The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1486 Forced. Palace.

Chapter 1486 Forced. Palace.
Xuan Mo has a secret! ?This news not only shocked and disbelieved Friesman, but Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong also had the same doubts.

Not to mention that Miss Ji Xiaoyan has no memory of what happened to Xuan Mo before, and she has no right to speak, but Jiajia, who has been following Ji Xiaoyan for so long, also said that he didn't know!Not to mention, the old man Qingmi who followed Ji Xiaoyan to bring Xuan Mo out of Panchi City back then also said that the so-called secret could not be seen at all...
"That's like saying that Xuan Mo has a secret, but it's just your speculation?" After being surprised, Friesman calmly looked at Xi Ye, curled his lips at it, and said, "Actually, you're not sure Right? Who made the rumor?"

"A guess is a guess, but what they say is very reasonable!" Xi Ye stared at Friesman with some dissatisfaction, and said to him, "If there is no secret in Xuan Mo, how could there be only one in the whole continent? Can City Lord Yan Shan cure him? Others can't? There must be something special about Xuan Mo..."

"Maybe it's just because of the problem with Xuan Mo's physique! That's not a secret!" Friesman said to Xi Ye indifferently, "Well, it's the same as me. Although I am an ice spell, But I belong to the undead tribe. If I get seriously injured or something, ordinary people can't cure me, so I have to be sent back to the undead tribe!"

"Is that so?" Xi Ye frowned and asked in disbelief.

"Naturally it is like this!" Friesman nodded without hesitation, and said to Xiye with certainty: "Think about it, Xiye. Everyone has their own race and physique. Only they know the characteristics. If they are injured, only their clansmen know how to treat them! For example, Xi Ye, if you are injured, only those who understand you The same family knows how to treat you! Others don’t know what qualities you have, so they treat you rashly, saying that they may not cure you but let you die? Are you right?”

"I don't seem to have that quality!" Xi Ye said with a curl of her lips.

"I said, for example, for example..." Friesman rolled his eyes at Xi Ye a little weakly, and then continued: "So, maybe Xuan Mo just has a secret that none of us know about. Special racial identity, it just so happens that City Lord Lushan knows his identity and characteristics, so he can be cured."

"Is that really the case? I don't think it's that simple!" Xi Ye was a little unwilling to believe what Friesman said.

"Why is it not so simple! Then tell me, Xi Ye, didn't you also say that when Xiaoyan brought Xuan Mo out of Panchi City, he was thrown in a very remote palace? If Xuan Mo If there is really any secret, do you think City Lord Yan Shan will treat him like that? Then why don’t you confess to Xuan Mo first and take good care of it?” Friesman raised his eyebrows and said to Xi Ye with certainty, "So you guys, just guessing and guessing, directly guessed the matter away! The whole thing is not as complicated as you think!"

Xiye shook his head a few times, still a little bit in disbelief, turned around and slipped out of the house, leaving only one sentence to Friesman: "I still don't believe what you said, I'll go tell Xiaoyan and the others before I come back Tell you……."

Friesman curled his lips and snorted coldly: "It's fine if you don't believe it! Anyway, I don't think Xuan Mo will have any secrets at all. Isn't he just like me? What can an earth mage have? It’s a secret! At most it’s just a special race... Kaga, aren’t you right?”

Jiajia blinked in confusion, and only said to Friesman: "Jiajia is a little sleepy..." Then he fell to the ground, curled up, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.
And while Ji Xiaoyan and the others were waiting for Xuan Mo to wake up, the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City was bustling.

Speaking of which, when the head of the Qianhua Sect led a large number of disciples to the gate of the Panchi City City Lord's Mansion, he was actually stopped by the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.The situation at that time, the head of Qianyun is not willing to recall it at all!

I thought that the guard general of Panchi City who stopped him in front of the gate of Panchi City was already very rude to him. I didn't expect that the guards who got the news at the gate of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion would treat him like this The head of a sect is also so arrogant, if he refuses to let him in, he will be beaten to death and not passed on, and even directly kicks him out!In the end, Sect Master Qianyun couldn't take it anymore, and taking advantage of the situation that Lord Bessa and the others hadn't caught up, he directly ordered his disciples and elders to do it, and quickly get rid of those who were guarding the gate of the city lord's mansion. The guards took care of it.

After the gate was closed, Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion was completely inaccessible.

The head of Qianyun who entered the Panchi City Lord's Mansion immediately arranged for people to guard the gate, and then took other disciples and elders to start looking for the City Lord Yeshan in the City Lord's Mansion, and at the same time began to look for the Panchi City The town is stoned.However, as the most important thing in each city, the town stone is naturally hidden in a very hidden place, and the shape of the hide is also very different. I want to find such a small thing from the Mansion of the Panchi City in Nuoda. To be honest, it is still very difficult.

Therefore, the head of Qianyun thought about it, and in the end he was going to capture the Lord Yeshan first. If he was lucky and forced to ask, it would save a lot of time, wouldn't he?Don't forget, there are still a group of people from River Water City waiting outside the City Lord's Mansion.

As for whether or not to kill City Lord Ye Shan and first seize the position of the temporary City Lord of Panchi City, Sect Leader Qian Yun has also considered it!The final decision is that there is no need!
If it is said that there is only their Qianhuamen in Panchi City now, and no other city lords are involved, then he will definitely kill the city lord Yeshan directly, take Panchi city into his hands first, and then go back and take the city lord Yanshan together. After solving it, slowly look for this town stone in Panchi City.However, now that he has an opponent, what if he gets rid of City Lord Ye Shan, and Lord Bessa is unconvinced and rushes directly to their Qianhua Gate to rescue City Lord Ye Shan?Right?At that time, their Qianhua Gate and Panchi City will really have no room for change.
His temporary city lord can only do it the moment the city lord Yan Shan stepped into Panchi City, so there is really no need to waste this time, right?Moreover, if he used a lot of effort to temporarily hold Panchi City in his hands, Master Bessa would directly find the town stone, or drive them away, and Master Bessa would become Panchi City the castellan?Then aren't they wasting their efforts to help others succeed?
So, the most cost-effective way is to find Zhencheng Stone directly.
However, when the head of Qianyun finally found the palace of Lord Yeshan, and was about to go in to arrest people and ask about the whereabouts of the town stone, the Lord Yeshan took the lead to open the palace gate with a large group of guards, standing there gracefully , looked at him with a relaxed face, and asked without any fuss: "Hey... what happened today? What kind of wind is this blowing? It actually blew our master Qianyun down from the mountain... . . . "

"City Master Ye Shan... Didn't you say that you were seriously injured? does it look like you look pretty good?" Sect Leader Qian Yun panicked for a second, then immediately looked at City Master Ye Shan and asked, Then he hurriedly said: "I heard that you were injured, so the head of the sect immediately took people down the mountain to have a look. You don't know what happened, Lord Yeshan, and you don't know what happened, you fainted on the mountain of our Qianhuamen Now, I don’t know what’s going on now, but after I heard that you were seriously injured, I immediately thought that nothing would happen to your Panchi City, so I quickly brought people down the mountain to help..."

"Really? Then the city lord would like to thank the head of Qianyun for your kindness?" City lord Ye Shan flicked his sleeve lightly with a smile, and said something to the head of Qianyun.

"You don't need to be polite. We Qianhuamen and Panchi City are neighbors. Although we don't have much contact with each other, we must watch and help each other!" The head of Qianyun smiled awkwardly and turned to Ye Shan. The city lord said: "You can't know that you and the city lord Ye Shan have an accident, but our Qianhuamen just sit idly by?"

City Lord Ye Shan smiled irrefutably, the meaning in it was self-evident.

"Cough cough, it's just that something really happened to you Panchi City, Lord Yeshan?" The bearded elder thought for a while, and immediately said to City Lord Yeshan: "Our head is refused to enter outside the city gate. Not to mention, we finally entered your Panchi City to see if you need help, City Lord Yeshan. The guards in your City Lord's Mansion are not sensible at all! Stop us and don't say anything, even inform City Lord Yeshan I don't want to either... But I was so anxious that we were afraid that you, Lord Yeshan, would be hijacked by someone, so I rushed in quickly... I hope that you, City Lord Yeshan, don't mind!"

"Mind? Heh..." City Lord Ye Shan stretched out his hand to stroke his hair, and after a few seconds, he said with some sarcasm: "Let the City Lord think about it carefully, if the City Lord minds, Sect Leader Qianyun, can you take your Qianhua Sect disciples out of the City Lord's Mansion immediately?"

"City Master Ye Shan, what kind of tone are you saying! We are here to help out of good intentions!" The bearded elder yelled at him immediately after hearing City Master Ye Shan's words.

"Help with good intentions? Hahahaha!" City Lord Ye Shan laughed and said, "I really don't know, Master Qian Yun, you have other thoughts when you come to help." After saying this, Ye Shan City Lord Shan immediately put away all the smiles on his face, then stared directly at Sect Master Qianyun and said: "Sect Master Qianyun, someone told you about this city lord. Don't think that everyone else is Fool, don’t think that no one can see your thoughts if you hide them in your heart. This city lord is not that stupid... I know exactly what is going on in Panchi City now, and you all insist on breaking into Panchi City What you want to do, the city lord can guess a thing or two... But, master Qianyun, the city lord is not dead yet, so you can't achieve your goal! Even if the city lord dies, there is still room for change... ..”

At this moment, the polite smile on Master Qianyun's face gradually disappeared, and he stared fixedly at City Lord Ye Shan. After 1 minutes, Master Qian Yun opened his mouth and said to City Master Ye Shan: "So, Ye Shan Does the city lord know what we want to do?"

"My city lord is not stupid!" Ye Shan sneered.

"Since the matter has come to this, I don't want to be polite to Lord Yeshan any more." Master Qianyun patted his clothes, then looked directly at City Lord Yeshan and said, "Since you have guessed everything, then City Lord Ye Shan, you can hand over the city town stone to us yourself, or tell the master where the city town stone is. In case the master leads someone to do it later, hurting the peace, or accidentally throwing the city master Ye Shan It's not good if you get hurt..."

"Hahaha! This is the first time that the city lord knows that you can be so direct as a robber, head of Qianyun! This doesn't agree with the hypocrite you used to be!" Hearing the words, the city lord Ye Shan immediately looked up to the sky and laughed After waiting for a while, he looked at Master Qianyun, and said to him: "Master Qianyun, not everyone can covet our Panchi City. If you want the town stone hahaha, you can find it yourself if you have the ability !"

"City Master Ye Shan, why are you doing this!" Qian Yun sighed helplessly, and said to City Master Ye Shan regretfully: "It's just a town stone, why should City Master Ye Shan look at it? It's more important than your life..."

"It sounds like Master Qianyun is planning to take the life of the city lord?" City Lord Ye Shan looked at the master Qianyun with a sneer, and said coldly to him: "The face of the master Qianyun has changed. But it’s faster than that day! Didn’t you just say you’re coming to help the city lord?”

Sect Master Qian Yun looked at City Master Ye Shan calmly, and sneered twice in his heart.Want his life?Yes, he thought about not wanting it in the first place, but it seems that the Yeshan City Lord is not cooperative at all. If his life is not wanted, he will be willing to tell where the town stone is?Moreover, if you don't want his life, will he be afraid?That must be impossible!The most important thing is that if you don't deal with a guy like City Lord Yeshan with a strong desire for revenge and give him a chance to breathe, then you may not be the one who dies the worst in the end!

Thinking of this, Sect Master Qianyun couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then said to City Lord Yeshan, "City Master Yeshan, you have thought about it, are you really unwilling to tell where the town stone is? You know, what? It’s not as important as your life! Without this Panchi City, you and City Lord Yan Shan may not be able to rebuild another Panchi City in the future!”

(End of this chapter)

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