Chapter 1467 Meeting
To be precise, if the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan of Panchi City don't quarrel and fight for Panchi City, it will definitely be easy for them to develop Panchi City better and bigger!It's just, unfortunately, they will never find out about this problem, and they will only quarrel endlessly, guarding against each other... Maybe this is why the game designers, or the main brain light, gave the characters of Yeshan City Lord and Lushan City Lord. be sure...

Then this setting was carried out infinitely by the two NPC city lords.

Therefore, the two city lords who could have quickly caught Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi, because they didn't have enough fat to eat, they delayed time on the mountainside and started arguing again.So much so that Master Bessa, who was far behind them, managed to catch up behind their team, and then directly threw a huge water spell at City Lord Ye Shan and Kai Shan...

"Hit my city lord hard!" Master Bessa really felt jealous when meeting his enemies!He was trapped in the so-called illusion barrier for such a long time, and he did not help Ji Xiaoyan in any way. In the end, he was very likely to be laughed at by her. How could Master Bessa bear this tone?

City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan heard the wails of the guards behind them, and immediately stopped their quarrel. Turning around and looking back, they saw a huge wave rushing towards them. The two who had no time to avoid it directly Just being splashed on the face, the whole person is like a drowned rat!
"It's that Bessa City Lord from Refu Water City!" City Lord Yan Shan stretched out his hand to wipe his face with a sullen face, and said to City Lord Ye Shan: "If it weren't for our anti-magic skills, it probably wouldn't be like this now... this shellfish City Lord Sa is really a big trouble!"

"Hmph, what's the use of talking about this now?" City Lord Ye Shan cast a gloomy gaze, and directly yelled at the guards of Panchi City to stand up and resist Master Bessa and the others, then turned to City Lord Ye Shan and said, "You Stay, or should I stay? Now is not the time to waste time with this Bessa City Lord, our first task is to catch Ji Xiaoyan first!"

City Lord Xie Shan looked at Lord Bessa's direction, thought for a while, and said to City Lord Ye Shan, "You stay and hold back City Lord Bessa, and I'll catch Ji Xiaoyan!" Having said this, City Lord Xie Shan paused Seconds, and then explained: "You are backlashed by the spell, and your body can't resist. If you are here, you can still have guards with you. At least, the Lord of Bessa dare not do anything to you! There are that guy Qing Mi and those foxes on it. People from the clan, if I go, it may be better than you."

Upon hearing the words, City Master Ye Shan took a deep look at City Master Yan Shan, and then said, "Xu Shan, I believe you this time! It's just that I hope you don't let me down..."

City Lord Yan Shan nodded, leaving most of the Panchi City guards on the spot to help, while he led the rest of the guards and charged directly up the mountain.

Because Master Bessa used the spell of the water system, he extinguished the fire in the team of City Lord Fushan and City Lord Yeshan, so in the dark, he did not see the departure of City Lord Fushan at all, thinking that they would all stay with him. He fights by himself, so no one is arranged to chase him.

The strangers were dragged by the old Hess to stand beside the team, avoiding all kinds of attacks, and said: "Adventurer, you have to be careful! If you really die, we won't wait for you!", stand still, and after a while, Lord Bessa has cleaned up the two city lords of Panchi City, and then we will continue to go up..."

The stranger nodded, raised his face to look up the mountain, did not see any team or fire, and frowned slightly.He hoped that Ji Xiaoyan and the others could enter the Thousand Flowers Gate and teleport away, but he also didn't want them to enter the Thousand Flowers Gate before he went up!Although Manager Qing Gong promised to let them see Ji Xiaoyan once, it would be good to see Ji Xiaoyan one more time, or earlier!
Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Master Bessa's suspicious voice: "What's going on? Only City Lord Yeshan, where did City Lord Lushan go?"

The stranger who had never met raised his face to look at the guard team of Panchi City, and only vaguely saw a city lord, then quickly raised his eyes to look around, and indeed did not see another city lord.

"No, the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Lushan must have discussed it..." Master Bessa didn't know that he thought of us, so he took a few steps back, walked to the old Hess and the stranger, and then He said to the stranger: "Adventurer, you said that Elder Qing Mi made an appointment with you to take them into the Qianhua Gate, right? Only you can bring them into the Qianhua Gate, right?"

The stranger nodded without hesitation.

"Old Hess, you take this adventurer to the mountain immediately!" Master Bessa frowned, and said to Old Hess: "I thought it was because of the mutual defense mentality of the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Changshan. It is definitely impossible to go separately. As long as I attack them, they will all stay behind. I didn't expect... City Lord Yan Shan must have gone up the mountain to chase Xiaoyan and the others. Old Hess, you brought this adventurer with you , Hurry up, we must let Xiaoyan and the others successfully enter Qianhua Gate and return to Qingcheng..."

Old Hess opened his mouth, and looked at Lord Bessa unwillingly.

"Hurry up, with Elder Qingmi here, City Master Yan Shan will definitely not be able to catch Xiaoyan for a while, adventurer, you remember, immediately take Xiaoyan into Panchi City after going up, and then take her from the Qianhua Gate. Send the array back to Qingcheng!" Lord Bessa said with a serious face to the stranger and old Hess, and then directly called the four guards of River Water City to guard them up the mountain.

After old Hess reluctantly glanced at Lord Bessa several times, he gritted his teeth and led the guards together, avoiding the people of Panchi City, and continued to climb up, chasing after the city lord.

And those black-clothed people from the fox clan who claimed to be able to break the barrier of Qianhuamen discovered after studying for a long time that even though they had the badge on their bodies, they still couldn't enter Qianhuamen.

"What's the matter? Are you guys doing it?" Qing Mi asked anxiously, looking at the fox people in black.

"It should be possible..." The leader of the fox tribe in black said with some sweat on his forehead, and after a while, he said weakly: "We don't know what the barrier of Qianhuamen is. What's going on! According to the general situation, if we have a waist card, we can definitely get in..."

"It means that you have nothing to do, right?" The old man Qingmi asked the leaders of the fox tribe in black angrily, but he cursed in his heart: You can do it if you can, or you can do it if you can't. Speak up sooner!Wasting so much of their time, do you really think they are all here to travel?

The leader of the man in black moved away from the boundary of the barrier with several other foxes in embarrassment, and said to the old man Qingmi with a little confidence: "Why don't we try again? Anyway, we have no other way now... . . . "

The old man Qingmi stared, let out a deep breath, and said after a while, "Hurry up if you want to continue, do you still need my help?" Several men in black who watched the Fox clan surrounded the area again. We started talking together, studying the enchantment of Qianhuamen, the old man Qingmi couldn't help but said to Brick and the others: "It seems that we still need that unknown adventurer disciple of Qianhuamen! I know that Lao Tzu sent a few guards to screw him aside and wait... Hey, now I just hope that he will be smarter, and after he is resurrected, he will hurry after us..."

Brick turned around and looked down the mountain. He didn't think that the adventurer, whom he had never met before, could get here past the City Lord Yeshan and the City Lord Lushan who were chasing them...
A few minutes later, the men in black from the fox tribe finally gave up their research in dejection, and said to old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan in frustration: "Elder Qingmi, the barrier of Qianhuamen has undergone special treatment. These badges are just some credentials, but you need something else to get in... We really have no choice!"

The old man Qingmi stared, swept around the men in black from the fox clan, and then asked: "I can't get in, what should we do now? Do you have any ideas?"

The men in black from the fox tribe looked at each other and shook their heads.

The old man Qingya instantly had the urge to grit his teeth.

"Otherwise, we should find a place to hide first?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to the old man Qingmi and those fox people: "Because City Lord Yeshan and the others haven't chased after them, we still have some time If we can delay a little time, it counts! What if we are lucky, City Lord Yeshan and the others catch up and see these disciples of the Qianhuamen have fallen, thinking that we have all entered the Qianhuamen and left? At that time, After we wait for City Lord Yeshan and the others to leave, we can ask Master Qingmi for help from that unknown adventurer you mentioned, and lead us into Qianhua Gate... What do you think?"

The old man Qingmi really wanted to give Ji Xiaoyan a supercilious look, and tell her that Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yeshan would not be such idiots.But looking up and looking around, the old man Qingmi finally couldn't help waving his hands, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the people in black from the fox clan: "Forget it, forget it. Now we have no other way If we can’t enter Qianhua Gate, we either have to go back the same way, or we have to find a place to hide first..."

"Then in this case, let's hide it first!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at the others, and then looked at Brick and asked, "What kind of night vision are you talking about just now?" How much potion is there? Is it enough for each of us to drink?"

Brick frowned and looked everyone around, then shook his head and said: "It must not be enough, so many of us..."

"It doesn't matter if there are too many people!" The old man Qingmi thought for a while, and said to Brick: "Pick out some people who lead the way, and give medicine to them, and the rest of the guards will lead them slowly! As long as we have the medicine That's enough..." The old man Qingmi frowned and almost blurted out, if it didn't work, all the guards in Qingcheng went down the mountain by themselves, went to the foot of Qianhuamen Mountain and waited for him to send Ji Xiaoyan and the others away After that, go pick them up.But after thinking about it, those are all the guards of Miss Ji Xiaoyan's Qingcheng!What if they were killed when they met City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan when they went down the mountain?

Where will Miss Ji Xiaoyan find so many guards in Qingcheng?

Thinking of this, the old man Qingya quickly shook his head in his heart, and then directly asked Brick to see how to distribute the potion.

In the end, because Brick's stock was really not much, after Ji Xiaoyan, old man Qingmi, and several men in black from the fox tribe got the potion, Brick mixed the remaining potion with other potions, More night vision potions with a slightly shorter duration and less effective effect were prepared and distributed to as many Qingcheng guards as possible.

"Let's go, as long as you can see it! We have to hurry up..." Qing Mi blinked his eyes, got used to the effect of the potion, and said to everyone: "If you are replaced by Ye Shan and Kai Tan in a while, They've caught up, and we've wasted all our efforts..."

"Well, I also think that you, Elder Qingmi, are wasting your efforts..." Just as the old man Qingmi said these words, the voice of the city lord Yan Shan resounded in the darkness instantly.

Everyone was startled, and the guards of Qingcheng immediately gathered towards Ji Xiaoyan, surrounding her, leaving only the old man Qingmi and a few men in black from the Fox clan standing on the periphery of the crowd, looking towards the source of the voice.

"Ignite!" The voice of the city lord Yan Shan sounded slightly cool.

A second later, Ji Xiaoyan saw through the gap between the guards, the slightly embarrassed figure of the city lord Yan Shan appeared in the firelight.

"Ji Shan... When did you come up?" The old man Qingmi looked at the City Lord Ye Shan in obvious surprise, and then couldn't help but look down the mountain, but he didn't find the figure of the City Master Ye Shan. I couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief in my heart!One is better than both....
"Me? Of course I followed you up here!" City Lord Yan Shan said this to the old man Qingmi indifferently, and then began to search for Ji Xiaoyan in the crowd, but when he scanned around, he could only see the tightly arranged Looking at the guards of Qingcheng, City Master Ji Shan immediately smiled clearly, then looked in the direction of the guard center, and said, "Speaking of which, City Master Ji, don't you want to see me? Why did you hide in the guard's Behind us? As the city lord, this is a bit impolite..."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he didn't dare to say anything.At this moment, the City Lord Lushan is not at all as gentle and elegant as she had seen in Panchi City. She feels that the City Lord Lushan has blended seamlessly with the brutal temperament of the City Lord Yeshan under the firelight. It's simply the same person.
 PS: Thanks to "TEN" for the two monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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