Chapter 1456 What to do?
Because Ji Xiaoyan was directly nailed to the spot by the spell of the city lord Yanshan, there was no way to move, so the city lords Lushan and Yeshan had no distraction to observe after confirming that Ji Xiaoyan could not leave the teleportation circle of Panchi City The situation on Ji Xiaoyan's side was to deal with the old man Qingmi in front of them and the people in black from the fox tribe wholeheartedly.

Therefore, when the guards of the Qing city stepped into the edge of the battle circle between the city lords Ye Shan and Lu Shan and the old man Qingmi and the fox clan, they were almost affected by their various spells and fist attacks.So, the Qingcheng guard quickly found a relatively safe place, and then started yelling at old man Qingmi.

However, because the old man Qingmi was too focused on fighting Ye Shan City Lord and the others, he didn't hear the call of the Qing City guard at all. He waited until a man in black from the fox clan approached him, patted him, and then After gesturing to the guards of Qingcheng, the old man Qingmi finally turned his gaze away, and after watching the leader of the fox tribe in black lead his people to meet the attack of Lord Yeshan and the others, he quickly flew down. When he reached the guard, he hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter? Tell me quickly..."

Speaking of this, the old man Qingmi instantly thought of Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and hurriedly looked towards the city gate, only seeing Ji Xiaoyan's back bent and squatting, so he immediately frowned, wanting to ask He asked Ji Xiaoyan what was going on there, but before the old man Qingmi could speak, he heard the guard of Qingcheng speak.

"Master Uncle Qingmi, I came here on the orders of the city lord to ask you something." The guard of Qingcheng quickly opened his mouth and whispered to the old man Qingmi, without waiting for him to ask, he stretched out his hand The old man Qingmi pulled him closer to his mouth, and then hurriedly said: "The city owner wants to ask why she can't die..."

"What?" The old man Qingmi looked astonished that he had heard it wrong, looked at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion in front of him and blinked, and asked again in disbelief: "What did you just say?"

"My lord, tell my subordinates to come down and ask why she can't die!" The guard of Qingcheng repeated in a low voice, and then continued directly, regardless of the frightened expression on Old Man Qingmi's face, "My lord I stabbed myself, and wanted to get rid of the spell she was currently using, and go to the teleportation circle outside Panchi City to resurrect. However, I didn't expect that the city lord would not die after this stabbing, but would be very painful... Now the city lord also I don’t know what’s going on, so I’ll ask my subordinates to ask Elder Qingmi…” Having said this, Qingcheng’s guard immediately looked at Old Man Qingmi again, and then continued: “Originally, this subordinate was planning to ask Manager Qing Gong is in charge, but they are almost at the teleportation array now..."

"Did girl Xiaoyan get hit by a spell? Ye Shan and Lu Tan's spells?" The old man Qingmi finally understood a little when he heard this, and turned his head to look in Ji Xiaoyan's direction quickly, only to see a hazy black figure Ying didn't move under the light of the city gate, then frowned, and said to the guard of Qingcheng in a low voice with some anger: "But, it's not right! Isn't girl Xiaoyan an aborigine? Why did she commit suicide? ? Isn't she afraid that when she closes her eyes, she will directly return to Lord Lord God? This is simply nonsense!"

The guards of Qingcheng shook their heads at Old Man Qingmi, "The Lord City Master is favored by the Master God. As for the details, Elder Qingmi, you can ask the Lord City Master... Now the Lord City Master wants to know why she died Don’t drop it! Elder Qing Mi, do you know what’s going on?”

The old man Qingya frowned.How could he know!Think about it, he doesn't even know why Miss Ji Xiaoyan became a real aborigine and still wants to be like an adventurer, and she will go to the teleportation array to be resurrected once she dies, let alone why she stabbed her by herself. You can't die if you kill yourself
However, thinking of what the Qingcheng guards said just now, the old man Qingmi immediately looked at him suspiciously and said, "Is it because Xiaoyan girl is favored by Lord God, so she can't die?"

The guard of Qingcheng frowned, bowed his head and did not speak for a while.To be honest, he and Ji Xiaoyan also had such doubts!But, later, Ji Xiaoyan denied it again, saying that she must be resurrected like an adventurer
The guards of Qingcheng were silent for a while, then gritted their teeth, and asked Old Man Qingmi: "Then, Elder Qingmi, if you don't know... can you go with your subordinates to ask City Master Besa! As the lord of the city, he must be well-informed and know a lot..." At this point, the guard of Qingcheng turned his head and looked in the direction of Lord Bessa, and then continued: "It's just that Bessa is now The appearance of the city lord, it seems that his subordinates are not capable of waking him up! Elder Qing Mi, do you have a solution?"

"Looking for City Lord Bessa?" The old man Qingmi's eyes lit up instantly.That's right, what he doesn't know doesn't mean that the Lord Bessa of River Water City doesn't know either!He is the lord of the city, it would be strange if he knew less!Moreover, Manager Qing Gong had told him back then that Miss Ji Xiaoyan was always accompanied by City Lord Bessa from the time she prepared to become an aboriginal to the days after she actually became an aboriginal!Therefore, Lord Bessa must know what is going on with Ji Xiaoyan now!

So, what they have to do now is to rescue the city lord Bessa from the spells of the night lord and the lord!
However, just as the old man Qingmi was about to agree to the guards of Qingcheng, he instantly caught sight of the people in black from the fox tribe who were fighting with Lord Yeshan and the others.Speaking of it, he can ignore them, but if it is really rumored that he, the elder of Qingshimen, is treacherous, it will not only damage his reputation
"This way..." Old man Qingmi thought for a while, looked around, and then told the guard of Qingcheng: "There are still many guards of Qingcheng in the city now, you can call them properly .Let them all bring those adventurers to our place...that is, the City Lord Yeshan and the City Lord Yanshan! When the time comes, let them first help relieve the pressure on those foxes, and let those The guards of Panchi City have become obstacles to Ye Shan and Lu Shan's attacks... At that time, let's go and see the situation on the side of City Lord Bessa!"

"Okay!" The guard of Qingcheng thought for a while, nodded quickly, and then, without waiting for old man Qingmi to speak, he directly rushed towards the player and the guard of Panchi City with a stride.

The old man Qingmi opened his mouth, but he turned around and intervened to help those fox people.
At this moment, Chief Qing Gong and the others had already walked to the teleportation array, and then looked in the direction of the city gate.In the darkness, there were only some sporadic and weak lights flickering on the other side of the city gate, and the specific situation could not be seen at all.
"The city lord hasn't come yet, let's wait!" Director Qing Gong said to the others with some worry.But in my heart I was a little worried about Ji Xiaoyan
"Well, let's wait! Xiaoyan will definitely come over." Brick nodded without hesitation, and said to Manager Qing Gong.Then he looked at the old teleporter and asked, "Master Teleporter, can you make preparations first, and then open the teleportation array immediately when we are ready?"

The old teleporter pondered for a few seconds, then nodded with some reluctance, and said to Brick and Manager Qing Gong: "Yes, yes... Hey, since I have already received the reward from the city lord, I still have to send the city lord Sending them back is the fulfillment of the promise. However, the time I can prepare is not too long, if the Lord City Lord still can't come by then, then I can only send you away!"

Brick and Manager Qing Gong glanced at each other and nodded.They believed that Ji Xiaoyan would definitely appear in the teleportation array soon!Now, all they need is a little time!

Seeing that Brick and Manager Qing Gong had no objections, the old teleporter took things out of his bag and started preparing for the teleportation with the help of the light from the magic circle on the teleportation circle.

In Panchi City, with the help of the guards of Qingcheng, although many players were killed by the guards of Panchi City, they did not appear in the resurrection of the teleportation array outside Panchi City, but appeared in the In the teleportation array in the corner of a deserted residential area in the northernmost part of Panchi City.

"Damn. Shouldn't we be resurrected directly in the teleportation array outside the city gate? Where is this place?" Many players were dumbfounded as soon as they opened their eyes.

"Where else can it be? You still expect to be killed in Panchi City, and you can't be resurrected in the teleportation array in your last town?" Several players looked at the surrounding environment speechlessly, rolled their eyes and said He said something to the other players, and then urged: "Okay, okay, everyone should not delay here, hurry to the city gate..."

"What are you going to do now? Death?" A player said a little unhappy, "I don't know how much experience we lost this time! Now that the game is updated, we can't even see a single experience bar I don't know if I lost the equipment or not!"

When many players heard this, they immediately frowned.

Speaking of which, didn't they come here just to do the mission so that they could upgrade and get the equipment later?As a result, I didn't expect that I didn't receive this task, and I failed once in vain!Then should they continue to go to the city gate to help?
When many players thought of this problem, they felt a little immobile in the teleportation array.

"Isn't it just a little experience? What a pity." A player who had already stepped out of the teleportation array didn't care at all, and said to everyone with blood on his face: "I said you are really, just a little experience, How many monsters do you go back out of the city and come back? What kind of situation are we encountering now? That’s a fight with an NPC! Which of you can encounter this kind of experience in the game if you have nothing to do? Anyway, I am The first time...haha, and, if you kill an NPC, you don't have to worry about red names...what a chance? What a great opportunity to become famous, but I don't know how to grasp it, so why worry about that little experience..."

Speaking of this, the player saw many male players looking at him with some excitement, smiled instantly, and then said: "Think about it yourself, if you really get a few levels of experience, can you get such an opportunity? Yes What's so distressing! What you need to feel distressed about is that it's true if you didn't kill one or two NPCs... When you think about bragging with others?"

After finishing speaking, the player didn't care about the expressions on other people's faces, and just took two steps forward.

And at this moment, a few players who had just been killed and revived in the teleportation array popped up, and then a female player suddenly had a warm white light flashing all over her body, directly illuminating the originally dim teleportation array .

"Damn it. What's going on? Someone upgraded?" Many players looked in the direction of the light source in surprise. It was an ordinary-looking female mage player.

The female player looked at the crowd in confusion, then looked at herself in disbelief, and asked the crowd, "I've really upgraded?"

"Damn it! After the game is updated, is there any hint about this upgrade? Please help?" Many players immediately asked curiously.

"No, how did you upgrade? Didn't you just hang up and come back to life?" More players were more curious about this, and immediately surrounded the female player and asked, "Did you kill me before you died?" Are you the guard of Panchi City?"

"I guess it must be! Otherwise, if this hang is dead, how can it be upgraded?" Many players thought about it, and immediately said: "It must have died with the guards of Panchi City! She is a mage, why not?" In order to guard a spell, she was directly killed by the guard, she was resurrected in the teleportation circle, the guard over there was killed by her spell, and then the experience directly fell on her..." After that, the woman The mage is upgraded directly! !

Well, that must have been the case.

All the players nodded knowingly, and then began to wonder how many levels this female mage had, and how much experience this killed a guard of Panchi City, so that she could still recover after losing the experience. Calculated in this way by directly upgrading, it seems that the sale of killing NPC guards is actually very cost-effective!

However, the players present were all calculating and guessing in their hearts!The female mage standing in the teleportation array over there widened her eyes after listening to everyone's words, and said innocently: "No, I haven't killed the guards! I was hiding after I was killed. While drinking medicine, he was attacked by an NPC and died..."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!

(End of this chapter)

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