The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1490 The Real Reason

Chapter 1490 The Real Reason

Head Qianyun was a little puzzled.

In the case of Lord Yeshan, all the people from Qianhuamen came to the city under his leadership, no, it should be said that they have already occupied Panchi City, and there is only one last step before the entire Panchi City can be directly changed hands. .Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the Yeshan City Lord to be as calm as he is now. After returning to his palace, there will be no more movement!Isn't he worried that the town stone of their Panchi City will be found by their people from Qianhua Gate or River Water City?

Or is it that the city lord Ye Shan is no longer in the palace, did he leave through some secret passage?Or in other words, the town stone is really in the hands of the city lord Ye Shan, just as they guessed, so he is not worried about them looking around in the city lord's mansion at all?
Thinking of all this, Sect Leader Qian Yun couldn't stand for a moment.

"You said, do we want to go in and take a look?" The head of Qianyun thought for a long time, but couldn't help but ask the disciples of Qianhuamen who were with him, "You said, will the Lord Yeshan and the others think about it?" Will it have left here from somewhere else?"

"We don't know about this, Master..." A few disciples of Qianhuamen thought for a while, said something to Master Qianyun, and then asked hesitantly: "Master, do you want us Go and have a look?"

The head of Qianyun frowned, thought for a while and then sighed and said: "The palace of Lord Yeshan is full of barriers, and it is impossible for us to go to the door to see what's going on inside... that's good, you guys Go around the palace to see if there is a back door or something. Don’t worry about the rest. Remember, if you encounter the Lord Yeshan, or see the guards of Panchi City, try to avoid some of them. ...Although it is said that City Lord Ye Shan is injured now, none of us know to what extent his strength has recovered, and it is always good to be careful...."

"Yes, Master!" Several Qianhuamen disciples nodded immediately, and with the acquiescence of Master Qianyun, they immediately left the team and began to check around the Rose Flower Palace of Lord Yeshan.

At this moment, Master Bessa finally found the location of the palace of the Lord Yeshan after taking the guards around the palace of the Lord Yeshan. The head of Qianyun and others......
"Master City Master, have the people from Qianhuamen found the town stone?" Old Hess looked at Qianyun and others in the distance with some worry, and couldn't help asking Lord Bessa: "Qianhua Head Yun is here, is he ready to accept Panchi City?"

"It doesn't look like it." Master Bessa stood there unwillingly and looked at it, and then said to old Hess: "Only the head of Qianyun is here, and none of the elders of Qianhuamen are here. , I guess he was sent out to find Zhenchengshi... As for why the head of Qianyun is here... I guess he must be planning to wait for the Zhenchengshi to be found, and immediately attack the Lord Yeshan to seize the opportunity!"

"However, Master Bessa, if they really found the town stone and directly asked Lord God for certification, wouldn't they be able to become the new City Lord of Panchi City? Doesn't it matter whether they kill City Lord Yeshan or not? "Old Hess asked Lord Bessa with some confusion.

"It's not necessarily true. The head of Qianyun is afraid that the weeds will not burn out and the spring wind will regenerate?" Master Bessa couldn't help but sneered, and said to Old Hess: "It seems that the head of Qianyun is very concerned about Ye Shan. The city lord and the others are still very afraid, and their so-called alliance is nothing more than that... However, it is also possible that the head of Qianyun is guarding here just to prevent us from attacking the city lord Yeshan, and first become the temporary city lord of Panchi City... . . . "

"Then Master Bessa, what should we do now?" Old Hess frowned and asked Master Bessa.

"What should I do? Naturally, I want to go out and say hello to Master Qianyun!" After thinking for a long time, Lord Bessa suddenly smiled at Old Hess, and then said: "Master Qianyun didn't say hello to Master Ye Shan first." Maybe it was not because he was afraid that he would not be successful and that he would be counterattacked by the city lord Ye Shan... Sect Master Qian Yun doesn't know what state the city lord Ye Shan is in now, so how can we not know? Their current strength can be described as The disparity is huge, and at this time, the head of Qianyun didn't take action, so it can only show that Lord Yeshan still has some life-saving means that we don't know about..."

"Lord Bessa, what do you mean... Sect Master Qianyun hasn't killed City Lord Yeshan yet, and became the temporary City Lord of Panchi City first, because he has no way to kill City Lord Yeshan yet? "Old Hess frowned, and asked Lord Bessa, and seeing him smile deeply, he nodded in understanding, and then said: "In that case, Lord Bessa, we now Just go and have a look?"

"Naturally!" Lord Bessa pursed his lips and smiled, and said to Old Hess: "For competitors like Qianyun Sect Master, we can't just let them guard the night change city lord... let a few Personally go to the palace to see if there is a place where you can enter the palace..."

Old Hess nodded silently, and directly chained the guards of River Water City to leave, and then followed Lord Bessa to head Qianyun directly.

As the so-called enemy meets with special jealousy!
Although Lord Bessa and Sect Master Qianyun are not enemies, they are still rivals, and the atmosphere of the meeting will naturally not be good.

Therefore, as soon as Lord Bessa appeared, the head of Qianyun immediately looked in the direction of Lord Bessa with a sullen face, and then whispered to him: "It's just that the ghosts are lingering, what the hell are they doing?" came in?"

"Master Qianyun..." Lord Bessa smiled at Master Qianyun with a nonchalant expression on his face, and then said, "Have you found the town stone yet?"

Sect Master Qianyun glanced at Lord Bessa in a daze, and couldn't help but immediately looked at the palace of City Lord Ye Shan, then frowned and looked at Lord Bessa again, and said displeasedly: "Bessa City Lord, what are you talking about?"

"What?" Lord Bessa looked at Sect Leader Qianyun in surprise, then continued to smile and said, "Master Qianyun, don't tell me that you didn't come to Panchi City for the position of city lord? If you don’t look for Zhencheng Stone, what are you doing here? It’s about arresting Lord Yeshan and shutting him up with Citylord Yanshan, and then directly replacing the two city lords of Panchi City. ?”

Master Qianyun stared at Master Bessa with some resentment, almost unable to speak.

Although everyone knows their thoughts, their thoughts and words are different.Look at the City Lord Ye Shan, who clearly knows their intentions and is furious, but he is not as straightforward as Master Bessa said, okay?Can't everyone be a little more reserved?
"Looking at your current expression, Master Qianyun, it seems that you are not very happy with this city master?" Master Bessa continued to look at Master Qianyun with a smile on his face. City Lord Ye Shan took a look at the palace, and then said: "So, this City Lord accidentally exposed your thoughts, head of Qianyun, and it's not good for City Lord Ye Shan to hear it? Heh Hehe, I'm sorry, Sect Master Qianyun, I thought you and Lord Yeshan had communicated about this issue a long time ago..."
Communication, they came to snatch the city of Ye Shan City Lord, do they still need to communicate with him?Master Qianyun glared at Lord Bessa, and after a while he couldn't help but close his eyes, took a deep breath, and said to Lord Bessa: "Okay, Lord Bessa, everyone's goals are the same. In the same way, what you said is not wrong. But, so what? You don’t go to Zhenchengshi, what do you mean by running here to sneer at this head?” Head Qian Yun felt that the River Water City in front of him The Santo Bessa is more annoying than anyone he has ever met
"What do you mean? It doesn't mean anything!" Lord Bessa smiled, "I just saw that you, the head of Qianyun, didn't seem to have anything to do here, so I just came over to take a look...Of course, by the way, I would like to ask Qianyun Master Yun has something to do!"

"Ask me? Lord Bessa, I don't think there is anything good to communicate between us, right? Come and take a look, you can leave immediately after reading it!" Sect Master Qianyun finished speaking to Master Bessa impatiently. , and seeing that they still didn't seem to want to leave, he frowned immediately, and said, "Master Bessa, are you still leaving?"

Lord Bessa smiled directly at Sect Leader Qianyun, and said, "Sect Leader Qianyun, this is your fault. You are also the leader of a faction, how can you treat this city lord like this?" Master Qianyun kept frowning at him, Master Bessa continued to say happily: "Master Qianyun, my city lord doesn't ask you to treat me nicely, at least I can't treat my city lord like this?"

"City Master Bessa, what exactly do you want?" Sect Master Qianyun sternly yelled at Master Bessa with a sullen expression.

"Master Qianyun, my city lord has already told you just now..." Master Bessa continued to smile, and said to Master Qianyun: "This city lord wants to ask you something..."

"Did I tell you that you will leave?" Sect Master Qianyun couldn't bear it and asked Lord Bessa.

"That's not necessarily the case." Master Bessa shrugged indifferently, and said something very meaningful to Sect Master Qianyun.In case he asked some news that he couldn't let him leave, he would be too stupid if he took someone away again!He brought so many people back to Panchi City, not just to play around for boredom
Hearing the words, Sect Leader Qianyun immediately glared at Sect Leader Qianyun.This is simply an unfair transaction of strong buying and strong selling!Head Qianyun originally thought that after he agreed to Lord Besa's request, he would be able to get rid of him, but he didn't expect that the Santo Besa guy didn't follow the normal routine at all...

Master Bessa looked around with some satisfaction, then looked at Sect Master Qianyun, and directly opened the inquiry mode: "Master Qianyun, is the Lord Yeshan in the palace?"

Head Qianyun glared at Master Bessa again, took a breath and nodded.

"Then why don't you go in?" Lord Bessa continued to ask.

"I don't think I have to answer this question, City Lord Bessa!" Sect Master Qianyun gritted his teeth, and said to Master Bessa in an extremely displeased manner.
"Oh!" Lord Bessa heard.
Sect Master Qianyun opened his eyes wide and stared at Lord Bessa. Seeing that he just responded like this and then stopped saying anything, he immediately gritted his teeth a little irritably, and then asked Lord Bessa: "Citadel Bessa, what do you mean? Oh, it's over in one sentence? What else do you want to ask? Hurry up!" After asking, leave quickly!This is the point!
Master Bessa had no intention of going to see Master Qianyun at all, but just stared blankly at the palace of City Lord Ye Shan, and then repeated after a while: "Master Qianyun, why don't you go in?"

Sect Master Qianyun's eyes widened instantly when he heard the words, and after taking a deep breath irritably, he stared hard at Master Bessa several times before trying to understand.The lord of River Water City in front of him is fighting with himself!He is preparing to entangle himself here one question after another. As long as he doesn't finish answering one of his questions, he is not going to continue to ask, and he is not going to leave here? !Then should he continue to answer and provide him with this information?
Head Qianyun felt that he shouldn't be so stupid.

Lord Bessa waited for a long time, and found that the head of Qianyun had stopped talking, so he turned his eyes away from the palace of Lord Yeshan, and looked at the head of Qianyun, only to see him standing there with his eyes closed, resting his mind. As if he didn't want to say anything more, Lord Bessa frowned instantly.Did this anger Sect Master Qianyun?

Just when Master Bessa was considering whether to open his mouth to lead Master Qianyun to talk to him again, several disciples of Qianhua Sect ran back from the other side of the palace and quickly rushed to Master Qianyun... .
Then, when Master Bessa was about to hear what those Qianhua Sect disciples wanted to say to Sect Master Qianyun, Old Hess immediately leaned into his ear and said to Master Bessa: "Master Bessa, we The guards are back."

"How's the situation?" Lord Bessa glanced in the direction of Sect Master Qianyun, then immediately stepped back a few steps, and asked Old Hess in a low voice.

"City Master Ye Shan is in the palace, but the palace doesn't have any other doors, so you can only enter and exit through this..." Old Hess whispered to Master Bessa, his eyes couldn't help but look at Qianyun's head He looked in the direction, and then continued: "When our people went to check, they met the people from Qianhuamen, and heard the news that there seems to be an enchantment around the palace of Lord Yeshan. I wanted to rush in directly to attack Yeshan City, but Yeshan City Lord activated the barrier of the palace, which stopped Qianyun and the others here..."

(End of this chapter)

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