Chapter 1489
The so-called teleportation array map is still a very important thing for teleporters.
The teleportation arrays in general towns can teleport to each other arbitrarily, because everyone uses the most common universal version of the teleportation array.However, some other special teleportation arrays, such as teleportation arrays that can be teleported to certain special places, are not so easy to teleport there.For example, the teleportation array in Ji Xiaoyan's City Lord's Mansion and the teleportation array in Qianhua Gate are all specially drawn private teleportation arrays with special marks on them!If ordinary teleporters cannot see the pictures of these teleportation formations, there is no way to take people there directly!This is like putting a lock on the teleportation array. Without the key, the teleporter has no way to open it.
Therefore, after hearing the words of City Lord Ye Shan, the old teleporter wanted to cry instantly.He really wanted to do this favor for City Lord Ye Shan, and if he rescued City Lord Lu Shan, it would be regarded as saving their entire Panchi City, right?However, without the teleportation array map, how could he lead people to teleport into the Qianhuamen? If the Qianhuamen could be teleported in so easily, then the Qianhuamen would have been leveled down a long time ago. ?

City Lord Ye Shan was not in a hurry when he heard the words of the old teleporter. After he glanced at him lightly, he asked, "That's all? I just need the teleportation array map of Qianhua Gate?"

The old teleporter looked at City Lord Ye Shan in a daze, not understanding what he meant by that?That's the teleportation array map, it's very important!Or just that?It's going to be hard, isn't it?Think about it, if a school's teleportation array can only be used by internal people, and others cannot easily teleport there, then many hidden dangers will be eliminated.At least, no one will suddenly appear in other sects and directly attack their lair, right?This picture of the teleportation formation is not something that can be drawn directly by the teleporter to take a look at the teleportation formation. City Lord Ye Shan has such a simple expression on his face. Does he understand it or not?
"Teleporter, I'm asking you something!" City Lord Ye Shan saw that the old teleporter didn't answer for a long time, just stared blankly with such a sad face, and couldn't help asking another question.

"Yes, City Lord Yeshan, as long as I have the array map of the Qianhuamen teleportation array, and I prepare some materials, I can directly teleport from our Panchi City to Qianhuamen!" The old teleporter had no choice but to say City Lord Ye Shan nodded.Anyway, he is just a teleporter, and there is only so much he can do. He still doesn't believe that Ye Shan City Lord can bring a large number of guards to break into Qianhuamen with him, and then let him study the teleportation of other sects Slowly draw the teleportation array! With that time, energy, and ability, they wouldn't need him to teleport the guards secretly, right?
Thinking of this, the old teleporter instantly calmed down a lot.

All in all, it is enough for City Lord Yeshan to handle it all. He is only responsible for telling him whether he can do it or not, and if there are any difficulties, he can do it!He doesn't care about anything else!Who told him that he has no abilities and is just a teleporter?
City Lord Ye Shan didn't know what was going on in the mind of the old teleporter, so after hearing his blunt reply, he just nodded indifferently, then smiled slightly cunningly, and turned to a person from Panchi City beside him. The maid said: "Go and take out the red scroll from the cabinet of the city lord..."

The maid nodded, and after turning around to leave, the old teleporter suddenly looked at City Lord Yechang strangely, curious about what the so-called red scroll was.Can it help with what they just talked about?Thinking of this, the old teleporter instantly widened his eyes, and looked at City Lord Ye Shan with some expectation.
City Lord Ye Shan didn't seem to see anything, just played with his fingers, and waited until the maid from Panchi City handed over the scroll to him, then looked at the old teleporter with a smile on his face, and said Looking at him, he asked: "I want the teleportation array map of Qianhuamen, right? The city lord will give you..."

The old teleporter looked shocked. Although he had guessed and expected in his heart that the scroll that City Lord Overnight Shan took out was the teleportation array map of Qianhuamen, he really didn't expect that it was really it!That is an important array map of Qianhuamen, how could it be in the hands of City Lord Yeshan?

"Why? Don't believe it?" City Lord Ye Shan looked at the old teleporter, and asked with a smile: "This thing is absolutely true. You are a teleporter. To you, this kind of formation is true or not. Do you still think about it?" Can you not see it? Even if something is really wrong and you did not teleport into the Thousand Flowers Gate, the Lord of the city will not blame you..."

Hearing this, the old teleporter quickly shook his head at City Lord Ye Shan, and then said to City Lord Ye Shan, "My lord, it's not that I don't believe this thing is real... I just think that this kind of thing can be said to be true." The core treasure of Qianhuamen is here, how can you have it, Lord City Master?" Even if you go to steal this kind of thing, it is impossible to steal it easily.
"This city lord naturally has my own way!" City lord Ye Shan smiled without saying a word, handed the scroll in his hand to the old teleporter, and said: "Okay, I have given you the array map you want. As for the things you still need for teleportation, the city lord will send someone to bring them to you in a while. You'd better start studying the formation diagram immediately, and try to go to Qianhuamen to get the city lord Lushan back to the city lord as soon as possible. Even if you can’t bring back the city lord Yan Shan, teleporter, you have to remember... You can’t let the Qianhua sect mess up and attract the head of Qianyun and others back, then the task given to you by the lord of the city is considered to be Failed……"

The old teleporter looked at City Lord Ye Shan in a daze. He is just a teleporter, so he might not complete this important task?

"Teleporter, my city lord's ugly words are in front of me. The formation map is true. You can definitely teleport into Qianhua Gate. Can you find City Lord Yan Shan to save him? This city lord will not force you. But let Qian You must do the civil strife in Huamen." City Lord Ye Shan narrowed his eyes, and said to the old teleporter in a stern tone: "If you can't do it, or if you fail, don't blame the City Lord. I will never stop chasing you to the ends of the earth..."

The old teleporter couldn't help shaking his body.

He really can't guarantee it!

"Okay, don't kneel here stupidly, hurry up and look at the formation map, and get ready to go on the road!" City Lord Ye Shan waved to the old teleporter, and said a little weakly.After waiting for the old teleporter to be taken away by the guards of Panchi City, the Lord Ye Shan showed a worried expression, looked at a guard beside him, and asked him in a low voice: " Have the people who went to Qingcheng come back?"

"No..." The guard shook his head at City Master Ye Shan worriedly, and then said: "Master Ye Shan City, do you think our guards will be arrested by the people of Qing City after entering Qing City, so Didn't come back all this time?"

City Lord Ye Shan pursed his lips tightly and didn't answer. He just waved to the guard beside him, and then he closed his eyes and lay down to think.

If you really ask, in fact, City Lord Ye Shan is absolutely willing to let City Lord Lu Shan die in Qianhua Gate, and then dominate Panchi City by himself.But as far as the current situation is concerned, they can't afford to lose the city lord of Panchi City, and it is impossible for others to occupy their Panchi City.Therefore, in the situation where he was seriously injured, City Master Ye Shan could only hope to get City Master Lu Shan back first, and the two of them thought of a way to drive out the people from Qianhua Gate and River Water City Leaving Panchi City, and then directly closing the city to recuperate!That's why City Lord Ye Shan thought of the old teleporter brought back from the city gate and asked him to go to Qianhua Gate.

As long as the old teleporter succeeds in one thing, it will be a lot of stress relief for him now.The best result is that Qianhuamen is in civil turmoil, and the head of Qianyun takes people back. The old teleporter can bring back the Lord of the River. There is no time to talk to him.
Who told him not to have the teleportation map of River Water City!
Thinking of sending the array map, the city lord Ye Shan couldn't help but smile instantly.Speaking of which, he got the teleportation array map of Qianhua Gate back then with some luck.

Panchi City has been established here longer than Qianhua Gate, so when Qianhua Gate established its faction on the mountain, whoever was the Lord of Panchi City was invited, that is, the Lord of Lushan and the Lord of Yeshan? Father went to watch the ceremony.Back then, Panchi City and Qianhuamen did not respect each other as they do now, and they would not meet if they could not meet. The relationship between the head of Qianhuamen and the city lord of Panchi City was very good.And the teleportation array map of Qianhuamen was a gift from the head of Qianhuamen and their master of Panchi City to strengthen friendship.
However, City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan were still good playmates with the head of Qianyun when they were young, but later because of the internal struggle between City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan, and some of their own power struggles in Qianhuamen, The relationship between everyone gradually weakened. Until now, it has become what it is today, and it is really turning for power and profit.
So, to be serious, Ye Shan City Lord and the others can have the teleportation array map of Qianhua Gate, and Qianhua Gate actually has their teleportation array map of Panchi City.It's just that under normal circumstances, none of them thinks that this thing can still come in handy
As for the guard who went to Qingcheng, City Lord Yeshan was still a little worried.

When Sect Master Qianyun asked to enter their Panchi City, City Master Ye Shan had already sent someone to Qingcheng to check on the situation of Xuan Mo.Ji Xiaoyan has already returned to Qingcheng, for him and City Lord Yanshan, there should be no chance or excuse to coerce her.Therefore, City Lord Ye Shan was more worried about Xuan Mo.

Xuan Mo is very important to him and City Lord Yan Shan.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about what kind of status Xuan Mo is in Panchi City.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xuan Mo could be so easily released to Miss Ji Xiaoyan to become an NPC attendant by the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan. , it must be someone who has no identity and status in Panchi City.However, no one would think that Xuan Mo is actually the most important person in Panchi City...
Thinking of the head of Qianyun and Lord Bessa of Refu Water City who were tossing around in the Panchi City's Mansion to find their Panchi City's town stone, Ye Shan wanted to sneer.I'm afraid no one would know that he and the city lord Yan Shan had been tossing in Panchi City for so long back then, using the cold town stone of Panchi City, they just tossed Xuan Mo out, right?
Thinking of Xuan Mo, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but feel complacent in an instant.

In the entire continent, maybe there will never be anyone as powerful as him and Yan Shan, who can turn Zhencheng Shi into a child, let him hang around around others...
Speaking of what happened back then, the reason why City Lord Yan Shan was locked in such a barrier space by City Lord Ye Shan was that his body was too weak after they raised Xuan Mo, and they were afraid that someone who would not Be careful to hurt or disable the hard-won Xuan Mo, so I took Xuan Mo into the enchanted space together.Later, when he was about to come out, the city lord Ye Shan used some tricks to keep the city lord Lu Shan behind.That's how Miss Ji Xiaoyan was able to rescue the City Lord Yan Shan after she was imprisoned in that barrier space...
Afterwards, Xuan Mo asked to follow Ji Xiaoyan, but the city lord Yan Shan was a little reluctant at first.But after thinking about it, he put his family's town stone in Panchi City to protect it, and let others guess it. Then it would be better to let Xuan Mo to an adventurer like Ji Xiaoyan.Her strength is so low, no matter where she goes, Xuan Mo is stronger than her, and she can protect herself.When Xuan Mo got acquainted on the mainland in the future, and then returned to Panchi City, no one would have thought that he was actually the township stone of their Panchi City
He, Xuan Mo, is just an attendant of the adventurer Ji Xiaoyan, a very simple identity.As long as Xuan Mo is not killed for a day, and his heart is certified, then Panchi City will always belong to his City Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan.
However, what Ye Shan and Yan Shan did not expect was that a weak adventurer like Miss Ji Xiaoyan would one day become the owner of a big city, and also made friends with so many aboriginal sects and city owners. Come and support me, my lord!What's wrong, now they want to get Xuan Mo back in a logical manner, and it's a little difficult
 PS: Thank you for the starting point coin of "Yang Like Blood"!Thanks|Two monthly tickets for "Little Turtle Drinking Porridge"!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Lying in the Snow and Listening to the Wind"!Thank you "Yuyoumanmi" for your review!

(End of this chapter)

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