The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1471 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1471 Meeting in a narrow road

The leader of the fox tribe in black thought that they had already told him everything Master Bessa wanted to know, and the Lord Yeshan beside him seemed to have no power to stop them from leaving, so Lord Bessa nodded and said After he asked everything, they should be able to leave.

However, what the leader of the fox tribe in black didn't expect was that Lord Bessa waved his hand and threw a ball of blue light at them in the next second. In the next second, they didn't know anything...

"Hahaha, I really didn't see it, Lord Bessa, you can use this kind of trick!" City Lord Ye Shan held his chest, leaned weakly on the stone, and said to Master Bessa: "These people People from the Fox Clan thought you would let them leave..."

Lord Bessa glanced at City Lord Yeshan indifferently, and then said: "The City Lord's Refu Water City was also attacked by them fox clan..." If that's the case, let these fox clan people leave So, should he continue to be the city lord?

"It seems that Lord Bessa is planning to hand over these fox people to Panchi City?" Lord Yeshan took a deep breath and said to Lord Bessa.

Master Bessa took a look at City Master Ye Shan for granted, and then said directly: "City Master Ye Shan, you have become what you are now, so don't worry about these trivial matters, and rest here! This City Master still has things to do, I won’t be with you anymore... Let’s go, tie up those fox clan members to the city lord... Let’s go to Qianhuamen to have a look too!”

After finishing speaking, Lord Bessa took most of the guards who were still awake in River Water City and walked directly towards the top of the mountain.As for the rest of the guards, they naturally need to stay and take care of those who were stunned or injured by the guards of Panchi City!Of course, they also have a duty to be on guard against the situation where the city master of Night Evolution accidentally kills all the unconscious guards in River Water City...
And when Master Bessa successfully walked to the Qianhuamen Mountain Gate, he saw only a few Qingcheng guards who finally climbed out of the rock wall made by City Lord Yanshan.

"Where's your city lord? Where's Elder Qingmi? Where have you all gone?" Lord Bessa looked around, but didn't see any movement. After knowing the situation under the narration, he immediately led the people straight to the direction that City Lord Yan Shan and the others were going, and chased after them.

And at this moment, where is Miss Ji Xiaoyan, the real master?
It's also funny to say.

For the entire Qianhuamen, they are a high-level sect with both magic and martial arts.Except for the front of the mountain gate, the entire sect has a barrier, and all the buildings of the sect are covered by an invisible barrier, just like the West Mountain in Mochen Town back then, ordinary people can't get in at all.

However, the NPCs of Qianhuamen know this situation, and the rest of them don't!Ji Xiaoyan and the others wanted to walk around the wall of Qianhua Gate, looking for any breakthroughs that could be overcome.As a result, after walking for a while, they found that the Qianhuamen is very rigorously built, and there is no room for them to take advantage of it. Therefore, if they really want to enter the Qianhuamen, they must turn over. to the wall.

"My lord, come on!" The guards of Qingcheng looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a bit of a smile in their hearts, said something to her, and then stood silently under the wall, looking at Ji Xiaoyan: "Go in early, and feel at ease sooner." ! Don't think it's out of style, we are all guards you have accepted... It's not the first time we've done this!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the guards of Qingcheng with a dark face, yelling or not, and finally had to swallow this inexplicable anger, then nodded to the guards of Qingcheng and said: "OK Come on, get ready!"

"Okay!" Several guards of Qingcheng happily began to divide the work immediately, and then they all lay on the wall of Qianhua Gate like arhats, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, be careful, come up ..."

Ji Xiaoyan sighed silently, lifted her skirt and began to climb up the shoulders of those Qingcheng guards.However, after finally climbing up to the top of the wall, Ji Xiaoyan was about to reach out and grab the top of the wall, but found a very serious problem.There seemed to be a layer of something she couldn't see above the wall blocking her hand.
"Master City Master?" Several guards were a little puzzled why Ji Xiaoyan didn't move.

"You all stand up, I'll come down immediately." Ji Xiaoyan reached out his hand to touch the invisible things on the layer, then sighed depressedly, and said to the guards in Qingcheng, "There are Barrier, we can't get in!"

When the guards of Qingcheng heard this, their relaxed expressions froze in an instant.Not being able to enter the Thousand Flowers Gate meant that they could only wander around in this peripheral area.However, there are still the city lords who are chasing after them. Even if they hid their whereabouts on the way when they came, you can't guarantee that the city lords will not think that they will go all the way along the wall of Qianhuamen. go?
As long as they couldn't enter Qianhuamen for a moment, they couldn't relax their vigilance for a moment.

"My lord, what are we going to do now?" After Ji Xiaoyan stood safely on the ground, the guards of Qingcheng frowned, looked at her and said, "If we can't enter Qianhuamen, we will be arrested." The risk of living is very high... Shall we go back and try our luck?"

"What if we meet the Lord of the City at this time?" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head immediately, and said to the guards of the Qing City: "No, no, let's continue to walk forward. If we really want to find We can't reach the road, let's talk about it! What if we are lucky and walk along this road wall and come back to the mountain gate of Qianhuamen?"

Several guards in Qingcheng were not so optimistic.Just looking at Ji Xiaoyan's innocent face, they really couldn't say anything to hurt her, so a few guards thought about it and said directly: "Then, Lord City Master, let's not waste time, Get out of here now!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and led the guards to continue walking along the wall, praying in his heart, there must be a way, there must be a way
It's just that, sometimes, there is still a big gap between reality and imagination.

Ji Xiaoyan and the others still came to the end - the edge of the cliff.

"What's wrong with Qianhuamen? The wall is built, so can't we leave a little gap for us to go?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the wall that was tightly attached to the edge of the cliff, and there was not even a little gap for people to pass through. He didn't stay, and suddenly said with some resentment, "Aren't they afraid that the stone will collapse and their wall will also be destroyed?"

"My lord, there is no way here... Shall we go back?" The guards of Qingcheng also sighed silently in their hearts, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan as soon as possible.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the white clouds under the cliff, and after a while, he sighed and said: "We can only go back! Otherwise, can we still jump down?" At this point, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but muttered in his heart Dao: If you can't die by jumping down, and there is a way, then that's fine!She definitely jumped straight away without saying a word.

The guards of Qingcheng looked at Ji Xiaoyan in shock, fearing that such an idea would come into the mind of the city lord for no reason, so they quickly reached out and grabbed Ji Xiaoyan, dragging her in the direction she came and went, and then He said nervously to her, "Master City Lord, let's get out of here quickly! Don't waste time."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the cliff again with some reluctance, and was finally dragged away by those Qingcheng guards.

It's just that, this time, they didn't intend to keep walking close to the corner.

An experienced guard thought for a while, and directly took the right to lead the way, and then started to drill in the forest with Ji Xiaoyan.Thankfully, none of them needed a firelight to walk freely, while others had to rely on the light of a torch to see the way, so they could see from a distance as long as someone was approaching!With this in mind, their safety factor should be much higher...

At this moment, the city lord Yan Shan led his people to chase after Ji Xiaoyan and the others along the path they had walked through, and after walking for a long time without seeing any trace of them, he felt a little guilty in his heart.Could it be that the facts are really the same as old man Qingmi said? Miss Ji Xiaoyan has really entered the Qianhua Gate?However, the words of the old man Qingya must not be trusted, right?Did he pretend to be that way on purpose?

City Lord Yan Shan stopped the team, stood where he was and thought about it carefully.

"My lord, there are people coming from behind us..." Before the city lord could think about it, he heard the guard behind him whispering to him: "It seems that there are not many people..."

City Lord Xie Tan frowned and turned to look at the fire behind him getting closer and closer. After everyone was in front of him, he finally saw the team of people coming. Judging from the costumes, they should be the guards brought by Lord Bessa on the mountainside.So, they are the guards of River Water City?Speaking of which, Ye Shan was defeated, and Master Bessa caught up?
The City Lord's heart trembled, and he began to look for Lord Bessa among the visitors with a serious expression, but after looking around, he didn't see where Lord Bessa was at all!As a result, the heart of the city lord Yan Shan tightened a little. Could it be that Master Bessa has already found Ji Xiaoyan, so he is not in the team?

Old Hess looked awkwardly at City Master Xie Shan. They thought they had found Miss Ji Xiaoyan when they saw the flames of his team not moving, so they rushed to catch up.As a result, when he walked closer and took a closer look, Old Hess breathed a sigh of relief!However, after he was relieved, he was a little embarrassed.

Seriously speaking, they followed the city lord Yan Tan and the others to chase them all the way, which counted as stalking.If this is put on the bright side, it is really embarrassing.

"Are you from River Water City?" City Lord Yan Shan looked sullenly, looked at old Hess for a few times, and then asked, "Where are you City Lord Bessa? Didn't you go with you?"

Old Hess quickly smiled awkwardly, and said to the City Lord Yan Shan: "Our Lord City Lord is behind... City Lord Yan Shan, have you found what you are looking for?"

"What is this city mainly looking for? It's none of your business?" After learning that Master Bessa would not follow up for a while, the city lord felt relieved for no reason, and then asked old Hess with a sneer. : "Even your Bessa City Lord can't control this City Lord, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Old Hess smiled immediately, and then said, "We just care about you, City Lord Yanshan!"

The city lord Xun Shan sneered, then looked at old Hess and said, "Are you following the city lord here?"

"How can there be, how can there be!" Old Hess quickly denied, although everyone is just like that, but if this is admitted, isn't it a reason for the city lord to go crazy?As long as he bites to death and refuses to admit it, what will happen later, let's talk about it.

"Then what are you doing here?" City Lord Yan Tan looked at Old Hess with dark eyes and asked, "This is not close to your River Water City! Could it be that you can do something here?"

Old Hess stopped laughing when he heard the words of the city lord, "This is a matter of our river water city. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to ask such a question!"

"Really?" The voice of the city lord Yan Tan became colder, and he already guessed in his heart what old Hess was doing with them!Didn't he just want to see if he caught Ji Xiaoyan?Well, since the people from River Water City followed, it means that Ji Xiaoyan definitely didn't enter the Qianhuamen, but must have rushed to this forest.

Thinking of this, a smile gradually appeared on the face of the city lord Gu Shan.It's good to meet this group of people from River Water City
Old Hess looked at the unpredictable expression on the face of the city lord Yan Shan, and instantly had an ominous premonition in his heart.The city lord of Panchi City in front of him would not want to kill them to silence him, would he?Thinking of this, Old Hess immediately became worried about their strength.Although they brought more guards than City Lord Yanshan, all of them couldn't even resist a single move from the City Lord Yanshan!
Thinking of this, the old Hess immediately thought of retreating.

City Lord Xie Shan sneered, wondering if he could see what was going on in Old Hess' mind.I saw the city lord Yan Shan slowly took out his staff and raised it in the air, his lips began to open and close.
Seeing this situation, Old Hess quickly shouted to the guards behind him: "Go, go! Get out of here quickly for us..."

The city lord Yan Shan continued to sneer, and said in his heart: I'm leaving now, I'm afraid it's too late
Afterwards, the city lord Xunchang finished chanting the incantation, swung his staff directly, and threw a dim yellow light at Old Hess and the others.
(End of this chapter)

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