Chapter 1464 Fortunately

The swollen-eyed little goldfish originally planned to leave the teleportation array immediately after getting the mission scroll given by Ji Xiaoyan, and go directly to a quiet corner to watch the mission.In the end, who knows, the situation here in the teleportation array is exactly as that cheeky player said, and all the players are not going to let her leave!

Fortunately, Ji Xiaoyan immediately threw out another mission scroll, which attracted the attention of those players. Seeing this, the little goldfish with swollen eyes hurriedly grabbed the crowd and was about to move out of the teleportation formation, but no one got through yet. When I went out, I heard a player say bitterly: "We need a test, what about her? Why doesn't she need it?"

The little goldfish with swollen eyes instantly felt needles pricking his back, raised his face and looked around, and saw all the players staring at him angrily.So, she quickly looked at Ji Xiaoyan innocently, and then said, "What are you all looking at me for? I didn't do anything..."

Seeing this situation, the male player who had the cheek to ask for help had no intention of helping the little goldfish with swollen eyes.He kindly came over to help the little goldfish with swollen eyes, but he was so lucky that he almost wanted to sneak away while they were all going to see the NPC!Okay, if you don't want them to help you, and you don't want to share tasks with them, then they won't help in vain. If you want to help, you have to wait for this girl to beg them.
Thinking of this, the cheeky male player stared at the little goldfish with puffy eyes and sneered twice, then took two steps behind him!

"Little goldfish with swollen eyes, you didn't do anything..." In the crowd, a player sneered and said to her: "It's because you didn't do anything, why can you pass the test? The aborigines My lord, this is not fair..."

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and looked at the player who spoke, and then looked at the small goldfish with swollen eyes being stopped by those players, and suddenly became a little unhappy: "Adventurers, come to ask me what is fair?"

The player who spoke was about to nod, and suddenly felt something was wrong.No, this is in the game. The woman in front of me who gave them the mission is an NPC. Does the NPC need to be fair or unfair for the player to give the mission?Isn't it just a matter of looking pleasing to the eye?So, now that he has just been a young bird and offended the NPC woman in the teleportation array, does it mean that it is impossible for him to receive the mission?Thinking of this, the player who spoke hastily changed his attitude, and immediately shook his head flatteringly at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Master Aboriginal, I just said something wrong... I didn't want to ask anything fair or unfair, I just I want to ask, whatever test you give me, I will do it!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth. Seeing that other players looked at that player with contempt, Ji Xiaoyan said: "In this case, adventurer, you should first talk to this player called Adventurers with puffy-eyed little goldfish, let's go together!"

When the male player who spoke heard this, he looked at the little goldfish with swollen eyes in surprise, then nodded to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Okay, okay..." After finishing speaking, the male player immediately He moved to the side of the little goldfish with swollen eyes, and said to her with a smile: "Little goldfish with swollen eyes, I will follow you to do the task in a while! By the way, I am the radish of youth, you can call me radish... …”

Here, the youthful radish hadn't finished talking to the little goldfish with swollen eyes, the players around the teleportation array reacted instantly, and immediately shouted at Ji Xiaoyan: "Lord aborigine... .We have to test, we have to test...."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the players rushing towards her again, and was about to think about how to arrange them and let him leave safely, when he heard a commotion outside the crowd.After a while, Ji Xiaoyan saw a few Qingcheng guards push through the crowd, and rushed to him with Manager Qing Gong and Brick.

"My lord... are you really here?" Manager Qing Gong couldn't help showing shock and disappointment on his face, he said something quickly to Ji Xiaoyan, then immediately grabbed her and turned to her He whispered: "You have appeared here, why don't you leave quickly, what are you still standing here for? There is chaos at the city gate right now, we brought the teleporter over..." Speaking of this , Manager Qing Gong quickly turned his head to a teleporter from Qingcheng who was following behind him and asked: "Come here quickly and see if we can teleport away directly from here?"

The teleporter in Qingcheng quickly stepped forward and checked the teleportation array.

Ji Xiaoyan, after being surprised for a short time, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Chief Qing Gong, "Boss Qing Gong, let's get rid of these adventurers first, shall we?"

"What's there to get rid of?" Manager Qing Gong looked indifferent, and said indifferently to Ji Xiaoyan: "Isn't it enough to let them go to the city gate?"

Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips, and whispered to Manager Qing Gong, "I'm afraid they won't leave easily."

Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled expression, not understanding why she would say that.You know, those adventurers are all scrambling to go to the city gate to die, how could they not go there?Is it because there are too many people at the city gate and they can't get a place?

Ji Xiaoyan sighed slightly, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "Because you know, I was resurrected. At that time, I thought I would appear in the teleportation circle outside the city, but I didn't expect that I would be resurrected here Already... Chief Qing Gong, this is the place where those adventurers are resurrected. Why do you say that I, an aborigine, appear here? They will all be puzzled and think! So I have always closed my eyes and pretended not to know anything , I didn’t open my eyes until an adventurer took a picture of me... Later, I saw that these adventurers wanted to ask for a quest scroll around me, so I just gave one! But, the rest of the adventurers I'm afraid I need to arrange some more tasks before I leave..."

So, now they are the ones asking the guards of Qingcheng to drive these adventurers aside. Ji Xiaoyan also believes that as long as they don't get the mission, they will definitely follow them and never leave.

When Director Qing Gong heard this, he immediately understood what Ji Xiaoyan meant.Think about it, as the place where the adventurers were resurrected, an aborigine appeared. What's going on?If the general situation can't explain the problem at all, as long as these adventurers think about it, they can understand the strangeness of it!To get rid of this matter, the only way is for Miss Ji Xiaoyan to appear as a task issuer!

Because, in the past, the aborigines would appear in front of those adventurers inexplicably because of the mission scroll.
Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan; "Then, Lord City Master, how many mission scrolls are you going to give those adventurers?"
"Give me another one! Rare things are more valuable!" Ji Xiaoyan said without hesitation.

So, Manager Qing Gong nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Okay, then I will take care of this matter! The most important thing for you now, Lord City Lord, is to leave this Panchi City with the teleporter... Qing Elder Mi and the others are also preparing to go to Qianhuamen!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and looked at the teleporter from Qingcheng.

"How is it? When can Lord City Master leave?" Director Qing Gong asked the teleporter while taking the mission scroll from Ji Xiaoyan's hand.

The teleporter from Qingcheng stood up helplessly from the spell on the teleportation array, shook his head at Chief Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "My lord, Chief Qing Gong...the teleportation array is not There is a way to send you back, Lord City Lord! Here are the unique spells of Panchi City, which can only be used for teleportation within the city, that is, the resurrection of adventurers, or other movement within the city..."

"Can't it be modified?" Brick asked with some disappointment.

The teleporter shook his head, and said to Brick: "This will take a long time, and the teleporter in Panchi City needs to study together before it can be modified! But, we don't have that much time now.... Therefore, Lord City Master, if we want to leave Panchi City, the fastest way is to leave through the teleportation array outside the city."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, expressing his understanding.

Manager Qing Gong and Brick looked at each other with a worried face, and then Manager Qing Gong said: "If this is the case, let's not delay! Brick, you and the city lord, hurry to the city Outside... I have dealt with all these adventurers here, and I am here to find you!"

Brick nodded and looked at Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong, and then looked at the adventurers around them who were staring at them with flooded eyes, so he nodded and told Manager Qing Gong what he had just said to those players After reading it over and over again, he said: "Director Qing Gong, you must pay attention to safety! Let the guards protect you more in a while, release the mission scroll, and come to us quickly!"

Manager Qing Gong nodded, and after reassuring Ji Xiaoyan, he urged her to leave quickly.

However, as soon as Ji Xiaoyan moved his feet, the players who were driven away from the teleportation circle shouted: "Master Aboriginal, where are you going? You haven't tested us yet..."

"Yes, yes, how can you leave?"

"We have to test..."

Manager Qing Gong looked at the surrounding players angrily, and then shouted: "You adventurers, why are you arguing? You want to test, is this the attitude? Adventurers who talk are disqualified from the test! Didn’t you see that my lord is still holding the scroll?”

Seeing this, the players immediately looked at Manager Qing Gong, and then glanced at Ji Xiaoyan who left the teleportation array without hesitation under the escort of the Qingcheng guards, and then rushed towards Manager Qing Gong decisively. Stand around the circle honestly.

As for the swollen-eyed little goldfish and the youthful radish, after looking around without any obstacles, they quickly disappeared near the teleportation array while no one was paying attention, ready to find a place to start the task!
And Brick took Ji Xiaoyan straight to the direction of the city gate quickly, while telling her about the situation there.

"Brick, what do you mean, you went to River Water City to find Chief Hess?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Brick in surprise, "Master Bessa is still trapped in the In that spell?"

Brick nodded, and then said: "Yeah, when we came here, it was indeed like this!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned worriedly, and then said, "Then can we really leave safely later? Didn't Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan notice that I'm not at the gate anymore?"

"I'm sure I didn't find out!" Brick thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I thought about it when Chief Qing Gong and I came to look for you. If City Lord Lushan and City Lord Yeshan find that you are not at the gate If you do, it is definitely impossible to waste time with Elder Qingmi and the others, they have already made big moves to find you..."

"Why do you think it's not Elder Qingmi who are more powerful, so they have entangled City Lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick questioningly and asked.Didn't they all say, old man Qingya and the others are still very powerful?
Brick shook his head, thought for a while and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This is Panchi City, Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan are the Lords of this city, they still have some advantages here. Otherwise, Panchi City It has already been attacked!"

Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and it seemed to be the reason.

"Then Brick, I haven't left Panchi City yet, do Elder Qingmi and the others know about it?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with some concern after thinking about it.To be honest, when Director Qing Gong and the others didn't come to look for her, she was really worried about old man Qingmi and the others thinking that she was resurrected because she disappeared. Think about it, old man Qingmi and the others left Panchi City by then, leaving It was so depressing to go to City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan, only to find out that she was still in Panchi City!
When Brick heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he was a little depressed immediately: "Speaking of which, Xiaoyan, we are lucky! When we came to Panchi City again, we didn't see the old teleporter in the teleportation array. , so I thought you had gone back to Qingcheng, so Elder Qingmi and those guards also thought so! Later, if Director Qing Gong and I were not thinking about going back to Qingcheng, we would at least go to Director Hess Pay attention to Master Bessa's situation, I haven't heard those adventurers say that I saw a gorgeously dressed woman on the teleportation array here, and Manager Qing Gong and I won't think about seeing it on the safe side... If we really all go back to Qingcheng, but Xiaoyan and you are still here, it will be really troublesome..."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Koalas Who Don't Climb Trees"!

(End of this chapter)

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