Chapter 1476 Questioning
Faced with the affirmation on Ji Xiaoyan's face, old man Qingmi and Master Bessa really didn't want to say anything to question, so they had to cast their eyes on Yu Muqing, hoping that he could say something.However, Yu Muqing didn't know whether it was intentional or he didn't notice their gazes at all. He just kept his head down, frowning slightly, and followed Ji Xiaoyan until he arrived at the gate of Qianhuamen. , have not said a word.

"Okay, now let's take a look at this adventurer's ability!" After finally reaching the gate of Qianhuamen, the old man Qingmi squinted his eyes slightly, looked at Yu Muqing, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Yes It’s not about talking to Xiaoyan girl, we’ll find out later... But, I hope this adventurer won’t let us down!”

Hearing old man Qingmi's words, Yu Muqing finally raised his head slightly, glanced at them, and then heard Ji Xiaoyan say to him in a very relaxed tone: "Then we are ready to go in! But, these The gatekeeper disciples of Qianhua Gate, do you need us to solve it?"

Yu Muqing shook his head, looked at the Qianhuamen disciples whose eyes were on them, and walked over directly, and after hearing those Qianhuamen disciples tell him to stop loudly, Only then did Yu Muqing reach out his hand and dug out something from his pocket and shook it in front of those Qianhuamen disciples.

A few seconds later, old man Qingmi, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw that the expressions of the Qianhuamen disciples changed instantly, and they bowed their hands respectfully towards Yu Muqing, making a gesture of invitation.

"My lord, let's go!" Yu Muqing turned around and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan, and put the things in his hand back on his body.

Ji Xiaoyan quickly approached Yu Muqing curiously, and asked him in a low voice: "What did you show them just now? So it works?"

Yu Muqing pursed his lips, didn't say anything, just shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Can't you show it?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately asked again, and then said with a bit of disappointment: "Is it a special prop for your researchers?"

Yu Muqing didn't answer, looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "My lord, don't you want to go back to Qingcheng? Don't go in? If these gatekeeper disciples change their minds later, we won't be able to go in then!"

Ji Xiaoyan curled his lips, looked at Yu Muqing with some displeasure and said, "I don't believe you! If you have the ability to just take out something and let them let us in, how could there be a time limit? Forget it, if you don't show it, you will let us in." Don't show it to's important to go back to Qingcheng first!"

Yu Muqing nodded immediately.

The old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa beside him looked at Yu Muqing in surprise.They were really surprised!Especially the old man Qingmi, he has seen the stubbornness of the disciples of Qianhuamen, they only told him that the head of Qianyun would not let him in, and then they really refused to let him in no matter what.But who is this adventurer in front of him?He just took out something that he didn't know, and the disciples of Qianhuamen could let him bring in people who were not welcome by the head of Qianhuamen at will?That's too much to cover the sky with one hand, right?

Ahem, of course, the old man Qingmi is still a little unwilling to admit that he is disgusted.

Therefore, regarding Yu Muqing, the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa are really curious at this moment.

"Let's go!" Yu Muqing didn't bother to care about what the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa thought of him. After all, he only entered the game this time, and after talking with Ji Xiaoyan, he would definitely never appear again. It doesn't matter what the NPCs think about him!He just needs to take good care of Ji Xiaoyan, and that's it.Thinking of this, Yu Muqing immediately stood in front of the enchantment in front of Qianhuamen Mountain Gate, and said to old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan, "Let's go in... If those people come back after a while, it won't be so easy to leave It's..."

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go in first!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, took two quick steps and stopped in front of the barrier, and then asked those Qianhuamen disciples and Yu Muqing cautiously: "We can really go in? We won't be ejected again?"

Several disciples of Qianhua Sect didn't say anything, just looked at Yu Muqing silently.

"No, let's go in!" Yu Muqing smiled helplessly, and said something to Ji Xiaoyan, seeing that she was still a little worried, so he walked through the barrier with one step, and then opened his hands to face Ji Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan and the others said: "Look, you can come in directly..."

Sure enough, Ji Xiaoyan stretched out his hand to look forward, and it really wasn't like the situation they encountered with those black-clothed people from the fox clan.It was as if the barrier didn't exist, and she let her arm poke in it.So, in the next second, Ji Xiaoyan immediately jumped in quickly, then happily turned to old man Qingmi and Master Besa and said, "Master Qingmi, hurry up, you can really come in..."

The old man Qingmi smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, looked at Yu Muqing with deep eyes, and then he and Lord Besa led the guards of Qingcheng and Rivershuicheng into the thousand-thousand Huamen.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the teleportation array!" Yu Muqing turned around and led the way with a look of familiarity with Qianhuamen, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

"Girl Xiaoyan, who is this adventurer? It seems that not only does he have a special status in Qianhuamen, but he is also very familiar with it!" Qingmi looked at Yu Muqing's back with vigilance, and stretched out his hand He grabbed Ji Xiaoyan who was bouncing around to keep up with Yu Muqing, and then asked her in a low voice: "Girl Xiaoyan, are you familiar with this adventurer? It's not right, you don't remember anything now, It's impossible to know any adventurer....Where did you find this adventurer? Did he have any plans for you, so he was so enthusiastic to help?"

"There's something wrong with this adventurer!" Master Bessa also looked down, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As an adventurer, we can take his familiarity with Qianhuamen as the reason why he has lived here for a long time, but those Qianhuamen The attitude of the Huamen disciples towards him was a bit wrong. The disciples of the Qianhuamen still acted as if they didn’t know him a moment ago, trying to prevent him from entering, but the next second, he took out something and gave it to the Qianhuamen. The disciples saw it, and they were willing to let him come in, and let us follow in! Something is wrong..."

"That's right! Xiaoyan girl, you also saw how I was rejected by the people of Qianhuamen back then!" Qingmi nodded immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The disciples of Qianhuamen didn't say anything because of a sentence. The head of the sect said that if I, Qing Mi, were not allowed to enter the Qianhua Gate, he would not let us in. But look now... We were brought in so easily by him... There must be something in it Secrets that we don't know about..."

Master Bessa nodded in agreement, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We can't trust this adventurer..."

"Well, I know. Master Qingmi, Lord Bessa, you can rest assured! I know it!" Ji Xiaoyan looked indifferent, turned to look at the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa and said, seeing that they all He frowned and looked at himself, thought for a while, and then said: "I know who he is..."

Old man Qingmi wanted to ask again, but before he could open his mouth, he heard Yu Muqing say in front of him: "Elder Qingmi, don't worry, I will follow you back to Qingcheng, and I will leave after talking with the city lord. ....I won't harm her." To be honest, Yu Muqing didn't want to explain anything to the two NPCs at all, but listening to what they said to Ji Xiaoyan, Yu Muqing felt that if he really didn't say anything, Maybe the conversation I had agreed with Ji Xiaoyan would be spoiled by these two NPCs!

"What do you want to talk to girl Xiaoyan about?" Old man Qingmi really looked at Yu Muqing sensitively and asked immediately.

"It's not a bad thing after all!" Yu Muqing replied lazily, and then interrupted directly: "No, there is a teleportation array ahead, let's go there quickly!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, smiled at old man Qingmi and Master Bessa, trotted two steps and immediately followed Yu Muqing, and then began to ask some things she cared about in a low voice.

"By the way, I don't even know what your name is?"

"My name is Yu Muqing, you can call me Mr. Yu."

"Are you as old as your current character?"

"The role is adjusted...I'm still older."

"Really? Then what kind of research do you usually do? Um... I should say yes, what are you studying in this?" Ji Xiaoyan is most curious about this point.Although it is said that this is a game beyond her imagination, it can directly bring people into the virtual world, feel and live like a real person, but she still wants to know that she has been brought in, these so-called game research What are the writers still doing!
"What are you studying?" Yu Muqing frowned slightly, "Just studying you..."

"Me?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, a little confused.

However, Yu Muqing didn't continue to say anything, but lightly reminded Ji Xiaoyan: "Let's talk about it later, now is not the time to talk..."

Ji Xiaoyan snorted, and looked at Yu Muqing curiously. Before he could think about what the so-called "study her" meant, he suddenly heard a deep voice
"Qing Ya? How did you get in?"

Ji Xiaoyan followed the sound, and instantly saw many people from Qianhuamen standing outside a palace not far away, and in the front was a man in gorgeous clothes.

"Oops! It's that guy Qianyun!" The old man Qingmi frowned depressingly for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Why is he so unlucky, he hasn't left Qianhuamen to find that guy Yanshan?"

"Is this the head of the Qianhua Sect?" Master Bessa asked the old man Qingmi in a low voice without changing his expression.

"Isn't it him?" The old man Qingmi saw the head of Qianyun rushing towards them with a large number of Qianhuamen disciples, and immediately curled his lips and said to Lord Besa and Ji Xiaoyan: "He is the one who doesn't want us to enter He came from Qianhuamen. I thought that after finally getting in, I would be able to return to Qingcheng smoothly... I really didn’t expect that those people from Qianhuamen had been chasing that guy for so long. Still in the sect and haven't left..."

"Elder Qingmi, do you have any enmity with Sect Master Qianyun?" Lord Bessa asked, looking at the old man Qingmi strangely.

"Grudges?! Actually, it's nothing..." Qingmi looked at Master Bessa with some embarrassment, and after holding back for a long time, he said to him in a low voice: "That's when I brought Xiaoyan girl together Get up, Qianhua Sect walked along with Qianyun, that guy just had a little something..."

Master Bessa looked at old man Qingya with some strange eyes, but he didn't know what was going through his mind.It wasn't until Sect Master Qianyun walked in front of them with many Qianhua Sect disciples that Lord Bessa came back to his senses.

"Qingmi! How did you get into our Qianhua Gate?" The head of Qianyun's face was clouded at the moment. The mountain gate is not something you can easily crack and enter!"

The old man Qingmi was embarrassed and didn't dare to look head Qianyun in the eyes, but when he heard what Qianyun said, he immediately said angrily: "Qianyun, what do you mean? Lao Tzu I haven't asked you what's going on? I'm the elder of Qingshimen. Our Qingshimen and your Qianhuamen usually have some contacts. How can I say that when I come to your Qianhuamen, Qianyun, you can't let a few of you The disciples of the Qianhuamen will shut me out? You should explain to me, what exactly do you mean? Are you planning to break off relations with our Qingshimen or something?"

The head of Qianyun was still staring at the old man Qingmi angrily at first, but when he heard his words, he was a little taken aback immediately, then widened his eyes, looked at the old man Qingmi with disbelief, and for a while Then he said to him: "Qing Mi, this sect master has never said such a thing!"

"Then what do you mean you don't want me to enter your Qianhua Sect?" Qing Mi hurriedly asked.

Hearing this, the head of Qianyun immediately stared angrily, pointed at the old man Qingmi and said, "Why doesn't my head want you to enter Qianhuamen, Qingmi, don't you understand in your heart? How did you leave in the first place?" Our Qianhuamen? Ah? Do you really think that the head of this sect has no temper? Had it not been for the friendship between your Qingshimen and our Qianhuamen, did you think that the head would let you go so easily? This sect master doesn’t have you Qing Mi wanted all over the mainland, so I asked you to send back all the things in this sect master’s treasury, it’s considered very kind and righteous, you still have the face to ask this sect master why he doesn’t let you into our Qianhua The door of the door?"

(End of this chapter)

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