Chapter 1491
After listening to what old Hess said, Lord Bessa finally understood why Sect Master Qianyun and the others had been standing in front of the palace of Lord Yeshan and refused to leave for a long time.They wanted to rush in together, but they had no choice but to take the city lord Ye Shan, and then they were afraid that others would run away, so they led them to stay here all the time!However, if City Lord Ye Shan stays in the palace in front of him and doesn't worry about the town stone at all, does that mean that the town stone of Panchi City is placed in this palace?
Thinking of this, Master Bessa couldn't help but shifted his gaze from Sect Master Qianyun and the others to the palace of Lord Yeshan, and began to think about what they should do next.
At this moment, the head of Qianyun couldn't help frowning after listening to the reports from the disciples of Qianhuamen.There is only such a gate in the palace of Lord Yeshan, as long as they guard here, the entry and exit of City Lord Yeshan will definitely fall into their eyes.But such a long period of time has passed, and the city lord Ye Shan has not even moved at all, which is obviously something wrong!Isn't he worried that they will find the town stone of Panchi City?
Or, is the town stone really in this palace?However, how could the city lord Gu Shan agree to it!

Master Qianyun can't figure it out!

"There is one more thing, Master!" The disciples of Qianhuamen thought for a while, and whispered to Master Qianyun: "When we came back, we met those people from River City...Look They also seem to be looking at the situation around the palace just like us. Master, if they also find that there is only such a gate in this palace, will they keep guarding here like us?"

Sect Master Qianyun frowned and couldn't help but looked in the direction of Master Bessa. After accidentally colliding with Master Bessa's eyes, Master Qianyun immediately withdrew his gaze and directly looked at the disciples of Qianhua Sect beside him Said: "Don't worry about them. Those people in River Water City want to stay, so let them stay... I want to see, they are all staying here, are they in a hurry to find the town stone? Hmph .....If you want to kill City Master Ye Shan and grab the temporary City Master, the plan of City Master Besa will come to naught..." Thinking of this, Sect Master Qianyun sneered twice, and then turned to the disciples of Qianhua Sect beside him They said: "Remember, from now on, the purpose of our guarding here will change... After that, we will no longer be guarding here to catch the Lord Yeshan, or to kill We have killed him and the like. We must protect Yeshan City Lord well, and don't let him be killed by those people in Refu Water City..."

"Master...then if we meet City Master Yeshan, we will be on the verge of death, shall we protect him?" A disciple of Qianhuamen thought for a while, and couldn't help but ask Qianyun's master.

"If there is a chance, we will naturally do it. We have no alliance with the Lord Yeshan!" Qianyun continued to sneer, and said to everyone: "Our primary purpose is to find the town stone, and the second is to prevent this Panchi City The temporary city lord has just fallen into the hands of those people in River Water City... Therefore, if those people in River Water City take the initiative to attack Yeshan City, then we must protect the city lord Yeshan; but if the opportunity is rare, we will immediately Seize the identity of the temporary city lord of Panchi City... As long as we get the status of the temporary city lord, we have the right to mobilize the guards of Panchi City and drive away these people in River Water City... Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sect Leader!" The disciples of Qianhua Sect immediately nodded to Sect Leader Qianyun upon hearing this, with a hint of excitement showing on their faces.

After staring earnestly at the people of Qianhuamen for a long time, old Hess frowned immediately, leaned into Lord Bessa's ear, pointed in the direction of Qianyunmen's head, and said with some doubts : "Master Bessa, you see that those people in Qianhuamen seem to be a little excited, do they already have news about the town stone? Or, they already have a way to enter the palace?"

"Is there any news from our side?" Master Bessa also frowned, and after thinking about it, he asked Old Hess, and after seeing him shaking his head, he let out a sigh of relief and said, "Then Just let it be. If the people from Qianhuamen really find the Zhencheng Stone, we will leave Panchi City and go back..."

Old Hess looked at Master Bessa with some reluctance, not wanting to understand when he would become a person who would decide what to do based on things like fate.

"It should be ours, it will always be ours..." Master Bessa looked at Old Hess with some deep meaning, and seeing that he was still confused, he shook his head immediately and said with a broken smile: " All right, old Hess, don't frown any more. You're getting older, and you'll be even older if you frown again... It's just a Panchi City, and it's so far away from our River Water City. It is the best; if there is no chance, forget it, and there is nothing to be depressed about!"

"Yes, Lord Bessa!" Old Hess was silent for several seconds, nodded to Lord Bessa, then thought for a while and continued to ask: "Then, Lord Bessa, should we continue to wait for the result now?"

"Of course we have to wait!" Master Bessa didn't feel uncomfortable at all, nodded to old Hess, and then said: "As long as we hear the Lord God say that Panchi City has become the place of Qianhua Gate, we will leave immediately .If not, it doesn't mean we lost... We have to grasp the opportunities by ourselves!"

Old Hess nodded, thought for a while, and whispered directly to the guards of River Water City behind him: "In a while, some of you will go to the city lord's mansion to see how our people are doing? Is there any Qianhua?" The people from the gate found the news of Zhencheng Stone... By the way, let them look carefully. If they meet people from the Qianhuamen, don't care about whether they hide it or not. As long as they don't do anything, they can look for it. Stay a little longer, if there is any news about the city town stone, come back and inform Master Bessa immediately, and then we will go get things together..." If they find the city town stone on the front foot, they will be killed and stolen by the elders of Qianhuamen, then they But it would be a big loss.
"Understood, Manager Hess!" Several guards in River Water City nodded immediately, turned around and pointed at several guards to let them leave the team.

And the city lord Ye Shan, who had been staying in the palace at this moment, sneered a few times after listening to the guards' report on the situation outside the palace, looked out the window and said: "So, now it's not just the head guard of Qianhuamen Outside our palace, even Lord Bessa of Refu Water City is guarding outside with his people?"

The guards of Panchi City nodded collectively, and then burst out laughing when they saw City Lord Ye Shan.

"Okay, very good!" After laughing for a long time, the city lord Ye Shan stopped his smile and continued: "It seems that the face of the city lord is really big enough. The lord has come to guard the gate for the lord of the city, this face is really too great..."

The guards of Panchi City looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces.This is here to guard the gate, this is to guard the life of their Lord Ye Shan, guarding the ownership of the entire Panchi City!Hey, what should I do now?It is impossible for the enchantment outside the palace to dissipate forever, and people from outside can always attack; even if the enchantment exists forever, they still need three meals a day. Without supplies, they will definitely starve to death in this palace inside
City Lord Ye Shan didn't know the worries of the guards. After laughing enough, he suddenly asked: "By the way, how is the teleporter? After such a long time, is he ready for the City Lord?"

The guards of Panchi City froze for a moment, and then a guard stood up and said, "Master City Lord, my subordinates will go and have a look immediately..."

City Lord Ye Shan took a breath, waved his hand lazily in agreement, and watched the guard turn around and leave quickly. After 2 minutes, he brought the old teleporter into the house.

"Teleporter, what do you think of the teleportation array of Qianhua Gate?" City Lord Ye Shan's eyes fell on the old teleporter, and he couldn't help shaking in shock.

"Bad...almost!" The old teleporter nodded quickly, and then said to City Lord Ye Shan.Now it is only necessary to verify whether the teleportation array map is real, and he looked at the rest, and it seems that there is no problem.Teleporting to Qianhua Gate this time should be a sure thing...
"So, the teleporter still has a lot of confidence and confidence?" City Lord Ye Shan glanced at the old teleporter, and seeing that he didn't have any worries, he smiled with satisfaction, and then turned to the old teleporter. The old teleporter said: "In this case, teleporter, when are you going to teleport to Qianhuamen?"

"Master City Lord, where are you going to build this teleportation point?" The old teleporter did not directly answer the words of City Lord Yeshan, but after thinking about it, he asked City Lord Yeshan: "It is in a certain place in this palace." a place?"

City Lord Ye Shan frowned, looked at the old teleporter with some confusion, and then asked: "From what you said, it seems that the main purpose of this city is to ask you to build the teleportation array here. Is there something wrong?"

The old teleporter nodded without hesitation, and said to City Lord Ye Shan: "Master City Lord, speaking of it, it would be much more convenient to do this through the existing teleportation array in Panchi City. It's just that we situation, it is impossible to go out... Then there is only one way left, which is to build the teleportation array in the palace. First, we don’t have to go out to let those outside know our every move; When City Lord Shan picks it up, he can also deceive others, and he can rest here with Lord City Lord..."

City Lord Ye Shan nodded, glanced at the old teleporter in agreement, and waited for him to continue.
"It's just that, Lord City Master, there is a problem in this case." The old teleporter sighed, and said to City Lord Ye Shan: "Your palace has an enchantment... If we want to teleport away, or say It is teleported back, and the enchantment needs to be closed when teleporting..." But if the enchantment of their palace is closed, the people from Qianhuamen and River Water City outside will definitely rush Come in!When the time comes, and isn't it very dangerous?

This is the problem that the old teleporter is most worried about.

Sure enough, City Lord Ye Shan frowned when he heard this, and after looking at the old teleporter for a while, he asked, "You mean, if you want to teleport, you must turn off the barrier?"

The old teleporter nodded.Without turning off the barrier, who can go out or come in?

City Lord Ye Shan frowned, and thought for a moment: "Speaking of the enchantment outside our palace, it is generally not visible if it is opened or not! But in this situation, I am afraid that those people outside will be out of their minds and have nothing to do. Hit, if one accidentally bumps into it, then they will definitely rush in directly..."

The old teleporter nodded sharply immediately.That's what he's worried about!

"The teleporter..." City Master Ye Shan thought for a long time before asking again: "If you build the teleportation array in this palace, the City Master will open the barrier when you teleport away, Then make an appointment with you when you come back, and then open the barrier to let you teleport back, is this feasible?"

The old teleporter froze for a moment, frowned slightly, and said to City Lord Ye Shan: "Master City Lord, it's easy to handle when you go out, but it's not easy to handle when you come back! You can't know when we We can save City Lord Lushan! In case the best time has come for you and me, but we haven’t rescued City Lord Lushan, nor disturbed Qianhua Gate as you ordered, we will directly Send it back..." Isn't that for nothing?
"It doesn't matter! If the time really comes and you haven't done anything well, come back!" City Lord Ye Shan thought for a while, and said to the old teleporter: "At that time, the City Lord will send a guard with the best strength to accompany you Go to Qianhua Gate. You can do whatever you can. If you really can’t do it, then come back according to the agreed time. The enchantment of the city lord is only open for half an hour for you. If you don’t come back, it’s proof You have encountered trouble in Qianhua Gate, you need to find a way to escape by yourself, and then make a big commotion in Qianhua Gate to attract the head of Qianyun to the owner of this city... If you can come back on time, no matter what It doesn't matter whether those two things are successful or not. If you can't do it once, you can still be teleported for the second time... Teleporter, do you think you can do what the city lord said?"

The old teleporter opened his mouth, really not knowing whether to shake his head or nod.Isn't this forcing him to succeed?It won't work once, and I have to go for the second time. Maybe they managed to escape the first time, and then they were sent to the Qianhuamen, and they were guarded in the teleportation array, waiting for their Qianhuamen disciples to click. Can't just go once?

"If you don't have any problems, then teleporter, you should prepare and start drawing the teleportation array right away!" City Lord Ye Shan stared at the old teleporter twice, and pointed to a relatively empty place not far in front of him. He opened his mouth and said to him: "Here, my city lord thinks that side is good, old teleporter, you start to draw..."

(End of this chapter)

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