The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1478 Finally it went well

Chapter 1478 Finally it went well
For Yu Muqing, a senior game researcher, he definitely has a very thorough understanding of which famous NPCs in the game have their personalities and weaknesses.However, no matter how thorough, Yu Muqing never imagined that not long after he entered the game, he would be directly shot by an NPC whose personality should be set to be relatively peaceful... and, it seems, he was also hated .

This is very wrong! "Is this the adventurer?" Just as Yu Muqing was thinking puzzledly while being supported by several Qingcheng guards, he suddenly heard such a questioning voice, and when he looked up, he immediately saw Qianhua The head of the sect, Qian Yun, was staring at him fiercely, and then continued: "Tell me, how did you let the disciples of our Qianhua sect let you in?"

This time, Yu Muqing was perplexed, and immediately took a step back, trying to distance himself from Qianyun's head as much as possible, then he took out the thing from his body without saying a word, and handed it to Qianyun. In front of the head.

Ji Xiaoyan's reaction this time was quick, as soon as he saw Yu Muqing stretching out his hand to touch something, he took two steps forward, and then focused all his eyes on the thing Yu Muqing touched.Speaking of it, it was a very simple golden sign. Ji Xiaoyan didn't see clearly what was written on it, but she could clearly see the ease on Yu Muqing's face and the dignified yet forced to succumb on Qian Yun's face. expression.

Sure enough, in the next second, Sect Leader Qianyun spoke to Ji Xiaoyan and the others with some difficulty: "In this case, if Elder Qingmi and the two city lords want to borrow the teleportation array of our Qianhua Sect, then they should borrow it." ! This head will take everyone to the teleportation formation now, and send everyone away..."

The old man Qingmi was the most puzzled at the moment. When he heard the words of head Qianyun, he immediately looked at Yu Muqing in disbelief, and then yelled at head Qianyun: "Hey, hey, Qianyun, what are you doing?" Which one is it singing again? Just now, I was unwilling to do so, and I insisted on letting me say this and that before agreeing to let us leave. What did this adventurer show you now? You just watched Agreed at a glance? What's going on here?"

Sect Master Qianyun rolled his eyes at Old Man Qingmi, and said indifferently: "What? Elder Qingmi is unwilling to leave, but wants to stay? That's okay.... I can entertain you, a guest, as the Sect Leader. Yes. If Elder Qing Mi is unwilling to leave, then just wait here. After I send the two city lords away, I will come back to entertain you..."

"Get out, who said that I won't leave?" Old Qing Mi shouted immediately after hearing what Qian Yun said.Just kidding, what I did back then has been known to the suffering master, if I stay here later, who knows what it will be like to be retaliated against?I'm not a fool, so I sent him to my door to seek death, right?It's just that I don't know what the adventurer showed the head of Qianyun to change his mind. The old man Qingmi is really not reconciled...

"Since we're leaving, then don't talk nonsense..." The head of Qianyun was full of displeasure, and after glancing at the old man Qingmi, he led Ji Xiaoyan and the others to the teleportation formation.

So, it didn't take long for Ji Xiaoyan to finally heave a sigh of relief and set foot on the teleportation array of Qianhua Gate.

However, Master Bessa didn't move, just stood there and looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with a slight smile.

"Master Bessa, aren't you leaving? Come up quickly?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mr. Bessa strangely and asked him.

In the end, only Lord Bessa shook his head slightly at her, and then said: "You guys go first! Xiaoyan... Old Hess is still in the woods outside Qianhuamen, I have to find them first, Come to Qingcheng again."

"Master Hess?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa in surprise, bit his lip after seeing him nodding, and said after thinking for a few seconds: "In this case, Master Bessa, let's go back to Qingcheng first. Now, after you find Manager Hess, go back quickly..."

Ji Xiaoyan knew Master Bessa's concerns.

Anyone who has seen him knows what the state of the city lord Yan Shan is like now.If it is said that Chief Hess entered the woods, if he ran into City Lord Fushan, he might not be injured or would not be able to come back.Therefore, as old Hess's boss, Lord Bessa can care about their safety, Lord Bessa is really a very good city lord!At least, it's much better than Yeshan City Lord and Kaishan City Lord...
"Have you all finished your explanation?" Headmaster Qianyun looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Master Bessa impatiently, and after seeing that they all nodded, he said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Since everything is finished, the palm I wish City Master Ji a safe journey, and come back soon!" After speaking, the head of Qianyun called a teleporter at the front of Qianhuamen's teleportation formation to recite a spell, and then sent Ji Xiaoyan and the others back. Qingcheng...
At this time, the old Hess was also very fortunate to follow in the woods.

The deeper you go into the woods, the heavier the cold aura emanating from the city lord's body becomes.Even after they had almost walked all the places in the woods that could be walked, the city lord of Lushan lost the gentleness he had before, and was replaced by an expression like a purgatory ghost.

"Where did Ji Xiaoyan go..." The city lord Yan Shan seemed to have confirmed that he would not find Ji Xiaoyan in the woods again, so he turned around and looked at Old Hess and the others with a sullen face, and then turned towards the gate of Qianhua Gate. Elder Beard asked: "Tell me, did you put Ji Xiaoyan into the Qianhua Gate and let her leave from the teleportation array of your Qianhua Gate?"

The bearded elder had a puzzled look on his face, and then he realized that the Ji Xiaoyan that the city lord Xi Shan was talking about should be another city lord whom the old man Qingmi had never met before!

"City Master Yan Shan, what do you mean by that?" The bearded elder looked at City Master Yan Shan with a slight frown, and asked him: "Let's not say whether we know the person you mentioned, just from us Regarding the sect affairs of Qianhuamen, whether our Qianhuamen wants to enter the sect as a guest, or send someone away, this matter is not up to the city lord Yan Shan, you, the city lord of Panchi City, to intervene, right?" Even if the relationship between their Qianhuamen and Panchi City seems to be good, it is impossible for the Lord of the city to intervene in their Qianhuamen's affairs?
"You mean that Ji Xiaoyan was really sent away by you?" City Lord Yan Shan's expression was so gloomy that it could drip water.

"Whether you send it away or not is none of your business, City Master Ji Shan!" The bearded elder was also stubborn, and said something to the City Master Ji Shan with a sneer on his face, and then directly said to the people of Qianhua Gate behind him: " Alright, the sky is about to dawn, and the people who have been looking for the city master all night must be tired, so let's escort the city master down the mountain together..."

Elder Beard had just finished speaking, and before he had time to arrange for Old Hess and the others, he suddenly heard the impatient elder next to him yelling at him: "Be careful!"

In the next second, Elder Beard immediately saw a huge rock falling from the sky, directly pressing on top of their heads...

"Avoid!" The impatient elder quickly pushed the bearded elder, took a step forward, raised his hand above his head, and prepared to use his own strength to resist the fall of the boulder.

However, the castellan who threw the spell at this moment is not in his usual state.At this moment, his mind is filled with the news that Ji Xiaoyan was let go, so he was so angry that he couldn't control himself, and he started throwing spells one by one, with only one purpose in his heart, to hinder the people who caught Ji Xiaoyan. , all of them were killed...
"Let's go!" Seeing that something was obviously wrong with City Lord Ji Shan, the stranger quickly whispered to the old Hess beside him: "Since City Lord Ji can no longer be found here, there is no need for us to stay here... ..The city lord Yan Tan has gone mad, we can only die if we stay..."

Old Hess nodded quickly, seeing that the bearded elders on the other side had reacted, and joined the ranks of dealing with the city lord, he hurriedly said to the stranger: "Then let's leave quickly... But, adventurer, are you People from Qianhuamen, don’t you need to stay and help?”

"Me?" The stranger smiled wryly, then shook his head and said, "Mr. Hess, with my current strength, what do you think I can do if I stay here? It's already pretty good if I don't hold you back! Instead of helping me here , I might as well go back to the sect to rescue the soldiers, are you right?"

After thinking about it, the old Hess quickly nodded to the stranger, and then whispered to the guards of River Water City, holding a torch, and rushed to escape on the way back and forth.They are all small people who can't actually fight, and they can't participate in the battle situation on the side of the city lord. Therefore, what the adventurer said is right, instead of staying here to delay, it's better to go back and bring in rescuers to help, right?
Therefore, the old Hess, who finally felt at ease, led the people all the way towards the mountain gate of Qianhuamen, and soon met Lord Bessa who came to look for them... and the head of Qianyun who followed to see the situation.

"The head..." The stranger and the old Hess glanced at each other, immediately separated and ran towards their boss, and then began to describe the current situation in the woods.

"You mean, City Lord Yan Shan wants to kill you all? Is he crazy?" Hearing the stranger's words, the head of Qian Yun immediately widened his eyes in surprise, then raised his feet and ran deep into the forest ran everywhere.If the city lord Yan Shan was really allowed to kill the elders of his sect in the woods of their Qianhuamen, then their Qianhuamen would be a joke.

Thinking of this, Sect Master Qianyun is really impatient and uneasy.

As for Master Bessa, after receiving Old Hess and the others, he immediately relaxed, and then said directly to Old Hess: "Since you are all fine, that's fine!"

"Master Bessa, do we want to follow up and have a look?" Old Hess was naturally full of confidence when he had Mr. Bessa, and asked with some interest: "Speaking of which, if we want to go back to River Water City, why not?" It is also necessary to borrow the teleportation array of Qianhuamen... After all, the teleportation array of Panchi City must be useless. In addition, we were also saved from the hand of the city lord by the two elders of Qianhuamen, so It’s reasonable, we can all go over and help take a look...Master Bessa, what do you think?"

"Well, let's go!" Lord Bessa nodded bluntly, and glanced at the strangers who did not follow Qianyun's group and seemed to be waiting for them, Lord Bessa frowned slightly head.

Sure enough, in the next second, the stranger immediately approached Lord Bessa, and then asked him with some trepidation: "Castile Master Bessa, did you come directly from the mountain or..."

"What do you want to ask?" Lord Bessa asked, looking at the stranger.

"Ji... City Master Ji, has she left here?" The stranger asked straightforwardly, and after seeing Lord Bessa nodding her head affirmatively, she couldn't tell whether she was happy or a little disappointed.The happy thing is that Ji Xiaoyan finally escaped from here, and he no longer has to worry about being chased by the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan; the disappointment is that he still had a chance to meet Ji Xiaoyan in the game, but in the end, things fell apart up.

"It's good to leave, it's good to leave!" In order to conceal the loss in his heart, the stranger forced a smile, and then asked: "Then how did City Master Besa, City Master Ji and the others enter our Qianhua?" The door? Those disciples guarding the door will not let them in easily!"

"An adventurer brought them in." Master Bessa was not impatient, and explained directly to the stranger: "He seems to have something special. After showing it to Sect Leader Qianyun, Sect Leader Qianyun Just send Xiaoyan and the others away..."

"Adventurer?" The stranger looked at Master Bessa with some surprise, and seeing that he was also puzzled, he nodded, shut his mouth and began to think.

How stubborn and old-fashioned the NPC is, people who have never met each other will naturally know.Not to mention the head NPC of his own sect!It's impossible for a player to just take out one thing and let Ji Xiaoyan and the others enter the gate of Qianhua Gate that they have not been allowed to enter all this time!However, now the matter really happened, and there is the witness of Mr. Bessa...
So, who is this player, and what is his relationship with Ji Xiaoyan?What is the special thing Master Bessa said?What kind of special item is it that can directly make Sect Master Qianyun compromise?There is such a player god in the game?

A layer of suspicion clouded the stranger's heart.

At this moment, Yu Muqing, the great player player, followed Ji Xiaoyan and the others to the teleportation formation outside Qingcheng, and immediately went straight to the city lord's mansion. After Ji Xiaoyan settled down, he finally waited until Ji Xiaoyan found a separate Sit down in the room and prepare to have a good talk with him...
 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!Thank you for the "spring boiled fish" safety charm!Thanks for the "Rain, Sunny" monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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