Chapter 1451 Nonsense
"Looking for our help?" The old man Qingmi frowned slightly, and looked at the leader of the fox tribe in black with a disbelieving expression on his face, seeing that he was always looking at him with a flattering smile. Ji Xiaoyan and I thought for a while, then grinned and said, "How do you say, you are here to help us leave together, not to trouble us?"

"That's natural! Elder Qingmi!" The leader of the man in black immediately nodded when he heard the old man Qingmi's words, and said affirmatively: "Why do we look like we are here to ask for trouble? Besides, we The current situation of the Fox Clan in Panchi City is not known to others, Elder Qingmi, can you still not know?"

Old man Qingya thinks about it, it seems that it really is the same thing!Thinking about the vengeful character of City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan, these people in black from the fox tribe have become hostile to them, there is no way that City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan will let them go, no? ?Therefore, if these people from the fox clan came to help Ye Shan City Lord and the others, it would be impossible!Right?The current situation of these fox people in black is probably similar to that of Miss Ji Xiaoyan. They are the ones who are being targeted by City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan and cannot leave!
And, more importantly, if these fox people don't want to leave Panchi City, all that is waiting for them is death!Miss Ji Xiaoyan is better. At most, she will lose half of Qingcheng, her marriage and personal freedom.
Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi immediately straightened his face, nodded to the leader of the fox tribe in black, told him to wait a while, and immediately rushed to Ji Xiaoyan, and asked her in a low voice. Said: "Okay, Xiaoyan girl, you have heard what the fox people want to do. If you have no objection, we will agree quickly. Let's open the city gate together and go out first... As for the benefits I don’t think there is so much time for us to talk about it, or I don’t want to waste time talking about it for the time being. When the things here are over, we will see the sincerity of the Fox Clan and the others. It’s fine to give it to you if you want it or not! No, it can be regarded as finding a white worker to help leave Panchi City together, what do you think?”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and said to the old man Qingmi: "I listen to you, Master Qingmi." Just kidding, seeing the angry expressions of City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan getting closer, Ji Xiaoyan doesn't think it's still Time to talk about this!They just need to quickly open the city gate and leave!then it's over
The old man Qingmi listened to Ji Xiaoyan's words with satisfaction, and quickly nodded to the leader of the Fox Clan in black, let him walk to Ji Xiaoyan's side, greeted him in a low voice, and then began to give them the Fox Clan's People arrange things.

As a result, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan, who were about to rush directly to Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a smooth manner, found that the situation on the scene was a bit difficult to control.Originally, because of Master Bessa, the attacking speed of the Lord Yeshan and the City Lord Yanshan was hindered, but now with the addition of some men in black from the fox tribe, they not only have to deal with the players, but also deal with the guards of Qingcheng, The members of the fox clan, and then Master Bessa's stabbing in the back... It's really powerless!
"Ji Xiaoyan, don't let me catch you!" City Lord Ye Shan growled in Ji Xiaoyan's direction with anger and resentment on his face, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Ji Xiaoyan Xiaoyan, didn't you agree to marry me? Is this how you treat your fiancé? Hurry up and go back to the City Lord's Mansion with me, I promise that Qi Shan will help us prepare a perfect and grand wedding..."

Hearing the words, City Lord Yan Shan frowned slightly and glanced at City Lord Ye Shan without saying a word.

Master Bessa was a little surprised and stopped the attacking spell in his hand, and turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan.After watching the old man Qingmi keep shaking his head at him, Lord Bessa turned his head to look at City Lord Ye Shan with some worry.

"Ye Shan, don't you bastard, there is no way we Xiaoyan girl will marry you! It was you who asked to marry her, you are... this is a forced marriage! Yes, that's right. Forced marriage! Our Xiaoyan girl never agreed to it at all." The old man Qingmi hurriedly shouted at the Lord Yeshan, "Hmph, don't think that we don't know what you and Yushan are thinking, don't you just want Xiaoyan The girl's Qingcheng? You're dreaming!"

"Hmph, Qing Mi, how much do you know about me and Xiaoyan?" City Lord Ye Shan directly killed a player with a spell, and said to Qing Mi with a sneer: "Ask Xiaoyan, we have a certain plan." A token of love! What’s the matter? You took the token of love from the city lord, Xiaoyan, don’t you want to admit it?”

Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips tightly, feeling helpless and angry.

Although City Lord Ye Shan said that she took the bellyband, she doesn't remember anything now, okay?
"Ye Shan, don't you talk nonsense here, who took your token of love?" The old man Qingmi's anger rose sharply, and he yelled at the Lord Ye Shan, and then said with a sneer: "Okay, Ye Shan, don't try to disturb us by yelling, let us have the energy to break the city! I told you, Ye Shan, whether you want to or not, we must leave your Panchi city today If you want to see girl Xiaoyan in the future, then come to Qingcheng... At that time, we girl Xiaoyan will not be the same as now, and you will be forced to do this and that..."

Hmph, if it wasn't for the sake of saving Xuan Mo, did City Master Ye Shan think that Ji Xiaoyan had to listen to him and City Master Yan Shan?
City Lord Ye Shan gave old man Qingmi a sideways glance, without any intention of looking at him, but yelled at Ji Xiaoyan directly: "Ji Xiaoyan, tell yourself! As the City Lord of Qing City, since you took my City Lord As a token of love, it is natural to fulfill the promise..."

Lord Bessa frowned tightly upon hearing this.He thinks, if Ji Xiaoyan really has the so-called token of love that City Lord Ye Shan has on his body, just return it to him and it will be over. Whether it was spread or not, it would be embarrassing in face. Moreover, Lord Bessa thinks, if Ji Xiaoyan knew about it, it would be impossible for him to take the things belonging to City Lord Yeshan!After all, it was too late for her to hide from him
However, Lord Bessa wanted to return to his thoughts, and these words in his heart really must not be said out loud.

And what these NPC city masters didn't expect was that the token of love of Ye Shan city master was not on Ji Xiaoyan's body at all at this moment!
Nightmare Foil drifted together with strangers and fallen leaves, while directing the players to tie up the guards of the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City, while listening to the movements of City Lord Ye Shan and Ji Xiaoyan.So after hearing the words of City Lord Ye Shan, Yan Foil immediately thought of the piece of equipment in his package, and then murmured to the fallen leaves and strangers: "Vegetarian food, fallen leaves, what did City Lord Ye Shan say?" The so-called token of love is not the apron I'm wearing, is it?"

"Impossible!?" Fallen Leaves was the first to be disbelieving, "How long has it been since you sold that bellyband Xiaoyan to your brother? If it's a token of love, why haven't you seen City Lord Yeshan and Xiaoyan before?" Did you mention this when we met?"

"But, I think this thing looks very similar!" Yan Foil Liuli frowned, and said to the other two, "Think about it, this is the bellyband of Lord Yeshan! What a secret thing... and , think about it, why did Elder Qingmi insist that we find this thing before we can come to Panchi City? Didn’t he mean to give this thing to Xiaoyan and then give it to City Lord Yeshan? When Elder Qingmi and the others were looking for this apron, they were planning to return it to City Lord Yeshan, so why were they in such a hurry?"

Falling Leaves Flying frowned, looking at the stranger.

"I think it's possible!" The stranger looked pensive, thought for a while and said in agreement: "It may be because of this that Elder Qingmi and Brick must find this apron before coming to Panchi City... But, now The bellyband is drifting away from your body..." I don't know each other and I can't figure it out, what should I do next?The bellyband is not on Ji Xiaoyan's body, and if she hasn't come out, will she be asked by Lord Yeshan to continue to fulfill the promise of the marriage contract?Or, if you refuse to admit it, the bellyband is not on her body anyway?
Thinking of this, the strangers immediately cast their gazes in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan, and then whispered to Yan Foil Liuli and Fallen Leaves Flying: "No matter what, if Xiaoyan needs this apron later, you can send it to Liuli... ..."

"That's for sure!" Yan Foil Liuli nodded without hesitation, and then said with some helplessness: "I'm afraid that Elder Qingmi and the NPCs will not be willing..."

The strangers and the fallen leaves immediately frowned when they heard the words, and looked in the direction of the city gate nervously.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the old man Qingmi helplessly after hearing what City Lord Yeshan said, and then asked in a low voice: "Master Qingmi, do you think we should return the bellyband of City Lord Yeshan to him? It's not a big deal to be owed this matter..." Even if they returned to Qingcheng later, when the time came, City Lord Yeshan said that it might not be possible, and they would still come to Qingcheng to trouble her with this apron!But, can this bellyband really be returned if you want to?
Sure enough, the old man Qingmi gave a disdainful snort in the direction of City Lord Ye Shan in the next second, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice: "Girl Xiaoyan, do you think Ye Shan is just looking for something from you? ? That's an excuse! Without this, there will be others... So, you don't care about him at all. When we return to Qingcheng, we will find that wandering adventurer named Nightmare to bring the things back, and send someone to formally Send it back to Panchi City, and it’s over! The rest of the matter can be studied later..."

After finishing speaking, the old man Qingmi directly scanned all the people in front of the city gate with his eyes, then turned his head to the leader of the fox tribe in black and asked: "Fox tribe, can your people help us directly?" The guards bring some here? The people of Ye Shan and Lu Shan are a bit difficult to deal with. If there is a stalemate like this all the time, it may not be until Ye Shan and them all rush to us, and we haven't opened the city gate yet..."

"Elder Qingmi, what does Elder Qingmi mean to protect the guards of Qingcheng and open the city gate together first?" The leader of the black-clothed fox clan looked at old Qingmi and asked, seeing him nodding, he immediately nodded Nodded, and then said: "Elder Qingmi and the city lord can rest assured, I will go over to help, and the guards who protect Qingcheng must come over a little more, let's work together to open the city gate..."

"Thank you!" Old man Qingmi nodded politely to the leader of the fox tribe in black, and after watching him jump into the battle ring, he looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Gong and said, "We will directly Go inside and rush out as soon as someone arrives." Speaking of this, the old head of Qing Mi suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at the old teleporter who had been standing under the city gate without saying a word, and asked: " I haven't asked, Teleporter, are there any problems with you?"

Hearing the old man Qingmi's voice, the old teleporter immediately opened his closed eyes, and after looking for several seconds, he pointed to himself and asked, "Is the elder asking me?"

"Is there a second teleporter here?" Aidi Snack squatted in the shadow under the city gate with some rolling eyes, whispered angrily.She really wanted to follow the other players to try out what it was like to fight, but unfortunately, she was just a powerless life player, so she just had to follow Ji Xiaoyan and the others honestly.

When the old teleporter heard what Aidi Snacks said, he immediately spat at her with disdain, and then said, "What are you talking about here, you useless adventurer? The old man didn't ask you anything..."

Aidi Snacks glanced at the old teleporter depressedly, and fell silent.

The old man Qingmi looked at the old teleporter with some displeasure, and then at Ai Di Snacks. After a while, he said: "Then, since you heard me, teleporter, do you have any questions?" Why didn’t you answer Elder Ben?”

"Me? Naturally, I have no problems at all!" The old teleporter said to the old man Qingmi with a confident face: "The city lord will pay me, and I will prepare the teleportation needs according to the number of people reported by the city lord." Things, so as long as you can go out of the city gate and stand on the teleportation array, I can naturally teleport you all back to Qingcheng... However, if you need to send everyone away, you may need to teleport twice ! This second teleportation, I am afraid that the two city lords of our Panchi City will not allow me to carry it out so easily..."

(End of this chapter)

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