Chapter 1472 Luckily

Speaking of which, Old Hess actually thought the same as Lord Bessa, they both thought that for the sake of the two cities, the Lords of Lushan and Yeshan would definitely not kill them, at most they would kill them. Just stop them and lock them up to prevent them from helping Ji Xiaoyan.However, under the dim light of the fire, old Hess saw the viciousness and cruelty in the eyes of the city lord Yan Shan, and he reacted instantly. If they don't leave, they will definitely disappear in Qianhuamen in the woods
Therefore, after seeing the action of the city lord, the old Hess immediately turned around and started running with the guards.However, old Hess knew very well in his heart that no matter how fast they were, they would not be able to change the castellan's magic.Running is the only thing he can think of now, the only thing he can do
The city lord Gu Shan couldn't control himself at this moment.After seeing that Old Hess and the others did not have Lord Bessa among them, his mind was filled with the urge to kill!City Lord Xie Shan knew very well that if Old Hess and the others were killed, Lord Bessa and the others would know that he did it even if they couldn't find evidence. Not to mention, if he killed everyone, Master Bessa rushed over to see the situation on the back foot
However, the city lord Gu Shan couldn't help it, so he finally did it.
However, when the spell thrown by the castellan was about to fall on old Hess and the others, a ball of green magic light suddenly flew out from the darkness and landed directly on top of old Hess and the castellan. Immediately after the collision of the spells, a huge thorn appeared in the air and began to grow to the ground, take root and then spread, directly blocking the boulder summoned by the spell of the castellan, allowing old Hess and his party to escape.

"Who is it? Dare to run wild and kill people on the border of our Qianhua Gate?" A loud voice sounded in the dark woods. Old Hess gasped in panic. People show up.

"Director Hess, he's from Qianhuamen!" A guard from River Water City hurriedly helped the old Hess who was about to collapse, and whispered to him: "The people from Qianhuamen are here, and the owner of the city is here!" Certainly not daring to make any more moves...we are saved."

Old Hess gritted his teeth, nodded and replied, "We have to tell the Lord City Master what happened today... Since the City Master of Panchi City dared to kill us, it means that we, River Water City and Panchi City, even the most There is no need to do any superficial harmony! Whether to put it on the surface of hostility in the future, let the city owner decide..."

The guards following Old Hess nodded collectively.If the people from Qianhuamen hadn't arrived, they would all have died here!Thinking of this, the guards of River Water City breathed a sigh of relief!Fortunately, still alive! !
At this moment, the people who rushed over from Qianhuamen were the bearded elder and the impatient elder.

Seeing the team and fire that were approaching very quickly, the city lord Yan Tan also glanced at the magic effect that had not yet disappeared, and couldn't help frowning immediately.If the people in River Water City can't be wiped out this time, and the corpses are wiped clean, then they will never have the opportunity to stand together peacefully in Panchi City and River Water City.

Thinking of this, the city lord Yan Tan couldn't help tightening the staff in his hand!It's only a little time away, just a little bit away... People like Qianhuamen are really unlikable sometimes!

"Master City Master..." A guard who followed City Master Jinshan looked at the hand of City Master Jinshan who was still holding his staff, and immediately reminded him: "The people from Qianhuamen have come...."

City Lord Yan Shan took a deep breath, put away the staff in his hand after a while, and then stood there with nothing happened, waiting for the people from Qianhua Gate to come over.

At this moment, the strangers followed behind the Qianhuamen team, watched the bearded elder walk up to the shocked old Hess and the others and whispered a few words, and then asked them to help them up, and then led them to run directly. He walked in the direction of the city lord Yan Tan.The strangers took advantage of the gap and rushed to the old Hess's side, and asked him, "Mr. Hess, are you all right? Did you see City Lord Ji? Was she found by City Lord Yan Shan?"

Old Hess smiled when he heard the stranger's words, looked at City Lord Yan Shan with a little sarcasm, and said to him in a low voice: "City Master Yan Shan wants to find City Master Ji! Unfortunately, he must not have Find her... Otherwise, he wouldn't want to kill us as soon as he saw us."

"Didn't find it?" Hearing the words, the stranger breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "That's good, that's good..."
"How did you convince them?" Old Hess raised his chin, gestured to the bearded elders, and said to the strangers: "I thought Qianhuamen and Panchi City were good neighbors, and we are going to die today. I lost my life here, but I didn't expect that you would come here."

The stranger nodded, and did not directly answer what old Hess said, but said: "After all, this is the boundary of Qianhuamen. It is impossible for anyone to come here without notifying, and kill people or something like that? Hess Manager Si, what do you think?"

Old Hess nodded in understanding, and then set his gaze in the direction of City Lord Yan Shan and the bearded elder.

Originally, according to Elder Huzi's idea, if the city lord came to their Qianhuamen's territory, even if there was something to do, I believe he would not do too much, at least give them Qianhuamen some face, right?What he never expected was that the city lord Yan Shan would actually want to kill people on the boundary of their Qianhuamen!That's not a magic spell released to trap people, it's a real spell to kill people!Thinking of this, the bearded elder was a little dissatisfied with the attitude of the city lord.

He really thought that the boundary of their Qianhuamen also belonged to Panchi City?So you don't need to tell them about Qianhuamen when you come here?

Thinking of this, the bearded elder looked at the Lord of the city with some unkind eyes: "Master of the city, you are really a rare visitor! You actually have time to hang out in the woods of our Qianhuamen? But, what did you mean just now?" what?"

City Lord Yan Shan raised his eyes and glanced at Elder Beard indifferently, and then said, "Sect Master Qian Yun didn't come?"

"Of course our sect master is coming! City Master Yan Shan, you can kill people outside our Qianhua Gate. If our sect master doesn't come, if it spreads, we really think that our Qianhua Gate will not be able to make a sound. !" The bearded elder said to the Lord Yan Shan in a bad tone, "It's just, Lord Yan Shan, can you first explain what you mean by that just now?"

City Lord Yan Shan glanced at the bearded elder lightly, and then said after a while: "What do you mean? This City Lord saw your head, so he naturally told you. Who are you, and you are also qualified to be a teacher here. Do you want to talk to the city lord with this attitude?"

When the bearded elder heard the words, he became angry immediately.

Is it that the city lord Yan Tan dislikes that he is not qualified to talk to him?He is the elder of Qianhuamen!Why are you not eligible?

"City Master Yan Shan, is this the attitude you take when you bring people to our Qianhuamen to kill people?" Elder Beard got a little angry and yelled directly at City Master Yan Shan.

It's a pity that the city lord Yan Shan didn't buy it at all. He glanced at the bearded elder and the others, then turned around and said, "Since you have brought people here, just take those people from River Water City away. Then follow the city lord." , but don’t blame the city lord for really disregarding feelings, just killing everyone and putting them there..." After finishing speaking, the city lord Yan Shan just walked away, ignoring the two elders of Qianhuamen !
"City Master Yan Shan, what do you mean by that? Stop! You can't be so arrogant in our Qianhua Gate!" The bearded elder immediately yelled as soon as he saw the City Master Yan Shan walking away, only to find that The city lord Yan Shan turned a deaf ear at all and continued to drill into the woods.Therefore, some bearded elders who were burning with anger immediately shouted at the back of the city lord Yanshan: "City lord Yanshan, I am warning you on behalf of Qianhuamen. If you don't listen to our advice and continue to move forward, don't Blame us for being rude! This is Qianhua Gate, not your Panchi City! All matters can be decided by you, City Lord Unable to change..."

"What? What do you mean, you want to stop this city lord?" Hearing what the bearded elder said, the city lord Yan Shan stopped, turned to look at him and said, "Can you represent your Qianhuamen? Listen up! If you want my city lord to stop, you can! Let your master Qianyun come! Your words are not as effective as your master..." After finishing speaking, the city master Xie Shan didn't care how wonderful the expression on the bearded elder's face was. , Just lead people to continue drilling into the woods.

The bearded elder was so angry at the city lord's words that he was trembling all over!However, he had to admit, how could a city lord with the status of the city lord of Jinshan listen to him?As long as the head of their Qianhua Sect doesn't come out, it's impossible for the city lord Yan Shan to stop advancing!
"What should we do now?" Impatient Elder Zhang frowned at Elder Beard, and asked him, "Have you informed the Sect Leader? Now we are only meeting the manager of River Water City. Let’s go to another Lord City Lord! You said that if something happened to that Lord City Lord at our Qianhua Gate, what would we do later? City Lord Xi Shan doesn’t seem to be so easy to talk to..."

The bearded elder stood there thinking for a long time, and then looked at the thorns and boulders that hadn't dissipated for a while after he confronted the castellan's spell. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said to the impatient elder: "This is our At the Qianhuamen, the City Lord Yan Shan is just the City Lord of Panchi City, he has no right to do whatever he wants in our Qianhua Gate! We will follow...even if the City Lord Yan Shan finds another City Lord It doesn't matter, my lord! As long as they do something, we will help! No matter what happens to the other city lord, we can't let something happen to us at Qianhuamen!"
"Okay!" The impatient elder nodded immediately, and led his people to follow the team of City Lord Yan Shan.

But the bearded elder turned his head to look at Old Hess and the others, thought for a while, and said to the strangers: "We are strangers, you take these friends from River Water City to our sect to have a rest first! On the side of the city lord, we will follow closely..."

When Old Hess heard Elder Beard's words, he immediately shook his head and quit: "No, no! We can't go to the Qianhua Gate and wait, we have to follow the City Lord! We must not let him find City Lord Ji..."

The bearded elder looked at old Hess with a smile, and comforted him: "You don't have to worry about this. With our Qianhua sect here, it doesn't matter even if the city lord Yan Shan finds the lord city lord. We are sure I will help... When we find someone, we will take them back to the sect together, you can go to our Qianhuamen to rest and rest..."

Old Hess shook his head, no matter what the bearded elder said, he was unwilling to leave!Just kidding, the city lord of their family specially sent him up the mountain to help. This didn't help Ji Xiaoyan and the others enter the Qianhua Gate. How could he have the nerve to bring people in first and wait?Later, if Master Bessa of his family settles City Lord Ye Shan's side and comes up to see the situation, it will be very bad!Instead of protecting Ji Xiaoyan, they went to the Qianhua Gate to eat and drink, and when they returned to River Water City, they were not directly beaten to death by Master Besa!
The bearded manager looked at old Hess with a frown, not understanding why the old man in River Water City was so stubborn.Turning his head to look at the City Lord Yan Shan who had gone away, the bearded elder thought for a while, and then reluctantly compromised: "If you must follow, that's fine too! But no matter what happens, you can't interfere... This is Qianhua Gate, not your River Water City!"

"Okay!" Old Hess nodded quickly, and then said to the bearded manager with a wry smile: "Actually, you will worry too much about death. Look at us, who can withstand your attack? We That is to say, to follow along with the idea of ​​peace of mind, if you really want to do it, you can't count on us!"

Hearing the words, the bearded elder carefully sized up Old Hess and the others, nodded in agreement, and then greeted: "Then if this is the case, let's hurry after them now! Otherwise, we will go far away in a while, but we will go away." Trouble..." Among the people in River Water City, there are only a few guards who seem to have a little fist, otherwise, they wouldn't have all thrown out the spell of the city lord just now. I dare not deal with it at all when I start running!As for the old man who was talking to him, he was a pure and ordinary person. If something happened, he would have to find someone to protect him. There was no need to worry about this old man appearing to make trouble!
Thinking of this, the bearded manager should feel a lot more relieved about Old Hess and his party!Having no strength means that it is easier to control, isn't it?
Old Hess looked like he didn't see anything, and immediately nodded and smiled at the bearded elder, let a guard support him, and hurriedly followed.

 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Dark. Sombra"!

(End of this chapter)

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