The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1481 their own thoughts

Chapter 1481 their own thoughts

If you want to say what is the most important thing in Panchi City, maybe you won't be able to guess for a while.But if you throw this question to those who want to capture Panchi City, then they will be able to give an answer soon!

The most important thing in Panchi City, apart from the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan, will belong to the town stone of Panchi City.As long as you get the Zhencheng Stone in your hands, and then drive the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan out of Panchi City, then Panchi City can change hands directly.Of course, if you can't drive away the city masters Lushan and Yeshan, then you can get Panchi City if you get the town stone, but there is a little danger: you may be given the town stone by the two city masters of Panchi City at any time. Take it back!
Therefore, after the bearded elder of Qianhuamen made it clear that the head of his family really wanted to compete for Panchi City, he immediately thought of the town stone of Panchi City.

It's just that such an important thing as the town stone must not be easy to find...
Elder Beard rushed down the mountain at top speed following Sect Master Qianyun, and began to study in his mind.Where do you think the town stone of Panchi City will be placed?

And is Master Bessa really what Master Qianyun thinks?

"Master City Lord, don't we need to go back first?" Old Hess was a little confused about Lord Bessa's heart, but he still raised the doubts in his heart, and asked him: "City Lord Yeshan must be all right now. It’s not on the mountainside, so he left a long time ago? What’s the point of us still looking for him? Why don’t we go back sooner…” Speaking of this, old Hess immediately regained his spirits, and said directly to Lord Bessa: “Yes Oh, my lord, I don’t know if Brick and the others helped me bring the message to you? We have captured those men in black from the fox clan.”

"Huh?" Master Bessa was stunned for a moment, and after looking at Old Hess twice, he finally realized that he was talking about those fox tribes who were making trouble in River Water City.

"How did you catch it?" Lord Bessa looked at Old Hess with interest and asked.

"It was Brick and Elder Qingmi who brought some adventurers and said that they would leave our River Water City and come to Panchi City. Afterwards, I proposed to search, but after this search, those fox people were really taken away. I found it." Old Hess looked at Master Bessa with some complacency and said.

"Not bad!" Sure enough, Master Bessa immediately smiled happily after hearing what Old Hess said, "It just so happened that this time we also captured a few people from the Fox clan and brought them back so that they could have a good gathering together." Ju, ask carefully, what exactly are they trying to do..."

Old Hess nodded, and after a while, he looked at Lord Bessa and continued, "Then...Master Bessa, are we not going back now?"

Lord Bessa nodded with certainty, and then said: "I told you, we're going to see the Lord Yeshan."

Old Hess looked puzzled.What is there to see in the city lord of Yechang?To see his jokes?Impossible, their Lord City Lord doesn't have so much time to waste on this matter, and their Lord Besa is not such a boring person either!It's just a joke, when the city lord Ye Shan was able to go up the mountain to find them, his master Bessa probably had enough of seeing them, and now he ran back, what's the point?

Master Bessa seemed to have seen the doubts of old Hess, and after thinking about it, he said to him in a low voice: "I was in a hurry when I went up the mountain, and I didn't have a good time to talk to Lord Yeshan. Now I have time Now, of course I'm going to have a good talk with City Lord Yeshan...whether it was because he trapped me back then, or he wanted to grab a small talk from me...Old Hess, do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Old Hess nodded quickly and clearly, and then looked carefully at Lord Bessa, and asked in a low voice: "It's just, Lord Bessa, now the Lord of Changshan is being killed by the Qianhuamen." People took him away, and City Master Ye Shan was injured again... Is there no one left in Panchi City? When City Master Ji Shan and City Master Ji Shan chased after City Master Ji, they took away most of Panchi City. guarded..."

"Old Hess, what do you want to say?" Lord Bessa narrowed his eyes with some understanding.

"Master Bessa, don't you know what I mean?" Old Hess smiled wretchedly, looked at Master Bessa and stopped talking.Everything goes without saying, doesn't it?Everyone is a smart person, what does he mean, can't my Lord City Master hear it?
Sure enough, Lord Bessa glanced at Old Hess lightly, then smiled with the corners of his lips curled up, and said to Old Hess with a smile: "What? Old Hess, do you think we are not enough for River Water City now?" It’s a toss, do you think it’s okay to walk around and fly around the continent?”

"Lord Bessa, what do you mean? I'm not that kind of person!" Old Hess quickly said with a smile, "I just think that this Panchi City is like this anyway. Those two city lords have a great deal of respect for Ji It's not like you don't know what the city lord is thinking. Instead of letting the tigers go back to the mountain and let them recuperate, it's better to cut off all their retreats! If you think it's wrong to take action against the city lord Yeshan and the city of Lushan, then we will go directly. In Panchi City, just get the town stone! As long as there is no Panchi City, if you want to come to the city lords of Yanshan and Yeshan, they will not have the strength to compete with you for the lord of the city... Lord Bessa, what do you think? ?”

Lord Bessa looked at Old Hess tactfully, just smiled and didn't speak.

But old Hess saw what Master Bessa meant.

So, Lord Bessa, who had an idea, quickened his pace and rushed down from the top of the mountain. He thought he would find City Lord Yeshan and the guards of Panchi City on the mountainside, but when he arrived at the place, Lord Bessa found out At this moment, the guards of River Water City who stayed to guard Lord Bessa have all fainted on the ground at this moment.

"Quickly, go check it out..." Old Hess hurriedly called the guards around him to check the situation of his companions immediately, then frowned, and said to Master Bessa: "Master Bessa, it seems that night The city master has already left..."

"En!" Lord Bessa nodded a little unhappy.

"Then do we still need to look for it?" Old Hess pursed his lips, looked at Lord Bessa and asked, "At this moment, he must have returned to Panchi City, if we want to enter the city again , but it is unlikely.”

"That's not certain!" Master Bessa thought for a second, and said to Old Hess with a sneer, "Take all our people with us, and we will go down the mountain to chase... City Lord Yechang was seriously injured. The walking speed will definitely be too fast! They will definitely not go too far..."

Old Hess opened his mouth, nodded immediately, gave instructions to the guards of River Water City, and then quickly followed Lord Bessa's pace.

At this moment, the city lord of Yeshan is not feeling well at all.

Back then, he couldn't move because he was hit by Lord Bessa, and finally waited for Lord Bessa to bring all the guards up to the Qianhua Gate. The city lord Ye Shan repaired it for a while, and then he took a breath of anger and stayed behind. After the guards of Panchi City were knocked out, it was only when the guards of Panchi City woke up that they helped themselves up.

Afterwards, City Lord Yeshan, who waited for a long time on the mountainside, did not wait for any signal from City Lord Lushan and the guards to report the news, so he guessed it immediately.City Lord Yan Shan must have failed to achieve his goal at the Qianhua Gate, and Lord Bessa also brought people to stop it, so it would be meaningless for him to chase after him.Therefore, City Lord Ye Shan led the guards of Panchi City and started to walk down the mountain. ,

They can't just leave their most important Panchi city alone, no matter what?
Therefore, the city lord Ye Shan, who had never felt so powerless before, had no choice but to hold back the fury in his heart, and let the guards around him lift him down from the mountain of Qianhuamen like helping a sick person. , and then ran all the way back to his Panchi City.

However, what City Master Ye Shan didn't expect was that near the teleportation array outside Panchi City, they found a person, squatting furtively around the teleportation array.

"Be careful, go and catch the man!" City Lord Ye Shan gritted his teeth, and whispered to the guards around him, watching a few guards running towards the teleportation array silently Afterwards, he sneered and said, "This city lord wants to see who has the courage to come to Panchi City's teleportation array to make trouble when the city lord is not around..."

"Who? What do you want to do? Hey, hey, let me go, let me go..."

City Lord Ye Shan took a deep breath, tried to straighten his body, and watched the guards of Panchi City grab the sneaky person beside the teleportation array like eagles catching chickens, and then squinted his eyes. After the person walked up to him, he asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do on the teleportation array in Panchi City?"

The person who was caught was a man of a rather old age, wearing an old robe and a few strands of white beard. His eyes were a little muddy and he looked at City Lord Yeshan, and then his expression changed immediately, and he looked at him with some fear. City Lord Xiang Yeshan stammered and said, "Ye... Lord City Lord Yeshan?"

"Huh?" City Lord Ye Shan squinted his eyes, looked up and down the old man who was frightened and slumped on the ground, and then continued to ask: "Who are you? Tell me!"

"I...I..." The old man stammered, and quickly said to City Lord Yeshan: "Master Yeshan City...I am not a bad person...I am the teleporter in Panchi City! I am you One of his teleporters..."
"Teleporter?" City Lord Ye Shan obviously didn't believe him. He glanced at the old man a few times, and then said with a sneer, "I remember that the city gate is not open until the gate is open. The teleporter can't leave the city, right?" You said that you are the teleporter of Panchi City, don’t you know that the gates of the city will open after dawn? Moreover, the city owner informed the whole city before leaving the city. It is forbidden to open the city gate to teleport! Don't you know?"

The old teleporter froze for a moment, and suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Speaking of which, the old teleporter who was captured by City Lord Ye Shan at this moment is the old teleporter who promised to teleport Ji Xiaoyan and the others away.After teleporting Brick and Manager Qing Gong away, the old teleporter looked in the direction of the gate of Panchi City, guessing that Ji Xiaoyan must not be able to get out for a while, so he After thinking about it, he moved his hands and feet on the teleportation array outside Panchi City.

You want to!The city lord of Qingcheng is still in their Panchi City, and here he sent away the general manager of Qingcheng. If the general manager of Qingcheng returns to Qingcheng, will Qingcheng still lack teleporters?They Panchi City just can't teleport people away now, and they haven't prohibited anyone from teleporting over, right?
The old teleporter thought very clearly!He reached an agreement with the chief manager of Qingcheng. Only this time, the city lord of Qingcheng did not come, and their deal was completed.Therefore, if the Master Manager of Qing City returns to Panchi City with the teleporter, and then takes away the City Lord of Qing City, he will not be able to make any more money!

As a result, some clever old teleporters immediately started to play tricks on the teleportation formation happily, directly adding some things that only he himself knew, so that other teleporters could not easily use this teleporter outside Panchi City. Teleport array!After doing these things, the old teleporter walked back slowly towards the gate of Panchi City. He wanted to discuss the conditions with Ji Xiaoyan again, but who knows, after entering the city gate, the old teleporter It turns out that girl Ji Xiaoyan, who was supposed to be trapped under the city gate, has disappeared...
Looking around in a panic, the old teleporter who still didn't find any trace of Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly found a place to hide first, and was going to check the situation at the city gate first. Go out and find her.As a result, who knows, this wait is a long time.

And when Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi rushed to the city gate, the old teleporter wanted to run in front of them.As a result, when he discovered that there was a teleporter in the team led by Qing Mi, the old teleporter immediately stopped with a sneer, hid in the corner and watched them all the way out of the city, waiting for them to find out that the teleportation array was not useful at all. If not, come back to him.In the end, who knows, old man Qingmi and the others never came back after they left the city...

Afterwards, the old teleporter wanted to go out of the city to see the situation, but he ran into City Lord Yeshan and Citymaster Lushan and ran out with others, and then Lord Bessa and the others also left the city...
After waiting until there was no one around the city gate, the old teleporter carefully stepped out of the city gate, ran all the way to the teleportation array, and checked the situation of the teleportation array.There are so many people out there, and there are no people left. They didn't leave from the teleportation array, so where did they go?However, the teleportation array can only be activated by him...
(End of this chapter)

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