Chapter 1482 Fighting
Ye Shan City Lord is not a good-tempered character!
So after seeing the old teleporter not talking for a long time, and his mind wandering to nowhere, Ye Shan City Lord became a little angry in an instant!I was already in a bad mood along the way, but now that I catch such a suspicious person and ignore myself, this is simply challenging his authority and dignity as the city lord!

Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan was in no good mood to talk to the old teleporter again.

"Since you can't tell why, then there's nothing to say!" City Lord Ye Shan snorted coldly, "This City Lord doesn't look like this person is our teleporter in Panchi there's nothing to keep It's done! You quickly deal with him!"

"Master Yeshan City Lord...Yeshan City Master Lord..." The old teleporter heard the words of Yeshan City Lord, looked at him with some horror, and immediately shouted: "Yeshan City Master, I am Panchi City Residents! I am the teleporter of Panchi City... I have lived in Panchi City for many years, and I will definitely not be a spy or something, Lord Yeshan, you must believe me!"

"Master City Master..." Several guards of Panchi City immediately turned their heads to look at City Master Ye Shan after hearing the words, and whispered to him: "Why don't we take him back first, and when you have time later, come later." Interrogate me?" Speaking of which, the number of teleporters in Panchi City is still limited.If they really accidentally killed the teleporter in front of them, it would not be so easy to find another teleporter back in Panchi City!

Hearing the words of those guards, City Lord Ye Shan immediately turned his head and glared at them, and immediately became angry: "What's the matter? Do you have to question what my city lord said? This city lord asked you to solve him, so it's over. .Where did all this nonsense come from? Or, do you think that the city lord is injured and not as good as before, so you can also turn the world upside down?"

"Subordinates dare not!" Hearing the words, several guards immediately knelt down at the feet of City Lord Ye Shan with a plop.

"Master City Master... I am really a resident of Panchi City, I am really a teleporter of Panchi City!" Seeing that he might not be able to survive under the hands of City Lord Yeshan, the old teleporter hurriedly opened his mouth and said loudly: "City Master My lord, I came out of the city just to see the teleportation formation..."

"Look at the teleportation array?" After being angry, the city lord Ye Shan calmed down a bit, looked at the old teleporter and asked, "I don't know what's wrong with our panchi city's teleportation array. The teleporter dared to disobey the order of the city lord, and ran out of the city to study before dawn."

"It's true, Lord City Master! It's true!" The old teleporter lowered his eyes and said anxiously to City Lord Ye Shan, while rolling his eyes, and then continued: "I see a large number of people Teleported away from the teleportation array of our Panchi City. Later, it was discovered that they were from Qingcheng, so when they saw the city gate was wide open, they ran out of the city and tampered with the teleportation array of our Panchi City. ...I just thought, I can't let people from other cities come in and out of our Panchi City so easily... Lord Yeshan City Lord, I'm really not a bad person!"

"You mean, you have tampered with the teleportation array in our Panchi City?" Ye Shan sneered, "Is it for our entire Panchi City?"

The old teleporter didn't feel anything wrong at all, and immediately nodded to City Lord Ye Shan, and then said: "Usually, if someone needs to leave our Panchi City, it needs the consent of the two City Lords, and it needs to be done on the day when the city gate is opened." Yes... But I saw those who cleared the city directly stepped on the teleportation array of our Panchi City and left. That's why I felt something was wrong."

"You watched the people from Qingcheng leave?" City Lord Ye Shan frowned suddenly, staring at the old teleporter and asked.

"Yes, a lot of people!" The old teleporter said vaguely, and nodded to City Lord Yeshan.He's not that stupid to expose himself!You know, at the beginning, he took the initiative to collect things from others, and then took Manager Qing Gong and them to leave.
"Could it be that Ji Xiaoyan..." City Lord Ye Shan was suddenly startled by his own thought.

They just chased people all the way up to Qianhua Gate, but he didn't see if Ji Xiaoyan was among the group of people on the top of the mountain!Moreover, there was no news after the city lord Yan Shan chased after him, so it must be that Ji Xiaoyan was not found!Therefore, it is very likely that Ji Xiaoyan was not among the people they chased after they came out of the city, it was just another group arranged by Ji Xiaoyan and the others to confuse their sight
However, if that is the case, Ji Xiaoyan and the others have already left the teleportation formation, so why leave such a team behind?City Lord Ye Shan couldn't figure it out
The old teleporter looked at the city master Ye Shan who seemed to have calmed down a little, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.Anyway, life should be saved!

However, just after relaxing for a while, the old teleporter immediately felt a tightness in his neck, and he was instantly brought to City Lord Ye Shan by the collar of his clothes by a guard. Said to himself: "Did you see with your own eyes a large number of people from Qingcheng leave from the teleportation array?"

The old teleporter nodded quickly.He personally sent them away!How could it be possible to cheat!

"Where did you see it?" City Lord Ye Shan continued to ask.

The old teleporter blinked, pointed at Panchi City without hesitation, and then said to Lord Yeshan, "I saw it inside the city gate..."

"What are you doing near the city gate when you have nothing to do?" City Lord Ye Shan looked at the old teleporter indifferently, and then looked at the city gate of Panchi City that was wide open at the moment.

"I just can't sleep, I'm going to guard the city gate, and help teleport those adventurers after dawn! I haven't received any news that the city gate will not open again after dawn..." the old teleporter said His mind was spinning quickly, although he was startled for a second by Ye Shan's question, but the next moment he said smoothly: "It's just that I didn't expect that when I got near the city gate, I saw something happened here. .Because I am just an ordinary teleporter, so I have been hiding aside and watching... Later, after seeing a large number of people who are not from our Panchi City leave the city, I left a thought to secretly observe them. After that After those people left, I met a few guards of our Panchi City and found out that those people were from Qingcheng... So I thought, I can't let people leave our Panchi City so easily, so I ran out quickly Come to the city, add some restrictions to the teleportation array!"

City Lord Ye Shan lowered his eyes, wondering if he believed the words of the old teleporter.Waiting until the old teleporter's heart was about to jump out of his nerves, the city lord Ye Shan calmly said to the guards around him, "In that case, take him back to the city..."

"Yes!" Several guards quickly responded.

The old teleporter had a happy look on his face, and looked at City Lord Yeshan, seeing that he didn't give him another look, after thinking about it, he asked again: "Then... Lord City Lord Yeshan, we Pan Does the teleportation array restriction in Chicheng still need to be lifted?"

"What's the state of the teleportation array now?" City Lord Ye Shan thought for a while and asked the old teleporter.

"It can only be teleported to our Panchi City, and cannot be teleported away!" The old teleporter replied with certainty.

City Lord Ye Shan was silent for two seconds, and smiled with great satisfaction: "Since this is the case, then keep it in the current state! Let's talk about it later when we need to activate it again!"

"Yes!" The old teleporter immediately frowned upon hearing this.Every teleporter has his own special restrictions and techniques, as long as the city lord Ye Shan says something, it proves that his life is saved!At least, no one will do anything to him until the teleportation array outside Panchi City can be used normally again!Otherwise, the teleportation array outside Panchi City would be useless
"Close the city gate!" After finally stepping into the gate of Panchi City, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. After the city gate was closed, he led the people back to the City Lord's Mansion!
At this moment, Master Bessa and Old Hess were very unlucky when they were just going down the mountain, they were caught up by the head and elders of the Qianhuamen who were chasing them all the way.
"Master Qianyun is chasing us?" Master Bessa looked at Master Qianyun and the others who stopped them in a strange and vigilant manner, and then stood still and looked at them with deep meaning.

However, Master Qianyun did not answer Master Bessa's words directly, but took a closer look at Master Bessa's team, then put on a smile on his face, looked at Master Bessa and asked: "Is the City Master Bessa Did you come down the mountain to find City Lord Yeshan? Why didn't you see the person from City Lord Yeshan?"

"City Master Yeshan?" Lord Bessa moved his eyes, glanced at Sect Master Qianyun and the disciples of Qianhua Sect behind him, and then said: "Listening to the tone of Sect Master Qianyun, it seems to be the same as City Master Yeshan and the others. The relationship is very good! Just now on the top of the mountain, my city lord really didn't hear it... But, head Qianyun, where is the city lord Yeshan this time, if you ask me, you are really asking the wrong person! The Lord of the city thought that the Lord of Yeshan was seriously injured and needed someone to take care of him, so he hurried down the mountain. But after going down the mountain, he realized that we were late..."

"Castle Master Yeshan is dead?" the impatient elder couldn't help but looked at Lord Bessa with a little joy and asked, and after seeing Lord Bessa looked at him suspiciously, he quickly lowered his head.

"You made Lord City Master laugh!" Sect Master Qianyun said to Lord Bessa with some embarrassment, and then turned his eyes to the quick-tempered elder.So he said, sometimes, it's not appropriate to take him out!
"It's nothing to laugh at..." Master Bessa looked at the head of Qianyun with a look that you know and know, and said to him lightly: "It's just, what is the city lord Yeshan, the city lord is really the same I'm not sure, I'm afraid I can't answer this elder..."

"When Lord Bessa came down the mountain, was Lord Yeshan gone?" Sect Master Qianyun frowned slightly, looked at Lord Bessa and asked, and looked at Lord Bessa and nodded without hesitation. Afterwards, Sect Master Qianyun pondered for two seconds, and then asked: "Then, the Lord Bessa thinks something will happen to the Lord Yeshan?"

"An accident?" Lord Bessa immediately laughed when he heard what Sect Leader Qianyun said, and then asked: "Sect Leader Qianyun is underestimating City Lord Yeshan, or is he too hopeful that something will happen to him?"

"Castile Master Bessa, what do you mean by that? City Lord Yeshan is a good ally of our Qianhua Sect!" Qianyun Sect Leader looked at Lord Bessa with a straight face, and said angrily to him.

"Allies?" Lord Bessa looked at Sect Leader Qianyun with disbelief on his face, "Master Qianyun, when did Qianhua Sect form an alliance with Panchi City? Why didn't we city lords receive any news?"

The head of Qianyun coughed in embarrassment, and then said: "We just haven't held the corresponding alliance ceremony yet! It's just that everyone can see the relationship between Qianhuamen and Panchi City at a glance..."

"Really?" Master Bessa continued to smile, and then shrugged his shoulders after a while, and said to Sect Master Qianyun: "Then since the relationship between Sect Master Qianyun and City Lord Yeshan is so good, why don't we go together? Panchi City, let’s see if City Lord Ye Shan has gone back! Coincidentally, Sect Leader Qian Yun also knows if something happened to City Lord Ye Shan, so he can rest assured, right?”

"I don't need this!" The bearded elder thought for a while, and said to Master Bessa: "City Master Bessa, you have left your city for a long time, right? Don't you need to go back and have a look? By the way, our Thousand Flowers Sect is enough! How can I bother you, Lord Bessa?"

"This City Lord doesn't think there is any trouble! After all, this City Lord is also looking for City Lord Yeshan!" Master Bessa continued to smile, and refused without hesitation, "Or, is it possible for this elder to drive this City Lord away? What other purpose doesn't work?"

"Nonsense! What purpose do we have! We just want to see what happened to Lord Yeshan!" The bearded elder was caught in the middle of his mind, and he immediately glanced at Lord Bessa, and then couldn't help but look at Qianyun Palm Door.

Hearing this, Sect Master Qianyun couldn't help closing his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and saw Master Bessa staring at him with a half-smile, thought for a while, and then pulled out a dull Smiling, he said to Lord Bessa: "Since Lord Bessa is also going to find Lord Yeshan, then we might as well be together! Only when everyone sees that Lord Yeshan is fine, can we feel at ease, right?"

"Well, Master Qianyun is right!" Master Bessa immediately nodded without hesitation, and said to Master Qianyun with a smile: "If you don't see what happened to Lord Yeshan with your own eyes, I will The owner of the city is not at ease to go back to River Water City."

(End of this chapter)

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