The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1457 New experience!

Chapter 1457 New experience!

Speaking of which, the female player in the resurrection teleportation array in the north of Panchi City was originally planning to mourn her poor experience with a sad face. After she died, she would lose a lot of experience.What I didn't expect was that after being revived for no reason, I actually felt warm on my body, and then I saw the eyes of the players around the teleportation array widen, telling me that I had upgraded in surprise.

upgrade?This matter is something that many players dare not even think about!

Since the game was updated, all players can no longer see their experience bar and the number of levels as before. Therefore, in normal times, players either rush to update their previous data, or I can only act as if I don’t know what to do, bury my head in killing monsters, and wait for the invisible experience bar to increase silently... However, after the game is updated, there are no players on the forum who broke the news, and naturally many players It is also unclear!
Therefore, after the upgrade, the female player was immediately confused in the face of so many inquiries from curious eyes.Afterwards, he quickly looked at himself, and finally told some news that the players didn't know: "Ah, I saw it, I saw it... Wow, the game interface is different.... "

"What do you mean? What interface? Why don't we have one?" When the players near the teleportation array heard the female player's words, they immediately moved closer to her, asking curiously and anxiously, while looking around at themselves. with.

The female player opened her mouth wide and stood there blinking her eyes excitedly. After a while, she was drawn back by the voices of curious players, and then she looked at everyone excitedly and said, "After I upgrade, I can see It's the game interface... It's completely different from before! Hahaha"

All the players glanced at each other, and immediately started chirping and asking.

"Didn't the game interface disappear after the update? Why did it come out again? Where did you get it out?"

"What does the new interface look like? What's different?"

"Is there a system prompt message? Do you have any friends?"

"Is there a level and experience bar?"

"Oh, I said you guys are asking so many questions, why don't you watch it for yourself!" A player squeezed anxiously, but found that he couldn't squeeze in front at all, and immediately seized a gap, and hurriedly said loudly: "Beauty, Can you take a screenshot or something? If you can, take a screenshot and show us? If not, share the interface for us to see..."

"Yes, yes, share, share for us to see!" The other players heard it, yes!They asked so many questions here, and the female player couldn't finish answering them for a while, so they might as well watch it by themselves.So, as soon as these words were said, all the players began to squeeze in the direction of the female player, everyone wanted to see the first-hand information...

It's just that the female player is not in such a good mood at the moment.

"Hey hey hey, don't squeeze! Don't squeeze... Cough cough cough cough, squeeze again, I'm going to die..." The female players and the numerous players all squeezed in the middle, following the crowd Shaking from side to side on the teleportation array, he shouted a little uncomfortable.It's a pity that none of the players at the scene wanted to give up, but continued to squeeze!

Seeing that she couldn't bear it anymore, the female player had no choice but to shout loudly: "Don't squeeze, I know how to activate the new interface...give me some all stand back , back off, I'll tell you guys...cough cough cough cough...otherwise, otherwise I won't say anything even if I die..."

As soon as the words came out, the female player immediately felt that the players who were oppressing her just now pulled away from her side in an instant, and then her body lightened, and she knelt down on the teleportation array with a bang.

"Cough cough cough..." The female player couldn't help but quickly took a deep breath, and then panted a few times.

"Beauty, are you alright? We are still waiting!" A male player's voice rang out in disgust, causing the female player to purse her lips in disgust.

"That's right, beauty, hurry up! We're all waiting!" The male player's voice finished, and the rest of the players also urged him with booing, and then they all laughed in anticipation: "Beauty, turn around and let us I will remember you! Hurry up and say it, we all hurry up and try it..."

"That's right, it's really a great fate for everyone to meet in Panchi City!" The male player who spoke suddenly smiled, and the voice echoed above the female player's head for a long time, making her unable to bear it. He looked up in disgust.It's a man with droopy eyes, it looks like he's not an honest man.
The female player felt a little disgusted in her heart, she turned her eyes to the male and female players who surrounded her tightly around the teleportation array, after thinking about it, she took a deep breath, and then said to the crowd: "The specifics I can't promise you anything about the situation. I can only say that the system prompts and some data I received..."

"What do you mean?" The man with drooping eyes frowned and asked the female player.

The female player didn't even look at him, and said directly to everyone: "That is to say, everything is for reference only, and I don't guarantee anything..."

"What do you mean?" Some players immediately shouted when they heard the female player's words: "You just said that you know how to activate the interface! Why don't you admit it now?"

"That's right, what do you mean everything is for reference only!?" The players roared angrily at the female player.

The female player frowned, pursed her lips, and said indifferently after a while, "Then do you want to listen? Anyway, I don't care. I'm just an ordinary player. I would like to share my situation with you. , if you want to listen, then I will say, if you don’t want to listen, forget it! I can’t guarantee anything at all…” Having said this, the female player raised her face and stood up to face the surrounding area of ​​the teleportation array. The players said: "Anyway, I'm standing here. If you don't let me go, I won't go."

When the players around the teleportation array heard the words, they immediately looked at each other and fell silent collectively.Everyone understands that what the female player said may be the truth, but everyone hopes to know more things, and hopes that the female player still has something to hide, and then reveals more things under everyone's threats.However, everyone knows the attitude of the female players. If they want to ask more questions, they will definitely not want to say more
The male player with drooping eyes rolled his eyes, glanced at the female player, thought for a while and said loudly: "Oh, beauty, you are willing to share these things with us, that is your kindness and kindness! We can Do you have any comments? Do you think it is right?" The male player looked around the teleportation array when he said this, and saw that everyone did not make a sound, but occasionally someone looked at him with his lips curled up, and a flash of light flashed across his face. I don't like it, but I continued to smile patiently and said: "Beauty, you can just say it directly... Later everyone will verify it according to what you said..."

"Then what if we can't activate the new interface?" Some players shouted when they heard this.

The female player looked up at the player who spoke, and rolled her eyes weakly.Heart Road: Believe it or not!

The male player with drooping eyes glanced at the player, and immediately raised his head and said with a straight face: "Can't be activated? Can't be activated if you can't activate it? Do you still expect the beauty of the game to be the GM of the game and guarantee success? Okay, let me say everyone Be realistic! This beautiful woman is also kind, otherwise, if you change someone else, who is willing to tell other people about this kind of thing? Right?"

The female player didn't say anything.

Many players around the teleportation array heard the male player's words, and immediately looked at him with some disdain, then thought about it, and said to the female player: "Okay! You just talk about the beauty.... "

"Well, let's talk!" The players began to urge, "By the way, beauty, tell me by the way, how did you upgrade? Didn't you say that your system prompt interface also came out? See if you hang up What did you do when you came here?"

"Ah, that's right, that's right, let's see how you get experience upgrades!" The players near the teleportation array were still very interested in this, and when they heard someone ask, they immediately echoed.

"Okay, okay, everyone be quiet!" The male player with drooping eyes looked like a host, smiled at everyone, and then said: "Everyone, let the beauty take a breath before talking... Beauty, you See how you are resting? If there is no problem, let's talk about it quickly! After finishing speaking, I will take you with me in a while, and let's go back to the city gate. "

Hearing this, the female player immediately glanced at the male player with drooping eyes, and was about to refuse in disgust, when she heard a player next to her say: "Hey, let me tell you this... those who don't know think you know each other Yes! Protecting this beauty so much! But, you are a bit too protective of flowers, aren’t you? The beauty didn’t promise to ask you to help me..."

The male player with drooping eyes frowned, glanced at the male player who was talking, and immediately said with disdain: "What? I'm not used to you embarrassing others, can't I?"

"Hehe, whoever is embarrassing doesn't know yet!" The talking player rolled his eyes at the drooping player, and immediately turned his face away.

The player with drooping eyes suddenly wanted to say something angrily, but before he could speak, he heard the female player who had been silent all this time say: "I saw the system prompt..."

The players around the teleportation array suddenly fell silent, and looked nervously at the female player, and then heard her continue: "The activation of this new interface should require players to appear after this update of the game! So, if you want to activate this new interface, you need to upgrade... After the upgrade, now I can see some system prompts, friends have reappeared, levels and experience bars are also available... other things , I’m not sure yet, I’ll try to find out later…”

The players around the teleportation array looked at each other and frowned, then looked at the female player and asked, "Then how did you level up?" Obviously you were killed by the guards of Panchi City, under normal circumstances , then it should be to lose experience, how can it be impossible to upgrade?If the lost experience is just at the lowest gate of a level, then it is impossible for the light to be upgraded, isn't it?Therefore, there must be a reason why the female player on the teleportation array can upgrade
However, whether she would like to say it or not, the players around the teleportation array all looked at her nervously.

"Upgrade?" The female player straightened up, looked at everyone, and then said slowly: "Speaking of upgrades, it is indeed related to the NPC guards in this city!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at her happily, and then heard the female player explain to everyone: "I saw the system in front of me, I was stabbed by the guard, and the system gave me [-] points of 'help failed Comforting experience'... I think I have given this experience from so many injuries before, so after accumulating, I can upgrade after dying..."

"That's not right!" Hearing this, some players looked at the female player suspiciously, and then asked her, "You only get [-] points of experience when you get hit. Fifty points of experience will be lost after death! How can it be possible to level up after resurrection?"

"That's right, that's wrong! Hey, beauty, is there anything else you haven't said?" The other players frowned and asked the female player suspiciously.

"I'm just telling you where this experience came from." The female player secretly rolled her eyes with some displeasure, and then continued: "When I was killed by the guard of Panchi City, the system gave me Tens of thousands of experience, and, this time, I died, and the experience bar only lost a thousand experience. That's why I can directly upgrade when I resurrect..."

"Only lost [-] experience points? How is that possible?" The players couldn't believe it when they heard it.Just kidding, everyone died once before, that was at least half of the experience, how could it be possible to lose only a thousand?How much is a thousand experience?After everyone's level is up, the experience of the first level, you say, is [-], which is not enough
"Why is that impossible!? Anyway, that's what is written on my system message!" The female player said to everyone with a look of whether you believe it or not: "If you don't believe it, wait for you to upgrade later, and put the new Once the interface is activated, you can see if what I said is true... Otherwise, you won't believe what I say now!"

The players frowned and looked at each other.

The male player with drooping eyes thought for a while, looked at the crowd in surprise, and said happily: "If it is true as this beauty said, you can gain experience even if you are beaten by a guard. If you give tens of thousands of experience directly, my experience will be upgraded before the game is updated..." At this point, the male player looked at the crowd immediately, and then said with some pride: "If everyone has time, why don't you wait for me? You'll know when you die at the city gate once and come back... I reckon, if I have tens of thousands more experience, I'll definitely be able to level up..."

(End of this chapter)

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