Chapter 1492

For the head of Qianyun, in the current situation, there is nothing but waiting.First, wait for the disciples and elders of the Qianhuamen to find the town stone of Panchi City, and then start the next thing; The city lord's movement has stopped.
However, this time, the head of Qianyun found that they waited too long.
It was only slightly bright when they came down the mountain from Qianhuamen, but after entering Panchi City, it was almost dark again. He has been the head of Qianhuamen for so many years, when did he wait for someone to wait so long? A long time?It's all over now, I brought so many people to this Panchi City, but I didn't grab the city, instead I squatted outside the gate of Yeshan City Lord, guarding the gate with some loss of identity
The more I think about it, the more I feel ashamed!
The head of Qianyun Sect was struggling in his heart, when he suddenly saw a disciple of Qianhua Sect running out of nowhere in a hurry, with sweat on his face, he stepped in front of him in a few steps, knelt down and grabbed him Panting and trembling his legs, he shouted anxiously to himself: "Master...Master Master, something happened in our sect..."

"What happened? What happened?" The head of Qianyun was startled for a moment, grabbed the disciple of Qianhuamen, and asked him: "How could something happen in the sect?"

The disciple of the Qianhua Sect quickly took a deep breath, and then said to the head of Qianyun: "Master, there are guards in Panchi City who suddenly appeared in our sect from somewhere. The gate was running around, and a lot of things had been destroyed. The disciples of the sect came down the mountain to inform that the guards of Panchi City had no idea what they wanted to do in our Qianhua Gate..."

"How could the guards of Panchi City enter our sect?" Sect Master Qian Yun's eyes widened with doubts on his face.

"I don't know." The disciple of Qianhua Sect kept shaking his head at Sect Master Qianyun, and continued: "They just appeared so suddenly...then they wreak havoc everywhere in our sect!"

"No, no..." The head of Qianyun frowned and thought for a long time, then suddenly asked the disciple of Qianhuamen: "Did the guards of Panchi City go to find the Lord of Shanshan? Are you sure? Can the Lord Shan watch carefully?" If the guards of Panchi City didn't go to find the Lord Shan Shan, then what are they going to do in their Qianhua Gate?However, where is the gate enchantment of their Qianhuamen, and how did the guards of Panchi City get in?

"They didn't go to find City Lord Yanshan..." the disciple of Qianhua Sect said to Qianyun Sect Master with a sure face, "After we got the news that the guards of Panchi City had entered our sect, we immediately sent The city lord Yan Shan was spotted, but the guards of Panchi City showed no signs of looking for someone..."

"Then did they enter our Qianhuamen just to vent their destruction?" The head of Qianyun stared at the disciple of Qianhuamen angrily, and asked him a question. Shaking his head, he took a deep breath, stared at City Lord Ye Shan's palace, saw that there was still no movement inside, and began to think about what to do next.
However, the head of Qianyun has not yet figured out the motives of the guards of Panchi City, another disciple of Qianhuamen appeared in front of him again, and said anxiously to him: " Go back to the sect and have a look! Those guards in Panchi City are not only destroying our sect, but they also don’t know what they did to the teleportation formations of our Qianhuamen, making many of our teleportation formations unusable... .”

"How is it possible?!" Master Qianyun asked angrily for a moment, "What are the guards of Panchi City trying to do to destroy our sect's teleportation array?"

The disciple of Qianhuamen shook his head, and said to the head of Qianyun: "The guards of Panchi City don't know what's going on, they seem to be able to come and go in our Qianhuamen at will, every time we are about to catch them , They disappeared in the blink of an eye... A moment later, they appeared in other places inexplicably. It's like carrying a teleportation array with them, they seem to be able to teleport to any place in our sect..."

"Did you see who brought the guards from Panchi City to our sect?" Qian Yun asked with a serious face, but his eyes fell on the palace of Lord Yeshan.Could it be possible that the palace of Lord Yeshan really has no other exits on the surface, but in places they can't see, such as the underground, there are actually some passages to leave? Then they are all waiting here foolishly Seeing that City Lord Yeshan couldn't stand it anymore, but in the end, City Lord Yeshan actually took people to their Qianhua Gate for revenge?
Thinking of this possibility, the head of Qianyun felt a little unsteady in an instant.

"Master..." Several disciples of Qianhuamen couldn't help but looked worriedly at the darkened face of Master Qianyun, and asked him, "Shall we go back and have a look?"

"Back!" The head of Qianyun thought for a long time, and then he gritted his teeth and said to the others: "Let the elders stay and look for the town stone, let's go back to the sect, and first find out the purpose of the guards in Panchi City. Let's talk to City Master Ye Shan again..." Speaking of this, the head of Qian Yun was a little worried again.If those guards of Panchi City are really the ghosts of City Lord Yeshan, then, if they Qianhuamen really find the township stone of Panchi City and take over Panchi City, then what City Lord Yeshan did, he What can you figure out if you settle accounts with City Lord Ye Shan?
Thinking of this, Sect Master Qianyun wanted to slap himself in an instant!No matter how you look at it, you are at a loss!But no matter how bad he was, there was nothing he could do.
Lord Bessa was originally staring at Sect Leader Qianyun with a curious face, watching their movements, but after looking at them, he found that Sect Leader Qianyun turned around and left with the people.Master Bessa frowned in confusion, then waved at Old Hess in a low voice, and asked, "What happened to those people from Qianhuamen? Why did the head of Qianyun take people away?"

"My lord, have they already found the town stone of Panchi City?" Old Hess said to Lord Bessa with a worried expression on his face, "I saw two disciples from the Thousand Flowers Sect came back and met Qian Yun. The head and the others said something..." Could it be that he came back to report the location of Zhencheng Stone?
"Impossible! Those two Qianhuamen disciples don't have any joyful expressions on their faces..." Lord Bessa frowned, looked at the guards behind him, and asked, "Does anyone know that?" From which direction did the two Qianhuamen disciples come out?"
The guards of River Water City shook their heads collectively.

"How about, Lord City Master, let's catch up and take a look..." Old Hess thought for a while, and suggested: "City Master Ye Shan is injured, and he won't be able to come out for a while. There is an enchantment around the palace, and we I can't get in at all...Master Bessa, it's useless for us to guard here, Sect Master Qianyun and the others have left..."

Master Bessa couldn't help but glanced at the palace of Lord Yeshan, muttered something in his mouth, stretched out his palm and threw a lowest-level water spell, and saw that the spell was covered by an invisible barrier around the palace. After blocking the devouring, he closed his eyes unwillingly, and said to Old Hess and the others: "In this case, let's go and see what the master Qianyun and the others are doing..." If Zhang Qianyun They must have found Zhencheng Stone, they must have got some important news, otherwise they would not have left them here to wait, and let him have a chance to take the initiative against Yechang City first...

Therefore, if they didn't follow up to have a look, and turned around and somehow lost the battle for Panchi City this time, they would be depressed.

So, after Sect Leader Qianyun left with his people, Master Bessa also left the palace of City Lord Yeshan with all the people from River Water City.

After receiving the news, City Lord Ye Shan was stunned in the palace for an instant, and suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, so the teleporter made a movement in Qianhuamen, not only making Qianyun's head That guy was lured away, and by the way, he also lured away the city lord of River Water City, Besa, to my lord?"

"It should be like this, Lord City Master!" The guard of Panchi City said to City Lord Ye Shan with a smile on his face.

"Not bad, not bad! That teleporter did a good job!" Ye Shan nodded and smiled very satisfied, and said to the guards beside him: "Then you will remember this city lord, and when the teleporter comes back, remind me The city lord rewards him well!"

Several guards responded with a smile, and then watched the City Lord Ye Shan struggle to stand up, and said to the crowd: "Since the people guarding the City Lord outside have left, you should hurry out of the palace and go to the City Lord. Gather some more people, and then go to that guy's palace to get some medicine for the city lord..."

The guards immediately nodded, turned and left.The remaining confidant of City Lord Ye Shan looked at him with concern, and after a while, he opened his mouth and asked City Lord Ye Shan: "Master City Master... Those people from Qianhuamen and River Water City just left. We are here, but there are still their people in our City Lord’s Mansion, don’t we need to guard the town stone? What if they find the town stone of our Panchi City?”

"You don't have to worry about this..." City Lord Ye Shan smiled confidently at the guard, and then said: "The town stone of our Panchi City is not what they say they can find if they want to find it... Now The stone in our city lord's mansion is just a stone! So, you don't have to worry!" Think about it, he and the city lord Yan Shan have turned the town stone of Panchi City into a living person, how could it be easily seen by ordinary people? found it?Doesn't their town town stone know how to run?However, in order to cover up this matter, the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City naturally needs another fake town stone, so the fake town stone is guarded day and night in the City Lord's Mansion, so there is no need to worry about being stolen.
However, the guards of Panchi City, who didn't know the truth, were stunned when they heard what City Lord Ye Shan said, and then realized what City Lord Ye Shan meant by this!
The town stone of their Panchi City is actually a fake!So, really, where?

The guard hadn't had time to figure it out when he heard the news that the guard who went to Qingcheng had returned.

City Lord Ye Shan sat up straight with concern, and after watching the guard who came back from Qingcheng kneel down in front of him with a plop, he asked with concern: "How, you went to Qingcheng, how is the situation over there?" Yes? Is Xi Mo awake?"

"Report to Lord City Master..." The guard of Panchi City took a deep breath, and then said to City Lord Yeshan: "Qingcheng is peaceful now. I heard that City Lord Ji's pet Xiye was taken back from River Water City. It took a long time to wake up, and the other person and beast that disappeared at the beginning were found from nowhere, and they were all recuperating in the city lord's mansion. It's just that Mr. Xuan Mo hasn't seen each other for a long time! Back then, the city lord Yan Shan said Xuan Master Mo may wake up soon, but City Master Ji and the others have been back for so long, and Master Xuan Mo has not seen any signs of waking up! Therefore, City Master Ji and the others are a little anxious..."

"Worried? What are you in a hurry for?" City Lord Ye Shan asked, staring at the guard in confusion.

"I heard that if Master Xuan Mo still doesn't wake up in a few days, City Master Ji and the others are going to take Master Xuan Mo out to seek medical treatment!" The guard of Panchi City said to City Master Ye Shan with a slight frown, "Just, listen Said that because of this incident, City Lord Ji and the others will never bring Master Xuan Mo to Panchi City to ask Lord Yan Shan for help!"

"Then where are they going to take Xuan Mo?" City Lord Ye Shan asked anxiously.If Xuan Mo was only injured, it wouldn't be a big deal. No matter what his strength was, he couldn't tolerate anyone attacking him.However, if he remains in such a coma and does not wake up, then he will be in trouble!If someone stabbed Xuan Mo out of boredom and killed him, and then found the town stone in his body, then he and Lu Shan would bang into the wall and die in frustration!
As long as someone kills Xuan Mo, he and Ye Shan will immediately lose their status as the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City!Thinking of this, City Master Ye Shan couldn't help scolding City Master Yan Shan in his heart, that guy, it was so hard for Ji Xiaoyan to send Xuan Mo back, wouldn't it be okay for him to take good care of Xuan Mo? ?If you have to throw Xuan Mo into that abandoned house, and don't look for someone to watch it properly, aren't you afraid that if Xuan Mo dies, their town stone of Panchi City will be lost?

Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan suddenly became terrified... No! !How could it be possible that the city lord Yan Shan didn't have this awareness?

(End of this chapter)

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