The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1466 Can I give it to you?

Chapter 1466 Can I give it to you?

When all the players in Panchi City were standing on the resurrection formation in the north of the city, the strangers had already stepped out of the teleportation formation, and they went straight to the city gate and chased after them.When I was resurrected on the teleportation array, I saw Manager Qing Gong when I didn’t know each other before, and then I heard a player say that a female NPC in a gorgeous dress appeared, and then I thought of what the old man Qing Mi said to him, I have never met Immediately judged that Ji Xiaoyan must be going to Qianhuamen with old man Qingmi.

Therefore, the strangers rushed to the gate of Panchi City very quickly, and after finding that Master Bessa, City Lord Yeshan, City Lord Yanshan and others were all gone, they rushed out of the city gate and headed directly towards Qianhua Gate. ran in the direction.Fortunately, when the strangers ran to the foot of Qianhuamen Mountain, they met Lord Bessa and his party who were holding a torch and preparing to go up the mountain.
Of course, I also saw the fire on the mountainside and near the top of the mountain, which should be City Lord Ye Shan, City Lord Yan Shan, and the old man Qing Mi and the others.

"Hurry up..." Master Bessa said to Old Hess and the others angrily, but when he turned around, he saw an obviously different figure appearing next to him, and then said with some surprise: "I remember you, adventurer, You are with Flying Leaves! But, how did you get here?"

The stranger who had never met before nodded to Lord Bessa, originally thinking of ignoring him and continuing to chase him.But in the next second, the strangers suddenly reacted!In front are City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan. It goes without saying who they are chasing, so if he catches up now, will he be able to pass them and run to old man Qing Mi and the others?The answer is definitely no!Maybe he was killed by the guards of Panchi City just after running behind the team of City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan, and returned to the city again to be resurrected.
Therefore, it is the most correct choice to go up the mountain together with powerful NPCs!

Thinking of this, the acquaintance immediately took a breath, then eased the expression on his face, smiled at Master Besa and said, "Castile Master Besa, I am a disciple of Qianhuamen... Elder Qingmi Make an appointment with me, let me take them back to the sect!"

Lord Bessa glanced at him in surprise when he heard the words he had never met before, and after thinking for a while, he said: "In this case, then adventurer, you should go with us! Otherwise, you will meet the Lord of Yeshan and Kai in a while." City Lord Shan and the others, if something happened to you, you can’t bring Elder Qingmi and the others into the Qianhua Gate.”

"Okay!" The strangers nodded in kindness, and directly merged into the team of NPC guards without the command of Master Bessa, and followed them to rush to the mountain of Qianhuamen.

Although the old man Qingmi and the others reacted very quickly, throwing away City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan and the others for a long distance, and rushed to the gate of Qianhua Gate first, but the old man Qing Mi said that he wanted to go in, and was caught The disciples of Qianhuamen stopped him.

"You have to see clearly, I'm a good friend of your sect leader! I'm Elder Qingmi from Qingshimen! Hurry up, let us in!" Old man Qingmi yelled anxiously at the disciples of Qianhuamen.

"Elder Qingmi, our head said that if there is nothing wrong, it would be better for you not to enter our Qianhua Sect!" the disciple of Qianhua Sect said to the old man Qingmi very unceremoniously, with a gleam in his eyes. A little arrogance and disdain.

"What did you say?" The old man Qingmi yelled at the disciples of the Qianhua Sect with a little embarrassment, and then yelled: "That old man Qianyun won't let me in? Are you going to tell me again? Have you asked? Ah? I can tell you that I am the elder of Qingshimen, and I have known your head for many years. It is impossible for him to prevent me from entering! Don’t let me get in the way here! My son, talking nonsense... Believe it or not, I will tell you the master later?"

The disciples of Qianhuamen looked at each other, and said to old man Qingmi: "I'm sorry, Elder Qingmi, our sect leader indeed ordered us to do so..." What's more, the elder of Qingshimen in front of us led With so many people coming to their Qianhua Gate together, it doesn't look like a friendly visit!

"" The old man Qingmi gritted his teeth resentfully, turned his head and looked behind him, and clearly saw City Master Ye Shan and City Master Kai Shan on the mountainside walking up with torches.

"Elder Qingmi, otherwise, let's find a place to hide!" Brick thought for a while, and said to the old man Qingmi: "I still have a little night vision potion here, we can find the place directly without torches Hide." Although the potion may not be enough for all the people to drink, there is no other way now, as long as someone can see it, at worst, everyone will hold hands and walk slowly, right?As long as the city lords Yeshan and Lushan are not allowed to see their course of action, they can still avoid them.
"Tibet? How long can Tibet hide? It's a big trouble not to leave us from the teleportation array!" Qing Mi said angrily, "Unless we fight Ye Shan and the others and beat them away! Otherwise, we I can only leave Panchi City... No, no, I must find a way to take you into Qianhua Gate!"

"Otherwise, let's just rush in?" The leader of the fox tribe in black thought for a while, and said to the old man Qingmi in a low voice: "There are only a few Qianhuamen disciples guarding here, I think we still have the strength Against them."

Old man Qingmi frowned when he heard the words, and looked at the disciples of Qianhuamen, but he didn't say anything for a while.Regarding the Chongqianhuamen matter, to be honest, the old man Qingmi never thought of doing such a reckless thing!Although he had taken Miss Ji Xiaoyan to steal the owner's private collection in Qianhuamen, but on the surface, they still didn't break their skins, didn't they?Even if he doesn't care about Qianyun's head, he still has to worry about the relationship between Qianhuamen and Qingshimen!

However, the reality today is that if they don't rush into the Qianhua Gate, they will only face the pincer attacks of City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan, and it will inevitably be a trouble... Although they are not afraid, but in case Did Miss Ji Xiaoyan get involved?If she is resurrected again, she may not be in the teleportation circle of Panchi City again...
At that time, it will be a deadlock.

Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi couldn't help but looked at the disciples guarding the Qianhua Gate, then gritted his teeth and said to the leader of the fox tribe in black: "Okay, just go!"

The leader of the fox tribe in black nodded, enduring the pain on his body and nodded to the fox tribe behind him.

The old man Qingmi thought for a while, and then told Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Girl Xiaoyan, follow me closely for a while. Teleporter, you must follow us closely for a while. Our destination is very simple, it is the Qianhua Gate. Teleportation array, as long as the city lord steps onto the teleportation array, teleporter, you will immediately teleport her back to Qingcheng, and then immediately teleport the Fox clan to the nearest town... Do you understand?"

The teleporter nodded quickly.

The old man Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan again, and asked Brick to follow Ji Xiaoyan closely, then he gestured to the leader of the fox clan's black-clothed man, and then directed a few people from Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion who were holding torches After the guard put out the fire, he whispered, "Get ready... to charge!"

The leader of the fox clan's man in black took the lead and rushed to the disciples of Qianhuamen, knocked them out with a knife in his hand, and then rushed into the mountain gate with his head sullen.In the end, who knows, this rush hit an invisible force, and was bounced back gently.

"It's an enchantment!" The leader of the man in black frowned, turned to old man Qingmi and said, "No wonder they don't worry about us..."

"There must be something on the disciples of Qianhuamen that can bring them in!" Qingmi old man said without hesitation, "Look for it!"

Hearing the words, the men in black from the fox tribe immediately bent down, and Ji Xiaoyan and the others began to roll over the Qianhuamen disciples.Sure enough, after a few seconds, Ji Xiaoyan and the others found several waist tags with the same style.

"It's only eight yuan in total..." Ji Xiaoyan held a waist card in his hand, and said to the old man Qingmi with a frown, "What should I do?"

"What to do, how much can you go in first!" Qingmi old man said to Ji Xiaoyan without hesitation, "As long as you can leave here, girl Xiaoyan, I am not afraid of Ye Shan and Yan Shan. They Do you still dare to do something to me?"

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, feeling helpless that he was an oil bottle.

"Actually, Elder Qingmi." The leader of the fox tribe in black thought for a while, then turned his head and said to the old man Qingmi: "Our fox tribe also knows some spells. Now that we have these badges, I think we can definitely Find out how these disciples of the Thousand Flowers Sect let them in... But, we need a little time!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Hearing this, the old man Qingmi said to the leader of the fox tribe in black in surprise, and watched him turn his head and study the waist card and the other fox tribes. After the enchantment, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "If only eight people can go in, girl Xiaoyan, you can go with the teleporter and follow them in! But, don't teleport them to Qingcheng..."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.In my heart, I am somewhat looking forward to these black-clothed people of the fox clan can open the barrier of Qianhuamen as soon as possible
At this moment, the City Lord Ye Shan and the City Lord Yan Shan immediately frowned and guessed with a little frown after discovering that the old man Qingmi's fire had disappeared: "That fellow Qing Mi has entered the Qianhua Gate? Impossible!"

"It's definitely impossible!" City Lord Ye Shan said bitterly, "No one else knows the relationship between Qing Mi and Qian Yun, but I don't know? At the beginning, the old man Qing Mi brought the girl Ji Xiaoyan to us from Qianhua Gate. After Panchi City, I heard that Qianyun specially notified the surrounding towns and sects, don't let old man Qingmi come to visit... Huh, I know, Qianyun is the same as me, The treasury has been looted! Therefore, it is impossible for him to let the old man Qing Mina enter the Qianhua Gate..."

After hearing the words, City Master Yan Shan looked at City Master Ye Shan, and said, "It's impossible to be sure! Just in case..."

"There is nothing in case!" City Lord Ye Shan immediately interrupted, "If others don't know, how can Qian Yun know who stole the things in his treasure house? He will let the old man Qingmi enter his Qianhua Gate again , that's weird!"

"Then what's going on with Qingmi and the others?" City Master Yan Shan frowned and looked towards the top of the mountain, "They won't be so stupid as to put out the torch, and then find a place to hide nearby, thinking that we thought they had entered Qianhuamen, and then leave by yourself?"

Upon hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan immediately sneered and said, "I wish they were that stupid!"

After hearing this, City Lord Yan Shan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Yes, you are right... I hope they are so stupid!" If old man Qingmi and the others really hid, then it would be easy!Where is the top of Qianhuamen?Basically, there are only a few places where people can hide, and the rest are all cliffs!They have torches in their hands, as long as they hold the torches to illuminate the surroundings, where else can Qing Mi and the others hide?
Isn't that one catch one?
"Let's go, we don't care whether they are hiding or not, we have to catch up!" City Lord Ye Shan sneered and urged, "There are people at the foot of the mountain who are also chasing up!"

Hearing the words, City Lord Xie Tan immediately looked behind him, and said with some displeasure, "Is it City Lord Bessa of Refu Water City?"

"Who isn't he?" City Lord Ye Shan said as he walked, "We can only trap him for so long, after all, he should be able to move..."

City Lord Yan Shan pursed his lips, and sighed with some regret.

"What? It's a pity that you didn't practice well with me again?" City Lord Ye Shan said to City Lord Yan Shan with some sarcasm, "However, it's useless to regret, we can't go back to the beginning!"

City Lord Yan Shan pondered for two seconds, as if he had thought of something, and asked tentatively to City Lord Ye Shan, "Ye Shan, if... if we each have a city, can't we get along well? ?”

"Xu Shan, what do you mean by that?" City Lord Ye Shan turned his head and looked at City Master Xi Shan strangely, then frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "Are you planning to build a city for me? Or, Are you going to give Panchi City to me?"

City Lord Yan Shan looked at the top of the mountain indifferently, and then said: "Don't you want to marry Ji Xiaoyan and get Qingcheng? If you promise me, we will each have a city without interfering with each other in the future, but we can be as good as before. If we advance and retreat together, I will guarantee here that I will help you take down Qingcheng, how about it?"

"Take Qingcheng down?" City Lord Ye Shan looked at City Master Yan Shan with some disbelief and sneered, and then said to him: "Why don't you just give me Panchi City directly, and you go and take Qing City? He Ji I don't have to do Xiaoyan to get married..."

(End of this chapter)

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