The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1483 Everyone Knows Thoughts

Chapter 1483 Everyone Knows Thoughts

To be honest, during this trip to Panchi City, the group of Qianhuamen were not happy, and Master Bessa and the others were actually a little depressed.

Based on the plans of Qianhuamen and the others, they originally thought that they could catch up with Lord Bessa and the others in a very short time, and then saw the scene they were expecting: Lord Bessa and the others took the initiative to attack the weak and unable to fight back against Yeshan City. .Then, as the city lord of Yeshan and their dearest allies in Panchi City, the people from Qianhuamen naturally need to stand up and stop Master Bessa's murder, right?However, what the people of Qianhuamen didn't expect at all was that they met Lord Bessa and his group of people from Refu Water City, but the main character, Lord Yeshan, was completely absent!How does this allow them to proceed with the next script?
They are still planning to be heroes for a while, and after rescuing Lord Yeshan, they will drive away Master Bessa and others in Refu Water City, and then carry out the next operation to seize the city after bringing Lord Yechang back to Panchi City of.But now everything is ruined.
This City Lord Ye Shan is also real, why did he just stay where he was and wait for them to come?

The people of Qianhuamen are very depressed, Lord Bessa and the others are also in the same depressed mood at this moment.

Lord Bessa was already a little upset when he found out that the Lord Yeshan had disappeared, but it turned out to be even better now.Before they could catch up with the real master, the people from Qianhuamen rushed to join in the fun again, and it seemed that they had the same purpose as them
Thinking of this possibility, Lord Bessa didn't have a good look at Sect Leader Qianyun.

However, although both parties disliked each other, when they were outside the gate of Panchi City and looked at the closed gate that could not be entered, Master Bessa and Master Qianyun had to talk to each other to study how to get in. .
"Speaking of which, the head of Qianyun and your Qianhuamen are allies with Panchi City? We haven't seen City Lord Yeshan all the way. He must have returned to Panchi City. He must be seriously injured. How about Sect Leader Qianyun, you come to call the door, let them open the city gate, how about we go in and see City Lord Yeshan together?" Lord Bessa looked at Sect Leader Qianyun with a smile, and said harmlessly.

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate..." Master Qianyun said to Lord Bessa with a little embarrassment. The city went to disturb him to heal and rest, didn't he? If the city lord of Yeshan can come back by himself, then the injury will not be too serious..."

"That can't be done!" Lord Bessa shook his head immediately when he heard the words of Sect Master Qianyun and said, "Speaking of which, most of the injuries to Lord Yeshan were caused by me. Hey, if I can't see the Lord Yeshan with my own eyes It's all right, but I really can't go back to River Water City with peace of mind... Besides, I still have something to talk to City Master Yeshan, if I can't see his people, then I really can't... However, if you feel that you should not bother City Master Ye Shan, then you might as well go back to Qianhua Gate earlier! Isn’t City Master Yan Shan still fainting? Master Qian Yun, you have come down the mountain , who will take care of the city lord Yan Shan in the Qianhuamen?"

Head Qianyun frowned when he heard the words.I really didn't expect that the Lord Bessa of Refu Water City in front of me would be so difficult to deal with.
After listening to Lord Bessa's words, the bearded elder sneered immediately, and said to him: "Speaking of which, Lord Bessa, you have already said that it was you who injured Lord Bessa, so what face do you have?" Come to Panchi City to visit City Lord Yeshan? It's too late to apologize for this kind of thing, right?"

"This elder, what you said is not quite right!" Old Hess couldn't get used to people saying that there was something wrong with his Lord City Lord. Hearing what the bearded elder said, Old Hess immediately said: "At the beginning Our city lord and Ye Shan's lord just had a little dispute, and they didn't become mortal enemies. Now that we know that Ye Shan's lord is injured, if our city lord doesn't go to express his condolences, it won't appear that our city lord has no Grace?"

"Heh, after all, the Lord Bessa still has his heart?" The bearded elder looked at Old Hess sarcastically, and then at Master Bessa.

"Of course my Lord City Master has a heart!" Old Hess said to the bearded elder quite proudly with a face that he didn't hear anything, and then immediately looked at the head of Qianyun, and said: " It's just that the gate of Panchi City is closed now, and I hope that the head of Qianyun will help us, Lord City Lord, and let the guards of Panchi City open the gate... Afterwards, our Lord City Lord will naturally I am extremely grateful to Sect Master Qianyun..."

Master Qianyun looked at Lord Bessa and old Hess who were smiling at him, and instantly had the urge to turn around and leave.

Just kidding, now everyone knows that City Lord Ye Shan was seriously injured and went back to Panchi City. With the current situation of Panchi City, it is true that as long as they enter, they can be directly defeated.For such a good thing, their Qianhua Sect won't get a chance for a while, so is it really going to be cheap for the city lord of River Water City in front of them?How is that possible?

However, it would be a problem if they turned around and left now.The head of Qianyun was a little depressed. When they walked away, it was like throwing the fat of Panchi City in front of them to the people of River Water City to stare at them.But if you don't leave... do you really want to call the door?So, what to do after entering?Will there be a winner in a fight with the people from River Water City?
"Master Qianyun, from what you mean, it seems that you are not willing to help..." Master Bessa asked directly with a smile regardless of the changes in Master Qianyun's face: "It's just, don't you have to do it too? Are you going to see City Lord Yeshan? Why do you feel unwilling to enter Panchi City now? According to my opinion, our purpose is the same after all, why not go into the city together..."

"The purpose is the same..." Master Qianyun heard Master Bessa's words, and immediately returned to his senses and looked at Master Bessa deeply, wanting to see something from his face .

"Naturally, the purpose is the same!" Lord Bessa nodded with no abnormality on his face, and said to Sect Master Qianyun.

"Master..." The bearded elder looked at Master Qianyun, gave Master Bessa a quick look, and then quickly said to Master Qianyun in a low voice: "Master, don't listen to those Rivers!" The people of Shuicheng! They have the same thoughts as us... If we take them into Panchi City, we will find a lot of trouble later..."

"Same thoughts?" Master Qianyun frowned and looked at the bearded elder. After two seconds of contemplation, he sneered and said to him in a low voice: "Yes, you are right, we and those Everyone in Refu Water City has the same thoughts... Just like what the Lord Besa said, we have the same purpose as them. Therefore, the result of our stalemate here is that no one can eat well, Instead, let City Master Ye Shan rest and recuperate in Panchi City."

"Master, what do you mean?" Elder Huzi looked at Master Qianyun worriedly, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"Of course it's cooperation!" Sect Master Qianyun smiled lightly, and then said: "Isn't it just entering Panchi City? I don't know what will happen after entering! It's impossible for the Lord Yeshan to just hang around in the city , he must have returned to the city lord's mansion. At that time, whether he can enter the city lord's mansion depends on his own ability. I can't bring them into the gate of Panchi City, and I have to be responsible for bringing them into the city. Didn’t the Master of the City Lord of Refu Water City enter the City Lord’s Mansion of the Yeshan City Lord? When the time comes, who knows what will happen in the City Lord’s Mansion?

The bearded elder gave a clear oh, although he felt that the idea of ​​the head of his family was not bad, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart. After thinking about it, he still said: "Just, head, the city owner of River Water City If the time comes, if I have to force you to go to the City Lord's Mansion together, what should I do?"

"What should I do? Didn't I tell you? This is the Panchi City of the Lord Yeshan, not our Panchi City of Qianhuamen. The City Lord's Mansion belongs to the Lord Yeshan. If he wants someone to go in, then It's the matter of the city master of Yeshan, so what's the matter with our Qianhuamen?" The head of Qianyun said with a sneer, "Even if their thick-skinned people in Ruifu Water City must demand us, it is impossible for us to be reasonable. I promise!"

The bearded elder thought about it carefully, and then nodded after a while.

It's just that Sect Master Qianyun over there had already opened his mouth to discuss with Master Bessa about entering the gate of Panchi City together, and then Sect Master Qianyun stepped forward and patted the gate lightly.

After a few clicks, a male voice came from the city gate and asked loudly: "Who is knocking on the door, leave quickly."

"The heads of the Qianhua Sect, Qianyun!" The head of Qianyun immediately responded loudly. Hearing that there was no response from the city gate, he thought for a while and continued: "I heard that the Lord Yeshan has returned to the city. City Lord Shan is still in our Qianhua Gate, and this sect head came here to ask, when will City Lord Ye Shan come to our Qianhua Gate to pick up City Lord Yan Shan?"

After the voice fell, there was movement in the city gate.The male voice who had spoken just now shouted immediately: "Master Qianyun, please wait a moment..."

After that, there was no movement in the gate of Panchi City.

Lord Bessa stood there in his spare time, whispering to Old Hess from time to time, or going to see his guards, but he had no intention of continuing to talk to the head of Qianyun; and Qianyun The head's side is naturally also dissatisfied with Master Bessa and the others, and is unwilling to continue talking.So the two sides just waited and waited... Finally, the gate of Panchi City opened with a creak.

"Master Qianyun, our Master Ye Shan said, since Master Yan Shan is already in the Qianhua Gate, let him stay in the noble sect first! When is he willing to come back? Naturally, he will come back, so there is no need for us Lord Yeshan to greet you!" The city gate opened a small gap, and a guard general of Panchi City ran out, and said loudly to the head of Qianyun: "By the way, we City Lord Ye Shan would also like to ask the head of Qianyun by the way, is City Lord Yan Shan alone in Qianhuamen, or with other people! If there are others, we will send someone to pick them up immediately... … You can’t let outsiders disturb the peace of your sect, head Qianyun, can you?”

"What do you mean by City Master Ye Shan's words?" Sect Leader Qian Yun looked at the guard general with some displeasure and asked.The meaning of what City Lord Ye Shan said was that if only City Master Yan Shan was in their Qianhua Gate, he would not care about anything else, and City Master Yan Shan would never return if he loved it!However, if the city lord Yan Shan is still with other people, will he send someone to pick him up?pick up who?Naturally, he picked up the so-called outsider... The head of Qianyun thought carefully about what City Lord Yan Shan and the others had caused outside the Qianhua Gate, and naturally immediately understood who the outsider City Lord Ye Shan was talking about!
The city lord of Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan.

The woman who was led away by the old man Qingya and the adventurer from their Qianhuamen teleportation array.

"Master Qianyun..." The guard general looked at the silence of Master Qianyun, and immediately reminded: "I don't know if Master Qianyun can tell you, is the Master of the City, Lord Yan Shan, alone or with others? Waiting to go back and answer Lord Yeshan City Lord!"

The head of Qianyun's face was very embarrassed for a moment, and he glanced at the guard general, and then said: "I heard the tone of the city lord Ye Shan, I just sent you to ask the head, not to welcome the head into the city. , talking to City Lord Yeshan in person? Is this the way City Lord Yeshan treats guests? My master lives next to Panchi City..."

Although their Qianhuamen didn't have much contact with Panchi City at ordinary times, they were neighbors for many years anyway, okay?Why shouldn't the Yeshan City Lord just hang them out of the city like this and not invite them into Panchi City!Blocking the leader of a faction like him directly outside the city gate, no matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be the style of the leader of a city!
"Yes!" On the contrary, the guard general of Panchi City didn't seem to see the faint anger on Qianyun's face at all, and nodded directly, and then said: "Our Master Yeshan City Lord said that he has It’s very inconvenient to be injured. If you let Master Qianyun bring people into our Panchi City now, no one knows what will happen... If you meet Master Qianyun, you can’t think about it for a while, nothing will happen If you have some bad thoughts, give us City Lord Yeshan a note or something, or take advantage of the inconvenience of our City Lord Yeshan's injury, and City Lord Yanshan came to our Panchi City to look for him when he was in your Qianhuamen. It’s not a good idea to look for town stones and the like! After all, we have been neighbors with Qianhuamen for many years, aren’t we? Head Qianyun, your thoughts are not so plain as water..."

(End of this chapter)

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