Chapter 1474 In the game

Yu Muqing's action ability is very strong!

On the night after talking with Guang, after he arranged everything in his home, he immediately sent a message to Guang, telling him that he was ready to enter the game world at any time.Then, after waiting quietly for more than ten minutes, Yu Muqing received the news from Guang, put on the game adapter, and closed his eyes...

Speaking of which, from the initial design of the game "Qi" to the current maturity, out of the control of their game researchers, for such a long time, Yu Muqing has never experienced what this game is like, he has never Opportunity, and I have no intention of entering this game that I have spent almost my whole life to see!

So, just at this moment, Yu Muqing's mood is still a little excited and apprehensive.
"Okay, you've come in!" Guang's voice sounded a little flat, "You choose what kind of person you want to be."

Yu Muqing quickly opened his eyes, and all he could see was a very simple mountain hut, and Guang stood in front of him, like a dream!

"I also need to create a new character?" Yu Muqing looked at Guang with some surprise, and asked puzzledly: "I just go in and meet Ji Xiaoyan, and we're done talking. You can find me any character information and let me Isn't it enough to replace it? Is it still necessary to be so troublesome?"

Just glanced at Yu Muqing, and after a few seconds, he said lightly: "I told you, our world has become an independent world, and everyone has an independent identity, which belongs only to them. Identity. Even those adventurers, since they are willing to trust us and become a member of our world, then everything they have in our world is protected! If you want to enter our world, then you need your own Establishing a new identity, borrowing someone else's identity, I don't allow it..."

Yu Muqing was stunned for a moment, and after looking at the light for several seconds, he nodded apologetically and said to the light, "I'm sorry, Guang, I just offended you a little bit!"

Guang nodded lightly, stretched out his hand to compare in the air, and immediately appeared in front of Yu Muqing several figures who looked the same as him.Then Guang said to him: "Choose it! You can adjust your appearance a little bit, but after your experiments mature and all the adventurers settle in our world, your appearance will be adjusted again." Be what you really are..."

Yu Muqing looked at the light, but did not speak.In fact, he thinks in his heart that he may not be able to wait until the day when all federal residents can enter the game world!To him, whether to build a game character or not is actually meaningless to him.It's just that since he made such a request, he can only comply!
"That's it..." Yu Muqing randomly selected a game character, and then directly asked Guang to downgrade his appearance by about [-]%, and then said: "As long as people don't recognize me at a glance... ...the rest, it doesn't matter!"

He just glanced at Yu Muqing without making a sound, and after adjusting the characters according to his requirements, he said to Yu Muqing: "Ji Xiaoyan is in the woods of Qianhuamen now. Because she has some troubles and needs Solve it yourself, and I don't want to interfere. If you want to have a quiet conversation with her, then you can help her escape the trouble now!"

Yu Muqing frowned when he heard the words: "Guang, I don't have much time!"

"How different the passage of time between you and our world is, I don't think I need to remind you of this point?" Guang didn't intend to listen to Yu Muqing at all, and said something directly to him, and then Continued: "Considering your strength, I will give you a temporary protective cover so that you will not die easily if you are touched by others. But, do the math, you can only bring two sky……"

"I see." Yu Muqing thought for a while, then nodded with a serious face.

Therefore, Guang didn't say anything more, and waved his hand at Yu Muqing directly, and then said: "Then you can go to Ji Xiaoyan... Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, you are in our world. The name is Herring! You have to remember it well..."

Before Yu Muqing had time to answer, he opened his eyes and found himself standing in a pitch-black forest, with his fingers missing.

"Where is this place?" Yu Muqing frowned and muttered in his heart, then looked up to the top of his head.There was only a crescent moon in the sky at the moment, and the forest was lush with branches and leaves, and there was no way for the moonlight to penetrate through the gaps. Therefore, he could only open his eyes and fumble forward, and had no choice but to wait for the dawn.

However, he doesn't have that much time.

Yu Muqing took a deep breath, complaining in his heart about what kind of ghostly place he was thrown, but his hands and feet resigned to his fate and began to grope forward. However, he only groped in the woods for a while Son, I heard a male voice asking him in a low voice: "Who is it?"

Yu Muqing tried his best to widen his eyes and looked in the direction of the voice. After thinking nervously for a second, he quickly said, "Herring, adventurers... who are you? Are you also adventurers?"

Yu Muqing felt a little uneasy.He didn't know who was in such a dark forest, and he couldn't even see a single person now, but listening to that male voice, they seemed to be able to see him!However, there is no light at all around, which means that the visitor is very likely to be an NPC aboriginal, not an adventurer.However, Yu Muqing knew this in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask directly!What if the NPC aborigine who came here has a bad temper?What if someone directly stabs him? If he dies, I don't know where he can be revived!Go back and trouble Guang, maybe the Lord God will ignore him
"Adventurer? Are you an adventurer?" The male voice whispered in surprise, then paused for two seconds, and then asked again: "Since you are an adventurer, why don't you even bring a torch? You are here in the dark Go...are you blind?"

Hearing this, Yu Muqing vomited blood and took a deep breath, then said patiently: "I just dropped the torch... Are you adventurers too? Do you have a torch? Can you lend me one? I It's really invisible..."

"Oh!" The male voice nodded, as if looking at Yu Muqing, and then said after a while: "Adventurer, we are the guards of Qingcheng..." At this point, the male voice stopped talking for some reason. , After a few seconds, he said to Yu Muqing: "It is not convenient for us to use torches for lighting now... Adventurer, if you don't mind, we will take you with us! However, even if you accidentally fall down on the way Kind of like, can't call out..."

Yu Muqing tilted his head, moved his ears in the direction of the male voice, then quickly nodded and said, "Okay! I see... Are you avoiding someone?"

"You don't need to know things you shouldn't know!" The male voice said to Yu Muqing with some displeasure, "We can take you with you, but you should thank our Lord City Master..."

"Master City Master?" Yu Muqing was stunned for a moment, and then recalled instantly.What did the talking man say just now?They are the guards of Qingcheng!Where is Qingcheng?Isn't it Ji Xiaoyan's city?So, the city lord they are talking about is Ji Xiaoyan?Did Guang directly throw him in front of Ji Xiaoyan?
Thinking of his mouth, Yu Muqing suddenly took a deep breath excitedly, and then asked: "Excuse me, is this the city lord of Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan?"

"That's natural." Qingcheng guard nodded, stretched out his hand and grabbed Yu Muqing's arm, and said to him: "Remember, if you accidentally bump into each other later, you can't make a sound... ...If it causes trouble, we will really put you in our mouths!"

Yu Muqing nodded quickly.

What a pleasant surprise!He thought that Guang just randomly threw him into a place in the game, and then asked him to take a teleportation array to find Ji Xiaoyan, but he didn't expect that Guang was still very straightforward!However, the most depressing thing about Yu Muqing now is that he can't see anything, everything he sees is black, and he doesn't even know how many Qingcheng guards are with Ji Xiaoyan in that direction, which makes him How can I find a way to catch up with Ji Xiaoyan and let Ji Xiaoyan agree to have a private talk with him?
"Adventurer, what are you thinking? Hurry up and follow us!" Qingcheng guard pulled Yu Muqing a little unhappy, and said to him: "You need to be smarter! If you are like this all the way, we will But I really won't take you!"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm just not used to the dark!" Yu Muqing hurriedly said something to the guard who was pulling him, and then asked curiously in a low voice: "Well... I think you can just like this See everything around clearly, do you have any special abilities?" Yu Muqing knew in his heart that these NPC aborigines must have some props or potions in their hands!However, as an "ignorant" adventurer, he can't say that...

"Adventurer, I've told you several times, don't be so curious!" The guard holding Yu Muqing was obviously a little unhappy, "If it weren't for our city lord seeing you pitifully groping around for a long time If you haven’t taken a few steps, we don’t care about you!”

"You've been looking at me?" Yu Muqing was taken aback.

"I've been watching you for a long time." The Qingcheng guard said indifferently, "As soon as we got out of a bush, we saw you standing there carefully groping around... We were all going to leave directly, but the Lord City Lord said to look at you Where is a person, and there is no torch or something to light it, and I don’t know when I want to get out of this forest, so we came here to find you... But, adventurer, we can’t send you to The place you want to go. Wherever it is convenient, we will leave you behind, and then you can’t yell, or... Hehe, you will die under our hands, you don’t want to Blame us..."

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't even say anything! If our voices attract the city lord Yan Shan, we will be in trouble." Just as the Qingcheng guard was speaking, another male voice hurriedly interrupted: "Where is there such a thing?" In other words, be quiet!"

"En!" The Qingcheng guard who was pulling Yu Muqing nodded quickly, and then said to Yu Muqing, "Okay, adventurer, shut your mouth, don't ask anything, and follow us honestly..."

Yu Muqing nodded, regardless of whether anyone saw it.While quietly listening to the movement, he followed the Qingcheng guards as they shuttled through the woods, while listening to the sounds behind and around him, hoping to find out whether Ji Xiaoyan was with them, or rather, how far away he was , in that direction!
I don't know how long they walked, but suddenly, Yu Muqing felt that they stopped, and was about to ask, when he heard the voice of the Qingcheng guard who was pulling him: "My lord, there is light ahead... there is someone coming."

"Find a place to hide..." In the darkness, Ji Xiaoyan's voice suddenly rang out, Yu Muqing was shocked instantly, and a surprised smile appeared on his face.It's Ji Xiaoyan, and it's not far away from him, it seems to be right behind him...

"Let's go!" The Qingcheng guard pulled Yu Muqing back directly, and he didn't know where he was. Yu Muqing heard the guard say to him: "Squat down, adventurers... don't move around, and don't make any noise." The voice... you know?"

Yu Muqing hurriedly covered his mouth and nodded in the direction of the voice, then widened his eyes, and looked at the distant star in the darkness that gradually grew bigger
"It must be City Lord Yan Shan and the others..." Qingcheng guard said to Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice: "Just, Lord City Master, do you see that there seem to be two teams..."

"No matter how many teams there are, there must be City Lords among them, we must be careful!" Another guard whispered, "Looking at their appearance, they should go straight away from there. We will wait here , After they leave, if we leave in the direction they came from, we will definitely be safe... Of course, the premise is that we must confirm that the people who came over are the City Lord and the others..."

"It's so far away, and there are so many people, it's very likely that we won't be able to see clearly! How do we confirm later?" After a long silence, Ji Xiaoyan asked the Qingcheng guards, and then said, "Can you Don't make any plans to send someone over to take a look... Our team is already small, if we lose one or two more, I won't be able to protect me later!"

Yu Muqing was stunned when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words.Has Ji Xiaoyan really integrated into this game world now?She actually used such clumsy lies to prevent the guards of Qingcheng from taking risks. So, was it also related to her success in becoming the first test subject?
(End of this chapter)

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