The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1487 Just a bluffing guy

Chapter 1487 Just a bluffing guy
To be honest, for a villain like Sect Leader Qianyun who wants to take over his own city, City Lord Yeshan really can't show any kindness to him, not to mention, Sect Leader Qianyun even threatened to kill him something happened.

So, after Qian Yun looked at City Lord Ye Shan with a sarcasm on his face, and had no other reaction, he immediately looked at him with some displeasure, and pondered in his heart whether he should really do something... .
Although everyone seems to be tearing their faces apart, but if they don't do anything, there may still be some room for change, right?It's just that if they don't do anything, the Lord Yeshan will never tell them where the town stone of Panchi City is!If you really want to rely on them to find it, then you have to go to the year of the monkey, right?Right!

But if you do it...
Master Qianyun couldn't help but frowned.

At this moment, the city lord of Yechang in front of him doesn't seem to be seriously injured like Lord Bessa and the others said. Could it be that the people in River Water City are just lying to them?After thinking about alienating their relationship between Qianhua Gate and Panchi City, what can they get out of it?Think about it, the Lord Besa of River Water City said that City Lord Ye Shan was seriously injured and couldn't even move on the mountainside of Qianhua Gate. Then, they followed the people from River Water City Why is there no one in the place where the city lord Ye Shan was injured?
Moreover, City Lord Ye Shan was able to return to Panchi City by himself. If he really suffered such serious injuries, something would be wrong!
Thinking of this, head Qianyun couldn't help but look at the elders beside him.

It's just that the other elders didn't think as much as Master Qianyun thought. After looking at him and looking at them, they went directly to his side and asked him in a low voice: "Master Qianyun, do we still have a chance?" Don't you want to do it? It seems that the Lord Yeshan is really unwilling to cooperate..."

"What are you doing!" Sect Master Qian Yun glared at the elders a little irritably, and said in a low voice, "Didn't you see that City Lord Ye Shan seems to be doing nothing now? What if we fight and find that we have been killed?" People lied to him, what if City Master Ye Shan was not injured at all? As long as we make a move, regardless of the outcome, then it will be time for us to meet Panchi City again without any kindness."

"However, Master, we are all standing here now. Even if we leave now, it is estimated that Ye Shan City Lord has already hated us!" The bearded elder couldn't help but said to Master Qianyun, "Not necessarily Lord Yeshan is trying to hold on now! Master, think about it, those people in River Water City have said that Lord Yeshan ran away after being seriously injured. How long did it take for us to catch up? Does he really have some panacea that can make him feel better in an instant? This is not possible!"

"What if those people from River Water City lied to us?" Qian Yun frowned and said disapprovingly.

"I don't think it's possible!" The bearded elder thought for a while, and said to the head of Qianyun: "When we were on the mountain, those people from River Water City took the initiative to go down the mountain. Come up... They couldn't have expected that we would follow, so they lied to us! Right? Sect Leader, this is the end, no matter whether we succeed or not, it is impossible for our Qianhuamen to be the same as Panchi City. It used to be normal..."

"Yeah, master, we can't leave now, and make those people in River Water City cheaper, right? Don't they have the same purpose as us?" The impatient elder hurriedly said to the head of Qianyun, With an impatient look on his face.They have wasted so much time rushing to Panchi City, if they really left without doing anything, wouldn't that be a waste of effort?
Success or failure, you still have to work hard before you are reconciled!
The head of Qianyun pursed his lips, looked at City Lord Yeshan who was looking at them with disdain, finally gritted his teeth, and said to the elders beside him: "If this is the case, let's try it first. Give it a try and see if City Lord Ye Shan is bluffing..."

"Yes!" Several elders of Qianhuamen hurriedly responded excitedly, and rushed towards the direction of Yeshan City Lord.

"Hahaha, Sect Master Qianyun, it seems that you are still showing your ugly face! What's the matter? Are you still trying to catch my city master?" City Master Ye Shan taunted Sect Master Qianyun very calmly on the surface. After saying a word, he retreated into the palace without showing any trace on his feet, and then said to Sect Master Qianyun, "Master Qianyun, do you know what you are doing now?"

"City Master Ye Shan, I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore. Zhenchengshi, as long as you call out, I promise to let you leave Panchi City safely, otherwise..." Qian Yun's face The sternness is getting stronger and stronger.

"Otherwise what? Are you still thinking of killing the city lord?" The face of the city lord Ye Shan turned slightly pale, and after coldly snorting at the head of Qianyun, he continued: "Don't forget, Qian Yun Master Yun, this Panchi City is not the Panchi City owned by the city owner alone! If you really did something to the city owner, after you know the news, you will definitely not let you go..."

"This sect master is naturally not that stupid." Master Qian Yun thought of something, with a subtle smile on his lips, and after looking at City Lord Ye Shan, he couldn't help but say to him for a while: " Ye Shan City Lord, you don't think that when the head of the sect came to your Panchi City, no one else followed, did you?"

"What do you mean by that?" City Lord Ye Shan froze for a moment.The guards came to report, saying that the people from Qianhuamen wanted to enter their Panchi City, saying they wanted to see him or something?There should be no one else!What does Master Qianyun mean by this?Before he came to Panchi City, he had united with other people, so he must take them down?
If that's the case, then their Panchi City is really in crisis this time...
"Hahaha!" Sect Master Qianyun couldn't help but sneered a little complacently, and then said to City Lord Ye Shan: "City Master Ye Shan, you should still remember the person who is said to have injured you? River Lord Bessa of Water City!"

"City Master Bessa followed you into Panchi City?" Finally, City Master Ye Shan couldn't help it, and asked the head of Qianyun with an angry face, "Okay, you, Sect Master Qianyun, you are the one who treats our Panchi City by yourself. Forget about coveting, and bring other people together to plot against the city lord's Panchi City..."

"City Lord Yeshan, don't talk nonsense!" The head of Qianyun watched with a smile as the head of Qianhuamen knocked down the guards of Panchi City surrounded in front of City Lord Yeshan one by one, and said slowly: " Speaking of which, at the very beginning, those people in Refushui City said they were coming to deal with you. When the leader heard the news, he originally considered the balance of Panchi City, so he went down the mountain to help you, Lord Yeshan... "

"It's just that you suddenly changed your mind halfway?" City Lord Ye Shan said to the head of Qian Yun through gritted teeth.It turned out to be such a thing!Exactly how many injuries he has suffered, speaking of it, only City Lord Bessa, the mastermind, will know. Therefore, when the guards came to report that the people from Qianhuamen wanted to see him, City Lord Yeshan said It's a little strange.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the people of Qianhuamen to know that he was injured, and then ask to come and see him!After a long time, it was the city lord Besa of River Water City who accidentally leaked the news.

Sect Master Qian Yun looked at City Master Ye Shan tacitly, seeing that he was frowning, not knowing what he was thinking, so Sect Master Qian Yun flicked his fingers, and then said to City Master Ye Shan : "Actually speaking, Lord Yeshan, the Lord of this city still wants to persuade you. Think about it, how many years have we known Qianhua Gate and Panchi City? If you hand over Panchi City to our Qianhua Gate, Even if you still want to stay in Panchi City in the future, it’s not impossible! Right? This sect leader can still consider letting you stay with City Lord Yan Shan, but their identities are different! Right? But, Ye Shan City Lord, think about it, if your Panchi City falls into the hands of those people in River Water City, then things will be bad..."

Upon hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but glance at the head of Qian Yun.

"City Master Ye Shan, I am here to help you from the bottom of my heart." Sect Master Qian Yun sighed with melancholy, and continued: "You have to think about it carefully, your Panchi City fell to River River. It’s better to be in the hands of those people in Shuicheng, or it’s better to become the territory of our Qianhuamen!”

City Lord Ye Shan had calmed down quite a bit at the moment, seeing the ridiculous appearance of Sect Master Qianyun trying to persuade him, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but burst out laughing, and after interrupting Sect Master Qian Yun's words, Only then did City Lord Ye Shan speak: "Sect Master Qianyun, this is the first time that this City Lord knows that your eloquence is so good! You can actually say such a matter of usurping other people's cities so glamorously... Master Qianyun, you have a thick skin too!"

Hearing the words, Sect Master Qianyun immediately turned black, and stared at City Master Ye Shan without saying a word.

"My city lord will tell you now, Master Qianyun!" Ye Shan hooked his lips, couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then said loudly: "This Panchi city belongs to my city lord, even if my city lord dies, It can't be yours either..." After finishing speaking, City Master Ye Shan immediately turned around and brought a group of Panchi City guards into the palace, and after closing the palace gate with a bang, he loudly shouted at Qian Yun's head again. Said: "Since the head of Qianyun is so free to come to our Panchi City to find the town stone, let's look for it slowly! The Lord of the city is waiting for the day when you take Panchi City as your own..."

Hearing the words, Sect Leader Qian Yun couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Master... what should we do now?" The bearded elders wanted to reach out and push the door down after City Lord Ye Shan entered the palace, but they found that there was an enchantment around the palace, and they couldn't get close at all. So he had no choice but to step back, looked at the head of Qianyun and asked, "What did City Lord Ye Shan mean by what he said just now? Could it be that the city town stone is right there with him protected by an enchantment, so he isn't worried at all?"

The head of Qianyun pursed his lips and did not speak.

"It must be like this, otherwise how could he be so confident!" The impatient elder was also a little depressed.Although they all dealt with the guards of Panchi City surrounding the palace, they failed to capture the rightful owner, so it was all for nothing!Now the Yeshan City Lord is hiding in the tortoise shell of the enchantment. As long as they don't come out, they won't be able to get in at all!
When the energy of the enchantment is exhausted, it is unknown when it will go.

"Master, do we still need to look for it?" Elder Beard was a little worried.

"Look, why don't you look for it?" The head of Qianyun thought for two seconds, and said to the others: "I know if City Lord Ye Shan is bluffing! That is the town stone! He is not the only city lord in Panchi City, If the town stone is really placed here at his Yeshan, do you think the city lord Yanshan will agree? Besides, before we go down the mountain, the city lord Yeshan will know what we are here for? Before we rushed here, he Can you predict that we will come, and then hide the town stone by your side in advance?"

"Sect Leader, what do you mean?" The bearded elder understood a little...
"Huh, I think Ye Shan is just deceiving us!" Master Qian Yun figured this out, and said directly to Elder Beard and the others: "No matter where the town stone of Panchi City is placed, it will not matter to the Lord Ye Shan and the elders. For City Lord Shan, if they want to take it out, they must be together. It is impossible for City Lord Ye Shan to take it out at will, or hide it in his palace. Otherwise, the two of them will not Such a Panchi City has been fighting for so many years! Therefore, the town stone must be somewhere in Panchi City...or in other words, somewhere in the City Lord's Mansion!"

People from Qianhuamen looked at each other when they heard the words, and were immediately overjoyed.

"The head, shall we look for it now?" the impatient elder asked immediately.

"That's necessary." Sect Master Qianyun sneered, "It's just that we can't take it lightly here and just ignore it. Since the Lord Yeshan will hide in the palace, it proves that his injury is real. , Moreover, there is no way to fight us at all! Therefore, we have to keep some people down, watch them, and not let them come out to break something... As for the other people, follow the head to find Town Stone!"

"Then...the head, which one of us will stay?" The bearded elder looked at the others hesitantly, feeling a little worried.No one wants to stay and look at City Lord Ye Shan, he can't do anything, right?
Hearing the words, Sect Master Qianyun immediately looked at the surrounding elders, and was a little undecided.

"Or, let's draw lots!" After thinking for a long time, the head of Qianyun, who couldn't come up with a name, had no choice but to close his eyes and said to the crowd: "Whoever is drawn, whoever is drawn! It's fairer... In case you don’t want to be reconciled to whoever is left behind by the head of the sect!”

After finishing speaking, Sect Leader Qian Yun dug out several bamboo sticks from somewhere and held them in his hands, asked several elders to draw out a bamboo stick, and left one in his hand.
(End of this chapter)

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