The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1475 Talk, why not talk

Chapter 1475 Talk, why not talk
Seriously speaking, the distance between Ji Xiaoyan and the others is still a bit far between the team of the city lord Yan Shan.If it wasn't for the night and the fire, Ji Xiaoyan and the others probably wouldn't have found them so easily.It's just that the long distance has the advantage of being far away, that is, it is not easy to be found; but, similarly, the long distance is also a disadvantage, that is, Ji Xiaoyan and the others have no way to confirm whether there is any guinea pig in that team. Changing the city lord........
"My lord, if we don't go to check it out, what if we go straight back and end up meeting the city lord Yan Shan?" A Qingcheng guard looked at Ji Xiaoyan earnestly, and said to her: "My lord, don't worry, we're only going alone. Even if we are discovered, the city lord will not do anything to us! Just wait here for the news."

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan's attitude was very firm, and after a second of silence, he said to the guard: "If you go out, then in case City Lord Keshan is in that team, have you ever thought about it? Being able to appear near here, does that mean that I am also near here? I think City Lord Yan Shan must be the kind of person who would rather kill by mistake and never let go... So, when the time comes, not only will you be sent to your door, but you will not be able to do so. Well, it’s not safe for us to hide here. It’s better not to go, when they are far away, we should be careful to avoid that road and walk slowly.”

Several guards looked at each other, a little undecided.

But Yu Muqing said in a low voice after listening to Ji Xiaoyan's words: "I think what the city lord said makes sense."

"Shut up, adventurer. I told you, don't talk nonsense." A Qingcheng guard heard Yu Muqing's voice and immediately warned. After watching him shut up immediately, he thought about it and turned to Ji Xiaoyan. Said: "Since the city lord, you think this is better, then so be it..."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded in satisfaction, nestled in the grass and watched the distant fire slowly disappear in the woods, and then whispered to everyone: "Okay, let's go! Pay attention to your feet..."

Several Qingcheng guards nodded without hesitation.

"I'm talking about that adventurer..." Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes and looked at the Qingcheng guards, and said in a rather speechless voice.They all drank the night vision potion, okay? Are they still worried about not being able to see?Now only the old adventurer they brought is "blind"...

"Okay, Lord City Master! I will be careful." Yu Muqing immediately said to Ji Xiaoyan very kindly. He didn't know what expression she had in the dark, but after a while, he heard Ji Xiaoyan hum gently. One sound.

Afterwards, Yu Muqing pulled himself together and was dragged forward by the guards of Qingcheng...
I don't know how long or how far they walked.Yu Muqing only knew that they walked more and more smoothly, and gradually he was no longer bumped by those bushes and rocks.

"Where are we going?" Yu Muqing couldn't help but asked Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a low voice.You can't always be in this state of traveling in the dark!Then he doesn't have much time, what should he do next?He also wanted to seize some time and make an appointment with Ji Xiaoyan for a private talk...

"Qianhuamen!" The guards of Qingcheng hadn't spoken yet, but Ji Xiaoyan, who had been following Yu Muqing, replied to him, and then continued: "We are going back to Qingcheng from Qianhuamen! Adventurer, what about you? You Where are you going?"

"Me?" Yu Muqing froze for a moment, then quickly said, "I'll be with you..."

"Follow us?" A Qingcheng guard said to Yu Muqing unhappily after hearing the words: "What are you doing with us, an adventurer? Where should you go? We kindly got you out of the black paint It was picked out from the lacquered woods, you can’t entangle our city lord just because of this!! You adventurers are very bad at this point..."

"What?" Yu Muqing didn't understand.

"What? You adventurers will get entangled with our aborigines whenever you have something to do!" A Qingcheng guard looked at Yu Muqing with some distaste, and then said to him: "We told you, adventurer, After a while, you will be outside Qianhuamen, where you want to go, go by yourself, we will not care about you, you will also be thinking about us, and you will be thinking about us later..."

Yu Muqing was stunned for a full two seconds before he finally came to his senses.

These NPC guards in Qingcheng are afraid that he will follow them with shamelessness, and want them to give tasks or something!

"I won't..." Yu Muqing held back for a long time, but still opened his mouth to explain something to the Qingcheng guards, and then heard them snort, obviously not believing it, Yu Muqing didn't want to talk to these NPCs for a moment Explaining something, but directly speaking to Ji Xiaoyan, "Master City Master... I just want to talk to you when you are safe?"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard Yu Muqing's words.

"Adventurer, what do you want to do? Just now you said that you would not pester our Lord City Lord, but you said that yourself! This is just a sentence, and you want to pester our Lord City Lord? We will tell you , adventurer, our city lord has no time..." After hearing Yu Muqing's words, several guards of Qingcheng whispered to him angrily, "adventurer, if you are so dishonest, we are willing I'm taking you..."

Hearing this, Yu Muqing quickly tightened his grip on the Qingcheng guard who was holding him, and at the same time stretched out his hand to touch behind him.Not to mention the result, he was lucky enough to touch Ji Xiaoyan's arm directly, and then Yu Muqing hurriedly said: "The city lord, Ji Xiaoyan... I finally asked Guang for help, let me come to you! I just want to Talk to you……."
"Let go, adventurer!" Seeing Yu Muqing's movements, the guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion quickly grabbed his arm, trying to pull him away.

Ji Xiaoyan was also taken aback by Yu Muqing's actions at first, thinking that he could catch him so accurately because he could see him suddenly, but after seeing him staring at him blankly, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help it He breathed a sigh of relief, and after listening to Yu Muqing's words, he immediately frowned and asked, "Wait... what did you just say?"

Yu Muqing felt that the Qingcheng guards around him stopped moving, and hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Guang brought me to you, Ji Xiaoyan, I want to talk to you!"

"Tell me? Who are you?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned serious, and looked carefully at Yu Muqing in front of him.Did this adventurer know himself?Or there is another possibility, is it his relatives or something?It's not right, Guang has told her that her identity in this world is that of an orphan!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan instantly became curious about Yu Muqing.

"My lord, you should have heard of the researcher from somewhere, right?" Yu Muqing thought for a while, then relaxed his tone, and asked Ji Xiaoyan in a cryptic manner.

"Are you one of those people?" Ji Xiaoyan responded instantly.Researchers, the only people she has heard of from Guang are game researchers!So, this adventurer in front of me is a game researcher?But aren't they unable to enter this world?Why did Guang still send him in front of him?Could it be that in the real world, something related to her happened?
Yu Muqing didn't know what kind of expression Ji Xiaoyan would have at this moment, whether he agreed or didn't want to!Therefore, he can only try his best to widen his research, hoping to see Ji Xiaoyan's shadow, so that she can see his face full of pleading.

"Okay! Since you were sent by Guang..." Ji Xiaoyan nodded after thinking for a long time, waved his hand to stop the Qingcheng guards who were about to speak, and said to Yu Muqing: "It's just, our current situation , and don’t have time... Since you are a researcher, you must be clear about everything here! Then, can you lead us into Qianhua Gate?”

Several Qingcheng guards originally wanted to remind Ji Xiaoyan not to trust such an adventurer picked up in the woods casually.But after looking at Ji Xiaoyan who seemed to know Yu Muqing's background, the guards of Qingcheng stopped talking, and after hearing Ji Xiaoyan ask Yu Muqing if he could take them into the Qianhua Gate, the guards of Qingcheng immediately turned their eyes away. He threw himself into Yu Muqing, feeling a little disbelieving in his heart.

Even Elder Qingmi and the others have no way to break through the barrier of Qianhuamen, so an ordinary adventurer in front of them will be fine?How is that possible!

After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Yu Muqing was also stunned: "My lord, we are generally not allowed to intervene..."

"But you are standing in front of me now!" Ji Xiaoyan said calmly.

Yu Muqing was suffocated: "You have to rely on yourself..."

"Well, I know that! But in this situation, I can't rely on, I can just rely on your help!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Muqing with a smile and said, "Besides, you have something to do with me and want to talk about it. Talk, I also agreed! However, in the current situation, we may be caught at any time, do you want me to listen to you in such an environment with peace of mind? "

Yu Muqing opened his mouth slightly.

"How?" Ji Xiaoyan still looked at Yu Muqing anxiously in his heart, and asked him: "If you want to talk to me, then take us into the Qianhua Gate, and when we return to Qingcheng safely, you I promise you as long as you want to talk! But if you don't want to help, then I'm sorry, I don't have time either!"

Yu Muqing looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, but he still couldn't see anything, but he could clearly feel Ji Xiaoyan's seriousness!Originally, he also thought that after Ji Xiaoyan agreed, they would go to a corner to talk directly, and then he could go offline without interfering with anything in the game at all.However, he never expected that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would actually use this matter to negotiate terms with him...

Yu Muqing thought for a long time in a daze, until Ji Xiaoyan urged again, then nodded, and said to her: "Okay... I will take you into Qianhua Gate."

Hearing Yu Muqing's words, Ji Xiaoyan looked at the surrounding Qingcheng guards with a bright smile, saw their surprised but obviously disbelieving expressions, and then said: "In this case, let's leave quickly! Let's go to Qianhua Gate earlier, so we can return to Qingcheng sooner..."

Yu Muqing didn't say anything more, but was silently led by several Qingcheng guards to move on, but he couldn't help sighing in his heart.If he had known earlier, he should have waited, at least wait until Ji Xiaoyan returns to Qingcheng, and then look for her again!In that case, he doesn't have to violate the rules of the game and help out...
It's over, it's useless to talk about it.

Ji Xiaoyan, with a heart of letting go, ran directly to the direction they came from, and then accidentally picked up a lot of Qingcheng guards running here, and then there was the old man Qingmi with a disheveled face, and Lord Bessa who came with the guards of Refu Water City...

"It seems that Ji Shan will definitely not be able to catch you, girl Xiaoyan this time!" Qing Mi laughed loudly, seeing a few guards holding torches standing with them, he couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Haha, after we leave here and return to Qingcheng, we must send someone over to give condolences to those two guys, Lu Shan and Ye Shan..."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at old man Qingmi speechlessly, she didn't want to worry about so much.

Master Bessa has always had a slightly moist smile since he saw Ji Xiaoyan, and after the old man Qingmi finished laughing, he looked at Yu Muqing who was following Ji Xiaoyan, and asked her, "Xiaoyan, what is this?" The adventurer is following you?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at the silent Yu Muqing, and then said to old man Qingmi and Lord Besa with a smile: "We met him in the woods. This adventurer can help us enter Qianhua Gate... .” So, he is very useful!

"Enter the Qianhua Gate?" The old man Qingmi looked Yu Muqing up and down, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan with a frown, "Xiaoyan girl, are you sure? Looking at him like this, it doesn't seem like the old man Qianyun is willing." He's a disciple... look at his body? He doesn't look like a talented person! Have you been deceived by him?"

Lord Bessa also stared at Yu Muqing sharply!Although the adventurer in front of him looks like an old man, who can guarantee that he will not have any bad intentions?Right?
"Don't worry! Although he is not a disciple of the Qianhua Sect, he can definitely lead us into the Qianhua Sect!" Ji Xiaoyan waved at the old man Qingmi and Lord Besa with a look of no worries on his face. .

However, the old man Qingya didn't believe it.What did those men in black from the fox tribe say?It is said that as long as you do some research, you can enter Qianhuamen. What happened?Hmph, it's not like I can't get in...

 PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket and evaluation ticket of "Chunshui Boiled Fish"!

(End of this chapter)

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