Chapter 1465 Chase

Indeed, Ji Xiaoyan's luck is very good!
Not long after the old man Qingmi left, Ji Xiaoyan stood by the city gate clutching his chest and didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, he felt dark before his eyes, and then disappeared.The guard of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion guarding Ji Xiaoyan saw this situation, and his first reaction was that Ji Xiaoyan, the City Lord of his family, went to the teleportation array to be resurrected.
Based on the situation at that time, if the guard of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion ran out of the city and went to the teleportation array, he might be able to know the truth.It's a pity that the situation inside the gate of Panchi City was a bit chaotic at that time. After realizing that Ji Xiaoyan had disappeared, the guard of the City Lord's Mansion looked in the direction of the teleportation array from a distance in the night, and found that there seemed to be such a figure teleporting Nearby, I immediately thought it was Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and immediately rushed to the old man Qingmi's side excitedly, and reported the news with peace of mind.
After that, the guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion all thought that Ji Xiaoyan had left Panchi City!
However, after learning that Ji Xiaoyan had left, old man Qingmi no longer wanted to fight, and began to prepare to fulfill his promise, leading the men in black from the Fox Clan to Qianhuamen.

And when Brick led Ji Xiaoyan to the city gate, the old man Qingmi just escaped from the player group with a few fox clan members, ready to rush out of the city gate.

"Elder Qingmi." Brick vaguely saw the figure of the old man Qingmi, and immediately called out in a low voice. After finding that the old man Qingmi couldn't hear him at all, he hurriedly let a guard from Qingcheng rush over.

"Girl Xiaoyan! Why are you back? Didn't you leave?" Old Qing Mi saw Brick rushing towards them with Ji Xiaoyan, and immediately pulled her into the shadow beside him, and then said angrily Looking at her, he said, "Who told you to come back?"

Ji Xiaoyan felt speechless tears, shook his head at the old man Qingmi, and then said: "Master Qingmi, I have never left Panchi City...I..." Ji Xiaoyan was about to say that he was in Panchi City. Something happened on the resurrection teleportation array of the adventurers in the north of Chicheng, but they found that the men in black from the fox tribe were looking at him curiously, so they quickly shut up and said to the old man Qingmi: "I was teleported to the north of the city. A teleportation array..."

"I knew you girl's luck would not be so good!" Old Qing Mi sighed, and then quickly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Forget it, now is not the time to talk about this... let's go , Xiaoyan girl! Let's go out of the city and talk about it!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

Brick hurriedly followed old man Qingmi and the others, and said in a low voice: "Elder Qingmi, Manager Qing Gong and I brought a teleporter with us when we came back. We can teleport away directly on the teleportation array outside the city. Go to that Qianhua Gate!"

"Really? That's really great!" The old man Qingya immediately smiled in surprise, and then said to Brick: "Fortunately! Brick, you don't even know that we and that adventure called strangers Everyone agreed to let him take us to Qianhua Gate, but who knows, when we were about to come out of the crowd, we saw him killed by a guard from Panchi City next to us... We didn't have time either Wait for him, you have to come out first!"

"Then should we wait for him?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously.

"What are you waiting for? It's just an adventurer!" Old man Qing Mi hurriedly shook his head and said, "Didn't you bring a teleporter here? We can teleport away directly, what other adventurers do we need?" Speaking of which, Qing Mi The old man immediately looked at Brick and asked, "By the way, where is the teleporter you found in Panchi City? Where is he still waiting in the teleportation array?"

"How is that possible!" When Brick heard the name of the old teleporter, he immediately curled his lips and said to the old man Qingmi: "When Manager Qing Gong and I came back, he had long disappeared! He just left after seeing us off! Hmph, I didn’t expect that Xiaoyan is still in Panchi City... That old teleporter must have run away after sending us away..."

"So hateful?" Qing Mi frowned.

Brick nodded affirmatively.

"Forget it, let's settle accounts with him when we have a chance in the future!" The old man Qingmi waved his hands indifferently, pulled Ji Xiaoyan out of the gate of Panchi City, and then said: "Now we have a teleporter. It's..."

Everyone nodded, and quickly followed the old man Qingmi to the teleporter outside the city, and then watched the teleporter Brick brought from Qingcheng consciously squat to the edge of the teleportation array to check, a few seconds later , frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi, and said, "Master City Master... The teleportation formation in Panchi City has been tampered with, and we have no way to go anywhere from here..."

"Move your hands and feet? How is it possible? We just teleported away from here not long ago?" Brick immediately widened his eyes when he heard what the teleporter said, and asked with a look of disbelief.

"It's true, Master Brick!" The teleporter sighed slightly, "It is impossible for this teleportation array to send anyone to any place now, and now this teleportation array is just what you see, just a Turning the runes on the surface is actually useless at all..."

"How is it possible?!" Brick still couldn't believe it, "We all left from here!"

"Could it be that old teleporter did it?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to everyone, "Didn't someone see him still in the teleportation array after Brick and the others teleported away? "

"It must be!" The teleporter in Qingcheng sighed, and then said: "The teleportation array is not something that ordinary people can destroy."

"Then what should we do now?" Brick scolded the old teleporter bitterly in his heart, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and asked.

"Forget it, we can't go from here, let's go from Qianhuamen!" Old man Qingmi thought for a while, and said unwillingly: "Anyway, we planned to do so at the beginning...... Everyone of the Fox Clan, you Do you have any comments?"

When the leader of the fox clan's man in black saw Ji Xiaoyan with them, he didn't have any objections.After all, the person Qingya and the others most want to send away is also here, what can they say about these incidental guys?Right?Therefore, when the leader of the fox clan's man in black heard old man Qingmi's words, he immediately smiled and nodded at him.

"Okay, then let's go directly to Qianhuamen!" Qingmi old man sighed.

"But, Master Qingmi, didn't you say that if we go to Qianhua Gate, we need that adventurer to accompany us? Should we wait for him now?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and asked the old man Qingmi One sentence.

"What are you waiting for? If he is conscious, he will find it by himself." The old man Qingmi said to Ji Xiaoyan without hesitation, "Besides, how can we have time to wait for him now? Xiaoyan girl, don't you Do you think that the adventurers in the city can stop Ye Shan and Lu Shan for how long?"

As soon as the words fell, Ji Xiaoyan and the others heard two different male voices in Panchi City, and they shouted angrily: "Chase me for the city lord..."

"It's broken!" Hearing this movement, the old man Qingmi quickly grabbed Ji Xiaoyan and asked a few guards to protect Brick, then pointed in the direction of Qianhuamen, and said to everyone: "Hurry up, hurry up, Going that way...Ye Shan and Yan Shan must have discovered that Xiaoyan girl is missing, and then they dealt with all the adventurers and came to chase us...Let's go, go, go..."

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look in the direction of the city gate, and they saw a large number of figures rushing out of the city gate and running towards them.Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help taking a breath, and asked old man Qingmi: "Master Qingmi, are they really after me?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The old man Qingmi said to Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice, "Do you really think that Ye Shan and the others want to arrest you, and at the same time they want to arrest those fox people? Xiaoyan girl, don't you Stupid! If those members of the Fox Clan really run away, it doesn’t matter to Ye Shan and Lu Shan. There are quite a few members of the Fox Clan imprisoned in the Mansion of the Lord of Panchi City..."

"But, I just took Xuan Mo away from Panchi City!" Ji Xiaoyan said to the old man Qingmi with some injustice.

"They don't care about this matter!" Old man Qingmi curled his lips, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Ye Shan and Lu Shan are all out of your idea of ​​making a fortune, so why do they care about the rest? You girl I don't even think about it, when you were not the lord of Qingcheng, didn't Ye Shan want to beat and kill you? Didn't Ye Shan say that if you pay back the favor, you don't want to come to him in the future?"

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, expressing that he lost his memory and could not remember anything.

The old man Qingmi had no choice but to roll his eyes helplessly, waved his hand at Ji Xiaoyan and said: "Forget it, forget it, forget it if you don't remember! You just need to remember well now, they are chasing you and thinking about you Just clear the city!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.To sum it up, in one sentence, she can't be caught by City Lord Yeshan or City Lord Yanshan!Speaking of which, the city lords Ye Shan and Jia Shan were really a little frustrated, and they didn't know why.To their dismay, they were inexplicably surrounded by those adventurers for a while, but they didn't even know that Miss Ji Xiaoyan had disappeared; the reason was that the earth magic they cast on the rock that Zhong Ji Xiaoyan was throwing was absolutely impossible It was explained away, and Ji Xiaoyan was asked to leave or disappear, but in the end Miss Ji Xiaoyan really ran away.What's going on here, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan can't figure it out!
Another point is that the time for the magic barrier they threw at Master Bessa is coming. If Ji Xiaoyan cannot be caught up in time, if Master Bessa joins the battle again, they will be in even greater trouble!So after sending all the adventurers who surrounded them to the resurrection teleportation array in the north of Panchi City in one breath, the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan immediately rushed out of the city with the guards of Panchi City. Door.
At this moment, Lord Bessa struggled and resented in that fantasy world for a long time, and gradually found that the fantasy world was beginning to collapse, so he quickly threw spells and began to fight with this fantasy world.Then, after Master Bessa charged up and threw an advanced water spell towards a huge green tree in the illusion, cracks appeared in the entire illusion. After a few seconds, the illusion world in the eyes of Master Bessa was like Stained glass usually breaks directly, then falls to the ground and disappears.

Afterwards, what appeared in front of Lord Bessa was the tearful face of Manager Hess.

"It's an illusion again!?" Master Bessa frowned bitterly, looked around, and raised his hand, wanting to continue to condense spells for the illusion master Hess in front of him.

As a result, as soon as he raised his hand, Lord Bessa took a look at Manager Hess and took his arm, and then shouted loudly: "My Lord, Lord finally came from that broken It came out from the spell!! If you don't come out again, I... I'm going to hit the wall!"

"Hess!? Is it really you?" Master Bessa suddenly stopped his arms, looked at Manager Hess with some disbelief and asked, "Why are you here? This is Panchi City!? By the way What about Xiaoyan? Where is Qing Gong in charge of them?"

Manager Hess wiped away his tears and snot, and quickly said to Master Bessa: "It was Manager Qing Gong who came to River Water City to tell me that Master Bessa had a little accident in Panchi City, so I brought people over to help right away..." Old Hess knew very well that he couldn't talk nonsense and ruin the face of his own city lord!So, after seeing Lord Bessa nodded with some satisfaction, old Hess continued: "As for the owner of Xiaoyan, it seems that Chief Qing Gong led people to find it in Panchi City, and just now I saw Brie Ke brought City Master Xiaoyan together, and followed Elder Qingmi and the others out of the gate of Panchi City...Because you are still trapped here, Master Bessa, so we didn't go with them..."

"Out of the city gate?! That's good!" Lord Bessa breathed a sigh of relief, tidied up his appearance, then thought of something, quickly turned his head and looked around the city gate, and then said Looking at the old Hess, he asked, "Xiaoyan and the others are gone, what about the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan of Panchi City? Where are they going?"

"The two city lords were surrounded by those adventurers for a long time, and they waited until Elder Qing Mi and the others left the city gate, then killed all the adventurers, and then they also left the city gate... It seems to be chasing Elder Qingya and the others have gone!" Old Hess said this, and he reacted instantly.Speaking of which, the two city lords of Panchi City chased old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan and the others, so, after hearing this news, can his own Lord Besa stay here patiently?
Sure enough, in the next second, Old Hess heard Lord Bessa yelling at him angrily: "Then why didn't you say it earlier? What are you still doing, chasing after..."

(End of this chapter)

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