Chapter 1458

The pie hero, that is, the male player with drooping eyes on the resurrection teleportation array in the north of Panchi City.

After the upgraded female player appeared, Pie Hero had already set his mind on this girl.According to his thinking, there must be something unusual about this girl being able to upgrade after being killed by guards in a place like Panchi City, but if people don't tell them, they will definitely not be able to see it.Afterwards, although the female player said that she was willing to share information about this exciting new game interface with everyone, the pie hero still didn't believe it.At least not everyone believes
The pie hero thinks that the female player will definitely hide some important information, so if you want to know these things, you must have a good relationship with her, at least let her trust you... So, the pie hero Cai has always been protecting that female player with a protective attitude!It's a pity, he thought that the female player would definitely be grateful to him, and went back to the city gate with him to continue fighting, and then cultivate the relationship between new teammates. Hehe, he will definitely know everything he wants to know in the end.

It's just that the pie hero doesn't know at all, that female player doesn't mean to appreciate it at all...

Pie Hero looked like he was exhausted, and told the players near the teleportation circle that he was willing to hang up again. To verify the female player's words, I thought everyone would cheer for him, and would encourage him no matter how bad he was. Bar?However, the situation at the scene was that everyone glanced at him indifferently, and then went on to discuss among themselves.

The pie hero glanced at the players around him a little disappointed and angrily. After thinking about it, he finally turned his attention to the female player.At least I saved her from the siege, didn't I?That female player should remember love, with a grateful face, right?However, when he turned his head and took a look, the pie hero became a little annoyed in an instant!

I saw that female player just stood there dumbly, with a face like she didn't care about anything...

The pie hero instantly had a feeling of being unable to ride a tiger.go?He went to the gate of the city and was stabbed to death. When the time comes, the level will be raised. Everyone has seen that what the female player said is true, but no one is grateful to him at all!So what's the point of him doing this?Just to level up for yourself?If it's just like this, it's not the same when to do it?But, don't go?He had already stopped talking to this point just now, and felt that other people's questioning eyes were so glaring...

The pie hero glared at the female player with some annoyance. As the protagonist, if she said a word, she would be able to go down the stairs!However, because Mao himself only wanted to protect her and help her, this female player didn't seem to appreciate it at all!Could it be that this female player's EQ is so low that she doesn't even have scum?

"Hey, I said, the flower protector, didn't you say you were going to the city gate to die once and come back? Why don't you leave? Where are you doing? Are you still waiting for that beautiful woman to send you off? "Just when Pie Hero looked tangled and depressed, some players in the crowd who couldn't wait shouted at him in an instant, and then said jokingly: "Could it be that you are still waiting for someone else's beauty to kill you?" After making a promise, are you willing to die once? Hahahaha!"

The pie hero looked towards the direction of the voice with a dark face, but he didn't see which player said these words, but saw a large group of players smiling at him with some sarcasm. So, pie The hero quickly turned his face to look at the female player, but to his surprise, he saw the female player staring at him...

"Hehe, beauty, don't listen to their nonsense!!" Pie Daxia felt that the female player must have understood what the players said at this moment. Even if the EQ is low, she should know what he did to her. ?Thinking of this, the pie hero quickly smiled and said to the female player: "Beauty, you wait here, I will hang up soon... As long as I level up by then, they will all believe in you."

The female player didn't say a word, but just took a deep look at Pie Hero, saw him turn around nervously and leave the crowd, then curled her lips and continued to look at her new game interface up.

And the other players present will not let this female player go just because of this.

Just kidding, maybe this girl is the first person to activate the new interface in the game now!No one knows how much experience you have to upgrade, so instead of waiting until you upgrade to look at the new interface, it is better to seize this great opportunity and ask this female player
So, before the female player was cleared up for a few seconds, she heard the players around the teleportation array start to ask her questions again.
Female players never knew that the men in the game would one day be louder than the women of a few tables...

"Hey, beauty, why don't you talk?" The players in the teleportation array looked at the female player who just stood there with her head down, turning a deaf ear to their questions, and suddenly shouted at her angrily. Seeing that the female player still didn't move, many players looked at each other and frowned, and then asked, "Are you going to the forum?"

"Isn't it possible?" Some players questioned, "Now that the game is updated, players have to go offline when browsing the forum. How could the characters still stand here..."

"That's right, it was possible before the update, but not now." Many players nodded immediately, then looked at the female player suspiciously, and then said with some displeasure: "Tell me, did she deliberately pretend Zuo can't hear you, ignore us?"

When the players heard it, they immediately reacted.

is not that right?Isn't that the case of the female player right now?She must have something to hide from them, so when she heard their problems, she didn't want to tell them
Thinking of this, the players in the teleportation array moved towards the female player angrily, ready to make a move...

And the newly revived players who appeared in the teleportation array looked strange. They looked at those players, recruiting people for some unknown reason and asking about the situation. Looking at his new game interface, he quietly observed the situation of the players around the teleportation array!

Sure enough, the hearts of the people are not enough to swallow the elephant!In these players, there is a full manifestation!

The female player has already made up her mind at this moment, as long as the players on the teleportation array get closer, she will directly choose to go offline.There's no way, even the familiar players in her guild don't want to help her, but force herself with other players, so what is she still doing here in the teleportation array?Now her new interface is activated, but there is still no chat panel like the guild channel, so she has no way to communicate with other people except to speak with her mouth.
In this case, why don't you go offline, wait until these players have a new interface, and don't bother her anymore, and then go online.At that time, if she can't get out of Panchi City for a while, at worst, she will wait longer... After all, the only advantage after the game update is that the name on the top of her head will not be displayed.
Thinking of this, the female player immediately summoned the offline panel
At this moment, the pie hero had already rushed under the city gate, and then directly found a guard of Panchi City and rushed up.He thought it was a very smooth death operation, but what he didn't expect was that he chased a guard of Panchi City and grabbed him, but the guard of Panchi City stretched out his hand and pushed him away. Then he stared at him and shouted: "Go away, adventurer..."

The pie hero hurriedly said, "Don't go! Kill me if you have the ability!" After saying that, the pie hero immediately ran towards the guard of Panchi City.

"Go away..." The guard of Panchi City who was entangled yelled at Pie Hero angrily, and then swung his knife at him and said, "Don't block me..."

"Don't go, if you want to go, you will kill me!" The pie hero said firmly to the guard of Panchi City.He had looked around quickly just now, and there was only one guard of Panchi City who was alone around. The players are haunted.If he goes to compete with other players for guarding NPCs, people will definitely ask him what happened later
If it's okay for acquaintances, people in my own guild can barely say it, but if I meet people from other guilds who I don't know, why should I tell them?Right?His news didn't come easily!Therefore, Pie Daxia is determined to entangle the guard of Panchi City in front of him and let him kill himself.

It's just that the guard in Panchi City isn't in the mood to play with Pie Hero.

"Go away, adventurer!" The guard of Panchi City immediately punched Pie Hero angrily when he heard what Pie Hero said, and after seeing him knocked down to the ground, he immediately turned around and ran towards the gate of the city. The direction ran over.City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan were suddenly surrounded by the guards of Qing City with some adventurers not long ago, and they were beckoning them all to help. How could he have time to entangle with these adventurers?

"Wait, don't go!" Pie Daxia didn't know what the guards of Panchi City were thinking, but just watched the guards leave quickly, got up from the ground, and chased them directly, still shouting loudly. Shouting: "If you want to leave, you have to kill me before you can leave..."

"Crazy!" The guard of Panchi City turned his head and glanced at Pie Hero inexplicably, spit in a low voice, and then rushed directly to the players who surrounded Ye Shan City Lord and the others, pulling them away. While swinging the knife, he slashed over, and then squeezed into the encirclement.

When the pie hero saw this situation, he immediately regained his spirits.

It doesn't matter if the guard of Panchi City ran away, look at what he just did?As long as he rushed to the periphery of those players, the other Panchi City guards who wanted to rush in would naturally come to pull him, and cut him, right?As long as he has been hit by a knife, he has experience. It doesn't mean that a guard will slash him twice, and he can hang up directly, right?
Thinking of this, Pie Hero didn't care about anything else, and rushed to the outermost circle surrounding City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan in a few vertical steps, with his eyes shining and his back turned to the other players, Waiting for the rest of Panchi city guards to rush over.

At this time, the old man Qingmi finally made time, and together with the guard of Qingcheng, rushed to the side of Lord Besa who was trapped in the illusion spell, and then frowned and patted the circle around Lord Besa Yellow enchantment aura.

"City Master Besa, City Master Besa...can you hear us?" Qingmi old man touched the circle of halo anxiously, frowned bitterly, then sighed and said to the guard in Qingcheng : "MD, what should I do! I'm not a mage! I don't know how to do these things!"

"Then what should we do? Elder Qingmi!" The Qingcheng guard frowned bitterly, looked at him and said, "The city lord is still holding on to the city gate..." It hurts a lot!

The old man Qingmi patted the yellow barrier circle a few times depressed, and hit it hard, but there was no way to touch it, so he had no choice but to say to the guard of Qingcheng: "I don't think there is a way out. ! Now, unless City Lord Bessa can break through this barrier by himself, there is no way we can help him, and there is no way for him to hear our voice..." Not to mention asking him where Ji Xiaoyan is What's going on!
Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi immediately raised his head and looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said to the guard of Qingcheng: "Forget it, we don't need to count on the Lord Bessa! Let's go directly to Xiaoyan Girl, let's take a look... She just wanted to die, so she stabbed herself and didn't die? I'll go and have a look, if it doesn't work, I'll help her die once!"

The guards of Qingcheng immediately looked at old man Qingmi with a look of surprise, seeing that he did not intend to joke at all, immediately asked in disbelief: "Elder Qingmi, what you just said is that you are going to take our city lord Your Excellency was killed?"

"Hey, guard, what are you talking about?" Qing Mi old man glared at him when he heard the Qingcheng guard's words, and asked, "What do you mean I'm going to kill that girl? Didn't you tell me?" , Does girl Xiaoyan want to die and then go to the teleportation array to be resurrected? She didn't kill herself by herself, and I went to help, why are you still saying that I am going to murder for money?"

(End of this chapter)

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