Chapter 1484 Plan
The head of Qianyun has never known that everyone knows the thoughts hidden under his meticulously maintained image.Moreover, it was conveyed to an ordinary Panchi City guard by City Lord Ye Shan, asking him to humiliate himself in front of so many people.

"Master Qianyun, you haven't answered the question of our Lord Yeshan! Did Lord Yanshan stay in Qianhua Gate alone?" The guards of Panchi City watched Qianyun's change several times. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the expression on his face, but continued to say to him: "Our Lord Yeshan City Lord is still waiting for me to return to the City Lord's Mansion to answer him!"

Master Qianyun squeezed his fist tightly, took a deep breath silently, and ignored the guard of Panchi City in front of him, then looked at Lord Bessa, and suddenly pulled out A smile came: "Master Bessa, I think our cooperation should be very pleasant, what do you think?"

"That's natural." Master Bessa nodded without hesitation and smiled in response to Master Qianyun, and then asked: "I just don't know, does this... Master Qianyun want to come by himself, or Let the city lord do it for me?"

"Master Bessa, please invite me..." Master Qianyun continued to smile, and made an inviting gesture, pointing to the general guarding Panchi City.Then, after watching the guard general look at them in a daze, he was hit by a huge water polo in an instant, and fell unconscious on the ground. "Quick, quick, quick! Close the gate, close The city gate..." The guards in the gaps in the city gate of Panchi City heard the movement, and immediately leaned on the side of the city gate and looked out. He shouted: "Close the city gate, someone is going to attack the city... Hurry up and report to Master Ye Shan..."

"The city gate is about to close..." Lord Bessa withdrew the hand he had just attacked with a smile on his face, looked at Master Qianyun with a relaxed face, and said to him: "If our speed is slow There is only a strong attack... Tsk tsk, it will waste a lot of time! Hey... a bit troublesome!"

"Of course, you don't need to worry about this, City Master Bessa." Master Qianyun smiled relaxedly with a face full of victory. I saw that the impatient elder rushed towards the gate of Panchi City with only a little gap left, and thrust his arm in to stop the closing speed of the gate, then continued to penetrate the gate with the other arm, and started Push the city gate open little by little.

"The Qianhua Gate is really full of talents!" Lord Bessa sighed to the head of Qianyun without any surprise, and then said politely to the head of Qianyun: "Since the city gate can be opened, we still Hurry up and take a look..."

"Please..." Master Qianyun nodded with a smile, and walked in towards the gate of Panchi City side by side with Lord Bessa.

After that, things were naturally much easier.

After breaking through the gate of Panchi City, Sect Master Qianyun immediately asked to separate from Lord Bessa, and went straight to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion by himself.And Lord Bessa calmly watched Qianyun and the others leave, and then he took old Hess and followed them leisurely. They wanted to go another way, but they had no choice!This is the only way they know to enter the gate of Panchi City's Lord's Mansion...
"Master Bessa, if we run into Master Qianyun and the others after we pass here, can we still cooperate?" Old Hess asked with some doubts while following Lord Bessa.

"Cooperation? Do you think it's still possible?" Lord Bessa looked at Old Hess and asked him a question. Seeing that Old Hess hesitated for a moment, he shook his head directly. Then Lord Bessa smiled and continued: " The main reason why we were able to enter the city gate together was because of Qianyun and us. Neither of us is better off than the other! Since neither of us will leave, we can only come in together! In addition, the guard of Panchi City took Qianyun as the leader. I got angry, that's why we can cooperate so smoothly! However, now that we have entered Panchi City, there is no chance for us and Qianhuamen to cooperate again! Or, we can solve the city lord Yechang and get the soldiers The right to rule Panchi City... Either, find the town stone of Panchi City! Hold Panchi City in your hands directly! Whoever can do these two things will be considered to have obtained Panchi City, so we have no way to do it again. We have cooperated..."

"Master Bessa, is it too late for us to follow Qianhuamen?" Old Hess frowned and asked.

"It's a matter of luck, and it has nothing to do with the sequence!" Lord Bessa said to Old Hess with a smile, "Based on my guess, Sect Leader Qianyun will definitely not attack City Lord Yeshan."

"Why?" Old Hess asked in surprise.People from Qianhua Gate hurried to the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City, wasn't it just to find City Lord Yeshan?In the current situation of City Lord Ye Shan, it would be too easy for Sect Leader Qian Yun to kill him. If he didn't choose this easier and simpler method, would he waste time looking for Town Stone?
Master Bessa looked at Old Hess, shook his head and smiled at him, and said, "Old Hess, you forgot that the Lord Yeshan is still in their Qianhua Gate. If they kill the Lord Yeshan with their front foot, Qianshan will be killed with their back foot." What should I do if the City Master of the Huamen wakes up? The Lord of the City and the Lord of Yeshan are twins. People with good strength have chased us down the mountain to find City Lord Yeshan. Can the people left behind be able to resist the attack of City Lord Lushan? That is their stronghold of Qianhuamen! We can't just grab a temporary The lord of Panchi City lost his sect's residence, right?"

"Not to mention, at that time, if the city lord Yanshan gets ruthless, he can rush back to Panchi City from Qianhua Gate to snatch it back?!" Old Hess said to Master Bessa with a clear face, seeing him smile After nodding, he moved his eyes and said, "So, the people from Qianhuamen actually have only one choice with us, and that is to find the town stone?!"

"This is not necessarily the case." Master Bessa smiled a little smugly, and then said to old Hess: "Our River Water City is not close to Panchi City, and the Lord of the River City is not in our River Water City. !So, we have two choices, and Qianhuamen has only one choice.....”

Old Hess looked at Master Bessa with a look of surprise, and couldn't help asking him: "Then...Master City Master, you mean to kill City Master Yeshan?"

"It will depend on the situation at that time!" Master Bessa said leisurely, "I'm just telling you, we have one more choice than Qianhuamen!"

Hearing this, Old Hess finally stopped talking curiously.He was afraid that if he continued to ask, if his Lord City Lord had nothing to do and discussed with himself how to kill the Lord Yeshan of Panchi City to relieve his hatred, it would be bad!After all, the reason why my Lord City Lord insisted on going down the mountain to find City Lord Yeshan was because Miss Ji Xiaoyan had already left safely, so he had time to vent his anger on himself?

So, the old Hess, who was worried that a lot of bad things might happen in the future, finally managed to get them outside the city lord's mansion of Panchi City.Fortunately, the head of Qianyun of Qianhuamen and others did not have the situation of being stopped outside the gate of the city lord's mansion as he was worried about.
"It seems that Master Qianyun and the others have already entered." Lord Bessa stood in front of the closed gate of the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City, and said with a smile and sigh: "I hope the luck of Qianhuamen will be better... .”

"My lord, what do you mean?" Old Hess frowned and looked at Lord Bessa unhappily.Doesn't your own city lord also want to take Panchi City as his own?If this is considered a blessing, what does it mean?Could it be that Lord Bessa suddenly gave up his thoughts and plans after this journey?Even thinking about it is impossible!

"Naturally, I hope that Master Qianyun and the others will have better luck!" Lord Bessa glanced at Old Hess with a smile, and without further explanation, he twisted his body to look left and right, and then said: "Okay, I guess we won't be able to get in through the main entrance of the Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion, so we should think of other ways! Hmm... let's go, let's see if the Yeshan City Lord has given them the City Lord's Mansion. Some kind of back door..."

"It's definitely impossible!" Old Hess curled his lips, and said to Master Bessa unhappily.

"Who knows!" Lord Bessa didn't care at all, patted his sleeve easily, turned around and moved directly to his right, leading Old Hess and the other guards of River Water City to start I swayed up.

However, with this shaking, the men in black from the fox tribe who were captured by Lord Bessa woke up. "This is... Panchi City?!" , Immediately said with some surprise: "Why did we return to Panchi City..." Shouldn't we go to River Water City?What is going on with the city lord of Refu Water City?What is the meaning of catching them and not taking them back to his own city, but running back to this Panchi city?Could it be that....... want to hand them over to City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan to negotiate some deals?
The leader of the man in black immediately began to ponder in his heart.

After hearing what the leader of the man in black said, Lord Bessa looked at him indifferently, and said, "What's the matter? Everyone doesn't like Panchi City? There is really no other way. Stay here for a while! But don’t worry, the city lord will definitely take you to Refu Water City to have a good reunion with your other companions, and then take you to the Fox Clan..."

"Other companions? Who?" The leader of the man in black frowned, unable to figure out who Master Bessa was talking about.

"When you see it, you'll know!" Lord Bessa finished speaking lightly, and then directed to the guards of River Water City who were guarding the fox men in black: "Okay, let them sleep for a while Son, we have more important things to do and don't have time to talk to them..."

"Yes!" Several guards of River Water City nodded quickly, and directly interrupted the leader of the fox tribe in black who wanted to continue speaking, causing them all to faint again.

"The city lord will enter the city lord's mansion in a while, so you just wait outside with these fox people! In case they wake up halfway and cause this city lord some obviously wonderful trouble..." Bessa The lord frowned, thought for a while, and gave instructions to the guards of River Water City, and after listening to them responding quickly, he refocused his attention on the wall of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion, and continued Found a breakthrough point.
Only at this time, Master Bessa suddenly thought of a person next to Ji Xiaoyan, Friesman!That ice mage!

If Friesman is there, Lord Bessa can directly throw a water spell, and then freeze it into ice with the help of Friesman, they don't need to look for the back door of the Santo's Mansion, and they can directly rely on the ice system spell. The magic has rushed into the city lord's mansion of Panchi City
Thinking of this, Lord Bessa couldn't help but looked at Old Hess and asked, "By the way, Old Hess, since the men in black from the fox clan in River Water City have all been captured, then you can ask where they are?" Did we come to River Water City to do something?"

"No!" Old Hess shook his head honestly, frowned and said to Master Bessa: "Those fox people are very hard-spoken, and they don't want to say anything, only that they entered the city normally, what? Nothing is done..."

"Then what's the matter with them chasing and killing Xuan Mo? Friesman and Jiajia, the ice mages beside Xiaoyan, still haven't been found?" Lord Bessa asked again with a heavy frown on his face.

"No, there is no news at all!" Old Hess continued to shake his head, "I asked those fox people, and they said that they chased and killed Xuan Mo just because they had an accident with Xuan Mo, and it turned out that Xuan Mo was alone They chased after them vigorously, they were afraid of causing any trouble, so they moved their hands on Xuan Mo. However, as for the others, those fox people said that they didn't know. The people who chased them back then They only saw Xuan Mo and Xi Ye, and they didn't notice the others... Those members of the Fox clan didn't even admit that they captured Friesman and Jiajia..."

"So, no one knows how Friesman and Gaga disappeared?" Lord Bessa asked with a frown.

"Yeah!" Old Hess couldn't help sighing, and said to Master Bessa: "The whereabouts of Friesman and Jiajia can only be asked after Xuan Mo and Xi Ye wake up. ... If even they don't know, no one really knows!"

 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Lying in the Snow and Listening to the Wind"!Thanks to "Demon Purple Star" for the two monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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