The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1480 The Plan to Compete

Chapter 1480 The Plan to Compete

Ji Xiaoyan entered the room and threw herself on her gorgeous big bed. After listening to the manager Qing Gong leaving outside the door, she let out a big breath, turned over and looked at the top of her head, thinking about what Yu Muqing said to her Those words, and then finally there is a feeling that the dust has settled!She has indeed traveled to a new world, and it is impossible to go back in the past...

Her parents, relatives, and friends all seemed to be in a dream, and when she woke up, they all disappeared.

Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes a little at a loss, unable to think of what he should do in the future!In her memory, she was in this game world when she opened her eyes. This world is so real to her now...but it is a virtual world!Outside of this game world, there is a real world!So, does she belong to a real human being or a virtual NPC?
Most importantly, how will she live in the future?
Going wholeheartedly towards the direction of returning to reality?Or should I be content with the status quo and be a powerful city lord in this world?
Ji Xiaoyan scratched her head in distress. In the real world, she might not know anyone, so what's the point of going back?She didn't even have a purpose to fight for, so she stayed in this game world. Maybe she disappeared when the game shut down the server that day. It's not sure if she can be resurrected... This matter is very tangled what!

While Ji Xiaoyan was struggling, Yu Muqing was also thinking about how to persuade Ji Xiaoyan to his side and help him accomplish his goal.However, before Yu Muqing came up with any good idea, Manager Qing Gong walked to his side with a sullen face, then lowered his head slightly, and said to Yu Muqing: "Adventurer... What is your purpose for approaching our city lord? ?”

Yu Muqing raised his head to look at Manager Qing Gong in surprise, and seeing him staring at him sharply, he said after a while, "I don't have any purpose. I just tell the Lord City Master something she wants to know!"

Director Qing Gong looked at Yu Muqing with a look of disbelief, and then said: "I don't believe what you adventurers say. It is absolutely impossible to say that you have no purpose! What does the Lord City Master want to know? Of course, she can ask Lord Lord God about it! Moreover, I have never met you before, an adventurer, and you are not a good friend of Lord Lord..."

Yu Muqing looked at Manager Qing Gong with a frown.

He really didn't expect that the intelligent NPCs in this game world have evolved into what they are now, and they all have their own independent thoughts.Does that mean that the independent world that Guang said has been successful?Every NPC in this game has independent thinking like Manager Qing Gong. Will the whole game world no longer develop according to the development tendency of game researchers and designers like them?
Thinking of this question, Yu Muqing suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

He was really happy that Guang was able to get rid of them game researchers, but now that he felt the difference of this game, Yu Muqing was still a little uneasy.If the entire game world is completely independent from them, will it be possible that they will no longer be able to send players in?Or, by that time, after their experiments have matured, they can no longer send players into the game?Thinking of this terrible result, Yu Muqing immediately stood up, and anxiously spun around on the spot: "No, no... Such a result must never happen... Absolutely not...."

Director Qing Gong looked at Yu Muqing's movements strangely, couldn't help but frowned and shouted at him twice, and after seeing that he finally recovered, he said to Yu Muqing angrily: "Adventurer, I don't care if you approach I will tell you what the purpose of our city lord is. As long as we find something wrong, we will not be polite to you. When the city lord finishes talking with you, you will honestly leave Qingcheng for me. do you know?"

Yu Muqing looked at Director Qing Gong in a daze, and scratched his head inexplicably after seeing him leave with a cold snort.It seems that this Chief Qing Gong seems to have developed an independent personality, but he is still not perfect, and he is a bit distracted
This time Ji Xiaoyan and the others left the boundary of Qianhuamen, the other people in Qianhuamen were not so comfortable.

Because the city lord Yan Shan was a little crazy, he fought with the elders of Qianhuamen.Afterwards, Lord Bessa and Sect Master Qianyun who rushed over attacked him together, and in the end City Lord Lushan finally lost the wind. He was directly knocked out by several people, and collapsed on the ground.

"Master, what should we do now?" The bearded elder looked exhausted, and he forced himself to ask Qianyun's head, "Should we let the city lord Yan Shan disappear immediately?"

Hearing the words, Sect Master Qianyun glared at the bearded elder fiercely, and then said to him resentfully: "What are you thinking? After solving City Lord Lushan, what about the City Lord Yeshan at the foot of the mountain? Waiting for him to be the only one, turn around and govern Panchi City, will he be able to fight with our Qianhuamen? Don't you worry that one day, Ye Shan City Lord suddenly lost his mind and came to our Qianhuamen to help him Is the city lord Tan taking revenge?"

The bearded elder was stunned, and closed his mouth resentfully.To be honest, Panchi City is still the same as it is now, and the internal struggle between the city lord Lushan and the city lord Yeshan is indispensable!If one of the two of them really disappears, after breaking the balance, maybe one of the city lords will go crazy or something, or try to get stronger, start to expand the territory, etc., until Time, and isn't it causing trouble for their nearest neighbors in Panchi City?

So, nothing can happen to this city lord, he has to go back to Panchi City safely.

Thinking of this, Elder Beard asked again: "Then the head, are we going to send City Master Yan Shan back to Panchi City?" But, he was a lunatic who almost killed them!Let him go back to Panchi City in this way, everyone present was a little reluctant.

"Why send him back? He turned into the city lord for the sake of our Qianhuamen. After our Qianhuamen were ruined by him, if we let him go back like this and spread the word, we will be in Qianhuamen in the future." What status does the Huamen still have on the mainland?" The head of Qianyun continued to stare at the bearded elder, and after seeing him immediately smiled when he heard the words, he sighed and said to him: "Forget it!" It's over... Get people into our Qianhua Gate first. As for the next thing, we can talk about it after the city lord Yan Shan wakes up... Oh, yes, remember to ban him! Otherwise, turn around and send us Qianhua Gate It's not good if the place is messed up."

"Yes, master!" The bearded elder immediately responded with a smile when he heard this, and then he greeted the impatient elder and began to clean up the city lords on the ground.

After Sect Master Qianyun sighed faintly, he put on a gentle smile again, turned to look at Master Besa, and said to him: "Castile Master Besa, now your people have been found, you Do you need to go back to your River Water City from our Thousand Flowers Gate?"

Master Bessa shifted his gaze to the City Lord Yeshan, and after a while, he smiled and said to the head Qianyun: "This is not urgent... Speaking of which, the City Lord Yeshan somewhere on the mountainside is not I know what's going on! If I can, I'll go and see City Lord Yeshan first. If I have time later, it's better to come to your faction and leave! But, I don't know if you will be willing to accommodate, Master Qianyun?"

The eyebrows of the head of Qianyun couldn't help but tremble, and then he immediately smiled and said to Master Bessa: "That's naturally possible. Whenever the Lord of Bessa wants to come, our gate of Qianhua Gate is naturally willing to open for you of……"

"In this case, let's leave for a while!" Lord Bessa didn't greet Sect Leader Qianyun much, smiled and cupped his hands, then turned and left.

The head of Qianyun just watched them disappear into the woods in a daze. After a while, he frowned and said in a low voice: "City Master Ye Shan is halfway up the mountain...but he didn't chase City Master Lu Shan up. ...Either, he is trapped, or...he really has no way to leave..." Thinking of this, Sect Leader Qian Yun's face darkened for a moment, and he immediately shouted at the bearded elders and the others: "Take the lead!" Hand over the city lord to the disciples, and follow the head of this sect immediately to catch up with the city lord Bessa of Refu Water City... You must not let him do anything to the city lord Yeshan..."

The two elders of Qianhuamen froze for a moment, and hurriedly greeted a few disciples to take over as the city master, and immediately ran to the head of Qianyun, and while following him to chase Lord Bessa and the others, they asked in a low voice: " Master, what do you mean by what you just said? What can the Lord Bessa of Refu Water City do to the Lord Yeshan?" Besides, even if the Lord Bessa did something to the Lord Yeshan, they Qianhua There is no need for the people at the door to help!They are not the protectors of Panchi City, why are they working so hard!

"You know what a fart!" The head of Qianyun cursed instantly, "Think about it, is that fellow Yeshan City Lord such a quiet person? He is still on the mountainside, what do you think he can do on the mountainside? Either he is trapped, or he is injured and unable to move... Otherwise, how could the Santo Besa who came up the mountain together stand in front of us? ?”

"Even if City Master Ye Shan is injured, what's the point of us going?" The impatient elder asked Qian Yun's head with some displeasure.

"You're stupid!" Elder Beard reacted immediately, and immediately stared at the impatient elder and said, "Just now the head of the sect said that there should be no accidents between the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan, otherwise we, Qianhua, will be the ones who turn around The door is closed. Now the Lord Bessa of River Water City is going down the mountain to see the Lord Yeshan, what if he kills the injured Lord Yeshan directly?"

The head of Qianyun nodded with a sullen face, and then continued: "Do you want a Panchi City that has been fighting among itself, or a Panchi City that has changed its owner? Now the Lord of the City is in our hands, and the Lord of the Night is in our hands. No one cares about the middle of the mountain. The Lord Besa of Refu Water City is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he goes directly down the mountain to deal with the Lord Yeshan, and then goes straight to Panchi City to find the town stone, then the entire Panchi City will be destroyed. The owner has changed! At that time, what we have to face is Panchi City with River Water City as its backing..."

"Master, did that Bessa City Lord really plan to do that?" the impatient elder asked anxiously when he heard this.

"If it were me, I would also plan that way! The current Panchi City is like a paper tiger, and it can be killed with a light poke..." Qian Yun's head was sullen. , said quietly to the two elders of Qianhuamen, "Panchi City is a delicious pastry now, everyone wants to taste it..."

"Then Sect Leader, do you want to try it too?" Elder Huzi suddenly thought of something and asked Qianyun Sect Leader.

"What do you think?" Sect Master Qian Yun said lightly, and then stopped talking.Only the bearded elder and the impatient elder looked at each other worriedly...

Panchi City is of course very good.

If their Qianhuamen can really occupy Panchi City, no matter what happens in the future, it will be more convenient!No matter how you consider it, it is a very good thing that the mountain is used as the residence of the sect, and it is good to practice, and the Panchi City under the mountain is used as a place for trade and exchange!After all, no one would dislike the fact that their territory is too big, right?
However, there are many problems before them now.

Just like the Lord Bessa of River Water City!If he really had that kind of thought, then Qianhua Sect would definitely need to fight the Lord Bessa and the others.At that time, no matter what the result is, Qianhua Gate and River Water City will really tear their faces and become enemies!Of course, if City Lord Bessa didn't have such thoughts, but really went to see City Lord Yeshan, then do they need to continue to think about what they just planned?

It feels like the pastries have already been put on the mouths of Qianhuamen, if they are lost, everyone seems to be a little bit reluctant
Thinking of this, Elder Beard couldn't help but looked at the back of Sect Master Qianyun, and then couldn't help but sigh.If you can think of a complete way to compete with the city lord of River Water City for Panchi City without hurting everyone's peace, that would be the best!But is there really such a way?
The bearded elder frowned sadly. After walking for a while, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of something.
 PS: Thank you "Old Ten 01" for starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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