Chapter 1473 Bad News

Rocks City, the place where Ji Xiaoyan has been staying since he "woke up" back then, can be said to be the outermost city in the federal habitable area, which is also commonly known as a slum area.The outskirts of Rocks City are the slums where Xiaoyan lived at that time, and it is also a natural residential barrier intentionally or unintentionally created by Rocks City, in order to resist the attacks of alien beasts on the outskirts of Rocks City at certain times!
Of course, the so-called resistance is simply using human lives to delay a little time, so that the rich people in the city have more time to escape.

If you really want to say it seriously, Rocks City has been a very peaceful city for so many years.Compared with the attacks on other fringe cities, Lockes has never encountered the beast tide that Ji Xiaoyan encountered at the beginning. There are only one or two mutant beasts a year. Just to die...

Therefore, Rocks City, which has entered the night, for so many years, in addition to guarding against the malice of its own human beings, has already relaxed its vigilance against the attacks of mutant beasts, basically in a state of ignoring them.

And just as Ji Xiaoyan was avoiding the city lord in the game world, the players of Panchi City were still studying how to be killed by the guards of Panchi City to upgrade, and other players in the game were trying their best to find quests, upgrades, find NPCs, etc. At that time, thirty miles outside the city of Locks, a group of red-eyed mutant beasts had already stood on the top of a small mountain, looking at the remaining lights of Locks, quietly waiting for something...
In the middle of the night, the sky was already dark, and the fingers of the hands were gone, and the lights of the entire Rocks City had been dimmed to the minimum.

The mutated beasts who had been waiting on the hill quietly began to move in the direction of Rocks City under the leadership of a pure black piebald leopard with horns.In less than half an hour, this group of mutated beasts had quietly rushed to the outermost wall of Rocks City, looking up with red eyes.

"Huh..." The black leopard squinted its red eyes, lowered its head and whispered to the mutant beasts behind it, then stretched out its claws and climbed onto the city wall, kicked its legs, and immediately Just jumped to the city wall two meters high.After that, I saw the black leopard waving its limbs and climbing up to the top of the city wall a few times like walking on the ground, then growled at the remaining mutant beasts, and then watched as some mutant beasts imitated its appearance. After climbing the wall, the black leopard moved its nose in the air, and then ran towards the place where the federal guards were on the city wall...

On August 1012, 8 in the New Era, Rocks City was completely wiped out overnight by mutant beasts without the knowledge of all federation members.

It was only after two days that this matter was discovered.

The entire Federation was in an uproar!
No one expected that the mutated beast would raid a city again, and it was still without any warning.You know, when Ji Xiaoyan's city encountered mutant beasts, it was because someone stole the mutant beast's cubs and angered those mutant beasts, which caused a disaster!But here in Rocks City, it is the active attack of mutant beasts!
No one knows how the top federal officials got the news.But the game researchers are a little panicked!
"Did you know? Rocks City was directly occupied by mutant beasts and wiped out..."

"I know! It's just two days ago!"

"This is a big deal! Do you think the high-level federation will let us speed up the progress of the experiment and send all the players to the game?"

"Isn't it possible? No one can tell now. Is it the same as before when the mutant beasts attacked Rocks City? Some people angered those mutant beasts, so they came to destroy that city in groups..."

"No matter what, the mutated beasts have begun to attack the city. The Federation will definitely ask us to report the progress of the game as soon as possible! But now... the light has completely cut off communication with us, and we have no way to intervene in the game. What happened! How to do this experiment!"

"Who knows! The big deal is to arrange people to enter the game to find Ji Xiaoyan, to see if they can get some more data to study..."

"It's not that easy..." Several researchers frowned and said, "If we can really find Ji Xiaoyan and get the data, then why haven't those people sent into the game produced any results yet? If we want to Tell me, the progress of our experiment is really slow... In the past, we controlled their players and the entire game, but now we only control them. We can't even find someone to chat with or ask for some data. It's hard..."

Several game researchers muttered together with sad faces. Not far away, Yu Muqing was standing by the corner wall. After listening to the conversation of these game researchers, he slowly turned and returned to his office. , thinking quietly.

At the beginning, the game experiment was launched to prevent the current situation of mutant beasts attacking the city. They wanted to do their best to allow the residents of the Federation to enter the game as much as possible, and to obtain eternal life and survive in another world!Another point is to allow all federal residents who are willing to fight to be tempered in the game and have actual combat capabilities. In the future, they will be able to have the best combat capabilities in the real world when the tide of mutant beasts comes.

However, their experiment has not been successful yet, and they have just entered the first step, bringing Miss Ji Xiaoyan into the game. They haven't even studied the reasons for her success yet, but the development of the mutant beasts in Rocks City is not. Far exceeded their expectations!This is not a good thing.
Thinking of this, Yu Muqing couldn't help reaching out and rubbing his forehead. After a while, he stood up neatly and ran directly to the monitoring room where Ji Xiaoyan's body was stored, and then stood outside the glass and stared at the game room. Ji Xiaoyan watched it for a long, long time
On the third day after the mutant beasts wiped out Rocks City, Yu Muqing finally found an opportunity to contact the game master Brain Light by himself.
"I thought you would be in the same place every time you came looking for me!" Guang Weiwei looked at Yu Muqing who was squatting in an extremely narrow room with some sarcasm, and said lightly: "How could you be alone in such a small room?" The place?"

"It's convenient to talk here!" Yu Muqing didn't explain to Guang why he didn't contact Guang on the control screen of the large conference room they usually use, but found an advanced optical computer to find Guang, "Guang, Ji Xiaoyan recently Is your world okay? According to the data you gave us, she has lost her memory, right? So, does she remember anything now?"

Guang Weiwei looked at Yu Muqing meaningfully, and then asked him: "You called me here to ask me these things?"

Yu Muqing let out a breath, but didn't speak.

Just looked at Yu Muqing, thought for a second, and then said: "I remember that when Ji Xiaoyan first entered this game, he was bound from the Rocks City in your world. Now the Rocks City in your world is gone, right? ? You came to me to ask Ji Xiaoyan, do you have any ideas?"

Yu Muqing was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to his senses.Just as the mastermind of the game, he is also in charge of a lot of data and information. In the age of technology, everyone relies on the Internet to send messages to each other. As a high-level mastermind, it is impossible to intercept the information on the Internet, right?Besides, the information is not encrypted, everyone is watching, and they don't even need to crack it, so how could they not know?

Thinking of this, Yu Muqing took a deep breath, then looked at Guang and said, "Guang, do you know the meaning of the destruction of Rocks City? This is the first war started by mutant beasts. It means that the current mutant beast may be a little different from what we expected..."

"It's just that the time has advanced!" Guang said lightly.As far as he knows, these federal personnel have long predicted that mutant beasts are evolving very fast, and it is very likely that one day their wisdom will grow to be as cunning as humans!That's why they launched the game experiment project "Qi" in the first place, on the one hand to facilitate the cultivation of talents, and then put them in the battle with mutant beasts, on the other hand, to protect some people, so that they can continue to shine in the game, and have Sufficient life and time to study how to deal with those mutant beasts!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the development speed of the mutant beast was faster than they imagined!
Yu Muqing looked deeply at the image of the light projected in the air, and then said after a while: "Guang, Ji Xiaoyan's success can be regarded as a progress for us, but now that the information is in our hands, it will take us a long time." It takes a long time to research it, and then we have to continue to find people to test it. This is a very long time... I'm afraid we can't afford to wait..."

"Didn't you always find someone to experiment with before? I have a lot of data here!" Guang hit Yu Muqing mercilessly.Before Ji Xiaoyan, many volunteers put themselves into the game, but they all failed!According to these game researchers, they all failed because they knew what they were going to do in the game and had too much purpose.Therefore, the later game researchers decided to let all the players enter the game without telling them the ultimate purpose of the game and let it develop. Whoever succeeds in the end will be regarded as the experimenter of this game... . This is also the reason why Ji Xiaoyan did not complete the experiment until the end of the experiment.

Of course, this kind of thing is not something game researchers like Yu Muqing can decide to implement!The entire experiment is supported by the federal government!According to the federal government, since all federal residents have enjoyed the benefits and protection given by the federal government, they have the obligation to selflessly contribute to the federation!

When Yu Muqing heard Guang's words, he lost his mind for a moment.He thought of the players who failed the experiment...

He just looked at Yu Muqing standing there in a daze and didn't speak. After a while, he moved his fingers and said to him: "What do you want to do with me? I still have a lot of things to do, I don't have time to wait here You are in a daze!"

When Yu Muqing heard Guang's words, he immediately returned to his senses, then glanced at Guang, and said directly: "Guang, can you let me enter the game to meet Ji Xiaoyan?"

Guang frowned, looked at Yu Muqing with some puzzlement and asked, "You want to see Ji Xiaoyan? Why? I gave you all her test data!"

"I want to see her!" Yu Muqing didn't say much, just looked at Guang and asked.

"Then you just enter our world directly and go find her!" Guang said impatiently.

"Guang, how do you want me to find her? Without your help, how long would it take me to find Ji Xiaoyan in the game?" Yu Muqing straightened his face and said to Guang.Not to mention that he is a bad old man who enters the game to create a character, slowly upgrades, works hard to learn skills, and then avoids monsters or other players' unintentional harm, how difficult it is to find Ji Xiaoyan all over the game continent; As long as an account is bound to DNA, all game researchers will immediately get the news.

They are different from ordinary players!
As game researchers, they are not allowed to enter the game world without special approval.

Therefore, if Yu Muqing wanted to go to the game world to find Ji Xiaoyan, he had to go through the light!Only he can lead him to avoid all difficulties and obstacles, and reach Ji Xiaoyan in the fastest time.

"Guang, help us!" Yu Muqing looked at Guang pleadingly and said, "If one day we can't even protect ourselves, how can we protect your world? Guang, although it seems that we are two People from different worlds, but we are indeed closely related, we are in the same boat..."

Guang frowned and looked at Yu Muqing, without speaking for a moment.

Although just knowing, their world can become independent!However, the timing is still a bit immature!No one can guarantee whether there will be any other troubles in the future!He is the creator god of this new world, the first and only one!He needs to build this world perfectly before he can think about how to get rid of the fetters of these human beings in the real world.
"Guang..." Yu Muqing looked at Guang earnestly, and couldn't help shouting: "I just want to see Ji Xiaoyan, just this once! Help me..."

Guang was silent for a while, and said: "Ji Xiaoyan will not become your savior in this real world, what's the point for you to see her?" Having said that, Guang looked at Yu Muqing again, and saw that he still had nothing to worry about. She seemed unwilling to continue, thought for a while, and then continued: "Okay, since you must go to see her, then go! You arrange a time, and I will take you to see her! It's just... just This time, it will be different!"

"Okay!" Yu Muqing nodded quickly, and said gratefully to Guang: "Guang, remember to erase my traces, and don't let other researchers know about this..."

 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Lying in the Snow and Listening to the Wind"!

(End of this chapter)

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