, what should I do if she becomes curious later?"

"Forget it! Elder Qingmi!" Director Qing Gong shook his head at the old man Qingmi with certainty, and then said: "Let's go if you are curious, it's better than telling her more things unintentionally." ! Are you right? That's it!"

Hearing this, the old man Qingmi looked at Director Qing Gong with some displeasure.

"Don't worry, when the Lord City Lord meets those adventurers, we will be by the side and will definitely watch them." Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, then sighed and said: "We don't want the Lord City Lord to meet those adventurers either. Is there anything to do with the adventurers? It’s just, Elder Qingya, those adventurers are different from the city lord, their memories have not disappeared, even if our city lord doesn’t remember them, they will still know and remember the city lord They have done something. So, all we can do is try not to let them get in touch with the city lord, and remind her of the past! The rest, we can't stop it, and we can't stop it!"

"Unless." Unless the Lord God made all the adventurers who knew Ji Xiaoyan lose their memories? !The old man Qingmi suddenly thought of this possibility for no reason, but in the next second he understood that this matter is impossible!
So, in the end, the old man Qingmi could only sigh silently, followed Manager Qing Gong and stood beside Ji Xiaoyan, and then continued to watch the movements of City Lord Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan with a guilty conscience.

And the men in black of the fox tribe also acted very quickly. When the city lords of Yeshan and Lushan joined the battle and began to harvest the experience of the players, the leader of the men in black brought his few remaining men in black with him. The companions rushed towards Ji Xiaoyan's direction.Those players who fought with the guards of Panchi City had seen the NPCs of the fox clan before, so they didn't make any specific actions for a while, they just concentrated on following the instructions of old man Qingmi and the others to trap a Panchi City The guard counts as one, if you are attacked by a black-clothed NPC from the fox clan, let's talk about it at that time...
It's just that all the players didn't expect that the men in black from the fox tribe rushed to them at an extremely fast speed, and then drew out their knives and directly aimed at the guards of the Panchi City who were trapped by them. Scratch it on the neck... A few seconds later, the NPC guards who were still struggling to kill many of the health bars of these players just collapsed to the ground and died directly.
"Fuck, that's awesome!!" Several players looked in amazement at the black-clothed people of the Fox tribe, who flitted past them chicly without touching any leaves. The guards fell down and couldn't help shouting. Get up: "Everyone work hard, people from the Fox clan are here to help... Hold on!"

Because of the fast speed of the Fox Clan, more and more guards in Panchi City fell. Soon, the voices of the players reached the ears of City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan, allowing them to see that their men were beaten. The action of falling side by side.
"Good job, Ji Xiaoyan! Sure enough, you have colluded with those Fox people!" City Lord Ye Shan gritted his teeth and looked at the Fox people rushing towards them, and couldn't help shouting in Ji Xiaoyan's direction. "Ji Xiaoyan, you are still colluding with those foxes... Hmph, you have colluded and wounded Xuan Mo and sent them to our Panchi City, what exactly do you want to do? If you don't tell me clearly today, I will The City Lord will never let you leave our Panchi City!"

Ji Xiaoyan heard the words of City Lord Ye Shan from a distance, and looked at the scene suspiciously, then looked at old man Qingmi and Chief Qing Gong, frowned and said: "What does City Lord Ye Shan mean? What do we mean?" Is it time to collude with those people from the fox clan?"

"That fellow Ye Shan is talking about those men in black who rushed out just now, they belong to the fox clan!" Old man Qingmi couldn't help showing a gloating smile on his face, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Speaking of which, you may not remember. We went to the Fox Clan not long ago. You used to carry a sacred object of their Fox Clan with you. Later, we went to find Lin Qianye, so we went in together. The Fox Clan... In order to leave, we returned your sacred object of the Fox Clan to the Fox Clan. Speaking of which, you still have some kindness to the Fox Clan..."

Ji Xiaoyan was a little confused, but nodded to the old man Qingmi, and then asked, "Who is Lin Qianye?"

The old man Qingmi was stunned for a moment, resisting the urge to slap himself on the mouth immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "No one, no one! It's just an insignificant person... Let's just say these foxes Just kidding, he managed to get Ji Xiaoyan to accept that he, the elder of Qingshimen, was her master, how could he let Ji Xiaoyan know that Lin Qianye was actually her nominal master?Sure enough, my mouth is fast, and I almost made trouble again
Ji Xiaoyan looked suspiciously at old man Qingmi, knowing that he didn't want to say anything more, so he thought for a while and asked: "Master Qingmi, do you mean that these foxes are here to help us? It's just that our Are you on good terms with him?"

"Hmph, girl Xiaoyan, you don't know about this..." The old man Qingmi said to Ji Xiaoyan with a proud expression on his face, "After we entered Panchi City, we were fooled by Ye Shan and Yan Shan to follow them. Chasing these fox people... Afterwards, Lao Tzu and the city lord of Bessa found out that something was wrong, so they directly threw away Yan Shan and the others, and went to the city lord's mansion to find you. So it can be regarded as letting go of the fox people, they now It is justifiable to come to help us. They came to Panchi City and said that they wanted to find Yanshan to deal with Yeshan together, and wanted to take down the entire Panchi City. But later, for some reason, Jishan did not agree, so they went to fight with these foxes. The tribes met, and then they became enemies! Now it is estimated that Ye Shan and Lu Shan also hate these foxes deeply, and they don't want them to leave Panchi City at all! Now these foxes see that we want to leave Panchi City Yes, if you come to help, firstly, it will let us remember our love, and secondly, we can walk together, the best of both worlds."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan kept the same expression, nodded to old man Qingmi, and then said: "Then do we need to promise them any conditions?"

The old man Qingya frowned, but didn't say anything.How can he know if the fox clan has any requirements?
"By the way, Master Qingmi, you didn't offend those fox tribes when you helped City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan chase those fox tribes?" Ji Xiaoyan thought of a very serious question, and looked at the old man Qingmi curiously. Asked: "Do you think they are here for revenge?"

"Girl Xiaoyan, what do you mean by that?" Old man Qingmi was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled expression.Fox family revenge, what kind of revenge?
"It means revenge!" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and said to the old man Qingmi: "For example, Master Qingmi, before you separated from Lord Yeshan and the others, did you offend those foxes? Now they see that we are leaving Panchi City, and then they think that the opportunity is rare, so they come to stop us, and let us be caught by City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Lushan?"

The old man Qingmi was stunned for a few seconds, then he glanced at Ji Xiaoyan in a daze, looked at Director Qing Gong and Brick, and asked in a low voice, "Do you also think it's possible?"

Manager Qing Gong and Brick thought for a while, and shook their heads collectively, expressing that they were not sure either.

But, now, the old man Qingmi is a little depressed.

If these fox people really came to help, then their situation is really not very good.However, seeing those black-clothed people of the fox tribe harvesting the lives of the guards of Panchi City one by one, the old man Qingmi couldn't believe it.No matter what the posture is, it looks like they are here to help them! At least, they are still consistent in dealing with the people of City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan, aren't they?

But, can things really be as beautiful as they imagined?

The old man Qingmi frowned tightly, and his eyes never moved away from the black-clothed people of the fox clan in the chaotic scene.He wanted to make sure that even if those men in black rushed in front of them, they would not let them hurt Miss Ji Xiaoyan
Soon, the old man Qingmi saw that the fox man who seemed to be the leader of the men in black suddenly jumped out of the crowd and ran directly in their direction, so the old man Qingmi quickly turned his head to Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a low voice. Said: "You all be careful... There are people from the fox clan coming over, it seems that they are the one who took the lead..."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he quickly turned his head and said to the guards of the city lord's mansion who were carrying Xuan Mo on their backs: "Be careful, protect Xuan Mo..."

The two guards nodded quickly and were cautiously vigilant.

A few seconds later, the leader of the fox tribe in black had already jumped under the city wall, stopped two meters away from the old man Qingmi, and after carefully arranging his clothes, he turned to Qingmi. Old Mi smiled, and said, "Elder Qing Mi."

The old man Qingmi looked vigilantly at the leader of the man in black in front of him, squinted his eyes and stared at him for a few seconds, then nodded, as a response to him, and then asked: "I don't know this fox clan, why are you here?" what's the matter?"

The leader of the man in black from the Fox Clan smiled and looked behind Old Man Qingmi, and then asked cautiously: "Elder Qingmi, is the person behind you the Lord of Qing City?"

When the old man Qingmi heard the words of the leader of the fox tribe in black, he immediately thought of what Ji Xiaoyan said just now, so he immediately looked at the leader of the man in black dangerously, and then asked him: "So what? ? Not so what?"

The leader of the man in black couldn't understand why the old man Qingmi felt an inexplicable hostility when he saw him. After thinking for a while, he still smiled and said, "I came to see Lord City Master, just to ask if there is anything I need to help with. No..." At this point, seeing the obvious disbelief on the old man Qingmi's face, the leader of the man in black thought about it again, and said to old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan in the shadow of the city wall: "If To be honest, it is actually our Fox Clan who wants to ask the City Master and Elder Qingmi to help us out of Panchi City... You also know the situation of our Fox Clan in Panchi City, so I won’t say much Now! We need to go back to the Fox Clan immediately, seeing that you are leaving too, Lord City Lord, so come here quickly..."

(End of this chapter)

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