Chapter 1463 Mission?

In the north of Panchi City, players are resurrected on the teleportation array.

The swollen-eyed little goldfish, who was the first female player to activate the new interface of the game, patted Ji Xiaoyan nervously at the center of the teleportation array, then quickly retracted her hand and looked at her expectantly... ...Hopefully, in the next second, she can really open her eyes!

Most of the players around the teleportation array have the same idea as the swollen-eyed little goldfish, but they can't help but look forward to it, hoping that good luck will not fall on this female player again
However, at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan is grateful to the player who dared to shoot her first.After feeling the strength on his shoulders, Ji Xiaoyan made enough preparations and slowly opened his eyes, then looked around the teleportation array without changing his face, frowned slightly and asked in a low voice: "What is this?" where?"

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help applauding her acting skills!Look at the surprised expressions of the players around... Tsk tsk, they don't seem to doubt her at all!

" is Panchi City!" The swollen-eyed little goldfish widened his eyes, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and hurriedly said something to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Panchi City..." Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, twisted his neck and looked around, but stopped talking.

When the players around the teleportation array saw this situation, they immediately surrounded him, and started chattering and asking Ji Xiaoyan.

"That... I don't know this girl, who are you?"

"Did you accidentally be teleported to Panchi City? Where are you going? We all know the way and can show you the way..."

"Is there anyone you are looking for in Panchi City, or is there something you can do? We can all help... Do you think so?" A player immediately opened his mouth to say something, then turned his head to look at other players, seeing After everyone agreed, they immediately aimed at Ji Xiaoyan, and then continued: "Or, do you have any tasks for us? We adventurers are very enthusiastic. If you have any difficulties, we can help you." yours……."

"Mission?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, as if he just came back to his senses.

"Yes, yes, yes! Mission!" When the players saw Ji Xiaoyan's reaction, they immediately felt that something was going on. Protect Ji Xiaoyan, otherwise the players around the teleportation circle would immediately pull her away with envy when they approached, trying to pull her away, so that she would not be lucky enough to escape from Ji Xiaoyan. Receive any tasks here
However, Ji Xiaoyan happened to look at the little goldfish with swollen eyes. Seeing the small movements of the players, he frowned immediately, then looked at the little goldfish with swollen eyes and asked, "Adventurer, did you call me just now?"
The swollen-eyed little goldfish was struggling with those secret hands, not wanting to be dragged behind the crowd by them, but suddenly heard Ji Xiaoyan's voice, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, yes, it's's me .....They are all afraid that you will punish them if you open your eyes, so they dare not come to call you, I called you, I called you..."

When the players around the teleportation array heard the words of the little goldfish with swollen eyes, they immediately looked at her with some displeasure, and then pulled her back vigorously, letting the little goldfish with swollen eyes fall to the ground. Go reach out and give me a hand...
Ji Xiaoyan looked at the little goldfish with puffy eyes with some pity.To be honest, she really didn't expect that the adventurers here in the teleportation array could treat a little girl like this...

The little goldfish with swollen eyes endured the pain, raised his face to the players around him who looked down at him with sneering smiles, wiped his eyes angrily, suppressed back the tears that were welling up in his eyes, then turned over holding his breath and stood up. Get up, and hurried to Ji Xiaoyan's side.She finally understood that the players in this game are all of the same virtue!Isn't it just seeing that no one in their gang is here to help her and bully her hard?Hmph, they are all those who are jealous of her good luck...
"You called me just now?" Ji Xiaoyan looked around at the swollen-eyed little goldfish, then smiled and asked, "Adventurer, what's your name?"

"Little goldfish with swollen eyes, just call me swollen eyes!" The little goldfish with swollen eyes put on a smile and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head with a bit of a smile, then thought about it, and said to the swollen-eyed little goldfish: "Just now I heard from these adventurers that you adventurers are very enthusiastic?"

The little goldfish with swollen eyes glanced at the surrounding players, thought for a while, and nodded to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Then, you are also very enthusiastic about coming to adventure?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with a smile to the little goldfish with swollen eyes. After seeing her froze for a moment, she nodded sharply at herself, and then continued: "I have something to do here. I need to find someone to help, I don’t know adventurers, little goldfish with swollen eyes, are you willing to help me?”

When the little goldfish with swollen eyes heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, his eyes widened in disbelief!It turned out to be true. This aboriginal girl who suddenly appeared on the teleportation array really has a mission to send!Moreover, I still have to send it to her!That's a mission!After the entire game is updated, there are basically no tasks that players can receive anymore... Thinking of this, the little goldfish with swollen eyes feels like tears are about to roll out of its eyes in an instant!
She didn't even need to turn her head to look around to know how red the eyes of the players around the teleportation array are at the moment.
Let them bully themselves!Let them bully themselves....
"Adventurer, are you willing to help me?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the swollen-eyed little goldfish and stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes. There was no reply, and he asked again.

"Yes, yes! I'm willing to do whatever you want me to do for you!" The puffy-eyed little goldfish nodded fiercely, and said to Ji Xiaoyan.She wants to let the players here in the teleportation array see that they bully her, but she is still lucky enough to receive the mission that they dream of receiving, making them all jealous!All jealous! !
Ji Xiaoyan looked at the puffy-eyed little goldfish and nodded with satisfaction, ready to see what was on the quest scroll in her pocket, or to see if there was a place nearby where she could rewrite a quest scroll.
When the surrounding players saw this, they instantly exploded.

"Hey, that... Lord Aboriginal, we also have time, energy, and enthusiasm! Take a look, why don't we help you too..."

"Yeah, we are much better than this little adventurer girl! Aboriginal adults, can you let us help?"

"That's right, the little girl nowadays is not very reliable..."

"We have a lot of people, and we can help..."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the players around the teleportation array in front of her and shouted at her excitedly, for fear that she would hand over the task to the swollen-eyed little goldfish and not give it to them, all of them were secretly competing with each other, even the shameless players Already fighting each other, Ji Xiaoyan could only shake his head silently in his heart.

Looking at the ugly faces of the players near the teleportation array, the little goldfish with swollen eyes felt elated for a moment, and then couldn't help smiling.Seeing several players couldn't help but change their faces after seeing her smile, the swollen-eyed little goldfish let out a deep breath!She even wondered, among the players in front of her, would anyone come shamelessly and ask her to take them with them to do the mission?
Sure enough, the little goldfish with swollen eyes hadn't stopped thinking. A player rushed to her side, and said to her with a shy smile, "Swollen eyes, do you remember me? When we entered Panchi City, we Have you even greeted each other?"

The little goldfish with swollen eyes frowned, looked at the player with disbelief, and said nothing.

"What's the matter? You don't remember?" The male player glanced at the little goldfish with swollen eyes unhappily, and then said with a sigh: "Hey, I knew it, a little beauty like you with swollen eyes must be impressed Only handsome guys don’t look down on ordinary players like us...."

The little goldfish with swollen eyes stared at the male player unmoved, and looked at him awkwardly when he didn't answer the words, then laughed a few times, and said again: "Oh, forget it, I I don't blame you either! It's just that the swollen eyes... You see, none of the players from your guild came to the teleportation array to be resurrected... Cough cough!" The male player lowered his voice and said to the little goldfish with swollen eyes: " Look at the eyes of the players around you... They don't want you to accept the mission! You are alone now, and no one else can help you... We have met once, let's come together Panchi City is also destined to do the task, isn't it? We can't see you missing this opportunity for nothing..."

"What exactly do you want to say?" Hearing this, the swollen-eyed little goldfish could almost guess what the male player in front of him was trying to say.It's just that she still couldn't help but want to hear him say it!
Sure enough, in the next second, the male player said to the little goldfish with swollen eyes with a smile on his face, "Swollen eyes, look over there..." The male player pointed in one direction and pointed at the little goldfish with swollen eyes. The eyeball said: "There are several people from our guild over there. If you accept this mission in a while, one person must not leave this teleportation circle... We have thought about it and want to help you!"

The little goldfish with swollen eyes suddenly sneered inwardly when he heard this.She knew it, she knew that this player who somehow said she knew her must want to talk about it.It's just that she really didn't expect that there are players in this teleportation array who have such a thick skin. It should be said that it is as thick as she imagined!
"How is it? Swollen eyes?" The male player looked at the little goldfish with swollen eyes and stared at him ironically. He felt a little unhappy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. I looked in the direction of you, and then urged, "We are also kind, and just want to help you...Of course, we can't ask for your reward or anything. Just finish the task with you..."

The little goldfish with swollen eyes didn't make a sound.

Ji Xiaoyan next to him also glanced at the male player amusedly, shook his head silently in his heart, and then said to the swollen-eyed little goldfish: "Adventurer, have you finished talking?"

"It's over, it's over!" When the little goldfish with swollen eyes heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he nodded immediately as if he had received amnesty, and after gently pushing away the male player, he immediately ran to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and then pointed She said, "We're done talking..."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, took out a golden scroll from his pocket, handed it to the little goldfish with swollen eyes, and said to her: "Adventurer, what I need you to do is in this scroll. You put Put the scroll away, and after finishing the matter, come to me according to the address inside, I will naturally thank you..."

"Okay, okay! I will finish it as soon as possible!" The little goldfish with swollen eyes quickly nodded, reached out to receive the scroll in his hand, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Don't worry!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, glanced at the players around the teleportation array who were all staring at her eagerly, thought for a while with a slight frown, and then looked at the male player who just talked to the little goldfish with swollen eyes, Instantly thought of what he just said.People's jealousy will do many incredible things!There are so many players in the teleportation array right now, if she only assigns the task to one player, the swollen-eyed goldfish, it is very likely that the swollen-eyed goldfish will not be able to get out of the teleportation array, and neither will she.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly let out a big sigh, looked at the red-eyed players around him, and then said: "Speaking of which, just relying on an adventurer like Little Goldfish with swollen eyes, my business Maybe I can't finish it all... Adventurers, is there anyone among you who is willing to help me?"

As soon as Ji Xiaoyan's words came out, the players around the teleportation array who were still looking at Ji Xiaoyan looked at Ji Xiaoyan with bright eyes, and then shouted at her: "Yes, yes...we are definitely willing what……"

"We're all willing to help..."

Ji Xiaoyan heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled at the players who kept jumping in front of him and wanted to receive the quest, then he took out another quest scroll, and said to everyone with regret : "Sure enough, you adventurers are all very enthusiastic. However, your strength must be somewhat uneven, so all adventurers, you still have to pass this little test in my hands before you can truly become capable. People who help me..."

The players around the teleportation array looked at each other and nodded excitedly.

However, there are also players who are not so easy to fool.After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, he pointed at the little goldfish with swollen eyes and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "We need a test, so what about her? Why doesn't she need it?"

 PS: Thank you for the "Rain, Sunny" monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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