The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1485 Almost starved to death

Chapter 1485 Almost starved to death
Speaking of which, Friesman and Gaga, who have been "disappearing", are actually a little anxious and depressed.

When they were in River Water City, they hid directly in Xiye's magic barrier. They wanted to wait for the danger to pass before they were released to see the situation, but who knew that this hiding would never happen again. Out!By the time Freesman realized that something was wrong, and they had stayed in Xiye's spell barrier for too long, Xiye could no longer contact her at all.
"Jajia, do you think something happened to Xiye? Otherwise, why hasn't it let us out after so long, and didn't even give us any response? Do you think we will have I was suffocated here in one day!" Friesman stood with Gaga in a panic, looked at the darkness around him, asked it worriedly, and then couldn't help but look up at the top of his head. The only place with a little bit of light looked at it, and said with some despair: "Obviously, there seems to be a place to go out above the head, but we have no way at all... Xiye can't even use spells in this space. There is no way to go out at all..." The most important point is that Friesman watched his food reserves dwindle little by little, and he was very clear that he was about to be unable to hold on. Gaga looked at Friesman worriedly , other than deciding to reserve his rations for Friesman, he really couldn't think of any other way.

Friesman looked at Gaga's innocent and helpless face, and finally had nothing to say.He can only hope, hope that nothing will happen to Xiye, and quickly release them from this magic barrier...

It's just that it takes a long time to wait.

When Friesman almost finished eating the food that Jiajia gave him, the light above their heads that hadn't changed for a long time suddenly flickered slightly, and after a while, it began to grow bigger and bigger...

"Friesman...Look, look! It's on, it's on..." Gaga was the first to notice this situation, and immediately yelled at Friesman who was lying on the ground weak and dying With a voice, "Xiye must have missed us, and is going to let us out..."

Friesman looked up feebly, and there was finally a glimmer of hopeful joy in his eyes: "I hope that's true... I'm so hungry!"

"It must be so, Friesman, don't worry!" Gaga encouraged Friesman very positively, "It's impossible for Xiye to forget us..."

Friesman glanced at the extremely joyful Jiajia, and after a while, he hummed in a low voice, then moved his gaze back to the bright spot above his head, and couldn't help praying in his heart: definitely, let them go out , otherwise he will really starve to death here.... In the future, he will not be able to enter the enchanted space of Xiye again. There is no vain expectation.

A few seconds later, the light above their heads expanded dozens of times, and a dark shadow fell directly from the light.When they were in front of them, Friesman finally saw clearly that the shadow was indeed Xiye's Night Shadow Beast.

"Xiye, what are you doing, you are almost starving us to death here..." Friesman couldn't help complaining hoarsely to Xiye, "You know if you were later, Jiajia and I There is really no food left..."

Xiye blinked, looked at Friesman a little bit confused, and then looked at Jiajia who was obviously aggrieved, and said to them apologetically: "Friesman, Jiajia, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"Hmph!" Friesman snorted a little arrogantly.

"Really." Xi Ye said hurriedly, "You don't know the situation at that time, I was almost killed by those men in black from the fox clan, and even Xuan Mo was seriously injured, Xiaoyan and the others managed to take Xuan Mo went to Panchi City and rescued him. I have been in a coma in the city lord's mansion of Refu Water City, and I immediately thought of you when I woke up, so I hurried to take you out..."

"Xu Mo was seriously injured?" Friesman finally changed his face when he heard Xi Ye's words, and tried to stand up, looking at Xi Ye and asked.

"Well, it's impossible for me to make up these things to deceive you!" Xi Ye nodded quickly, and then said: "I heard that Xiaoyan caused a lot of trouble in order to take Xuan Mo to Panchi City for treatment. Only then did I return to Qingcheng... Alright, Friesman, Jiajia, I'll take you out to eat first, otherwise if you really starve to death, I don't know how to explain to Xiaoyan."

"Yeah, hurry up, I'm so hungry." The super foodie Friesman nodded immediately, stretched out his hand to let Gaga get him up, and immediately urged Xi Ye: "Let's go, let's go... . . . "

Xiye nodded, and was about to take them away, when he suddenly thought of something, he turned to Friesman and Jiajia and said, "By the way, when we sneaked from the City Lord's Mansion to River Water City, we haven't talked to him yet." Xiaoyan explained it well. We caused so much trouble, and we will apologize to Xiaoyan later."

"We didn't go to River Water City because Su Mo danced and took us there." Friesman said with some complaints.If it wasn't for Xuan Mo's suggestion, how could they sneak away?Of course, what I have to admit is that they really wanted to leave Qingcheng to take a breather...

When Xi Ye heard what Friesman said, she immediately glared at him, "Then what do you mean, why did Xuan Mo force you to go? Xuan Mo was seriously injured in order to protect us. Friesman, don't you Do you think you will make Xuanmo sad by saying these words?"

Friesman was stunned, and for a moment he didn't understand why Xiye had such a big reaction, so he just kept his mouth shut.

"Xi Ye, you know that Friesman is very afraid of starvation. We have been locked here for so long, and Friesman is worried about being starved to death here every day. It is normal for Friesman to be in a bad mood. Jiajia thought for a while, said something to Xiye, and then continued with a silly smile: "It's all right now, Xiye, you come and take us out, so we don't have to worry about being hungry..."

Xi Ye gave a blank look, looked at Friesman with some distaste, and said after a while, "It's not that I forgot you... It was because I was exhausted at that time, so I was in a coma and there was nothing I could do. Let you out! Fortunately, I woke up."

"Yeah!" Kaka nodded with a smile.

Xiye glanced at Friesman: "Okay, if you have anything to say, let's go out and talk about it." After finishing speaking, Xiye raised his paw, and a thin black line stretched out from under the paw. After the lines lightly bound both Jiajia and Friesman, they flew up to the bright spot above their heads... Friesman, who could not open his eyes due to the sudden strong light, only felt a pang on his body. Qing, then lay down on a soft place, and then heard Ji Xiaoyan's worried voice: "Xiye, what's wrong with Friesman? Are you in a coma?"

"Most likely fainted from hunger." Xi Ye said lightly.

"Oh, Manager Qing Gong, hurry up and prepare some food, feed Friesman some..." Ji Xiaoyan's voice sounded anxious, and then Friesman quickly opened his mouth, A lot of stuff was stuffed right in...

"Ahem, cough, what are you doing... What are you doing! Murder!" Friesman quickly closed his breath and pushed the hand next to his mouth away, and then tried to open his eyes, adapting to the entry of light, while Shouting to the surroundings: "I'm just so hungry that I have no energy left, and I haven't passed out to death yet... Cough cough cough, do you think I'm not weak enough, do you want to choke me to death?"

"We just want you to eat more!" Xi Ye said to Friesman with a smirk, and when he saw him squinting and looking in its direction, he shook his legs indifferently. Then he stood beside Ji Xiaoyan.

"Friesman, are you okay?" Ji Xiaoyan asked worriedly, then quickly handed over a plate of food, and said to him, "Come on, eat more when you're hungry, and recover your strength first." Besides! You can see that Jiajia has eaten a lot..."

Hearing this, Friesman immediately glanced in the direction of Jiajia, saw it chewing its food and looking at him innocently, then took a deep breath, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Yes, I understood……."

Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Friesman started to eat things by himself, and then said to them: "This time you are really worried about us. You are going to River Water City or other places You should also tell Mr. Qing Gong and me, why is there any reason to sneak away by yourself? As a result, you ran into trouble again when you went to River Water City, so you didn’t avoid it yourself, and even got closer... Hey, really I don’t know what you think! Do you think you are the most powerful person?”

"I heard that Xuan Mo was injured, how is it?" Friesman didn't want to listen to Ji Xiaoyan's nagging, and asked Ji Xiaoyan after swallowing what was in his mouth.

"The injury is almost healed, but the person has not woken up." Speaking of Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan was a little depressed.

I don't know if I made a mistake when I brought Xuan Mo back from Panchi City.They always thought that since Xuan Mo's injury was no longer a problem, they would bring him back to Qingcheng and take a good rest, and he would definitely wake up in a short time!In the end, who knows, they were delayed in Panchi City for so long, and after finally returning to Qingcheng, it took a day, and Xuan Mo still didn't wake up. What hands and feet.

"Why didn't you wake up?" Friesman asked with some concern.

"I don't know!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, let out a sigh of relief, then smiled slightly and said to Friesman and Jiajia: "It's a good thing. Xiye woke up... Otherwise, we are going to send someone to go River Water City is still looking for the two of you! Everyone said they only saw Xi Ye and Xuan Mo, but didn't see the two of you, so they thought you were captured by those fox people!"

Friesman hummed, but they have been mostly in Xiye's magic barrier, and they don't know much about the outside things, so they don't have any right to speak.

"By the way, Manager Qing Gong, now that Friesman and Jiajia have also been found, you send someone to Refu Water City to tell Lord Bessa and them! It's been a day, and they must have returned from Panchi City." Ji Xiaoyan suddenly Thinking of this, he hurriedly gave instructions to Manager Qing Gong, and after seeing him nodding with a smile, he immediately sent guards to River Water City, then looked at Friesman and Gaga again, and said to them: "Okay, you guys take care of yourself." Eat and sleep..."

"Yeah." Gaga nodded immediately, and smiled at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Xiaoyan, will Xuanmo be okay?" Friesman couldn't help but asked again with some worry.

"There should be no problem!" Ji Xiaoyan was not sure, so he had to smile bitterly, and said to Friesman: "Anyway, as long as he wakes up, he should be fine. Let's wait and see, it may not be because He was seriously injured, so he couldn't wake up for a while... If after a while, Xuan Mo still can't wake up, then we will have to go to Panchi City again." At that time, she may not be sure. But I really can't come back!
City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan didn't catch her this time, so they definitely wouldn't let it go.The next time we meet, everyone will not be the same as the last time... Friesman watched Ji Xiaoyan leave the door with a worried expression on his face, then turned his gaze to Xiye, and asked it: "Xiaoyan What's going on here? What kind of trouble did you cause in Panchi City?"

Xi Ye sighed, told Friesman all the news he had learned from Manager Qing Gong and the others, and then said: "So now we all hope that Xuan Mo can wake up quickly. Otherwise, Xiaoyan will have to go to Panchi City once!"

"Why do you have to go to Panchi City? There are so many cities that can heal!" Friesman asked a little puzzled.

"Friesman, don't you know that Xuan Mo is from Panchi City? Although he followed Xiaoyan and became Xiaoyan's attendant, he is still from Panchi City." Xi Ye frowned and said Friesman said: "Besides, I heard from the old Hess of River Water City that no one can heal Xuan Mo's injury... That's why Xiaoyan took Xuan Mo to Panchi City. And Panchi City's City Lord Ye Shan also said that it seems that only the City Lord Yan Shan can heal Xuan Mo... So, in fact, I doubt that there must be some purpose for City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan to let Xiaoyan take Xuan Mo away Yes! There is a secret in Xuan Mo, we don't know about it, but City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan know it perfectly..."

(End of this chapter)

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