Chapter 1459 Another Knife
Old man Qingya is a little unhappy!
I originally went to help, how could the Qingcheng guard say that I went there with a black heart?
After hearing the old man Qingmi's words, the Qingcheng guards immediately realized that they had made a mistake in what they said just now, so they quickly waved their hands at the old man Qingmi, smiled awkwardly and said to him apologetically: "Elder Qingmi , Subordinate...Subordinate didn't mean that...It's just that I was a little anxious just now and said the wrong thing! Don't pay attention to it!"

The old man Qingmi glanced at the guard of Qingcheng, and snorted coldly.

"Elder Qingmi, Elder Qingmi." Qingcheng guards looked at old man Qingmi anxiously, fearing that if he got angry and ignored Ji Xiaoyan, he, the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, would really be negligent in his duties!

"Okay, okay, I'm not dead yet! What's your name?" The old man Qingmi glared at the Qingcheng guard, waved his hand and said to him: "Let's go, first go and see the girl Xiaoyan, turn back I have returned to Qingcheng, and I will settle accounts with you..."

"Yes, yes, my subordinates must listen to Elder Qingmi's instruction!" Qingcheng's guards quickly opened their mouths and smiled, and said something flattering to old man Qingmi, then quickly passed him, and ran directly in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan to give Old man Aoya has cleared the roadblock!
At this moment, Miss Ji Xiaoyan can be said to be remorseful, half-squatting and holding the gate of the city with pain and depression on her face.

"I'll wipe it... If I knew I would never die, I wouldn't have stabbed myself like this! It's better now..." Ji Xiaoyan grinned, his face covered in cold sweat from the pain, and said to himself Looking at the dagger on her chest, she said with a speechless sigh: "Why is it so unlucky? If I can't die in this world in the future, if I get hurt, it doesn't mean I have to hurt until the wound heals." Can it? What's the advantage of this? It's simply the most unfortunate thing in the world!"

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look up at the top of his head, and said in a low voice: "I said light, are you there? Come out and explain to me... It's really not good, at least give me a special privilege, okay?" Heal my wound first... Otherwise, I'm really going to die of pain here..." Only Ji Xiaoyan can feel this kind of thing after being stabbed in the heart .
It's a pity that no matter how much Ji Xiaoyan called for the light, the light did not appear.

However, after the old man Qingmi and the Qingcheng guard rushed over, he saw Miss Ji Xiaoyan talking to the wall of Panchi City above her head, looking a little crazy.

"It's broken, girl, are you already in a daze?" The old man Qingmi yelled in panic when he saw Ji Xiaoyan's state, and then rushed to her, sizing Ji Xiaoyan up and down After a while, he spat: "Let me just say, it must be those two guys, Lu Shan and Ye Shan, who have done bad things again... MD, it's magic again! I'm not a mage, what's wrong with this stone?"

"Master Qingmi, you...why are you here?" Ji Xiaoyan returned to his senses, looked at the old man Qingmi in surprise, then looked at the guard of Qingcheng who came back with the old man Qingmi, and then continued : "Didn't you just ask? Why did you bring Master Qingmi here?" Now that the old man Qingmi has come, does it mean that City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan have already solved the problem?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look behind him, only to see a large crowd of people gathered there...

"I don't come here, what do you do if I don't come here?" The old man Qingmi didn't notice Ji Xiaoyan's face at all, but squatted down while talking, and checked the rocks on Ji Xiaoyan's legs , Then frowned and said: "Hey, girl Xiaoyan, I may not be able to help you with this spell! The spells of Lu Shan and Ye Shan must not be as simple as sealing the outside of your legs with rocks .If I break the rocks on your legs, it may not even break your legs..."

"Will you die?" Ji Xiaoyan asked old man Qingmi with bright eyes when he heard this.

In the end, it turned out that the old man Qing Mi raised his face and rolled his eyes at her, and then said: "You don't know what you are thinking in your head! Have you ever seen a person who died without half a leg?"

Ji Xiaoyan let out a sigh of relief, and said in disappointment, "You won't die? That's a pity..." Old Qing Mi gave Ji Xiaoyan a hard look, and then said, "You don't want to die. I hope you can die! It’s a pity, if I break your leg, you will be a legless city lord for the rest of your life... Come, I will look at your wound!” As long as Miss Ji Xiaoyan is an adventurer If there is no such characteristic as the privilege of resurrection after death, then her physical condition will never be able to be reshaped, which is the so-called refresh.Therefore, if she has a broken leg and cannot die and be resurrected, she will always be in a broken leg state.
Regarding this point, the old man Qingya was actually a little worried.

From now on, if Ji Xiaoyan encounters any accident, he really lacks arms and legs, and cannot die, what should he do?

Ji Xiaoyan honestly removed his hand from the dagger after hearing old man Qingmi's words, then looked at old man Qingmi worriedly and said in a low voice: "Master Qingmi, am I not going to die at all? This has been in pain for a long time, and a lot of blood has flowed out, and I don't think I'm going to die... I won't always be like this in the future, right?"

"Ask me, who am I going to ask?" Old man Qingmi rolled his eyes at Ji Xiaoyan, looked carefully at the wound on his chest, and said quietly, "Girl, can you still resist?"

Ji Xiaoyan thought that the old man Qingmi was asking her if she could bear the pain, so she nodded without thinking and said, "It's okay! It's been so long, if you can't resist it, you have to resist it... . . . "

The old man Qingmi nodded, looked at Ji Xiaoyan admiringly, then looked down from his pocket, handed Ji Xiaoyan a bottle of purple potion, and said to her: "Come on, girl, first Drink this, it can relieve the pain..."

"So good?" Ji Xiaoyan took the potion handed over by the old man Qingmi with some surprise in an instant, opened the cork and drank it all in one gulp, then closed his eyes and felt it for a few seconds, then looked at the old man Qingmi with some surprise and said: "Hey, Master Qingmi, this potion of yours is not bad! Immediately after drinking it, the pain is not as bad as before... Where did you get such a good thing? Do you have any more?"

The old man Qingmi didn't look at Ji Xiaoyan, just stared at the dagger on her chest, and replied: "Potion, ask Brick if you have any later, I'm not some high-end stuff, just to relieve pain You want advanced potions, Brick has them..."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the bottle left in his hand with some regret, smashed his mouth and said, "I knew, when I told Brick to leave, I asked him to save some for me first. The potion..."

"En!" Old man Qingmi responded lightly, then suddenly raised his face to look at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "It doesn't hurt so much now, does it?"

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan gave old man Qingmi a strange look. Didn't she just say that after drinking the potion, the pain disappeared a lot?
"Then if that's the case..." Old man Qingmi narrowed his eyes, looked into Ji Xiaoyan's eyes and said, "If that's the case, then Xiaoyan girl, you have to bear with it, I'll give you another knife..."

"Pfft...Master Qingmi, what did you say?" Ji Xiaoyan felt unresponsive for a moment, stared at the old man Qingmi with wide eyes and asked in disbelief: "One more knife? It hurts a lot, if you come and stab me again, you won’t hurt me to death! No, no..." Ji Xiaoyan kept shaking his head at old man Qingmi, and said to him, "You are simply killing me!" I'm still suffering!"

"Don't you want to die?" The old man Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with raised eyebrows, asked her a question, and then said: "I've already done it just now, the knife you made yourself is actually not deep, it's just There was a wound that bleed a lot, and it didn't hit the vital point. It would be very difficult to die... So, if you want to end the current situation, I'll help you re-stab it again One knife, try it and you will know whether you can die... How about it, girl Xiaoyan, do you dare to do it again?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at old man Qingmi with trembling eyebrows in fear, couldn't help swallowing the saliva in his mouth, then looked at old man Qingmi and asked: "But, Master Qingmi, if you go down with the knife, I won't die What should I do if it falls off? The place that hurt just now, will it hurt even more?"

The old man Qingmi nodded helplessly: "That's for sure! But, girl Xiaoyan, you have to think for the best... If you die after I go down with the knife, then your current state will be terrible. It's all gone... The potion I just gave you is only temporary, once that time passes, the pain you just felt will come back..."

"Master Qingmi, why do I feel that whether I like it or not, I will have to suffer this knife again?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned in pain and said to the old man Qingmi.

"Not necessarily!" Qing Mi shrugged his shoulders, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "You can also choose to stand here, I will go to Ye Shan and Kai Shan, tell them that you are injured, and let them directly Send it to a therapist, and heal your small wound directly! Then, you will follow that guy Ye Shan to the city lord's mansion to get married..."

"Don't, don't, don't! Master Qingmi, stop talking!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved his hand at the old man Qingmi when he heard this, then gritted his teeth and said, "I got it... Come on!"

"Huh?" The old man Qingmi didn't react for a while, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some doubts.

"I said if you give me another stab, you must stab me deeply, and you must guarantee that I will die..." Ji Xiaoyan said to the old man Qingmi through gritted teeth.

"I can only do my best! Whether you can die or not depends on the Lord God's words." The old man Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said something to her with a slight sigh. Seeing her silently nodded , then put his hand on the dagger on Ji Xiaoyan's chest, and reconfirmed to her: "If you're ready, I'm going to start?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, gritted his teeth and said, "Master Qingmi, you should be faster... It's best not to let me know when you're going to strike... I'm a little scared..."

Old man Qingmi heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, and without saying a word, he quickly pulled out the dagger and stabbed it fiercely in her chest.

The guard in Qingcheng couldn't bear to close his eyes quickly, and then he heard Miss Ji Xiaoyan yell, and then he heard old man Qingmi yell in surprise, the guard quickly opened his eyes, and then saw Ji Xiaoyan Xiaoyan clutched his chest, looking at old man Qingmi with a painful face.

"My lord, you... why are you still alive!" The guard of Qingcheng was also a little depressed, looking at Ji Xiaoyan and said worriedly: "What should we do now!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Ji Xiaoyan felt like crying now.I thought it would really be the same as what the old man Qing Mi said, the knife in the front was because I stabbed too lightly, so it only lost blood, but did not die, and then the old man Qing Mi, as the striker, would definitely kill her with one knife If her determination gave her a knife, she would definitely die directly.Unexpectedly, I was hit by the knife again, and the result was only pain again, and I had no tendency to die at all.

"What's going on? I've used a lot of force just now!" Qing Mi also looked at Ji Xiaoyan in disbelief at this moment, then quickly moved her body to check Ji Xiaoyan's back, and then With a strange expression on his face, he said: "Look, girl Xiaoyan, my knife was really hard, and the dagger has already passed through your back! But, why haven't you died yet? In this situation its not right!"

"I also know it's wrong..." Ji Xiaoyan was about to cry at this moment, "But, Master Qingmi... Now that's like this, what should I do?"

The old man Qingmi had a pensive expression on his face, he just stared at Ji Xiaoyan without saying a word.

So Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to hold back the pain, looked at old man Qingmi with tears in his eyes, and said to him: "Then, Master Qingmi, do you still have the potion you just gave me...give me another drink Ping, my heart has been stabbed twice, it hurts too much!"

Hearing this, old man Qingmi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, shook his head at her bluntly, and said, "Girl Xiaoyan, hold on, and look again!"

"Still watching? What are you still watching?" Ji Xiaoyan really burst into tears.

"Look at such a serious injury, a normal person would have died a long time ago. If you haven't died, you must be close to death! So, wait a minute! After all, you have endured it for so long just now. Grit your teeth, wait a little longer!" The old man Qingmi sighed slightly, and said patiently to Ji Xiaoyan: "I reckon, it must be some kind of blessing that the lord god bestowed on you, that's why you were able to die for a while. No, but I believe that with such a serious injury, you can definitely die. So, girl, bear with it! Just think about it, bear with it, everything will be normal after resurrection, and you will feel comfortable A lot of……."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dormant Butterfly"!Thank you for the monthly pass of "DADA Reading"!

(End of this chapter)

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