The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1477 Don't wrong me

Chapter 1477 Don't wrong me

To be honest, if possible, old man Qingmi would definitely not want to step into Qianhua Gate again.

Speaking of what happened back then, old man Qingmi still regrets it now thinking about it.It's also because he was so angry at the time, and he didn't know why, so he took Ji Xiaoyan and took the treasure house of the head of Qianyun directly. Back then, she definitely wouldn't have brought Ji Xiaoyan to do such an amazing job!If he had known that sooner or later he would encounter the current situation one day, he would not take Ji Xiaoyan to steal the treasure house of the head of Qianyun so clean! !

Yes, what old man Qingmi regrets the most is not that he stole the treasury of head Qianyun, but that he has stolen too much, which made head Qianyun still look so angry when he talked about this matter so far!According to the old man Qingmi's thinking, if the treasure house of the head of Qianyun was stolen, he would be angry at most for a month and a half or something like that?Who knew that after such a long time, the head of the Qianhuamen could still remember this matter so clearly...
Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi just looked at the head of Qianyun with some righteous eyes, and immediately lost the battle, and started to look left and right in a little panic
"What's the matter? Qing Mi, do you ever feel embarrassed? What's your attitude?" Head Qian Yun yelled at the old man Qing Mi with an expression of wanting to fight the old man Qing Mi desperately but holding back In a word, after watching him curl his lips in embarrassment, he took a deep breath, and then continued: "Forget it, Elder Qingmi, this sect leader doesn't want to argue with you any more. It's just that we don't Hua Sect really does not welcome you... how did you come in, just let me leave as you please!!" Having said this, Sect Master Qian Yun didn't know what he thought of, and immediately raised his eyes and asked old man Qingmi again He said: "Elder Qingmi, it is impossible that our disciples of Qianhua Sect did not stop you... are you standing here now, are you doing something to our disciples of Qianhua Sect? This sect leader told you, if you You have unrepentantly hurt the disciples of our Qianhuamen, but this sect master will definitely not let you go!"

"Who hurt you people from Qianhuamen?" Qingmi old man straightened his body immediately after hearing what Qianyun's head said, and said to him with affirmative expression: "I walked in with integrity."

"The one who came in? Humph!" Sect Master Qianyun sneered, "A disciple of Qianhua Sect, it is absolutely impossible to just let you in like this!"

"Then how did I know! Anyway, I followed them and came in directly!" Qingmi old man rolled his eyes directly, with a look of shamelessness, and said to the head of Qianyun: "Qianyun, if you don't believe me, here , There are two Lord City Lords here! If you don’t believe me, it’s impossible that you don’t even believe them!”

After finishing speaking, the old man Qingmi immediately cast his eyes on Master Bessa, raised his chin at him, and signaled him to speak.

Sure enough, after Sect Master Qianyun cast his eyes on Master Bessa, he looked around carefully, found Ji Xiaoyan, and said with a frown, "How did so many of you enter our Qianhua Sect? The two city lords? Why didn't the head of the sect receive any notification from the disciples of the Qianhua sect?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Sect Leader Qianyun, then at Old Man Qingmi and Lord Besa, and finally at Yu Muqing.Seeing Yu Muqing frowning slightly and looking at the head of Qianyun and the others, Ji Xiaoyan inexplicably felt a strange feeling of watching the excitement. Based on her guess, Yu Muqing took out that thing and gave it to Qianhua From what the disciples of the sect saw, it was most likely a bug, that's why those disciples of the Qianhua sect let them in so easily!However, now that Qianyun, the rightful master of the Qianhuamen, has appeared, this BUG thing may not be so effective!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yu Muqing to show such a tangled expression.

"What? Why don't the two city lords speak anymore?" Headmaster Qianyun swept the faces of Ji Xiaoyan and Lord Bessa, and seeing that they didn't seem to speak to explain at all, he suddenly became a little angry He raised his voice and asked, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan several times with strange eyes, then looked at old man Qingmi and asked, "Elder Qingmi, I remember that when you came to our Qianhuamen, you also brought Looking at a little girl... Now this one looks quite familiar..."

"You look familiar! Qianyun, don't you talk nonsense, old man!" Hearing what the head of Qianyun said, the old man Qingmi immediately yelled at him anxiously: "You have to see clearly! The girl who brought you Qianhuamen is an adventurer... Now this is the real city lord of Qingcheng, an aborigine..."

The head of Qianyun looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a frown, and then looked at old man Qingmi, and remained silent for a while.Facing old man Qingmi's expression of trying to get rid of his disgust, Master Qianyun also expressed that he would not believe him!However, one thing I have to admit is that old man Qing Mi is right!When he came to their Qianhua Gate, he brought a little adventurer girl with him, but now standing with him is a real aborigine, the city lord of Qingcheng. It must not be the same person!Probably, it's just a coincidence that they look the same.
The old man Qingmi stared at Qianyun's dazed look, thought for a while, and quickly said: "Qianyun, do you have anything else to do? We have to leave now, so we won't chat with you here ....." Old man Qingmi was talking, and quickly signaled Ji Xiaoyan and the others to leave.

However, Qian Yun's head is so easily fooled?

After hearing old man Qing Mi's words, Sect Leader Qian Yun immediately returned to his senses and stared at him, then shouted: "Qing Mi, what did this Sect Leader tell you just now? Go? How can it be so easy? If you, Qing Mi, don’t give this sect master an explanation today, this sect master will not let it go! If this sect master really brings someone to Qingshimen Xingshi to inquire about his crimes, Qing Mi, don’t blame me..."

"Hey, hey, Qianyun, what do you mean? Threatening me!?" The old man Qingmi was a little furious in an instant! "Threats? Hmph, Qing Mi, don't make such harsh words! We're just going to your Qingshimen to seek justice!" Qian Yun said indifferently to the old man Qingmi, and then said With a smile on his face, he looked at Qing Mi who was yelling at him and continued: "Of course, if Elder Qing Mi can tell you what the head of the sect wants to know, the head of the sect can consider it." Think about it, leave the previous matter there, and let it slowly dissipate with the wind... How about it, Qing Mi, the request of the head is not too much, right?"

The old man Qingmi gritted his teeth, and stared at the head Qianyun.

He knew that Qianyun, an old fellow, still had such an attitude of refusing to suffer.

Just, to say or not to say?The old man Qingmi couldn't help but cast his eyes on Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Muqing, and then stared at Ji Xiaoyan eagerly.

"Can you say it?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Muqing honestly, asked him a question, then looked at Yu Muqing with a gloomy look at her, took two steps back, and stood beside her, He said in a low voice, "It's really going to cause some trouble..."

"I didn't make this!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Muqing with a grievance on his face and said, "This is the one who troubled it to come to the door by itself, how can you blame me!"

Yu Muqing didn't look at Ji Xiaoyan any more, but directly looked at the head Qianyun.Are you still bothering yourself to come to the door?This girl Ji Xiaoyan is only relying on her amnesia to say such a thing with the cheek?Since this girl entered the game, she was noticed by game researchers like them, so she lived in peace that day?Either to do this or that kind of thing, or to go here for a while, and look around!Where are you being honest?Let's talk about the current matter of Qianyun's head. If she hadn't followed the old man Qingmi to take over the treasure house, would it be like this when she meets Qianyun's head now?

And say you don't care about her?snort!
"Who are you?" Master Qianyun looked at old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan, none of them wanted to speak, but a senior adventurer walked in front of them, then stopped and looked at him , Master Qianyun couldn't help but asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am!" Ji Xiaoyan, who thought he could hear some insider's professional NPC terminology for fooling around, heard Yu Muqing's words suddenly, couldn't help but almost staggered, and then stared wide With both eyes, he looked at Yu Muqing and said in his heart: No, does this game researcher who calls himself Old Yu have a brain problem?Under normal circumstances, the direction of this script should not be like this!What do you mean it doesn't matter who I am?In this case, even if he is unwilling to reveal his identity, he should just skip this link and talk about the business directly.
Fortunately, Ji Xiaoyan's complaints were not over yet, Yu Muqing over there continued to talk: "Master Qianyun, we just borrowed from your Qianhuamen..."

"Borrowed?" The head of Qianyun's face became even more gloomy!Do they really think that Qianhuamen is an ordinary little sect?Is it okay to borrow it? ! ! !

Yu Muqing didn't see the expression on the face of Qianyun Sect Leader who was about to erupt at all, and said directly to him: "We just borrowed the teleportation array of Qianhua Sect to leave. If you want to come to Qianyun Sect Leader, you shouldn't be so stingy. Did you drive us away?" Yu Muqing started to take out things from his body while talking, ready to take out the thing that was shown to the disciples of Qianhuamen, and show it to the head of Qianyun... Then , it is natural to be able to get the approval of Qianyun's head!
However, the reality is still too brutal... too cruel!
Before Yu Muqing took out his things, the head of Qianyun over there was so angry that he waved his hand and slapped Yu Muqing on the shoulder, and slapped him directly on a big tree dozens of meters away. After that, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the old man Qingmi and said, "I don't care what you are doing in our Qianhuamen! However, if you don't explain to me today that you are the master If you enter our Qianhua Gate, this sect leader will definitely not let you move a single step!"

"Just one step!" The old man Qingmi looked unafraid of threats, and jumped on the spot several times as soon as the words fell, and then asked the head of Qianyun with a smile: "Qianyun, what you said can't be done!" Move, is that the case? Then I’m going to move now, what are you going to do to me?” The old man Qingmi sneered when he said this, and then continued: “If Qianyun wants to fight duels or something If so, let me remind you here first, remember to go to war first, and then do it after sending me back to Qingshimen! Otherwise, don’t blame me for messing up your Qianhuamen... .”

At this moment, the head of Qianyun was already so angry by the old man Qingmi, but he didn't have anything to refute him.Regarding the Qingshimen, the head of Qianyun deeply knows that it is better to be friends than enemies! !However, this Elder Qingmi of Qingshimen is really a bit too hateful
Therefore, the helpless and angry Sect Leader Qianyun finally had to take a deep breath, and then said to the old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, I don't want to say anything, just tell the Sect Leader, you Just how did you get into our Thousand Flowers Gate!"

"Then what do you mean, after I told you, you are willing to let us leave from the teleportation formation of your Qianhuamen?" Qingmi old man asked with a little surprise.

Sect Master Qianyun nodded his head helplessly, and said, "Speak!"

The old man Qingmi put on a smile all over his face in an instant, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan, then turned to look at Yu Muqing, who was shot flying, was holding his chest, walking back with difficulty with the support of several Qingcheng guards Afterwards, he turned to head Qianyun again and said, "We all came in with that adventurer!"

"Him? Impossible!" Upon hearing this, Sect Master Qianyun immediately said in disbelief: "That adventurer is not a disciple of our Qianhua Sect, so how could he be able to enter our sect so easily? I can bring you in together..." At this point, the head of Qianyun's sect suddenly sharpened his eyes, looked at the old man Qingmi and asked: "Could it be that, Elder Qingmi, you have already sent the gatekeeper disciple of our Qianhuamen Give……"

"Bah bah bah. Qianyun, I told you, I didn't do anything to your disciples at all!" The old man Qingmi yelled at the head of Qianyun: "I just watched that adventurer take Show something to your disciples, and then they invited us in... If you have any questions, just ask the adventurer directly, don't pour dirty water on me! Do you believe it? If you really make me anxious, What did I do to make it out?"
———————————————————————————————————— PS One sentence: Penguin children’s shoes, except that you can’t see the reward message, you must Qian will still read the comments occasionally, so Qianqian can see what you write. Thanks to all the children's shoes who voted and rewarded Qianqian! !Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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